MTL - House Witch-Chapter 569 568. The True Son of God King

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  Chapter 569 568. The real son of God King

  Actually, the first time Sophilia saw Noah in the garbage dump in the holy city, Sophilia had already realized that this little girl might be related to her.

   After all, in addition to the fate of the changer, the looks of the two are too similar.

  When she first picked up Noah, little Noya was almost exactly the same as when she was a child.

At that time, the reason why she violated her autistic principle and accepted this apprentice was largely because of Noah's appearance. Otherwise, if she just needed the fate of a changer, she really didn't need to accept the apprentice herself, she could. Send a tool person directly to teach, and then stay behind the scenes.

   It's just that the Noah she met was just a little girl after all, and she hadn't fully grown yet. Some twin sisters were very similar when they were young, but there were differences when they grew up.

Sophilia thought at the time that Noah would be a little different from herself when she grew up, but it was a pity that this apprentice was really ruthless to herself, so she directly transformed herself into a prosthetic body early on, From now on, she will keep that loli appearance forever, and will never grow up again.

   Now, the White Witch finally saw the appearance of the grown Noah in this memory.

  Looking at the face in the memory screen that is still exactly the same as her own, and the other party also has an adoptive mother who looks exactly like the teacher, now Sophilia can no longer lie to herself by coincidence.

  Prophetic witches shouldn't believe in so-called coincidences. Everything that seems to be a coincidence is actually a deliberate arrangement calculated by fate.

At this moment, the pure white witch felt that her scalp was a little numb. After all, this kind of life of her own may have been arranged by others from the very beginning. In fact, everything she owns was planned by others long ago, and her life has been designed according to others. After a good script, this feeling is really unacceptable.

However, she, who is also in charge of the power of destiny, also knows how difficult it is to do this kind of thing. For example, she can only arrange the life of a mortal at most now, and if she wants to do it to a powerful witch If this kind of fate that weaves life intervenes, she will be powerless.

  But her own life script involves the teacher, and although the teacher is only a peak in rank, but in terms of strength, she is actually a sage.

  It is difficult to quietly use a sage-level existence as a **** on the chessboard, and make the other party not notice the traces of this arrangement.

  In Sophilia's cognition, there are not many existences in the entire western universe who can do such outrageous things, maybe even two.

  My own mother, the Lord of Glory, counts as one, but her mother has been sealed before, so it is unlikely.

  And another existence that can keep pace with or even surpass the mother in the field of destiny is.

   Lord God King.

  So, all of this was arranged by God King?

   Sophilia looked at the Holy Sword of the God King in her hand, and felt that this possibility was a bit high.

   It’s just, why did the Lord God King do such a thing? A witch king like her can obviously do whatever she wants, so there is no need to make such a big detour.

   This can't be the same as arranging Noah in Witch's Night. It's also an experiment, right?

  The Pure White Witch was a little terrified.

  She just looked up and looked at her mother who was still smiling and looking at her in Avalon.

  As one of my blood mothers in this life, if I was really a chess piece of Lord God King, then the Lord of Radiance must have sensed it long ago.

   After all, they are both close to the end of the path of destiny. The mother may not be able to beat the **** king, but it is also impossible for the **** king to use the mother as a **** without being noticed.

  So, it is even possible that my birth was a game that these two adults worked together from the beginning? Is there any deep meaning behind this that I don't know?

  The more she thought about it, the more Sophilia felt that the water was a little too deep, and she didn't dare to think any more.

  She refocused her attention on the memory picture in her mind.

Twenty years old, the more you are planning a secret conspiracy, the more you realize the weakness of mortals. You know that if you only rely on your own strength and the strength of mortals, it is almost impossible to successfully resist the control from "God" with plunder.

  You need an ally, a powerful ally who has the same hatred for "God". Fortunately, you did find such a potential ally from the ancient records of the church.

   That is the oldest witch, the founder of the witch family, the king of witches—the Shepherd.

