MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 92 city ​​in a sandstorm

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The aircraft flew over the ancient battlefield.

The battlefield is too huge, and there is no end in sight.

Shi Yuan saw a lot of weird machines, some in human form, some in the form of turrets, and each of them was magnificent—after decades, some of them were still exposed due to the wind and dust.

He also saw a robot.

The robot's legs were buried in the mud, but even so, it was seventy or eighty meters high. When the aircraft passed by it at close range, Shi Yuan saw that there were many weapon turrets on its body, and even the eyes and mouth were laser weapons.

It stands on the plain, its shell has been corroded but still standing, the shadows cover the sky and the sun.

"What is this?" Shi Yuan asked Lu Tinghan.

Lu Tinghan replied: "The empire's war robot, code-named 'Scorching Sun', is famous for its laser weapons."

"How tall is it?"

"About 120 meters." Lu Tinghan said, "On the battlefield, the sense of oppression it brings is also part of the tactics."

Shi Yuan asked again: "Then why did it stop here?"

"The energy core of this 'Scorching Sun' was destroyed by the Alliance Air Force, so it can only stand here forever." Lu Tinghan also looked out the window, that robot is undoubtedly a masterpiece of killing, condensing the highest technological power of the empire, It has brought a lot of fear, "I didn't expect that it is still there today."

The aircraft flew far away, and Shi Yuan could still see the "scorching sun" after a long time.

It is like a rusty iron tree, or an old and dead giant, standing forever.

Going forward, there is still a messy and ferocious battlefield. Ninety percent of the bones and wreckage were covered up. I wondered if there was a spirit under the spring of the victim. There seemed to be a smell of rust and blood in the air, and every gust of wind was like a sigh.

Shi Yuan asked, "Will many people die in war?"

"Well, a lot." Lu Tinghan replied, "The longest war lasted more than ten years, and both sides were very tired." He touched Shi Yuan's head, "There was also an era of peace. Before the end of the world began In the past few years, the relationship between the Alliance and the Empire has eased, but it came too late."

Shi Yuan: "Oh... I don't know how the imperial people we met, they should be good people, right?"

"It's hard to say. Everyone here has never had contact with the empire." Lu Tinghan said, "I hope we can put aside the past grievances."

After a long 2-hour flight, they left the battlefield.

Further on is the territory of the empire, a strange land.

They were not familiar with the terrain in the empire, and the speed of the aircraft suddenly dropped. More importantly, the climate on the empire's side is not suitable for aircraft.

In the evening, the sky was dark, and a large sandstorm covered the sky, rolling like a tsunami.

Fortunately, there was an abandoned city nearby, and the aircraft hovered at a low altitude, hiding in the shadow of the city wall. Not long after, a sandstorm rolled in, and flying sand and rocks were everywhere, falling on the outer shell of the aircraft, making a knocking sound like rain.

Shi Yuan had never seen a sandstorm before, and when it came, it was so loud that he curled up his tail in fright, and couldn't help but stay by the window and look out.

Lu Tinghan repeatedly assured that this aircraft is strong enough.

He poured Shi Yuan a cup of hot water and straightened his tail.

Shi Yuan said, "It's scary."

"Compared to humans?" Lu Tinghan raised his eyebrows.

"Each is scary in its own way."

After dinner, Shi Yuan sat by the bedroom window and looked at it. Obviously the city wall was not far away, but he couldn't see it clearly.

After Lu Tinghan contacted the main city, he brought a bowl of millet porridge into the house, and hugged Shi Yuan from behind.

Shi Yuan drank a few sips of hot millet porridge, and with human comfort and delicious food, he finally became less nervous.

Shi Yuan said, "The weather here in the empire is terrible—"

"Well, they have a lot of sandstorms, typhoons and tornadoes, that's why they develop underground cities." Lu Tinghan whispered in his ear, "Here, even advanced aircraft must be careful."

Shi Yuan thought for a while: "Does the empire have an air force?"

"Yes, but it's far inferior to the Alliance." Lu Tinghan explained

Explain, "Air supremacy is very important in modern warfare. An alliance with absolute air power should be easy to fight against the empire. However, due to the special climate of the empire and the well-developed underground cities, it is not conducive to the alliance's air force operations. Correspondingly, the empire's army They are as strong as the navy, and the battle situation is stalemate, and they are indistinguishable."

