MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 93 secret town

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Go down the dark stairs.

The spiral staircase is so narrow that it is impossible to walk side by side. Lu Tinghan held up the flashlight, and Shi Yuan followed closely behind him, grabbing the hem of his clothes, and the sound of footsteps echoed.

Lu Tinghan maintained communication with the aircraft, and continued down after confirming that the three people were safe.

Shi Yuan tugged very tightly.

Lu Tinghan asked in a low voice, "Are you afraid of the dark?"

"No." Shi Yuan also whispered, "I'm afraid of bumping into people." He looked down the stairs, "I feel like someone will live

The journey seems to have no end. There is such a deep space under this small city and small church.

After walking for 5 minutes, Shi Yuan quietly asked, "How long will it take?"

Lu Tinghan: "I don't know."

After walking for 8 minutes, Shi Yuan asked, "How long will it take?"

Lu Tinghan: "I don't know."

After walking for 10 minutes, Shi Yuan said, "How long will it take?"

"do not know."

After a while: "Do you want bear biscuits?"

"do not know."

Shi Yuan:? ?

Lu Tinghan: "..." The answer was so smooth that he coughed twice in guilt.

Shi Yuan protested: "You didn't listen to me seriously!"

No matter how Lu Tinghan coaxed him, he wouldn't share biscuits with Lu Tinghan anymore.

After an unknown amount of time, Shi Yuan slammed into Lu Tinghan's back.

"Huh?" He made a puzzled voice.

Lu Tinghan stopped, raised the flashlight, and illuminated a heavy door. The gate is all metal, and there are exquisite reliefs on the dark gold facade, engraving kings, queens and little princesses among flowers.

Surprisingly, the door is not difficult to open.

The two pushed it open with all their strength, and there was darkness behind the door, but after they took two steps, light appeared—

The light started from under their feet, spread along the ground and walls, and rushed hundreds of meters in an instant.

The whole world lights up, with well-arranged buildings, exquisite and flat long streets, gorgeous street lamps, fountains, gardens, small castles and carousel horses...

The two stagnated for breath.

This turned out to be an underground city!

A few dark infected creatures were disturbed by the light, and they got into the ground in an instant.

Shi Yuan's eyes widened: "Wow!"

Lu Tinghan looked around the city.

There are not many buildings, but each of them is very delicate. It is carefully designed at first glance, and the aesthetics are very suitable for... little girls.

The garden is withered, and the original appearance cannot be seen. The carousel was also covered in dust. There is a marble statue of Alicia standing in the fountain. Looking around, there are five or six fountains. Some of them dance with their skirts, some of them sit and read a book, and some of them hold a small dagger... the castle is even more beautiful. It is a gorgeous, dark red carpet, a door decorated with jewels, pink tassels hang all over the second and third floors, and the imperial lion flag is still hanging on the top.

"I see." He said suddenly.

"Know what?" Shi Yuan asked.

Lu Tinghan: "When I looked up the history of the empire, I saw rumors that since Anna became pregnant, Morton started to build a secret town for his own child. But... everyone thought it was a rumor, no Come to think of it, this is actually true.”

Lu Tinghan added: "In just 11 years, only the empire can build such a complete underground town."

He looked at the strong dome of the city, where there were also painted murals, paintings of flowers and crowds, all surrounded by princesses in white dresses, and said: "It's still so strong after so many years, and the lighting system can work, it's a miracle, a very A very great miracle of luxury."

Shi Yuan's eyes lit up: "Maybe, we can move here?"

"It's hard to say, there were monsters on the street just now, maybe the city's defenses have been destroyed." Lu Tinghan said, "But it's worth checking out."

They made contact with the people on the craft.

Adjutant Ning said: "Don't worry about us, the group of marine creatures has already left, and we are hovering in a very safe place. The most important thing is to explore the city."

Lu Tinghan said: "We'll be back before dark. If there is any situation, please contact us anytime."


There are still five or six hours before dark, which should be enough.

Shi Yuan and Lu Tinghan were walking on the street.

The buildings here are not suitable for living, and are more decorative, with weird shapes and colorful paintings. Years later, the paint had faded too much, but they could still make out some that looked like Christmas trees, some that looked like candy canes, and others that looked like tinsel birdcages and pumpkin carts.

Even the ground is painted with white rabbits, bows, teddy bears and night lights, and the street lamps are tied with colorful ribbons.

All of them show that this is a small town that belongs to one person alone.

This is a kingdom built by a monarch with all his strength, and it is all spoiled by a father.

"It's amazing." Shi Yuan looked around, "How did they dig such a large space underground?"

"Rely on large robots." Lu Tinghan said, "The empire's heavy industry is extremely developed, especially in terms of mechanical automation - 'Scorching Sun' is just one of their masterpieces."

"Can we take one home?"

