MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 115 Decide

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In the following days, Shi Yuan often went to the wasteland.

Sometimes he would spend the night in the wasteland—of course, staying out at night is not something a good abyss should do, and he would talk to Lu Tinghan in advance.

Lu Tinghan asked where he was, and Shi Yuan replied, "I'm outside the city! There's a **** rock there."

Or: "It's on a meadow with a lot of long grass. Wow, this fruit looks pretty good!"

Or: "I went south, and then ran after a flock of birds, I don't know where."

It is impossible to expect Shi Yuan to tell the direction clearly. Lu Tinghan gave up this idea and asked Shi Yuan to turn on the positioning system at any time.

Fortunately, the main city is large enough for a Lu Chi Abyss to **** its way home.

Lu Tinghan asked again: "What did you do overnight?"

Shi Yuan replied: "I was playing with a snake, and I went to its lair, which was full of beautiful leaves. Yesterday I followed three foxes...well, it should be called a fox, and arrived at the river."

He forgot to say that the snake was bigger than the mountain, and the so-called "fox" had three heads, a mouth full of fangs, and a foot on fire.

Lu Tinghan didn't ask too many questions, and simply said, "Well, it's fun."

The next day, Shiyuan would always appear at home, with dew and grass clippings on his clothes, and mud and flower petals on the soles of his shoes—he seemed to have run wildly all over the mountains and plains for quite a while, mixed with different monsters, and occasionally there was a soft hair on his neckline , or brightly colored feathers.

"Lu Tinghan!" He rejoiced when he saw his human being, "Touch!"

Lu Tinghan stretched out his hand and rubbed his head vigorously, and heard Shi Yuan purring in satisfaction.

Then Shi Yuan took a shower, rolled up the quilt hot all over his body, and coiled himself with his tail.

As before, he excitedly shared his knowledge with Lu Tinghan.

He said how soft the serpent's lair was, and there were little snakes beside it, crystal-clear and cold to the touch; At that time, it was like a burning curtain of fire; he said that in the deepest part of the dense forest, the old trees were full of eyes, gloomy and gloomy. At first, the old trees were very rude and refused to open their eyes. Later, he went there several times. Leaning against the tree trunk and listening to the wind from the mountains and valleys, Gu Shu gradually became willing to look at him.

Lu Tinghan put his arms around him and asked, "How did you learn to communicate with them?"

"I don't know either." Shi Yuan thought for a long time, his tail curled up in a tangle, "Maybe, I understand their emotions, right?"


"Well, it's like I understand human beings." Shi Yuan said, "It's also like the day we saw the white dolphins."

At that time, the lighthouse was independent of the beach, and the colorful sea water covered the calf. Shi Yuan stretched out his hand to the monsters all over the sky, the world was full of eccentricities, and he burst into tears.

—Why are you crying?

Even he himself doesn't know the answer.

But, perhaps it is true as Shi Yuan said, after understanding many human emotions, he gradually learned to get along with monsters.

Lu Tinghan patted Shi Yuan's head.

That night they watched a documentary together about polar glaciers.

The city fell, too much data was lost, many materials have disappeared, and there are not many documentaries left. This documentary was fortunate enough to be preserved and broadcast the exotic scenery. The vast ocean and giant glaciers made Shi Yuan's eyes widen.

He was fascinated by it and asked Lu Tinghan many questions.

When the emperor penguins jumped into the sea and the whale sprayed water mist in the distance, the documentary ended.

Shi Yuan was still not satisfied, and asked, "Is there a documentary about camels?"

He hadn't seen the camel yet, so he was brooding.

Lu Tinghan spent some time, found a documentary about the desert, and watched it with Shi Yuan.

Pyramids and circling eagles appeared on the projection, and people covered themselves with cloth to cover the sun, and rode camels to the oasis.

The whole world is steaming hot, and the air is distorted. There are many shots of camels, and the photographer has repeatedly zoomed in to take pictures of them chewing cactus—they are always calm and calm, as if the only meaningful things in the world are water and cactus.

Shi Yuan just started watching with relish, and kept asking Lu Tinghan questions.

Lu Tinghan answered as much as possible.

After asking, Shi Yuan gradually became quiet.

Lu Tinghan thought it was because his questions were answered perfectly. Until he turned his head and saw Shi Yuan sleeping soundly with his tail in his arms.

It seems that the love for camels can't beat sleepiness.

