MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 114 Revisit

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Nothing has changed at the Garcia Theater.

Shi Yuan saw the bus stop not far away. He had sat here countless times, waiting for a bus to go home. The bus was crowded with people like a can of sardines, and he was so scared that his tail almost got knotted several times. Later he left, Fengyang City only had trams, he never experienced this rickety feeling again, and later he was with Lu Tinghan, whenever Lu Tinghan was free, he would pick him up in person, and he also I seldom take the tram anymore.

Shi Yuan told Lu Tinghan: "I almost fell on the bus for the first time."

Lu Tinghan: "You didn't catch the ring?"

"I caught it, and I couldn't hold it steady when the driver braked suddenly." Shi Yuan explained, "After that, I used my tail to wrap around the handle."

——Shiyuan has always had a powerful tail, which can blast scales to maintain balance, and can hold handles and beat people into concussions.

When they approached the theater, the marble statue at the entrance was covered with flowers, and they opened the door to enter. The lobby, corridors, and performance halls were all surrounded by a sea of ​​flowers. The two entered Performance Hall No. 1, which is a common stage used by the Wild Rose Troupe. "Martyr" has been performed countless times and received countless applause.

Walking through the seats, a few little flowers saw Shi Yuan, pulled out the roots from the velvet cushion, and ran away in a panic.

Other plants couldn't escape, but there was a huge sunflower with eyes, secretly staring at the two of them.

Shi Yuan greeted it: "Hello."


It turned its head and closed itself.

Shi Yuan walked onto the stage, but unfortunately the room was dim and everything could not be seen clearly.

Lu Tinghan saw what he was thinking, went to the backstage to study it, and pressed the switch with a "bang bang". Accompanied by the sound of electric current, the stage light suddenly lit up and fell on Shi Yuan's body.

"Wow!" Shi Yuan said, "The lights are still on!"

"The wiring is not damaged, and there is still a backup power supply." Lu Tinghan said, "But it can only last for a while."

"That's enough." Shi Yuan's tail swayed happily.

He and Lu Tinghan stood side by side on the stage.

As if going back to the day of the first audition, Shi Yuan was so scared to death, but wanted to be braver——

If you were braver, you might be able to understand human beings and understand their joys and sorrows. Then he stepped onto the stage, flooded with lights, and the audience was quiet and dark, while Lu Tinghan looked at him with a smile.

Shi Yuan played the God of Salvation.

He also thought that he could save the city as in the script, but it turned out that he will always be the **** of monsters.

Time has passed and the stage play has come to an end, but he has witnessed countless stories, seen the courage of everyone, understood the joys and sorrows, love and hatred, and understood what home is and homesickness.

"It feels like a long time ago." Shi Yuan said softly.

Lu Tinghan: "That's right, I still remember the first time you invited me to watch "Martyr" and gave my name wrong."

Shi Yuan: "Yes, but what I told them was really 'Lu Tingting', because Xia Fang's ears are not good."

They sat together in the auditorium.

The surroundings are dark, only the stage is lit. Shi Yuan said: "Qin Luoluo told me that when Gleaming City is busy, people come from all over the world to watch stage plays and musicals."

"There are still a lot of people coming to see the wheat field." Lu Tinghan said, "After all, this city is called 'the stage in the wheat field'."

"Oh yes, let's go and see the wheat field later!"

"it is good."

Shi Yuan told Lu Tinghan the interesting stories about the troupe.

In fact, when he shared his knowledge with Lu Tinghan every day, he told many stories, but neither of them minded to revisit it once.

Shi Yuan said that Cheng Youwen and Qin Luoluo were always bickering, and if it wasn't for Xia Fang's gossip, he would never have known that Cheng Youwen was in love with her secretly; he said that the theater troupe was always short of money, and the adverts for aphrodisiac oil had been hanging outside for several years without taking it down; He said that Wolfgang didn't speak a few words a day, he seemed to be a different person on stage, and he could recite his lines fluently, while Tracy always liked to read fairy tale books; Ms. Sabella raises money.

"Ms. Isabella is long gone." Shi Yuan said, "Her home in Fengyang City has become an orphanage. The money was left for Tracy." He raised his head and said, "It's a pity that Lacie wasn't old enough to be operated on."

Lu Tinghan told him: "With the fusion agent, the sequelae of infection will be cured much better. Now they have started research."

"That's good," Shi Yuan thought for a while, "Will there be a day when you recover?"

"I think there will be."

They sat for a while.

When I went out, it was dark and I couldn't see anything. I had to go to the wheat field tomorrow. The two returned to the aircraft to have dinner, and played cards for a while, but Shi Yuan still lost completely.