"Okay." Shi Yuan took a spoonful of millet porridge and blew, "If they hide in the underground city, there will be many survivors, right?"

"It's true that the underground is safer than the ground, but the last time we contacted the empire, their battle situation was not good, and a large area of ​​the city fell." Lu Tinghan kissed Shi Yuan's side face, "Perhaps, they encountered a situation that they couldn't cope with. Even war robots like 'Scorching Sun' are helpless."

Shi Yuan: "Oh—"

He took another spoonful of porridge, blew it, and handed it to Lu Tinghan.

Lu Tinghan said: "When we meet them, we will understand."

He took Shi Yuan's hand and drank the porridge.

The dust was raging, and the sky and the earth were dark. Looking at the doomsday scene outside the window, they finished a bowl of millet porridge.

"Lu Tinghan." Shi Yuan called out.

Lu Tinghan: "Huh?"

"It's okay, I just want to call you." Shi Yuan hugged his tail, "I feel much better!"

The next morning, the dust storm stopped.

The sky was still foggy, yesterday was very windy, and today there was no wind at all, and it was as hot as a steam oven.

Adjutant Ning looked at the map and frowned: "It's really strange... Where are we?" He pointed to a place on the map, "According to the latitude and longitude, we are here, but shouldn't there be a city? "

Douglas is repairing the accompanying robot, wrench in hand, oily hands. He said: "Who knows the empire! I heard that they are very suspicious. Our information is decades ago, and the empire can't tell us this." He laughed twice, "otherwise, wait for us To bomb their cities?"

Adjutant Ning touched his chin: "Well, I still find it strange."

"Don't get entangled. This city is so small, it's normal that it hasn't been recorded." Douglas said, "Fortunately, the city wall blocked the sandstorm."

He gave the wrench a hard turn, and several gears clanked into his palm.

After breakfast, Shi Yuan and Lu Tinghan set off.

The aircraft has traveled a distance, and it's time for them to place the signal transmitter.

Shi Yuan and Lu Tinghan went down, drove a combat off-road vehicle into the city, and scared away a few lemming monsters along the way. They shook their soft fur and hid in the ruins with a "squeak".

After entering the city, they realized that the city was very small, more like a slightly larger town.

Transmitters are best placed high up.

The surrounding area was severely damaged, and they turned a small half circle until the sky cleared up, only to see a church-like building in the distance.

The car stopped in front of the church, and the two got out of the car.

The gate was badly corroded.

Lu Tinghan grabbed the door with all his strength, stretching his forearm into a beautiful line, and Shi Yuan also helped to pull the handle with his tail. The two of them worked together until they heard a "squeak" and the door opened vaguely and unwillingly. Yes, their eyes suddenly lit up—

Behind the door, the skylight passes through the lofty dome and stained glass, falls from the sky, falls on the cobweb-covered seats, and falls on the gorgeous murals.

In the mural, white doves are about to fly, and people are scrambling to stretch out their hands and hold flowers, facing the king and the little girl beside him on the high platform.

They cheered.

The light and dust dance, the colors remain the same.

Shi Yuan: "Wow!"

He cocked his tail and leaned over to look at the murals.

The king and the girl are in the very center of the mural and at the very end of the church. They were richly clothed, with jeweled crowns, and both had scabbards at their waists.

Lu Tinghan stood behind him and said, "Empire King Morton von Cavendish and his daughter, Princess Alicia."

Shi Yuan asked, "Are they still there?"

"Moulton was in his sixties before the end of the world, so he couldn't possibly be alive." Lu Tinghan said, "Alicia, who was ten years old at the time, would have been in her eighties if she was still alive." He looked at around,

"The Cavendish family has always ruled the empire, ambitious, warlike and fanatical. They certainly did not expect the dynasty to end like this."

The past is over, but the church is still there. Murals extol their great fame.

Shi Yuan turned his head and scanned the rows of seats: "Is the church built for them?"

"Yes, the people of the empire are very fanatical about the royal family, and they regard them as spiritual beliefs, and they will pray to them." Lu Tinghan walked slowly along the murals, and the colorful light under the glass brushed over his hair and his hair as deep as marble. He thought about the facial features, "Anthony von Cavendish, the founding emperor of the empire, was a very courageous and charismatic monarch. Anthony's influence spanned a hundred years and influenced the thoughts of the empire in all aspects. He His heirs are also very good, especially Moulton, who have a very high prestige."