Lu Tinghan helped Shi Yuan press the corner of the quilt, and kissed his side face.

Before closing the movie, he looked at the glacier and desert on the cover, paused for a few seconds, and smiled silently.

Although he answered many of Shi Yuan's questions and seemed to know a lot, it was a place neither he nor Shi Yuan had been to. The world is very big. Once you have seen the sea, you always want to see other things.

He turned off the screen, turned off the lights and went to sleep.

The next morning Shi Yuan sat up in bed.

He was sleepy, and his black hair was a bit messy. After thinking for a while, he asked, "...where is my camel?"

"In a dream." Lu Tinghan told him with his eyes closed.

Shi Yuan continued to go back and forth between the handicraft factory and the wasteland.

One day, he went to see Professor Guan.

When Professor Guan saw him, he became alert and said, "Shi Yuan, I really don't have any snacks."

"I'm not here to find snacks." Shi Yuan said, "I have a few questions I want to ask you."

Shi Yuan had many old cases, Professor Guan did not relax his vigilance at all.

Shi Yuan sat opposite the desk, held hot water and asked, "Is there really no way I can go down to the bottom of the abyss?"

"This." Professor Guan replied, "Haven't we experimented many times, once you come into contact with the black mist in the abyss, you will be repelled." He smiled, "If it wasn't like this, things would be much simpler .”

Shi Yuan took a sip of hot water and asked again: "Then what if I touch the black mist in human form?"

Professor Guan scratched his head: "Well, as far as the research is concerned, there is no difference between you and a human being in human form—otherwise, we would have found out your anomaly a long time ago. So I think it's okay."

He suddenly realized something, and added: "Don't think about it. One of the most terrifying things in the black mist is the 'turbulent flow'. Even the titanium plates and armor of the ship can't withstand it. It's impossible with the flesh Resist. Besides, the bottom of the abyss may also be covered with black mist, so you can’t bet on what will happen if you repel it.”

Shi Yuan: "Oh..."

He turned the cup in his hand.

Professor Guan looked troubled, took off his reading glasses, and slowly wiped them off: "And...and, what if you turn back into black mist and even other abysses can be infected?"

"That's right." Shi Yuan said.

There was a question mark on his tail, as if trying to think about something.

Professor Guan sent Shi Yuan to the gate of the scientific research center.

He hesitated and said: "... Shiyuan, I don't know what you are thinking or what plans you have, but you must be cautious. If you have anything to discuss with the land general."

Shi Yuan agreed.

Professor Guan hesitated to speak, and finally sighed softly.

But Shi Yuan had been thinking about this question all the time, so absent-minded that everyone in the handicraft factory noticed it.

— Shi Yuan was working mechanically on his hands, folding out flowers, his eyes were empty, staring straight at a certain point in the void.

"Shi Yuan?" Someone called him, "Shi Yuan?"

Shi Yuan was expressionless, his eyes wandering.

"Shi Yuan! It's on fire!" Someone shouted deliberately.

Shi Yuan was unmoved.

"What's this kid thinking?" The aunts muttered, "I'm so out of my mind, I'm afraid something happened at home."

"That's right...Maybe there was a conflict with his partner."

"Ah, that's definitely not Shi Yuan's problem." Another aunt paid special attention to this matter, rolled up her sleeves, showing her thick arms, "If I knew what his partner did, I would definitely give him a hard slap."

Before Lu Tinghan knew it, he had already been beaten invisibly.

Shi Yuan continued to be distracted.

He was so absent-minded that the monsters noticed too.

Go to the wilderness, to the depths of forests and mountains, surrounded by all kinds of monsters. Many monsters still didn't dare to get too close. After a distance, a few cats hid in the treetops, raising their paws to lick their fur. secretly looked at him.

Shi Yuan sat on the tree stump, holding a mutated colorful flower, unconsciously grabbing the petals.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces, four pieces...

The petals fall, and every time they touch the soil, the color suddenly spreads and smudges the earth.

"Wow, huh, huh, huh, huh—"

"Wow, huh, huh, huh, huh—"

There was the sound of scales rubbing against the hills again, and the giant snake came rolling in the clouds, spitting out a message, lowered its head, and looked closer at Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan didn't look at it at all.

The giant snake spat out the letter.

Shi Yuan didn't respond.

The giant snake spit out the letter again, covering Shi Yuan's whole body.