Lu Tinghan said: "You know Sudoku well, why are your card skills still so bad?"

"I don't know," Shi Yuan replied honestly, "Maybe it won't work, but it won't work."

The Lu family's spirit of never admitting defeat was defeated by him.

Early the next morning, they set out for the wheat fields.

The wheat was all infected and strange, but golden anyway. Huge machines that roamed around, spouting mist and rainbows, now without power, they sit in the wheat fields, looking like a frozen oil painting.

There were no animals in the barns or poultry houses.

The cow that almost bit Shiyuan's cuff disappeared, and the bleating goats disappeared. The walls are riddled with holes, probably because they mutated into monsters and escaped. Shi Yuan stood at the gap, looked around for a while, and saw a few figures flashing across the wheat field, but he didn't know if it was them.

Looking around the world is still a large piece of golden.

Beautiful and unchanging.

Shi Yuan looked at them, but what he thought of was the wheat fields in the past. Probably as Lu Tinghan said, the most important thing is that it once existed.

Then, they went home.

Half of the wall on the west side of the house collapsed, and the wind and sun made the house unsightly.

Shi Yuan found broken copper and iron at the stairs.

The two housekeeping robots stay put and guard the home faithfully. Shi Yuan squatted down, patted Rotten's head, and heard a few muffled "dong dong dong!"

But the robot's warning light couldn't come on, maybe the line was aging, so he had to give up.

The two went to the balcony and looked into the distance.

Shi Yuan saw the bell in the far distance. Whenever someone sacrificed, the death bell would resound throughout Gleaning City, grand and grand. At that time, Lu Tinghan often came to the balcony, looking at the city and the wasteland in silence.

Today's sky is blue and refreshing, the city is still a city, and the wind blowing from the wasteland is exceptionally fresh.

Shi Yuan leaned against the balcony and looked at it for a long time before saying, "Lu Tinghan, let's go."

The last place they went was the pedestrian street.

This used to be the busiest area of ​​Gleaner City, where workers were sweating profusely, children were chasing and playing, and small vendors were selling canned food, clothes, snacks and various sundries.

As soon as Shi Yuan entered the city, Lu Tinghan brought him here. Shi Yuan led him by the cuffs and walked down the street. It was the first time he saw all kinds of beings and ate delicious roast sausage and beef noodles.

At that time, Shi Yuan felt that the night was so long that this street was too long to walk. Now stepping on this street again, there is no one around, and the flowers and plants are flourishing. They stop and go, and they have reached the end of the street before they know it.

Shi Yuan said, "Lu Tinghan, do you know what I'm thinking?"

Lu Tinghan: "What?"

"I should have eaten a few more grilled sausages back then." Shi Yuan said, "It's so expensive, anyway, I have you as a treat."

Lu Tinghan smiled.

For the next few hours, they walked all over the city.

Shi Yuan tried his best to climb up the ruins, trying to pick a beautiful flower, but he smelled a stench just as he climbed up—the big smelly flower was so powerful that his tail got knotted, and after 20 minutes it was still there. sneeze.

Then they went to the underground shelter and saw the familiar triangular structure. Shi Yuan wandered around and found the room he had stayed in. There was a line of small words carved on the corner of the wall: [The world is beautiful, we live to die]

Going out of the shelter, the air is exceptionally fresh. They walked through the streets and alleys, and came to a main road, where people offered flowers to Lu Tinghan.

"I like it here!" Shi Yuan said, "I was standing in the crowd looking at you, and seeing the sea of ​​flowers in snow is really beautiful." He thought for a while, "Later, how did you find me?"

Lu Tinghan's triumphant convoy drove away, and Shi Yuan was walking in the alley, ready to go home. Unexpectedly, Lu Tinghan appeared behind him, called his name, and walked down the street with his arms - Lu Tinghan wore a black mask with the brim of his hat pulled down so that no one could recognize him. They walked into the Xiaguang and thousands of people.

Lu Tinghan smiled and replied, "I don't know either. I just know you're there, it's always been like this."

"Okay." Shi Yuan was very happy, "You can find me every time!"

Lu Tinghan patted his head, his eyes were full of smiles.

No matter how happy the journey is, it will always end, the streets and alleys have been passed, and it is time to say goodbye, and they leave Gleaner City.

Lu Tinghan asked Shi Yuan if there was any place he wanted to go. Shi Yuan thought for a while and said, "Why don't we go to the watchtower to have a look."

Lu Tinghan agreed, and the aircraft flew straight towards the monitoring tower in Abyss 0.

The journey was long, Shi Yuan fell asleep on the table, and in his dream, it seemed that someone had gently touched his temples.

After waking up, he went to the window and saw the black abyss watchtower standing alone on the wasteland, surrounded by endless cypress forests.

