MTL - House Witch-Chapter 568 567. Memory in the Sword

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  Chapter 568 567. Memory in the sword

  In the God King Cathedral, the atmosphere fell into silence again, and in the dead silence, Dorothy became more and more panicked.

who am I? where am I? What am I going to do?

  She couldn't help but fall into the classic three questions of life.

  Even with the wisdom of her clever forest witch, she couldn't figure out why the broken sword chose herself instead of Sophilia.

I'm afraid that this sword is not blind. I am a dragon witch. I have nothing to do with the four words of the **** king and the son. Besides, how can the **** king, an angel witch, have a dragon witch as the saint? Son.

  The races are different, how can you force the deadlift? Others will ask whether it was an angel cheating or a dragon cheating.

   And obviously not long ago I was calling Denisa's good sister and good sister, now you let me be her holy son, this is absolutely impossible, I really don't have that much fun.

Of course, the holy sons and saints in the religious sense do not simply refer to the children of God, but are more used to refer to the chosen ones chosen by God, that is, the meaning of angels, the kind of gods who are favored by God. For the Church, the Blessed Ones are Sons and Daughters.

  Even in some special religions, the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter can also be the bride and groom of the gods, which means the sacrifices to be offered to the gods, such as the classic river **** marrying a wife or something.

  Of course, the God King Sect is the most serious and official sect in the witch world, so it shouldn't be so evil, but the house witch still has no interest in this kind of position.

  She, Dorothy, just wants to live an ordinary life, so get away with all your **** fame and fortune.

   It's just that, just as the otaku witch was racking her brains to find a reason to justify herself, Sophilia, who had just changed her job to become a holy hammer, also frowned.

In fact, from the moment her hand touched the hilt of the sword just now, a familiar and friendly feeling emerged in her heart, and she could even feel very clearly that the holy sword in her hand was also cheering for joy. welcome her.

At the same time, the pure white angel also felt that her destiny was cheering. It seemed that it couldn't wait to project its power into the holy sword. At the same time, there seemed to be a force in the holy sword that was also responding to her destiny. The call, the two want to blend together immediately.

  But out of caution, the Pure White Witch didn't just let her fate go wild, but directly blocked the connection between the two.

  She wanted to try whether purely drawing a sword would work.

   Judging from the results of the Holy Hammer Envoy, this is really not possible.

   In desperation, Sophilia had no choice but to loosen the shackles on her own fate, and she no longer hindered the response of the power of the holy sword.

However, when the power of the holy sword flowed into her body, the Pure White Witch was stunned, because she discovered that this power was also a kind of power of fate, and she was very familiar with that power of fate, which was different from her own. The power is very similar.

  Probably this is because both of them come from the same fate.

   Fate: Changemaker.

   "Eh, is it true that the king of God is also the fate of a changer?"

  Sofelia was taken aback for a moment, feeling a little confused.

After all, the fate of a changer is not a common fate. This kind of fate has never appeared a few times in the history of the Western Universe, and the Pure White Witch herself has only seen two people with this fate. grid.

  One is her own, and the other is Noah, the apprentice she accepted in the previous Witch's Night.

  People with this kind of fate are destined to be extraordinary. They are born to bring about changes in the world, but this kind of fate is also very dangerous, because they will inevitably face countless setbacks and challenges on the way to change.

  Because of this, most people with this fate come from lonely backgrounds, and their lives are bumpy, which is commonly known as the physique of hard work.

  However, judging from the life experience of Lord God King, she does fit the description of the fate of a changer.

   However, after the fate of the Pure White Witch merged with the power of fate in the Holy Sword, Sophilia was soon stunned again.

  At this time, there were scenes flashing in her mind like a movie. This seemed to be a memory of a person, but the picture of this memory was a bit weird.

  At first glance, it seems that it should be the memory of the same person, but the two lives in the memory are completely different.

   This is very strange, what kind of person will have two different lives, is there anyone who can live two generations?

