MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 94 mole man

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Shi Yuan asked: "These bones are...?"

Lu Tinghan examined the guns, bones and lion ribbons on the ground, and said, "It seems that the imperial guards failed to defend this place. These flowers are also infected."

He has always kept a distance from Huahai.

Shi Yuan let out an "ah" and looked down.

I glanced over just now, and this is the usual sea of ​​flowers. After careful inspection, I found that the rhizomes of the flowers are translucent, and some leaves have tiny scales.

They sucked the blood of monsters and humans, and failed to escape the infection.

Otherwise, they would have withered long ago.

Lu Tinghan said again: "Shi Yuan, look over there."

Following the direction of his finger, Shi Yuan turned his head and saw a huge gap.

The wall over there was completely destroyed.

The walls on this floor are painted with idyllic scenery, coupled with lighting and artificial domes, enough to make it look like real ones. And the gap was so dark that it poked a gap in the dream, exposing the dark nature of this world.


A few dark monsters flashed past the gap.

It was the kind of monster they saw on the top floor, they couldn't see what it was, it looked like some kind of mouse.

Shi Yuan asked, "Can this hole be repaired?"

"First of all, we don't have so many construction materials. Even if we have, we can't transport them underground." Lu Tinghan said, "Secondly, underground operations are quite difficult, requiring large-scale construction robots from the empire."

"We can't find the robot?"

"It's so difficult. We have limited time, only a few months left."

In fact, Professor Guan told him that in the black crystal, the smallest monster showed signs of restlessness.

They must race against time, race against death, and repairing such a city is not a luxury they can afford.

Shi Yuan lowered his tail in disappointment: "Well, it seems we can't live here anymore."

Lu Tinghan patted his head: "It's okay, we will arrive in the capital Dunton soon."

He continued: "It was a surprise that we found this place, so you should take it as a visit. Before this, we never imagined that there would be such a secret town, right? This is the scenery along the way .”

Lu Tinghan has always been good at coaxing Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan: "Huluhuhu—"

He cheered up again.

They are ready to return.

Walking up the stairs, Lu Tinghan called for the aircraft.

Adjutant Ning replied: "Everything is normal at present, we are hovering 10 kilometers away from the city."

Lu Tinghan: "We will come out within half an hour."

"Okay, then we will fly to the city in 15 minutes to pick you up. In addition, there is another sandstorm approaching soon, and you may encounter it directly."


Adjutant Ning hung up the communication and talked to Chi Yongge and Douglas about the situation.

Douglas went to calibrate the navigator, Chi Yongge and Lieutenant Ning stayed in the cockpit, one checked the status of the aircraft, and the other observed the environment.

Fifteen minutes later, Adjutant Ning turned on the "autopilot" mode, and the aircraft flew towards the city.

All went well, and the sea creatures in the air were gone. As the city wall got closer, he suddenly heard Chi Yongge whisper, "1 o'clock direction!"

Adjutant Ning raised his head abruptly.

Towards evening, the sky is dark, and the clouds in the west have been faintly burned red. Another sandstorm is approaching, the wind is strong, and the world is full of ominous atmosphere.


Several figures flash past in the small city!

They are so fast that it seems like an illusion.

If it's an ordinary monster, they just need to be more vigilant. But Chi Yongge murmured: "I, why do I think that looks a bit like... a human?"

"It seems a bit. Could it be a monster in human form?" Adjutant Ning's voice was also hesitant.

The two looked at each other in surprise.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the sight is yellowed

color masking.

Adjutant Ning called Lu Tinghan: "Admiral! We witnessed moving creatures in the southwest corner of the city. The number was 4 to 5. I'm not sure what the species was. They looked humanoid. Be careful!"

There was a sound of electricity in the channel, but there was no response.

Adjutant Ning froze for a moment, and called again, but the walkie-talkie buzzed. I don't know if it's because of the sandstorm or the bad underground signal, but they can't contact Lu Tinghan and Shi Yuan anymore.

Chi Yongge said: "They're fine—how could something happen to the two of them? We met a monster, it's not a random killing."

Adjutant Ning stared straight ahead: "They are not afraid of monsters... But, I'm afraid it's not a monster." He unconsciously clenched his hands, "I just saw a human face."

Chi Yongge was silent for half a second: "Try it and you will know."

He turned on the signal lights of the aircraft, which flashed at the frequency of three shorts, three longs, and three shorts. The light was extremely penetrating, and a beam shot through the wind and dust, flickering in the yellow-brown world.

This is a general distress signal.