This is a place that is all too familiar to the two of them.

The craft is parked under the tower. Shi Yuan followed Lu Tinghan through simple defensive measures, opened the tower door, and walked all the way up. The top of the tower has a wide view, and you can have a panoramic view of the wasteland and cypress forest. Only the place that used to be the abyss is empty.

It was the first time that Shi Yuan came to the watcher's hut, the furniture was still there, the bed, table, kitchen, communication equipment and emergency rescue equipment... The room is small, but if there are only one or two people living there, it can be called comfortable.

Shi Yuan: "Wow! Have you been staying in this room all this time!"

"Yes." Lu Tinghan picked up the two small wooden sculptures on the table, "As I said before, the condition for Teacher Su to let me come is to continue to participate in the command - after all, you are a very quiet abyss, I don't have much to do .Usually I use my optical brain to command battles, and I will go back to the city for a few weeks every four to six months to deal with affairs and then come back.”

Shi Yuan had heard all these things from Lu Tinghan.

He said, "Oh... what's that thing you're holding?"

"I carved it with a saber." Lu Tinghan showed him the sculpture, "I didn't feel like drawing sketches for a few days, so I tried something new."

"You can also carve." Shi Yuan took it and saw two vivid monsters, one was a combination of a squirrel and a rabbit, grinning, and the other was a combination of a squirrel and a rabbit, grinning.

Shi Yuan said: "Wow, you are so good, you have carved this, um, this squirrel and rabbit really well."

"What squirrels and rabbits?" Lu Tinghan glanced at him inexplicably, "That's whales and wolves."

Shi Yuan:? ? ?

He looked at the two sculptures in his hands and pondered for a long time. Even he understands that there is no slight connection between these two things.

He said sincerely: "Lu Tinghan, you are really not good at all arts except sketching."

"Really." Lu Tinghan obviously didn't believe it, just like he didn't believe that the violin he played was ugly, "I think I carve pretty well."

Shi Yuan walked around the house a few more times, looking for something interesting. Lu Tinghan emptied the room when he left, but this is the place he has lived in for many years, no matter what, there will be traces, such as scratches on the table, a few old books in the corner, and brass bullets left under the bed. Shi Yuan imagined how the 18-year-old Lu Tinghan came here, and how he lived with loneliness for ten years.

He also found a gigantic telescope, well-constructed, looking right across the moor.

He asked, "What is this?"

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Lu Tinghan coughed twice: "This is for observing the abyss."

Shi Yuan:?

Shi Yuan:? !

He stared at the two-person binoculars, his ears slowly, slowly turning red.

He said: "Ah! This is too rascal!" He added, " still drew so many pictures of me on the sketch!"

For Shi Yuan, this is tantamount to the abnormal behavior of being peeped by human beings with high intensity and no blind spots, and drawing **** photos.

Lu Tinghan coughed twice again: "Who knew you could become a spirit?"

Shi Yuan was indignant for a while, and then he was attracted by the radio by the bedside.

Lu Tinghan just changed the topic and explained: "Sometimes I listen to the radio."

"Is there music?" Shi Yuan asked.

He could imagine that in the past, Lu Tinghan was leaning on the bedside to read a book, with the sound of the radio as the background sound, turning the pages.

"Yes." Lu Tinghan started to fiddle with the radio, then went back to the aircraft and brought a portable energy source.

After some tossing, the radio finally came on, and a row of radio stations appeared, all of which were now silent and lost their sound. Fortunately, I can find the music that comes with the machine,

Lu Tinghan said: "There are rock, jazz, classical music and old pop music, which one do you want to listen to?"

Shi Yuan: "Is there a waltz?"

"There should be." Lu Tinghan looked for it, and the radio played slow three-time dance music, which was melodious and continuous.

Shi Yuan's tail began to wag: "Let's dance!"

They haven't danced together for a long time. The radio was placed on the window sill, and the sunset glow brilliantly ignited the stratus clouds, passed through the window, and fell on them. Lu Tinghan held Shi Yuan's waist, and the two danced to the rhythm of the waltz - it would have been more perfect if Shi Yuan hadn't crazily stepped on Lu Tinghan's feet.

Lu Tinghan whispered in his ear: "Shi Yuan, didn't you really mean it? You can step on me twice in three steps."

"No." Shi Yuan assured, "I'm working hard."

Then he stepped on Lu Tinghan's foot again.

Fortunately, Lu Tinghan was used to it a long time ago, and led him to tilt and turn without moving, and the elongated shadows of the two of them floated in the room.

Round and round.

Dance lightly.

Three pieces of music were played, the radio beeped a few times, and the screen went black.