  If it was another witch, she might be very confused about this situation, but Sophilia, as a divination witch who is proficient in the power of fate, she easily accepted such anomalies.

  She knew what caused this anomaly, because she herself had a similar experience when she created the fallen angel incarnation, Lucy Fayer.

  This is the two branches of fate overlapping each other.

  In the circle of witches who study the power of time and space and the power of destiny, there has been a very interesting concept, that is, the theory of parallel worlds.

  Theoretically speaking, when a person faces the same choice and makes different choices, a parallel world, or a branch of fate, will be derived.

  For example, if you meet someone on the road and borrow money from you, if you borrow it, it will lead to a future line, but if you choose not to borrow it, it will lead to a different future line.

   Moreover, not only your own choice, but even the choice of the world will also generate different parallel worlds.

For example, in the same world, one has been following the technological route, and eventually the national machinery has soared, but it is also possible that the world suddenly recovers, and directly turns from the scientific and technological route to the immortal cultivation route. These two worlds are parallel worlds to each other. .

  And there may be two completely different you in these two parallel worlds, such as Dorothy, the pioneer of machinery, and Dorothy, a novice cultivating immortals, then these two Dorothys can also be called allomorphs.

  Similarly, based on this theory of parallel worlds and allomorphs, there is an alternative way of cultivation in the space-time system and the fate system, which is to become stronger by devouring allomorphs.

   After all, an omniscient and omnipotent **** has a very important feature, that is, the only one in the world, that kind of great existence does not have allomorphs, or in other words, all allomorphs are also her, and they share a common will.

   To put it bluntly, once that kind of existence is sanctified and anointed as a god, then all the branches of fate, all the nodes of time and space will be her, and she will be directly familiar with all the heavens, all walks of life, and everything in the past and future.

  Even if you travel through time and space and come to the node where a great being was just born, that baby is still a saint. She might pinch you to death with one hand while holding the feeding bottle, and then continue to lie back to feed.

  Gods are the only one in all worlds, so when a person becomes the only one in all worlds, can she be regarded as a god?

  Sofelia once tried this special way of cultivation, and this is how her incarnation, Lucy Fayer, came about. The branches of her and Lucy Fayer's fate merged, and the two branches were reunited.

This also means that Sophilia can directly obtain all the power and experience of Lucy Feier's branch line, although these power and experience cannot be given to her all at once, but will be given to her little by little over time. She, the sixteen-year-old Sophilia, will simultaneously have the power and experience of the sixteen-year-old Lucy Fayer.

However, what makes the White Witch a little puzzled is that in Lucy Fayer's branch line, there is no existence of her own eldest lady. It stands to reason that this should not be right, after all, even if Lucy Fayer is going back to heaven as an angel However, with the talent of Miss Zai, it is impossible for her to remain unknown for a lifetime.

It stands to reason that as long as the eldest lady is given a little time to grow up, sooner or later her reputation will be so great that even in heaven, she will be heard of. I have never heard of a witch named Dorothy who is very powerful or something.

This even made Sophilia wonder if her eldest lady does not have an allomorph, but she vetoed this guess after thinking about it. After all, it is impossible. Without an allomorph, wouldn't it be the only one in all worlds? This is the privilege of an all-knowing and omnipotent god. Although my eldest lady is indeed a genius who is close to a monster, she should not be so outrageous.

  Back to the topic, the memory transmitted from the holy sword of the **** king is somewhat similar to the relationship between Sophilia and Lucy Phil. They are essentially the same person, but they have completely different lives.

  One year old, you were born, you are an illegitimate daughter, your mother is just an ordinary woman in the lower part of the holy city, but your father seems to have a lot of status.

  Two years old, you are very talented and intelligent, you are different from ordinary people. You can speak and write very early, and you have a talent and stability that are not commensurate with your age. This surprises your mother and thinks you are a genius.

When you were three years old, your mysterious father heard about your genius and specialness, so he took the time to meet you, and you recognized your father's identity at a glance. After all, he is a celebrity, and his face often appeared in newspapers (Magic Net), that is the current Pope of the Radiance Sect.