Shi Yuan: "Oh - he must be a terrible human being." He looked at the mural, "It looks very fierce, and he doesn't smile at all."

"Aside from the halo, he's actually just an ordinary person." Lu Tinghan smiled, "I'll tell you later."

Shi Yuan loved listening to stories, so he happily followed Lu Tinghan to the top floor of the church.

This is not a traditional church structure, but more like... a combination of a church and a castle. There are corridors and terraces on the top floor, and they can shuttle between the stained glass.

There is a lot of sand in the corridor, which is a masterpiece of sandstorms. Lu Tinghan found the end of the corridor near the terrace, cleaned up the area, and placed the launcher.

When he finished debugging and waited for the launcher to start, he and Shi Yuan leaned against the wall of the corridor side by side.

Half of the window pane was missing.

Then, half of the blue sky was revealed.

Lu Tinghan looked at the sky and said: "Moulton's wife is named Anna, she is a nobleman, and she is as beautiful as a flower. Moulton has known her since childhood, and married Anna when he was a prince."

Shi Yuan listened intently.

Lu Tinghan continued: "Anna's health is not good, and she hasn't been able to conceive for a long time. Moulton has been on the throne for several years and has no heirs. This makes the royal family a little anxious."

Shi Yuan asked, "Why? Does the royal family especially like children?"

"Because they want to inherit the throne." Lu Tinghan explained, "Only those with the blood of the royal family are eligible to inherit the dynasty. And the royal family is also divided into branch lines, with close relatives. If Morton had no children, he would have to His distant relatives are going to inherit—it's like another line of royal family getting power."

Shi Yuan bent his tail in confusion.

Lu Tinghan smiled: "You can simply understand that Moulton needs to have a child in order to pass on the family business."

"Okay." Shi Yuan no longer struggled, "You continue to talk."

Lu Tinghan: "Moulton is an affectionate person, and he will never marry anyone other than Anna. The two are getting older day by day. When Moulton is 50 years old and Anna is almost 40 years old, Anna accidentally finds out that she is pregnant. gone."

Shi Yuan: "Old and strong!"

Lu Tinghan: " can think about it that way too."

He added: "Moulton was ecstatic and worried that Anna would not be able to hold on. Anna insisted on having the baby. In her third month of pregnancy they found out it was a girl and named her Ai. Licia. Sadly, Anna died in childbirth."

Shi Yuan: "Ah... Moulton must be very sad."

"Well, the whole empire mourns the Queen's death." Lu Tinghan said, "Alicia has grown up safely. Moulton vowed to give Alicia the best things in the world, such as gold, silver, jewelry, jewelry decorations , Rare objects, all collected. The little princess has been loved by the whole empire, and every time she appears, there are cheers from the crowd. However, she is a very delicate person."

"Very delicate?"

"She must eat delicacies, otherwise she will be furious. The clothes and jewelry she wears, if she is a little bit dissatisfied, she will show her face for several days. This is incredible in royal etiquette, but Moulton An old woman, she transferred all her love for her wife to her daughter and spoiled her too much."

Lu Tinghan pinched Shi Yuan's face, his hand felt delicate: "That's why I said that no matter how wise and great a person is, they will have weaknesses and make mistakes."

He continued: "Once, Ai

Licia wanted the most beautiful pearl in the world, and Morton sent people to the remote North Sea to find fishermen and pearl divers, saying that the person who presented the most beautiful pearl to the princess would be rich and prosperous. Those people have been poor all their lives, where have they seen such a good thing? They went into the sea one by one like crazy, and the same was true in typhoon days, drowning more than 20 people in just one season. "

"In the end, Alicia got the pearl as she wished. After playing with it for a few days, she lost interest and threw it in the jewelry box and never touched it again."

Shi Yuan asked, "What about the person who found the pearl?"

"Moulton fulfilled his promise and made him rich and prosperous." Lu Tinghan said lightly, "But a man who is extremely poor suddenly became rich, and he couldn't grasp it at all. His temperament changed drastically, he was addicted to gambling, and he lost everything within a few years He lost his belongings and disappeared from the world.”

