MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 153 145. Everything is ready and reversed

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"Just do it, there is something for me to carry, do you understand?"

"Please read the new announcement aloud, my dear female student council president." Umbridge took a sip of black tea with a lot of sugar, and gestured with a smile to the huge giant on the table. parchment.

"The Hogwarts Senior Investigator orders the dissolution of all student organizations, associations, teams and clubs." Sylvia took the parchment and shook it fiercely, "It is hereby defined, Organizations, Associations, Teams and Clubs means regular gatherings of three or more students. Reorganization may be requested from the Senior Inquisitor - Professor Umbridge. No student organizations, associations, teams and clubs may exist without the approval of the Senior Inquisitor. "

"Do you think there is anything unreasonable about this decision?" Umbridge twisted his shoulders in a good mood.

"No." Sylvia raised her head and said solemnly, "But I want to ask what are the requirements for requesting reorganization?"

"That's not what you need to know, Tonks." Umbridge looked at her with a smile. "Or do you think I'm going to make some kind of charitable decision?"

"That sounds like a complete dick." Sylvia smiled too. Her dealings with Umbridge is just endless smiles and smiles and smiles.

"Yeah, yeah." Umbridge didn't seem guilty at all, "Digory said the same. After all, he has a student organization that can't be separated."

"No one can give up Quidditch." Sylvia didn't take it. "It's ridiculous that the Quidditch team at the Academy also needs to apply for a reorganization."

"How do you always know what I'm thinking? Tonks?" Umbridge's smile contained more than one venomous knife, "You think so Or are you helping him hide something?"

"Cedric?" Sylvia asked suspiciously, "I don't know if he has any other club activities or what kind of parties they usually have in Hufflepuff. But Professor Umbridge, you won't find a better student at Hogwarts than Cedric."

"Digory said the same." Umbridge said here, Sylvia immediately looked at her, "Digory is also here to ensure that you are definitely a good student council president. ."

Should I praise you for being smart? How did you come up with the idea of ​​exploring the two of us separately?

"I think he's right." Sylvia nodded.

"Under my nose, of course you're a student council president who couldn't be better." Umbridge's face turned hideous, "I did find out that you can do a lot by yourself. ."

Sylvia had no idea what she was referring to.

"But you didn't realize that there's a lot you can't do on your own." Umbridge took another sip of her black tea with a lot of sugar, and smiled regretfully, "Take this Post the announcement in your lounge, let's go."

Sylvia is on a morning tour.

You heard that right, when is there a morning tour at Hogwarts? Sylvia wanted to smoke herself when she thought of this. But who made Umbridge ask several times how to strengthen management, and after dealing with it a few times, it would be too turbulent to fish in troubled waters without bringing up the actual content. At that time, she immediately thought of Hoddle, who would not violate the curfew when going out early in the morning, and suggested that she could add a morning patrol.

Anyway, she likes to patrol, in other words, she likes to walk around alone. The big deal is to let the prefects do something else when scheduling the work, and keep this tediousness to yourself.

It’s hard to get up early, but the tranquility of the morning is good for thinking.

"Miss Tonks." Professor McGonagall waved at Sylvia when she saw Sylvia, "Come with me."

"Professor McGonagall, to be honest, I think you look like you are going to say something big." Sylvia almost forgot that she hadn't chatted with the professors in such a relaxed tone for a long time. .

"Professor Grapland... oh, you didn't take the Protection of Magical Creatures class. She picked up a wounded owl to the office that day, and Professor Dumbledore knew it was yours." Professor Ge opened the door of the staff lounge.

"Injured?" Sylvia immediately grasped the point, and when she stepped into the staff lounge, she couldn't help shouting when she saw Brother Bird who was recovering from a serious illness , "Damn it, what's going on?"

"It was attacked." Professor Grapland shook his head and handed Brother Bird into Sylvia's arms, "I picked it up in the snow by the Forbidden Forest last night. I was in a coma for a while."