They stood by the window sill and kissed, Lu Tinghan lowered his eyes slightly, and Shi Yuan in his arms closed his eyes.

No matter how many times they've kissed, the little devil just can't seem to get the hang of it. Lu Tinghan saw a small shadow cast by Shi Yuan's eyelashes, the black scales at the end of his right eye submerged into his temples, the devil's horns and long tail, both strange and beautiful, every hair tip was shining softly in the setting sun. Behind him is the endless wilderness, the lush green cypress forest, and a burning and falling sunset.

After the kiss was over, they stood by the window watching the sunset.

Lu Tinghan said in a low voice, "It's been so long."

"Yes." Shi Yuan said, "It's been so long."

The setting sun fell, and the sky seemed to escape towards the horizon. Everything was dark, and they left the watchtower, and the cypress and the tower became silhouettes.

As the cold wind blew, Lu Tinghan asked Shi Yuan to put on his coat, put his arms around him and asked, "Is this the autumn outing you imagined?"

"Well, it's about the same as I imagined!" Shi Yuan replied, "No wonder humans like autumn outings. How about you? Are you having fun?"

"How can I be unhappy with you." Lu Tinghan said with a smile, "It's just that my feet hurt a little."

Shi Yuan suddenly bent his eyes and smiled, stood on tiptoe and kissed Lu Tinghan's side face as a token of apology, but Lu Tinghan pinched the side face. The two laughed and walked back to the aircraft. It was late, and white mist came out every time they said a word.

The aircraft left the ground and headed back towards the main city.

Later, Shi Yuan continued to help fold flowers.

People nearby heard about it and came more and more. People gather in the handicraft factory in their free time, chatting and origami flowers, talking about various topics, and finally returning to "deep diving".

Most of the time Shi Yuan listened silently, and occasionally answered a few words, but he never stayed too late.

Everyone knew him, several times wanted to keep him a little later, and then chat. Shi Yuan smiled and refused: "No, there are still people waiting for me at home!"

So everyone can see that Shi Yuan must have someone he loves deeply.

The day of "deep diving" is getting closer.

When Shiyuan left the handicraft factory one day, he thought about it and took away a bunch of paper flowers that he had folded.

The next day he went to the woods outside the city, stepped across the stream, stepped on the broken light among the leaves, a group of little monsters walked with him, quickly crawled over the stones and roots, and looked out at him.

He has been here many times.

The mountains in the distance are immersed in the white mist, ethereal and dreamlike. The dewdrops hung on the leaves, and he walked all the way to the deep mountains. There were all kinds of monsters along the way, magnificent old trees, sharp strange rocks, pairs of blue birds, golden swimming fish...

Shi Yuan knew them all.

Just as he told Lu Tinghan, he gradually learned to get along with monsters.

Until he came to the end of the mountain forest, there was a touch of silvery white swimming on the continuous mountain peaks, and the scales were shining.

It was a giant snake entrenched in the hills, towering and huge, with no head or tail.

Shi Yuan saw it by chance, and came to look for it several times, but couldn't get close each time. He brought paper flowers here today, just to give them to the giant snake.

He thought, since he likes flowers, maybe there are other monsters who like them too.

"Wow - rustle -"

The giant snake moved its body, its scales looming in the mist.

"Wait!" Shi Yuan shouted, "Don't go!"

He was worried that the giant snake would escape again, so he hurried over.

He ran too fast, and the wind brought up fallen leaves and petals, but he saw that huge figure getting farther and farther away, disappearing into the fog, almost disappearing——

"Wait!" he yelled again.

The vegetation in the forest is lush, and the road cannot be seen clearly. He suddenly stepped in the air and fell off the slope.

Shi Yuan:!

For a while, he seemed to hit something. Fortunately, the hillside was not high, so he used his tail to keep his balance in the air, and fell softly into the grass.

Unscathed, just a little sore back.

Shi Yuan sat up in a daze, and looked back, a thick black branch also fell, probably because he broke the branch when he fell, no wonder his back hurts.


There was another sound of scales rubbing against trees. When Shi Yuan looked up, the giant snake turned around, lowered its head, and looked at him with a message.

It has glazed eyes.

The paper flowers were broken and scattered all over the place. There were new peach-like pale pink flowers growing on the branch.

"..." Shi Yuan hugged the black branch, raised it towards the giant snake, and said, "My gift is broken, I'll give this to you!"

The peach blossoms trembled in the steep wind, and the boy's voice echoed in the valley.

He said, "I love flowers. I hope you will too!"

The wind was very loud, whirring. After an unknown period of time, the giant moved.


The scales rubbed against the peaks, and it slowly lowered its head.

In the mountain mist, a white snake holds a flower.

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