   Shepherd? Isn't that the character in the horror legend of the church? You are a little surprised that this legendary figure that existed hundreds of years ago actually exists, but when you think that your teacher is still the last god, you are relieved.

  You secretly search for more information about the Shepherd.

  Twenty-one years old, after more than a year of secret investigation, you have gained a lot of useful news.

Shepherd, this is an ancient avenger that existed five hundred years ago. For many years, she has led the witches who are also avengers to resist the oppression of the church. helpless.

  After all, that shepherd is too powerful, so powerful that even church scholars who wrote down her historical records dare not call her directly, but can only refer to her by a code name.

   According to legend, as long as you call its name, you may attract the attention of the shepherds.

  You begin a secret search for the Shepherd's real name.

  At the age of twenty-three, your secret operations were finally exposed. The envoys in the Central Cathedral noticed your actions, and your situation became dangerous, but you did not intend to give up just yet.

  You feel that you are not afraid to sacrifice if you can contribute to a greater purpose.

At the age of twenty-six, you witnessed your adoptive mother die because of saving you, and you regret it. Although you are not afraid of your own sacrifice, it is difficult for you to accept the death of your adoptive mother because of you. Suicide.

  However, you can’t, because your adoptive mother finally asked you to live a good life, even if you give up your mission, this is her last wish.

  Now you have no choice, whether it is for the mission of saving the world, for the last wish of your adoptive mother, or simply for self-help, you have no choice.

  At the age of 30, you came to the ruins of the village that was ruined 500 years ago under the pursuit of the envoy of the gods.

   And in the middle of the ruins of the village, among the ruins of the church on the back of the dragon remains, you found two tombstones.

  Even after five hundred years, the two tombstones are still clean and the writing is clear.

  Adam—a truly noble priest.

  Dorothy—the sun buried by my own hands.

  Dragging your seriously injured body, which was dying, you called out the name Dorothy. After all, the shepherd was a witch.

   As you lay dying, you do feel someone coming to you.

  But you were too tired to turn around and look at the person. You just handed her the sword that recorded the church secrets and the contact information of the hidden forces that you have secretly developed for many years.

   Then, you die.

   "How could there be a young lady's name in the age of **** kings? Could it be."

   Sophilia's scalp is not only numb at this time, she is almost stupid.

  Although in this Night of the Witches, the eldest lady is indeed acting as the younger sister of the God King, but the Night of the Witches is just a dream, an entertainment festival, and everyone here randomly assumes their identities.

  So, the Pure White Witch was just lucky to be a young lady before, but she got such an incredible status by chance.

  However, looking at the tombstone inscribed with the name of her young lady in the picture, she really didn't know what to say for a while.

   Now it seems that he knows something important.

  Although the name Dorothy is actually quite common and not unusual, the owner of this tombstone may really just have the same name as his eldest lady.

  However, after passing through Noah, Sophilia no longer believes in so-called coincidences. She has a hunch that the owner of this tombstone is definitely related to her eldest lady.

  The White Witch took one last look at the scene of Noah's death.

   It was a dilapidated church carried by the remains of a headless dragon. Sunlight shone in through the holes in the ceiling, just illuminating the two tombstones.

   Noah, who had closed her eyes, just knelt in front of the Dorothy monument, and then lost all signs of life.

  Beside Noah's hand, a gorgeous long sword with exquisite angel wings as a gauntlet was pushed out by her with her last strength.

  Behind Noah, an angel and witch with eight wings as hot as flames stood there. She looked at the two tombstones with nostalgic and guilty eyes.

   Sophilia recognized the sword in Noah's hand. It was not only a status symbol as the Pope of the Radiance Sect, but also exactly the same as the Sword in the Stone she was holding in her hand.

   This is the holy sword of the king of gods.

   No wonder Noah's memory is preserved in this holy sword of the **** king. It turns out that the real owner of this sword is not the king of gods, but Noah.