"Ah!" Shi Yuan was knocked to the ground by it, and he stood up again before regaining his senses.

He looked up, looked at the white snake's glazed pupils and said, "I'm fine—I'm just thinking about something."

Naturally, the White Snake didn't understand.

But it likes Shi Yuan.

It entangled its body, stayed in the cloud and mist mountains, and accompanied him quietly.

If anyone passed by, they would be speechless by this scene: broken light passed through the forest leaves, and landed on Shi Yuan's body in random ways, the spots of light were translucent. Many monsters hide in the mountains, silently and patiently looking at Shi Yuan—

It's like the dark audience looking at the stage.

The only stage light source is extremely bright, hitting the boy from top to bottom, as if he is their unique protagonist.

When the wind blew, the light spots on the clothes swayed and fluttered, shaking the whole mountain forest brightly.


The giant snake moved its body, its scales glistening in the light.

It disappeared among the peaks, and came back half an hour later, holding a thick branch in its mouth, with small white flowers fluttering in the wind.

Just like the gift that Shiyuan gave it that day.

It sent the branch to Shiyuan.

"Wow!" Shi Yuan was pleasantly surprised, "Thank you, I like it very much!"

The branches were too heavy for him to take back, so he could only pick six or seven white flowers.

It's getting late, it's time to go down the mountain.

Shi Yuan was holding flowers, stepping on the stream, stepping on the fallen leaves, and the monsters followed him from a distance, a team mighty and full of vitality, until he returned to the foot of the mountain.

"Goodbye." Shi Yuan said.

The mountains were silent.

On the way back to the city, Shi Yuan got lost again, the wasteland was the same everywhere, he stopped and stopped, and it took him a long time to arrive at the gate of the city.

The white flowers in Naihe's hands were also infected, so he couldn't bring them in. He found a flat place sheltered from the wind and planted them.

They flutter in the wind.

This night Lu Tinghan did not come back.

Shi Yuan heard that the creatures infected by him woke up again, and Lu Tinghan went to deal with them.

- Shi Yuan tried to contact those creatures.

Survival, reproduction and expansion occupy the top place of instinct. Those monsters regard him as a **** and are willing to give everything for him and die for him, but it is impossible to stop their conquest.

Or in other words, all monsters are like this. Even the white snake in the mountains is a terrible enemy to human beings.

Guns rang in the distance, flames exploded, and the aircraft soared across the sky with the sound of breaking wind.

Shi Yuan stood on the balcony and looked at the wasteland.

This was a small-scale battle. After the alliance army killed the awakened monsters, they contained them as much as possible before they recovered.

They can't guarantee that large monsters will be imprisoned. Fortunately, large monsters recover slowly.

There is still time in the main city.

Although that's just a little bit.

In the evening of the next day, Lu Tinghan came back.

He hung up his coat, took off his white gloves, and shouted, "Shi Yuan."

Shi Yuan didn't behave like usual, he rushed over immediately and asked him to pat his head.

Instead, there is a tail bent into a question mark behind the sofa, wagging.

Lu Tinghan couldn't help but relax, walked over, and said with a smile: "Shi Yuan, what are you thinking about?"

Shi Yuan was lying on the sofa, resting his head on his hands, still thinking seriously.

"Tell me about it." Lu Tinghan was sitting next to him, "Let me help you think about it."

"No," Shi Yuan refused, "I want to think for myself."

He thought about it before going to bed.

Lu Tinghan was sorting out documents in the study, Shi Yuan pushed the door in and said, "Lu Tinghan, I've made up my mind."

"What?" Lu Tinghan asked.

Shi Yuan said, "I want to go to the bottom of the abyss with you." He added, "I asked Professor Guan, if I keep my human form, I can go down."

Lu Tinghan: "..."

His hands stopped moving.

His expression was not too surprised, as if he knew that Shi Yuan could also go to the abyss, and said slowly: " know what I will say."

"I know how dangerous it is." Shi Yuan continued, "But I think I can find my 'answer' there." He took half a step forward, "I want to try."

Lu Tinghan looked at him with gray blue eyes.

The room was deadly silent, Lu Tinghan had many complicated emotions in his eyes, such as helplessness and tenderness, such as reluctance and love. After a long time, these emotions subsided, and he leaned back in the chair, the lines of his face were extremely firm and cold under the light.

He said: "This time is different from before. Shiyuan, I can't support your decision."

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