If the other party is really a human being, he should understand.

Three short, three long, three short.

Three short, three long, three short.

Both Chi Yongge and Adjutant Ning had beads of sweat on their noses, and they were highly nervous, not missing a single detail.

Three short, three long, three short.

Three short, three long, three short.

The strong light pierced through the sandstorm, the wind became more and more fierce, and they could hardly see the city wall.

No one responded to them.

"...Is it an illusion?" Adjutant Ning murmured, and called Lu Tinghan again. There was a constant sound of electricity in the channel, but the two did not answer.

Meanwhile, inside the church.

Shi Yuan followed Lu Tinghan out of the stairs. The door of the church was slammed, and a small pile of yellow sand accumulated at the door. Every time the wind blew up, the stained glass of the dome trembled.

After a blow from the whale, it looked like the church's days were numbered.

Lu Tinghan said: "The communication is unstable, so we can't contact them. The aircraft should be right where we came down."

"Okay." Shi Yuan said, "Then let's go find them."

He forgot the power of the sandstorm, swallowed the sand with his mouth, and coughed softly.

Lu Tinghan patted him on the back, took off his military coat, and wrapped his black sleeves around Shi Yuan's face, covering his nose and mouth.

Shi Yuan's voice was muffled: "Wow!"

Then he was wearing a black coat and was embraced by Lu Tinghan, and the two walked towards the city under the sandstorm together.

The wind was too strong, and it was very difficult to walk. Fortunately, Lu Tinghan was strong enough to block the wind and sand, and led Shi Yuan through the street step by step.

His vision was poor, Shi Yuan tightly covered his mouth and nose, unable to see his surroundings clearly.

I just saw a fairytale-like underground town, castles, carousels, zoos and aquariums, as well as a large sea of ​​pink and purple flowers, and luxury seeps out from every corner. Seeing this khaki-yellow dim world again, the contrast is clear, as if the empire has suddenly entered its doomsday from its prosperity.

The sky is getting darker, the majesty of the monarch can't stop the sun from sinking to the west, and the father's doting can't support the fate of crushing. Whether it is Gleaner City, Fengyang City, the main city or this imperial city, they are all just miniatures of the times.

The sand swirls and howls, hundreds of billions of sand sweep over the building, and they slow down the city little by little.

Shi Yuan held Lu Tinghan's hand tightly.

Lu Tinghan moved closer to his ear - only in this way can they hear each other clearly. "Are you scared?" he asked.

"...I am not afraid now." Shi Yuan replied, "This is also our journey."

Walk forward, as if there are only two of them left in this world.

After walking like this for more than ten minutes, the city wall is not far away.

Lu Tinghan suddenly said: "Shi Yuan, there is something nearby. Don't make any moves yet."

He grips his hand/gun tightly.

Shi Yuan never discovered the so-called enemy situation, but he knew that Lu Tinghan was definitely right. He whispered, "Should I scare them away?"

"No." Lu Tinghan said,

"Wait a minute, I feel a little strange, not quite like a monster." He paused, "If you encounter any situation, you will immediately turn back into black mist."

"Okay." Shi Yuan agreed.

Lu Tinghan's falcon-like gaze swept around.

Everything seems normal, houses, streets, intersections and endless yellow sand. But with amazing insight, he saw those hidden figures.

They crouched down and jumped through the ruins, and then flashed past the street, moving as fast as phantoms.

It was the existence that the two people saw on the aircraft.

Lu Tinghan remained calm, as if he didn't notice.

He took Shi Yuan in his arms and continued walking.

At the next intersection, two figures flashed into the fork. There was a red-painted door in that fork in the road, and it was too late to say it, but Lu Tinghan suddenly jumped up, stepped forward and kicked the door open!

The strong light of the flashlight shot into the room, and a group of dark figures screamed! They gathered together and surged, scrambling to avoid the lights, one of them was very close to Lu Tinghan, and turned around and rushed up!

The five-centimeter nails shone coldly, and they could break the intestines with just one click. What was faster than it was the gun, and Lu Tinghan's black muzzle pointed precisely at the center of its brow. He never misses, pulls the trigger and hits the mark, but—


At this moment, Lu Tinghan and the figure looked at each other.

He saw a distorted, terrified face covered with black hair.

He saw a pair of cloudy but rational eyes.

Shooting at this moment is the absolute guarantee. They were too close, and the smelly breath of the other party was sprayed over, that is, Lu Tinghan, a master of art, was so bold that he changed his offensive at the critical moment, didn't pull the trigger, and when he lowered his head, the nail was 3 cm above his head." Swish" to miss the past! Lu Tinghan turned his body around, and the elbow of his left hand slammed the man's neck hard!