   And the angel witch Sophilia who has eight flame wings is naturally not unfamiliar, after all, the statue of this person can be seen everywhere in the witch world.

   This is the God King himself.

Tsk, just looking at this picture, even though the Pure White Witch is not as gossipy as the big-mouthed crows in the news department, she can still make up millions of words just from the complicated eyes of the God King looking at the tombstone. The plot of the word.

   Lord God King definitely has a lot to do with the owners of these two tombstones, especially that Dorothy.

  Sofelia recalled her previous speculation that her fate might be directed by the King of God.

  Before, she didn't know why the God King was so troublesome, but now she has reason to suspect that the God King is planning for her eldest lady.

   It's just that even knowing this is useless, after all, it is obvious that the plan of Lord God King is not something she has the ability or qualification to evaluate or question.

  She is powerless to resist or change anything.

  So, the Pure White Witch just lamented that the original direction of Witch Night, which was not intervened by witch students in history, was like this.

Noah does have something. According to the records in the history book of witches, the large-scale apostasy after the Radiance Church was the horn that sounded the beginning of the Lord God King's counterattack. Many of the oldest angels and witches were actually the Paladins and nuns who defected from the Church.

  Noah's efforts obviously did help Lord God King.

   And thinking that this might be her previous life, Sophilia couldn't help feeling a little complicated.

  In this life, she is far inferior to Noah.

  Even though she is more powerful than Noah, she has already escaped from that weak mortal body, but she has weak personality and does not have the courage of Noah.

  Just when the White Witch felt that she was not as good as her previous life, the memory of Noah, which she thought was about to end, flickered again. This time it was really the last scene.

   Sophilia continued to look at it with some doubts. She had learned too many secrets today and thought that nothing would surprise her anymore, but it turned out that she was still young.

  One year old, you are born again, you are still an illegitimate child.

  Your biological mother is a powerful and fanatical angel witch, and your other mother is the supreme king who controls the world.

  Your birth mother stole the noble blood of the gods because of her fanatical belief that she couldn't ask for it. She created you with profane occult arts.

  You were born the son of blasphemy, rejected by the Supreme King.

  Looking at the baby with white hair and golden pupils who opened his eyes in the training cabin in the picture, Sophilia was stunned.

   At this moment, she frantically tried to continue to flip through her memories, but unfortunately, this scene was already the last.

  But in fact, just a brief introduction of this scene is enough for the White Witch to know the identity of the so-called Son of Blasphemy in this scene.

   That is the source of the existing so-called God-King's direct lineage, and it is also the only existence that can truly be called the Son of God-King.

   Damn, the ancestor is actually me?

  Sophia found it difficult to accept the reality for a while.

   But, obviously, facts are facts whether she accepts it or not, so .


  Accompanied by a clear and joyful sword cry, the ordinary holy sword of the **** king began to shine brightly in Sophilia's hand.

   This light was so shining that it directly evaporated the boulder that originally sealed the sword body, and the castration remained undiminished, straight into the sky.

  At the same time, the entire God King Cathedral began to tremble, and there were distant and loud bells from the thirteen bell towers surrounding the Cathedral.

  Everything seems to be announcing one thing, that is, God King Sect, your real master has returned.

  At this moment, all the angels and witches from all over the world raised their heads. They looked in the direction of the ancestral court together, and felt a call from the blood.

  In the God-King Cathedral, Sophilia, who was holding a sword, also looked bewildered. Among the crowd watching, even the Lord of Glory in Avalon didn't know what happened.

   Only Dorothy was ecstatic.

   Alright, finally I don't have to struggle to find a reason.

  She clapped and clapped.

  The house witch is applauding

   Being dominated by random inspirations After writing this article, I suddenly realized that your circle seems to be even more chaotic, ah, forget it, let it go, it’s none of my business, the only thing to blame is the random inspiration.



  (end of this chapter)

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