MTL - House Witch-Chapter 570 569. Inquiry

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   Chapter 570 569. Inquiry

   "Yeah, Sophia, I knew you could do it."

   Dorothy clapped her hands vigorously, making a loud snapping sound, and cheered like this.

  She is really happy for her roommate.

To be honest, she originally thought that the journey of the two of them would not be smooth, and maybe there would be some discordant elements of fighting and killing, and even in the worst case, it would appear in Sophilia It's possible that you really can't draw the sword.

   Fortunately, these accidents did not happen in the end. Although there were a little accidents in the beginning of this trip to draw the sword, it was finally completed smoothly without any danger.

  Well, it was really done like this!

  Thinking of this, the unlucky house witch is really not used to it, which made the series of backup plans she had prepared all in vain.

   But forget it, success is the best, Sophilia has now successfully pulled out the holy sword of the **** king, and from now on, she is the righteous son of the **** king.

   "Congratulations, Sophia, the days of fear and fear in the past are over, and you are free."

  She smiled so happily, congratulating the White Witch for finally breaking free from the cage.

   And Sophilia looked blankly at the sword in her hand, and then at the eldest lady who was really happy for her. What else could she do, she had to smile at this time.

  So, the Pure White Witch showed a very forced bitter smile, and now she was in such a complicated mood that she couldn't even hold back the perfect business smile that she had practiced originally.

  Yes, now she really doesn't have to worry about the knife of the trial court hanging above her head all the time, and she doesn't know when it will fall.

  But as a substitute, she was directly involved in the plan of the even more terrifying Lord God King. It would be better to be stared at by the Tribunal every day.

People's fear stems from the unknown. When she was secretly monitored by the trial court, Sophilia at least knew what to do and what not to do. She had a rule in her heart. something will happen.

  But now, the ghost knows what punishment she will face if she does something wrong one day and ruins the plan of Lord God King.

  Especially the last scene in Noah's memory just now, although it sounds amazing that my ancestor is actually my previous life, but that ancestor is the son of blasphemy.

   And it is very clear, the son of blasphemy who is despised by the king of gods.

  Using oneself to judge others, Sophilia thought that if someone secretly used her own blood to create a daughter for herself, then she would also treat this daughter when she learned about it afterwards.

   Well, it seems that she really can't do anything to her daughter, after all, the child is innocent.

  She should only severely torture that daring person who blasphemed her blood.

   But she thought this way because of her weak character, and would the God King be so weak?

  This is absolutely impossible, Lord Shenwang is the most indifferent among the three kings, and he is notoriously ignorant of people's hearts.

  The existence of the son of blasphemy is probably a blasphemy to her. Perhaps the one who wants the son of blasphemy to disappear most is the God King himself.

  Thinking of this, Sophilia even had a premonition that she might be punished by God tomorrow because she stepped out with her left foot first.

  Besides, she still has hope to release the cage of the Tribunal before, but how can the invisible **** of Lord God King be released this time?

  The Three Witch Kings are the strongest in the Western Universe, if you offend any of them, there will be no room for you in the entire Western Universe.

   Forget it, these things should not be known to the eldest lady, otherwise she might really offend the three kings for her own sake.

  Besides, the main target of the Lord God King's plan may be the eldest lady. It is better not to let the eldest lady know about such things that she cannot resist anyway, so as not to increase troubles.

   Alas, if it wasn't for the storm still blowing in the sea of ​​nothingness, Sophilia would have wished to take the eldest lady and run away to the Eastern Universe overnight to hide.

  The Pure White Witch thought so in her heart, and then forced herself to smile more naturally, so as not to be seen by the eldest lady.

   It's just that even though Chun had really worked hard, Dorothy still frowned.

   "Sophia, what's wrong with you, why are you smiling so ugly? Is there something wrong with this sword?"

  The house witch asked nervously.

  She knew something was wrong with this broken sword, and she even mistook her just now.

  Sophia: "."

  Damn it, can this lady stop being extra sensitive at times like this?

   She thought a little annoyed, but of course, she still explained.