"Why?" Sylvia ate Brother Bird's wings, and he seemed to notice the anxious and a little unhappy on his master's face, which meant that he had nothing to do .

Why? It makes no sense at all.

"I think you know..." Professor McGonagall took Sylvia aside, "You know that letters are easily intercepted at this time, you know what I'm talking about."

"But..." Sylvia stared at Professor McGonagall, "I haven't had Brother Bird deliver a letter for a long time. He probably just went out for a walk..."

Professor McGonagall also seemed surprised, but quickly turned down: "That means the situation is more serious than we thought. Sylvia, your owl is being watched, You need to be more careful. In any case, don't get in touch with..."

"I understand." Sylvia twitched the corners of her mouth, said goodbye to Professor McGonagall, and thanked Professor Grapland.

I see.

Umbridge said I can do a lot by myself.

Sylvia left the staff lounge, she unconsciously increased the force on her hand, causing Brother Bird to peck the back of her hand fiercely. And when this arrogant bird saw the white scar on the back of the girl's hand that had not healed completely, it shrunk its head into its owner's arms.

"When that woman caught you, she found that there was no letter on you. Do you think I used some spell on you?" ? I made you to be eye-catching, but the letter came from somewhere else?"

Brother Bird muttered a few times.

"I'm **** off." Sylvia looked around to make sure no one stood still. She lowered her weight and squatted fiercely, then jumped up suddenly, making a loud noise when she landed.

"I'm pissed!!"

Brother Bird also called out a few times.

"She is insane and paranoid." Sylvia looked at her watch angrily and walked to the auditorium, "I'll take you to eat something delicious, baby."

As soon as Sylvia entered the auditorium, her eyes were locked on the teacher's long table where almost no one was seated. After confirming that the pink **** had not appeared, she immediately walked to the Gryffindor long table. table with her friends.

"Of course we still have to do it," Harry whispered.

"Do it! Of course I do it! Fuck it!" Sylvia suddenly picked up the knife and slammed it into the table top of the long table.

"What's the matter with you, my dear?" Fred shivered, pulled Sylvia to sit down, and patted her on the shoulder soothingly.

"I can't swallow that stupid old woman unless she's made an adult." Sylvia threw a fist into the air, which finally hit the table. Brother Bird just stayed quietly in his master's comfortable arms, with a light-hearted look.

"What is a man?" George blinked.

"It's scary, children can't listen." Sylvia waved her hand, took a sip of orange juice on the side, changed her mind and put it in front of Harry, "You can go. Do, Harry. What's the matter, I'm carrying it here, do you hear?"

"Listen...I heard." Harry nodded repeatedly, "Sir, are you really all right?"

"I have something to do." Sylvia seemed to grit her teeth to swallow the bad breath, "That woman will only get worse and worse. But we can see tricks and tricks. , be adaptable. No matter what, you can do it anyway, I will bear it. Understand? We must not back down! We are not easy to mess with!"

"You know what, Searle, you are so handsome now." Ron said with emotion.

"Everyone." Angelina came to the long table, "Did you find that she included the Quidditch team? We've got to ask for a reorganization of the Gryffindor team! "

"What?" Harry said, looking at Sylvia.

"Impossible." Ron exclaimed in shock.

All Quidditch teams, and to ensure the smooth running of the game. It's all up to the head of the student, so she can't be biased towards which house or find fault. If she doesn't agree, then I'll report it to Professor Dumbledore."

"I feel relieved with your words." Angelina seemed to be completely relieved.

"No matter how intimidating and tempting she is, we can't bow our heads." Sylvia snorted, "Since she wants to fight wits and courage, then I will fight with her to the end."

"I can't believe the possibility of us patrolling together." Draco complained and took a lazy step.

"You're so smart?" Draco turned around and walked backwards, "I figured it out! Tell me, what's the matter."

"I want to invite you to join one of our organizations." Sylvia lowered her voice, "Revolt against Umbridge against the Ministry of Magic."

"Are you crazy?" Draco stood still.