Elbow strike, a sharp weapon given to mankind by God.

There is no soft tissue in the elbow, and the hardness of the bone is second only to the skull. The big and small arms form a triangle to support and exert force, giving it terrifying lethality. Elbow strikes were once banned in many fighting competitions. Lu Tinghan hit the opponent's collarbone solidly.

The man was thrown against the wall by him, and the sound of bones cracking could be heard!

Lu Tinghan restrained himself, if this blow landed on his neck, it would be enough to kill him. The man screamed and wanted to attack Lu Tinghan. Lu Tinghan stopped in time and kicked him in the chest away.

The other party rolled into the corner in disgrace, and raised his head abruptly.

His face was ugly and his eyes were frightened.

It was not clear at the moment whether he was a man or a monster.

The others were still moving on the ground, they were too afraid of light, they wanted to escape but were blocked by Lu Tinghan, so they could only huddle together.

Lu Tinghan held a gun and looked at them: "Are you human?"

No one has ever been infected like this and survived.

No one answered.

They stretched out their hands, desperately trying to block the light of the flashlights, and their nails were filled with mud.

Lu Tinghan took two steps forward, and his tone became stronger: "Are you human?!"

His voice tightened with uncontrollable nervousness, vigilance, and… tiny anticipation. The slender fingers held the □□, not relaxing at all, the phalanges were slightly white.

"Answer me!" he said.

"...Enough!" came a low voice.

Hearing the sound, the group of people screamed with unknown meaning, and there was a burst of restlessness.

An old hand slowly stretched out from the solid ground, bony and bony. It grabbed the ground, and then stretched out a second hand. Both hands exerted strength together, and an extremely ugly face appeared.

That's a person.

A man as haggard as a skeleton slowly crawled out from the ground—a large area of ​​his limbs was covered with black hair, his facial features were wrinkled together, his eyeballs were as cloudy as a blind man's, and his skin was more like burnt, full of scars.

The group of people crawling on the ground shouted indistinctly: "Di Wen!" "Di Wen!"

The person called "Di Wen" just stood in front of Lu Tinghan and Shi Yuan, with his back bent and gray hair.

The opponent's appearance is too amazing. It took Lu Tinghan a while to barely recognize

Come out, this should be a woman.

"Enough!" Di Wen looked at Lu Tinghan, her voice was hoarse, as if it had been polished by sandpaper, "You scared them!"

Lu Tinghan looked at her steadily: "Are you human beings?"

"Turn off the light and we'll talk again." Di Wen hoarsely said, "And that person behind you, please keep him away."

She was referring to Shi Yuan.

"I can turn off the flashlight, but he and I must be together." Lu Tinghan said.

Di Wen said slowly: "He is very dangerous. I don't like him."

It seemed that she, like those who had just mutated, could detect something wrong with Shi Yuan.

Lu Tinghan said, "We won't be separated."

Di Wen stared straight at Shi Yuan, and then judged the two of them.

Her eyes were so cloudy and dull that neither Lu Tinghan nor Shi Yuan could tell whether she was blind or not.

After an unknown amount of time, she spoke again: "...Okay. You stand where you are, don't move a single step."

Lu Tinghan turned off the flashlight as promised.

The sandstorm outside the house was still blowing, but the restlessness inside the house finally stopped, and the group of people returned to calm.

In the dark, Lu Tinghan paused and said, "Answer my question, who are you?"

"What is it?" Di Wen giggled, "What do you think we are, we are what we are. We are all infected, called 'Mole Man', and we will never see the light of day."

The weird people in the house leaned down, still crawling on hands and feet, with their limbs intertwined, like a group of weird snakes or mating mice, she said: "Do you think we are human? Do you think we are still human?" ?”

"..." Lu Tinghan breathed out slowly, "Forget it. We can still communicate, we have the same civilization, of course it counts." He lowered his gun, relaxed his expression, and said sincerely, "I don't know your past. , but it was a pleasure meeting you."

He smiled, relieved.

Spanning decades and thousands of miles, there are still people alive in the empire. They were disgraced, they were weird and ugly, they were his people.

There is nothing better than this.

Joy spread in every heartbeat, his fingertips trembled slightly, and he said: "I...we have been waiting for this day for too many years."

Di Wen let out a sharp and piercing laugh.

She laughed and said, "You're the first Alliance person I don't hate. Welcome to the Empire, welcome to Hell!"