   "It's nothing, I'm just too happy, so I lost my composure."

   Angel Pure White wiped the frightened tears from the corners of his eyes, pretending that they were tears of joy.

"Is that right?"

  Dorothy nodded, agreeing with the reason, but with a keen intuition, she still felt that there was something tricky about it that she didn't know.

But Sophilia doesn't care about this young lady anymore, she says too much and makes mistakes, before she fully adjusts her mood, it's better not to talk too much with the young lady, this guy's beast-like intuition is really too annoying sometimes It's hard to hide.

  The White Witch just turned her head to look at the Lord of Radiance not far away who was still in the barrier of Avalon, and asked.

   "Mother, do you really think of me as your daughter? Even if I'm just a test product artificially created by a lunatic using your divine blood?"

   "Don't you feel disgusted or disgusted by me, a son of blasphemy who has completely tarnished your identity and bloodline?"

  She opened her eyes wide, staring straight at the mother who was almost her adult appearance, waiting for her answer.

  Her life experience in this life is somewhat similar to that life as the real son of the **** king.

  In that life, she was the son of blasphemy of the king of blasphemy, and in this life, she was the son of blasphemy of the lord of glory.

  The Lord God King once disliked her existence, so doesn't the Lord of Radiance dislike her now?

   Well, maybe she is a little suspicious, but even so, she still wants to know the answer.

And the Lord of Radiance inside Avalon was stunned when he heard her daughter's question. She who was in charge of her destiny could vaguely feel that her daughter had something to say, but she didn't pursue it. Instead, she thought about it seriously and tortured her. Take a look at your heart, and then speak.

"Actually, I was a little disgusted at first. After all, it is really uncomfortable to have a child who is not conceived by someone I approve, but it may be because you are my only child, and I have been sealed all the time. And also began to think about transferring from the ruthless way to the sentient way."

"So, the initial disgust and aversion soon gradually dissipated. I gradually became curious about you, and I began to think about how you lived outside alone. Presumably, carrying my blood may make you It must have been hard in Witch World."

"Aware of this, I started to feel a little guilty for you. At that time, I thought that once I was free, I would try my best to make up for you. I would bring you back to heaven and make you my heir. I will work hard. Be a good mother."

"And when I really saw you in that night of the witch, talked to you, and heard you reluctantly but helplessly called me a mother for the first time, the throbbing that came from the blood Only then did I realize that the things I was thinking about alone before were actually meaningless."

   "From that moment on, I knew that you are the most precious treasure in my life."

   "Sophia, you are without a doubt my daughter, a continuation of my bloodline. No matter how you were born, this is always true."

   "I don't know what you just experienced from that sword, but I can guarantee that I will always be your mother and your most reliable backing."

  Sophia: "."

This is the first time in this life that the pure white witch is really at a loss. Although the teacher is very good to her, but the teacher is not good at words, and he can always do it directly, so he will never talk nonsense. , it is impossible for a thin-skinned character to say such nasty things to her.

  The White Witch was inexplicably ashamed. She subconsciously wanted to escape, but seeing the sincere eyes of her mother across the way, she sighed, and nodded even though her ears were blushing.

   "Well, I see, my lord."

  Although she is usually a little dishonest, she should be decisive in major matters. She doesn't want to chill the hearts of those who really care about her.

   This time, her mother yelled the four words more easily, at least not like in Witch Night, even though the mother and daughter have been together for five hundred years, there is always a layer of estrangement.

   Now, this iceberg-like gap is showing signs of thawing.

  Hearing what his daughter said, the Lord of Radiance also nodded happily, showing a very sunny smile.

  Well, it’s really sunny, the kind in the literal sense. She is the sun god. She smiled, and the holy light behind her directly illuminated the world, illuminating Avalon very brightly.

  Fortified to the realm of the Lord of Radiance, their mood changes are enough to trigger all kinds of visions. If you look at the mood of these big bosses, it may be more accurate to see from the vision than from the face.

   After all, some bosses are arrogant, thin-skinned, and not very frank on their faces, but the natural feedback of their strength is often still very upright.