"Other people say the same." Sylvia shrugged, "My friends say I'm crazy to invite you. You don't know what horrors will happen if I leak So I came to you with the consent of some of the main staff. Of course, they mainly believed in me. "

In a sense, it is my trust in you, baby dragon.

"How dare you let other people know that you have such thoughts?" Draco sneered and shook his head, "I thought you understood the situation very well, do you know that I am Malfoy ?"

"I said, they mainly believe in me, and I believe in you." Sylvia gestured, and the two of them walked towards the Astronomy Tower, "Just tell me, little Malfoy Is it the same as a little Death Eater?

"Don't believe me." Draco grabbed Sylvia's shoulders as he walked up the stairs, causing her to almost fall backwards, "What do you think you're thinking?"

"I was thinking we were friends." Sylvia tried to look sincere. "You wouldn't support Umbridge would you?"

"I tell you I can't!" Draco stopped abruptly and hurriedly lowered his voice, "How could I possibly join you...what stupid..."

"We thought that Umbridge couldn't teach us, so we learned Defense Against the Dark Arts ourselves, the ultimate goal of course is to protect ourselves from Voldemort in case..." Sylvia said nothing. After that, Draco slammed his mouth shut.

"You didn't say anything, understand? We didn't talk a word today." Draco let go of his hand and said viciously, then stepped up viciously again.

"I need your help." Sylvia said, and Draco stopped again, "I know you think your father is doing something that isn't quite right."

"It's not your turn to blame my father." Draco stepped down the stairs again, poking his index finger on the bridge of Sylvia's nose.

"I need you!" Sylvia took Draco's wrist, "Draco, we're friends, right?"

"I don't need to join any Defense Against the Dark Arts study group." Draco retracted his fingers into fists, but did not withdraw his hand, "If you want me to stand on Dumbledore On that side, then you are so stupid!"

"I knew it wasn't that easy, so I specially arranged for us to go on a night patrol together." Sylvia let go of his hand, said briskly, and continued to walk up.

"" Draco stared at him, speechless, as if **** off, "Does Dumbledore know he has such a stupid student as you?"

"You clearly stood with me in your heart, I thought we could go straight to the point, brother." Sylvia said impatiently, "The one who told me to do it in front of Umbridge The Slytherin prefect who has no problem with the student leader, I guess it is you."

"What?" Draco frowned in disbelief.

"Isn't it you?" Sylvia also frowned. When she turned around, she saw Peeves running up to her with a smile on her face, covering her mouth but giggling all the time.

"Go away now, Peeves." Draco was obviously very good at dealing with him, "or I'll let the **** Barrow come and cure you."

"I heard your conversation." Peeves smiled as he passed between them. "You're talking about that annoying new professor? I think I have some good ideas."

"I'll let you go! Peeves!" Draco stomped threateningly, "or you'll wait..."

"Wadi Vasi." Sylvia drew her wand and pointed it at Peeves' nose, and the poor fellow flew far away in a flash, "Goodbye, old friend, hope I didn't put you Take it to Umbridge's office."

"Okay, listen." Draco took her arm to the Astronomy Tower, cast a spell to make sure there was no one around, "I don't know what you know. , but you must be thinking about these things too simply. Take your stupid lion's useless recklessness, Tonks, you don't know now that it's just one wrong step... it's not as simple as death."

Sylvia just looked at him quietly.

"Where on earth did you have the courage to believe me? Believe that I will be on your side? Why didn't your Weasley boyfriend stop you?" Draco frowned and smiled wryly He continued, "I'll tell you today, you're wrong about me, okay? Tonks? You advise you to stay in the muddy water less and put away your nosy business."

Sylvia still did not speak.

"Are you dumb?" Draco's mouth twitched.

"I'm just thinking—" Sylvia dragged her tone slowly, "The baby dragon has grown up—"

"Damn you!" Draco almost jumped up, "Is there something wrong with you!"

It's worth all my years of Draco remodeling.