  At the age of four, your pope father gave your mother a resource to cultivate you to become a talent. You are also very competitive and have always studied very well. All the teachers who taught you were quickly drained by you.

  Five years old, addicted to study.

  Six years old, addicted to study.

At the age of nine, there is no teacher in the holy city who can teach you anymore. At the age of nine, you are actually the most knowledgeable existence among the mortals in this holy city. You start to think independently about the meaning of life, for example, Why are you just an illegitimate daughter, why do you keep sneaking around because of your background, why your mother and father are obviously true love, but they can't live together.

   Sophilia sorted out these two life memories roughly, and found that before the age of nine, the two were similar, that is, the world background was different.

  The era background of the first period of life is still relatively primitive medieval feudal background, but the era background of the second period of life suddenly came to the science fiction era with advanced technology.

And the background of the second period of life also made the pure white witch frown even deeper, because she was too familiar with everything in this background. The holy city was the place she ruled in the witch's night not long ago. Holy City, the capital of the country.

  Similarly, she also has a guess as to who the owner of these two memories is.

   This is the memory of her "good apprentice" Noah.

   Then, she knows Noah in the second life memory, so Angel Pure White focused more on the first memory that she didn't participate in.

When you were ten years old, your father the Pope died, and you and your mother who had lost his protection could no longer hide. The power of the church found you, and you were forced to be involved in the power struggle of the church. In order to protect you, your mother You die, and although you are knowledgeable, you are still young and can barely protect yourself. You temporarily hid in the garbage dump, but soon, a passing existence noticed you.

  Sofelia was shocked. She was the one who took Noya back in Witch Night, so how did Noah escape in the original timeline without her participation?

   Angel Pure White was very curious, and then a face that she was familiar with but seemed specious appeared in that memory.


  Looking at the nun who came to the girl in the garbage dump with an umbrella in her memory, Sophilia was very confused. After all, this nun looks exactly like her teacher Yufei Liya.

  The only difference from the domineering and mighty teacher is that this nun has a gentle and elegant temperament like the moon.

  But, is there such a nun in the Radiance Sect?

The Pure White Witch was a little puzzled and regretful. Maybe she shouldn't be so autistic in Witch Night, otherwise, she would definitely have to get in touch with this nun lady more. She was very curious about the relationship between her teacher and her teacher Does the identical lady nun really have anything to do with the teacher.

  But now that the Witch's Night is over, it's useless for her to regret it, so she has to endure the regret and continue to check Noah's memory.

At the age of sixteen, in just six years, you became the new Pope of the Radiance Sect. Most of this huge power is now in your hands. You have become the most powerful mortal in the world, but you are still a mortal. , on top of your head, there is also the great god, the Lord of Radiance and His many divine envoys.

In front of others, you are the pope, but in front of the gods and angels, you are as humble as an ant. Moreover, you also learned from your adoptive mother, the Sister Eve who saved you back then, and is also the last true **** in this world. He learned from his mouth that the so-called Lord of Radiance and his envoys are not actually great gods, they are just a group of invaders from another world.

  You decided to plan with your adoptive mother how to overthrow the church, drive away the Lord of Radiance, and save the world.

  In this memory fragment, a gentle nun is helping a girl with white hair and golden eyes to dress up, while the girl is looking at the reflection in the vanity mirror in front of her.

   Sophilia, who was outside of the memory fragments, was also looking at the grown-up girl.

  Compared to the loli pope in Witch Night who always maintained her loli shape due to prosthetic body transformation and never grew up again, this Noah still kept her body, so she grew up naturally.

   However, Sophilia looked at the mirror in front of the girl Noah, as if she was looking in the mirror herself.

  Because, the face of the white-haired and golden-eyed person in the mirror is so familiar, she is so familiar with the face she sees in the mirror every day.

   That was her own face.

   Sophilia was silent.

   Good news, Qidian sent a free leave note today, laughing



  (end of this chapter)

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