  Of course, this does not mean that this kind of vision cannot be faked, but that kind of big boss generally will not take the initiative to fake it.

  After all, the power of magic comes from the heart. If you want to fake that kind of emotional vision, you are trying to deceive yourself. This is a dangerous behavior that will shake the foundation of your own power in the true sense.

   And Sophilia then turned her attention to the dean and dean of the school around her.

   "Grandmother, can I borrow from the ancestral library in the future? Especially the forbidden books, I have some things to check."

  The White Witch asked.

   And the head of the academy, who was a little autistic because of the shattered path, was so shocked that he forgot to be autistic because the holy sword of the **** king was pulled out twice.

   Pririlla looked at the grandson and granddaughter in front of her, feeling complicated for a while.

  Bad news, it is basically difficult for her to move forward without accidents in her life.

  Good news, the two descendants of my family are better than the other, and they will definitely witness for themselves the scenery of a higher place that they have never reached in the future.

   "Well, maybe I'm really old."

   This young sage, who was actually only 20,000 years old, sighed inwardly, feeling so emotional.

   Then she nodded.

   "Since you have pulled out the Holy Sword of the God King, then you are the Son of the God King recognized by the God King. You are already the supreme leader of the God King Sect. Everything in the ancestral court will be open to you, Lord God Son."

  The dean bowed his head, bowed to his granddaughter, and said so.

   And Sophilia quickly dodged to avoid the ceremony, and then nodded.

  She decided to go to the restricted area of ​​the ancestral court to check some things about the first ancestor.

  She didn’t pay much attention to it before, but now that she found out that the First Ancestor was her previous life, she suddenly realized that she seemed to know nothing except that there was indeed a First Ancestor.

  What did that first ancestor look like, what was her name, what achievements did she have in her life, and what happened to her final outcome?

   She didn't know anything about these things.

   And it's not because she lacks knowledge and doesn't understand the history of the angel witch family. It's just that she really rarely sees descriptions about the first ancestor in her memory.

   This is obviously unreasonable.

Obviously, as the blood source of these angel witch nobles who claim to be the descendants of the **** king, according to the practice that nobles often want to brag about their ancestors, the first ancestor should obviously enjoy a particularly high status. Yes, it's not like now that you don't know anything except knowing that there is such a person.

  And I never felt that there was anything wrong with this in the past, which is obviously the biggest thing wrong.

  There is often only one reason why this happens, and that is that the existence of this first ancestor has been completely hidden in a special way.

As far as Sophilia knows, there are quite a few spells that can achieve similar effects, but she has never heard of spells like this that directly affect almost all angel witches, and maybe even all witches who know that the first ancestor exists. .

  With such a large range of influence, even if it is not the forbidden curse of the eleventh ring or even the twelve rings, the existence that can release such a terrible forbidden curse must be a powerful person.

  Even Sophilia wondered if it was the God King himself who made the move.

   "Miss, we should go, there are still many things to be busy in the future?"

  Sofelia quickly stopped the dangerous thought in her mind, she said to the eldest lady who was still looking at her suspiciously.


  Dorothy nodded. Although she felt that something was wrong with her roommate today, Sophilia didn't say the reason, so she had no choice but to nod.

  The two young witches just walked out of the church.

   And just after the two left, the Lord of Radiance inside Avalon suddenly glanced at the corner of the church, and said.

   "Okay, everyone is gone, you should come out too, Denisa, I think you owe me an explanation?"

  Hearing the words of the King of Angels, the dean and dean who were still in the church were stunned.

   Was there someone else in this church just now?

  The dean didn't believe it, she was a sage, how could she not even know if there was anyone in the church right under her nose.

  However, three figures slowly appeared in the corner of the church.

   The first one is a smiling nun.

   The second place is a dragon horn loli who is eating snacks.

   The third place is a girl with black hair and black eyes who looks a bit evil.

  The Three Kings are appearing.

   Why is it so troublesome to decorate the home? I have been a porter for a day, and I am almost exhausted. I have to stay up late to type, I am sleepy, good night.



  (end of this chapter)