"Probably not. It's too bulky, and I doubt there are any good robots left."

The town is not too big, and it won't take too long to walk around.

There is no obvious damage to the walls, and the place appears to be safe.

They walked past the carousel beside the small castle, Shi Yuan remembered the one in Beicheng District, and took a few more glances.

And Lu Tinghan discovered something new, and called out: "Shi Yuan, come here."

Shi Yuan moved closer to him and saw another staircase.

Lu Tinghan said: "This city has more than one floor, it can go down."

The small town is small, but it is a multi-storey structure, and there is a hidden cave underneath.

They went down the dark stairs.

After walking for two or three minutes this time, the stairs came to an end. The lights came back on, illuminating a whole new area.

What appeared in front of them was a zoo and an aquarium.

The gold-rimmed cages were all broken open, and the animals were presumably infected and escaped. Shi Yuan followed Lu Tinghan and saw a huge birdcage, a rockery, a dry pool, and countless dead trees.

"Will there be camels?" He asked Lu Tinghan.

"Maybe there was."

"Okay." Shi Yuan was disappointed.

Lu Tinghan added: "Alicia was obsessed with animals for a while, and Moulton found her strange beasts throughout the empire. It is said that there are golden zebras, black tigers, and even legendary unicorns."

Shi Yuan's eyes lit up: "Are there really unicorns?"

"Actually, no, it was a farmer who was obsessed with ghosts and glued the plastic corner to the horse's head." Lu Tinghan said, "I don't know how many years he was sentenced." He thought about it again, "Maybe he died. "

Shi Yuan: "..."

They went into the indoor aquarium again.

It is said that it is an aquarium, but it is not as big as a regular aquarium. It is just a collection of several aquariums of different sizes. The advantage is that the design is ingenious and the arrangement is neat.

Lu Tinghan came in to investigate the situation, and Shi Yuan came in to take a look. He held Lu Tinghan's hand and looked around. The aquarium had long since dried up, and lumps of sludge were piled up at the bottom of the tank, and I don't know how many aquatic plants and fish bones were buried.

Going forward, many fish bones and specimens are placed in display cabinets.

The display case is quite well preserved, and more than 70% of the bones are complete.

Shi Yuan leaned over, first there were the skeletons of small fish, and then there were huge skeletons of corals and sharks. When it comes to the specimen area, it is even more diverse. There are sea turtles, walruses, seahorses and sea urchins...

Shi Yuan didn't know any of them.

He asked: "What is this!"


"what about this?"

"Like a reef fish."

"These two?"

"Electric eels and sea anemones."

After walking two or three steps, Shi Yuan pointed to a dark green fish: "What is this?"

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Lu Tinghan: "Fish."

"What about the one next to it?"


"What are those two called?"

"Little fish."

"What about that?"

"Big fish."

"Those ones!"

"Little fish."

Shi Yuan finally realized something was wrong: "Do you not know what they are called at all?"

Lu Tinghan: "Yes."

Shi Yuan said, "Ah! I thought you knew everything."

"I only know the common ones." Lu Tinghan smiled, "I've never seen the sea before."

Shi Yuan: "Oh—"

It is quite strange to say that when Shi Yuan looked at those aquariums, he could almost imagine the scene of seaweed floating and fish swimming freely. They spit out circles of bubbles from their mouths, swing their fins, and hide in the rockery, waiting for the arrival of the little princess. .

Decades have passed, and looking around, the living things have turned into sludge, and the nailed specimens have remained alive today.

Shi Yuan said: "Well, I haven't seen it either. But today we can see the sea together."

They walk among the fish.

No one knew those fish, and it was time for Shi Yuan to play freely.

Shi Yuan said, "This fish has patterns, so I will call it a zebrafish. Although I have never seen a zebra."

Lu Tinghan agreed: "Yes."

"I'm going to call this a camelfish."

Lu Tinghan said, "It doesn't look like a camel."

"I know, but I like it, as much as I like camels." Shi Yuan said, "From today, it is a camel fish."

Lu Tinghan expressed his support: "Yes."

Shi Yuan: "This is Cheng Youwenyu."


"Because it has a stinky face."

Lu Tinghan expressed his understanding: ""

Shi Yuan: "The red one is Qin Luoluoyu, she always likes to wear red dresses. This one is Tracy Fish, whose head looks a bit like a cat. This... this one is Lu Tinghanyu."

Lu Tinghan looked at the gray and unidentified object with dead fish eyes, and was silent for half a second: "Why?"

"Because it looks like a piece of garbage."

Lu Tinghan objected: "...Shiyuan, don't watch it anymore."

The land general vetoed Shi Yuan's right to name the fish with one vote, leading him out of this area.

Further forward are the aquariums again, but they are all broken, as if...something broke free from it.

Lu Tinghan considered: "The school of sky fish we encountered may have escaped from here."