He paused: "Then, Alicia fell in love with equestrianism again. Morton tried his best to go all out for her, and found a beautiful foal—this is another story, and finally Alicia also fell in love with equestrianism." It's only three-point heat, and I haven't ridden it again."

Shi Yuan thought for a while: "Will no one be dissatisfied?"

"The enthusiasm of the people of the empire for the royal family is unimaginable. Even if there are voices of opposition, they will be drowned out." Lu Tinghan said, "Until the last day before the end of the world, Alicia is the little princess who gathers all the loves in the world. .”


The transmitter beeps.

Lu Tinghan confirmed that the signal was stable and was ready to go back.

When the two returned to the first floor of the church, Lu Tinghan suddenly stood still.

"What's wrong?" Shi Yuan asked.

Lu Tinghan gestured for silence, and Shi Yuan waited silently. Two seconds later, Lu Tinghan took out the terminal and said in a low voice, "Ning Yao, can you hear me!"

Adjutant Ning replied: "I received it."

Lu Tinghan: "Immediately find a safe place, the monster is coming. Shi Yuan and I will be right back."

On the aircraft, Adjutant Ning stagnated for breath, and subconsciously looked into the distance—

At the end of the bright sky, a large group of creatures appeared within a few seconds, covering the sky and covering the sun, heading straight for this small town!

The three people on the boat reacted very quickly and acted immediately. Lieutenant Ning called: "Admiral! They are too close, we can't wait for you to come back!" He quickly glanced at the radar, and Douglas gestured to him, " order Their traveling speed should not be able to catch up with the aircraft!"

The aircraft is still some distance away from the small town.

As long as they leave quietly, maybe they won't attract the monster's attention.

Lu Tinghan pondered for half a second before making a judgment: "Then you guys take a detour, maintain communication, and connect with us as soon as possible. Be careful in everything."


The aircraft quickly raised its altitude and traveled around the group of monsters.

Just as Lu Tinghan and Lieutenant Ning expected, the monsters didn't notice them and just flooded the small city.

In the church, Shi Yuan and Lu Tinghan saw the monster clearly.

That's a whole bunch of... sea creatures.

Sea life swimming in the air.

Facing such a large group of monsters, they had to hide in the church out of caution.

Through the glass, Shi Yuan saw colorful tropical fish, slow-moving sea turtles, wriggling eels, manta rays with protruding cephalic fins...they became strange due to infection, but they could still recognize the original species.

They roamed wantonly, outstretched, floating unhurriedly across the city, reminding him of the jellyfish in Iron City.

"What are they doing?" Shi Yuan asked Lu Tinghan softly, "Why did you come here?"

Lu Tinghan said: "I didn't see the purpose, it seemed like I was just passing by."

"Okay." Shi Yuan said.

Another group of shadows passed by, Shi Yuan raised his head, and translucent silver dolphins chased each other in the air, making strange calls, and fluorescent fish clustered around, like small lights. and after that—

Huge shadows blot out the sky.

It was a giant whale, with a huge body, roaming in the air.

It blocks all light sources and is bigger than this small town.

Words can't describe the oppressive feeling, and I can't see its whole picture, only the abdomen and front fins can be seen.

It flew so low that its belly scraped across the top of the building, and a large pile of steel bars mixed with cement fell down.

It flicks its tail fin again.

"Be careful!" Lu Tinghan said suddenly.

Before Shi Yuan could react, Lu Tinghan protected his head and dragged him out of the church. There was a crackling sound above the head, the ground shook, and the chandelier of the church fell down!

The whale's tail fin swept over the building next door to the church.

The building collapsed and fell over the church. The church was extremely strong, but it was also trembling. The chandelier was mixed with countless mud and dust, and a huge hole was smashed on the ground.

In fact, even if they didn't move just now, they wouldn't be hit.

But Shi Yuan still sighed a little: "Wow." He looked at his human beings, "Are you okay?"

Lu Tinghan didn't speak.

The smoke and dust dissipated slowly, he stared at the pothole, and took a few steps forward.

There are stairs under the broken floor.

Deep, dark secret staircase.

Tiny cursive characters are inscribed on the first step.

【To my love, Alicia von Cavendish】

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