"Are you serious? Are you going to cry?" Draco looked at her in disbelief, "Alright, alright! Tonks! Can you not get sick in front of me! "

"If I didn't have a boyfriend, I would definitely hug you now, Draco." Sylvia shook her head with emotion again.

"Why don't you ask me if I'd like it?" Draco looked like he had really seen a ghost now.

"Would you like to? Do me a favor." Sylvia immediately stopped her exaggerated emotions and said sternly.

"Merlin..." Draco rolled his eyes, turned his body to face the dark night sky, and looked back at the ground beside Sylvia's feet, "I know Dumbledore Lido is keen to call for unity. But Tonks, I can't, can't, never, never, join your ridiculous organization, whatever that is."

"You don't have to join directly. I want you to be my spy." Sylvia said with a smile.

"What?" Draco nearly choked on his own saliva.

"Spy, have you heard of a spy? Have you heard of a spy?" Sylvia blinked.

"I don't want to have any contact with Umbridge." Draco refused more than before.

"Accurately speaking, it's my insider." Sylvia rubbed her hands expectantly, "I know that most of the Slytherin prefects are very disdainful of me. If there is a follow-up What is the situation, the most uncontrollable thing for me is Slytherin. I hope you can help me solve some unnecessary troubles at a critical moment, and you can listen to my command."

"Lead them with you against the Ministry of Magic?" Draco laughed, he really thought it was funny.

"Seid and I will ensure the safe operation of the organization, and will do our best to mobilize all prefects to protect all interests of Hogwarts and all students." Sylvia closed her eyes , and then slowly opened, "The Ministry of Magic is interfering at Hogwarts, and we will be ready to meet. I don't know how far they can do it, I am indeed recruiting and deploying in advance, and you are my success or failure. The most crucial step."

"It's very provocative." Draco raised his eyebrows, "It doesn't sound difficult. But I'm not going to join your group. My favor."

It's really not that difficult, because you don't know what Umbridge is going to do.

"Am I right?" Sylvia asked smugly.

"I'm still surprised that your Gryffindor friends didn't stop you." Draco shook his head. "Who did you persuade?"

"I convinced Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Fred and George." Sylvia fingered.

"Are you kidding me?" Draco frowned again, "You told five people about a spy... not... such a secret thing? You're afraid you won't expose it, right?"

"It's not that they trust me, and I trust you." Sylvia laughed stupidly.

This must be discussed with the Triangle, and I can't do this behind Fred and George's back?

"The most troublesome thing is Pansy, she has a lot of opinions on you." Draco said, turning and walking down.

But Sylvia obviously doesn't care about this girl: "Hey, you said, I talked for a long time and you didn't join us, and you were willing to help me... Why should I tell you that we are doing secrets Organization thing?"

"Don't be discouraged, idiot. I'll work with you if you don't give it all up?"

"You are so kind, and you helped me find the steps to go down."

"...shut up, or I'll take everything back."

Sylvia shook her head reproachfully, how could she want Draco to join Dumbledore's Army? It also sounds incredible. But anyway, the desired result has been achieved.

The author has something to say:

Isn't this the follow-up to Draco's transformation plan?

Why should I care about Draco's shit? He won't die. I have seen such comments many times to tell the truth, apart from my own selfishness, of course there are reasons to promote the plot, my friends. Draco's cooperation with Searle will greatly promote the follow-up to save lives. I won't say more, just look down.

The suspense I left in front of me will probably be slowly explained in this year's plot.

Remember there was a Slytherin who didn't discredit Searle in front of Umbridge? Hey it's not Draco, who would that be? (I'm afraid you forgot to mention it)

Of course, I am a daily player hahaha) I hope I can write the Slytherin I want to express, including this one.

It seems that I have been warming up the new pit, because I really couldn't help but start writing, especially when I pinched original characters, I was really happy. That's okay, if Searle is finished, it can be seamlessly connected, and I won't feel lonely.

It's mid-December, I hope you all get through 2021 happily

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-1500:26:23~2021-12-1800:26:23~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: sneaked out of the Badger Yard 20 bottles; Shawna18 bottles; 200334841 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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