"Maybe?" Shi Yuan said, "There are so many kinds of fish here."

"After all, it was built by the king's order, so it must be the best." Lu Tinghan said, "Just to make Alicia happy."

"He must love her very much."


After walking through the town on this floor, Lu Tinghan didn't find any obvious damage.

Since it was a gift for his daughter, Moulton naturally took safety into consideration and made the surrounding area airtight.

Lu Tinghan said: "If this is the case in other places, then this will be a good hiding place. The security measures Moulton has made are just enough to deal with monsters, and they are also enough for our abyss analog signal to cover."

Shi Yuan's eyes lit up: "Really! That's great."

The surprise came unexpectedly. If the whale hadn't flicked its tail, they would not have discovered this secret world.

"Let's take a closer look." Lu Tinghan's tone was also relaxed.

They came to the stairs on the next floor.

Lu Tinghan found an old hand/gun at the stairs.

The pistol/gun is pure white with the golden lion of the Empire engraved on the handle.

"This is a pistol of the SS," he said.

Shi Yuan asked: "What is the personal guard?"

Lu Tinghan: "The army guarding the important people is relatively small. As the imperial princess, Alicia must have a personal guard." He scanned the stairs and saw bullet holes, "It seems that they fought here The personal guards are usually at the side of the guard, that is to say, a member of the royal family was here when they were attacked, probably Alicia or Moulton."

Going down the stairs, bullet holes are everywhere in the walls, and brass-colored bullet casings are also scattered on the ground. The stairs were badly damaged, some completely worn out, but they didn't collapse.

The light of the flashlight bounced off the wall.

The walls of this area are covered with murals.

At the very beginning, the baby in swaddling clothes is held in the arms of the king.

Alicia in the stroller, Alicia toddler, Alicia babbling, Alicia holding a doll, Alicia combing her hair in the mirror...

She was standing by the window in a white dress, looking on tiptoe, her blond hair shining in the sun; she was holding a young white fox, running in the garden with dew and grass clippings on her ankles; she was riding a red-brown horse The little pony, walking with the king's tall horse, the road in the field is long, and she reaches out to pick a golden autumn leaf.

She is always well dressed.

Teams of guards and stewards followed her and circled her, often listening to her coquettish rage.

The most beautiful pearls, the brightest flowers, and the most expensive jewelry in the world are all in her bedroom, and she gets tired of playing with them for a few days. Delicacies from mountains and seas, gold, silver and jewels, she dared to clamor to take off the sun and the moon.

Then the streets were decorated with lights and festoons, and even industrial robots were hung with ribbons and decorated with flowers.

People greeted the convoy with cheers, the SS stood around, and the guns were cold. Alicia and Moulton sat in the convertible, smiling and waving.

As a member of the royal family, Alicia also had to learn public speaking at a young age.

After Moulton's speech was over, he made a "please" gesture—all eyes on it, the little princess stood in front of the imperial crowd for the first time and spoke.

She said that it is a great honor for everyone to stand here today.

She said that she was very proud that the "Scorching Sun" destroyed the enemy army and won an unprecedented victory for the Empire in the last battle.

She held her head high, like a proud and self-willed little swan, and said: "One day, the alliance will be defeated by us. This is the era of the empire!"

The applause was overwhelming.

Today, the murals are broken.

The grand occasion of the past was pierced by bullet holes.

Shi Yuan stared intently, and asked, "Did Moulton ask someone to draw these?"

Lu Tinghan: "For sure."

"He really loves her, tell me, will Alicia live?" Shi Yuan stepped over a pile of gravel, "Will they survive this battle?"

Lu Tinghan said, "We will find out."

After walking for a while, Shi Yuan stuffed a bag of bear biscuits into Lu Tinghan's hand.

Lu Tinghan said: "Aren't you angry and don't plan to give it to me?"

Shi Yuan said, "Because I love you too!"

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Even though it was inappropriate, he couldn't hold back and kissed Shi Yuan big.

Going forward, it suddenly became clear.

The lights turned on silently—the soft light here was comparable to natural light. For a moment, they really thought they were outside.

The man-made dome is azure, and the sky is light.

A large sea of ​​pink and purple flowers.

The last layer of the secret town is lavender and lilac, and in the distance, Fendai chamomile is fluffy and lively.

Alicia is partial to pinks and purples and here is her back garden. She is such a beautiful person, she always puts flowers on her head.

Shi Yuan: "Wow!"

He likes flowers, and when he walked into the sea of ​​flowers with a few steps, he heard a "click" under his feet.

He looked down and saw the broken bones.

There are densely packed bones hidden under the sea of ​​flowers.

The white pistols sank into the soil, the lion sash of the Empire tangled in the bones. A fierce battle ended here, and flowers witnessed the end of the story.

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