MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 154 146. In mastery and meaning

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"What's under control and what's unexpected? But, maybe both."

"Stop screaming." Sylvia patted Fred, who was resting his head on her lap, while looking at the magical history paper she had just written, "You don't Does it deserve it?"

"I shouldn't expect to hear gentle comfort from you, right?" Fred was still frowning.

"Who told you to use fever sugar to escape Quidditch training? The antidote is still half-finished." Sylvia sighed and rubbed his head, "You know Angelina How happy are you to learn that the Gryffindor team has been reorganized? You wanted to run away from the beginning."

Fred and George have improved Fever Candy with new inspiration from Sylvia's Motra Rat Juice. It's just that it's obviously not good enough to work, and it seems that further improvements are needed.

"But we made a lot of money on vomit candy, dear. Besides, look at the storm outside the window." Fred clicked, "I can't see the swimming at all. Walk the ball, if you don't believe me, ask George."

"Who made George not have a girlfriend?" Fred laughed smugly, but was slapped **** the face by a roll of parchment.

"You sit up for me first." Sylvia said involuntarily, "I can't concentrate on revising the thesis like this."

"The big pustule on my **** just disappeared and I can't sit up." Fred just blurted out, but sat up and moved closer to Sylvia, "Your thesis on the history of magic What else can be changed? If the Aurors value the history of magic, you must be hired in advance."

"It's a pity." Sylvia sighed, "Only writing about the history of magic can give me a little relaxation. That Norman guessed that he wanted me to die, so he sent Letters always come with a few words of dissatisfaction with the Ministry."

"But Umbridge has some ideas, doesn't she? She just wanted to keep you by her side to control you." Fred blinked.

"This is the best place." Sylvia laughed suddenly, took out her wand and raised a wall of air around them to prevent eavesdropping, "She seemed to think that Professor Dumbledore It's because of me that I have contact with many people in the outside world, and Norman's arrogant behavior is for the sake of making noise. Coupled with the previous matter of Brother Bird, she seems to have almost believed her suspicions. "

Fred burst into laughter.

"Everything is under control, Fred, no one at Hogwarts can make us suffer." Sylvia smiled and looked at him, "This point, the It will never change.”

"Oh? The children seem to be looking for you for something." Fred glanced back and saw that Harry and the other three seemed to be hesitating to interrupt the two-person world meeting. What happened.

"Looking for me?" Sylvia turned her head and asked, "Is your scar okay? Harry?"

"Scars are the same. I meant to say..." Harry watched Sylvia widen the air wall before saying, "I used a fire with Sirius that night. The call was discovered by Umbridge."

"We knew she'd be listening to the fire," Hermione explained hastily. "However, Sirius had already said that we would meet like this. We didn't have time to write again to tell him that it couldn't be done..."

"Then we said that on the phone." Ron continued, "But Sirius' long story was discovered by Umbridge."

"It's fine."

"Are you okay?"

"Well, it's fine. Sirius is not a criminal now, it's not a big deal." Sylvia gave a reassuring smile, "It's just that the fire may be completely destroyed by Umri from now on. Chi is in control."

This year for Sirius is expected to be difficult. As Harry's godfather and my uncle, Umbridge was on the warning list anyway, and I don't know if the Ministry of Magic was watching him. Fortunately, he is no longer a fugitive.

But in any case, Sylvia's mentality has been adjusted very well now, and she even began to feel that her previous over-tension was very stupid.

"Since they're here, what did they say?" Fred asked.

"He said he supported us in organizing a group to study Defence Against the Dark Arts." Harry nodded, and roughly recounted the content of the conversation.

"But Mom didn't think so." Ron shrugged.

"I think we did something stupid." Hermione frowned, "Will she be more alert?"

"It's all right, my dear Min, it's all right." Sylvia said with relief, "Everything is under control."



"That's what you said last time you didn't convince Malfoy to join us."

"That's under control."



"That's what you said last time you said you'd solve Quidditch with Cedric."

"It's under control!"

"That was clearly the last time you asked Professor McGonagall to ask Professor Dumbledore."

"Isn't that also a success? It's under control, friends."



Sylvia is quite sure: "I said, you can do it, everything is up to me. And I'm going to bed."

Fred yawned, and after waving to his young friends, said goodnight with his girl down the stairs, and the two went up the stairs to their respective dormitories.

"Are you sure Seale is alright?"

"Hard to say."

"There are so many things to think about, I think she's going crazy...she can't?!"

"She might be insane. Ouch! Hermione! Why are you hitting me?"

The Gryffindor Triangle gathered together to look at Sylvia's back and muttered softly.

No, no.

Everything is really under control.

Last year was so thrilling, so what is there to be afraid of following the plot of the original book this year?

Sylvia was sitting on a little-known staircase, holding a potions textbook in her arms, and when she looked up, she could see a little bit of Umbridge's office door. It's a good place to be in the dark.

Today is the first meeting of Dumbledore's Army. Of course, it will be officially named Dumbledore's Army until today. Sylvia and Cedric agreed that one of them would be outside every meeting. When Umbridge ran into him, he said it was the night watchman, or he came to check the night watchers of the prefects.

Sylvia knew Dumbledore's Army too well, and of course Cedric had to go to the Room of Requirement for the first meeting.

Thinking of this, Sylvia noticed that after finishing the crown, she never entered the Room of Requirement again. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but smile.

How well do you live before you don’t think about the room of demand?

She shook her head.

I want a late-night snack with a kitchen, a secret base with a screaming shack, and the corners and secret passages of Hogwarts that she and the twins have already figured out. This House of Requirement is indeed a bit flashy. The thought of going back and forth made Sylvia feel troublesome.

But it is true that when you are young and energetic, you dare to do anything. Sylvia couldn't help but sighed how impulsive the act of directly handing the crown to Lao Deng was at that time.

The words were not rounded at that time, were they?

I just want to find a place to hide things to hide myself and practice potions secretly! Anyway, with Hoddle's help later, it's reasonable to say that.

Been bullied again?"

Brother Bird looked very angry again.

"The old woman bullied you again?" Sylvia narrowed her eyes.

Brother Bird glared at her.

"No? No, it's not, why do you kill me? I'm not worried about you?" Sylvia muttered with a sigh of relief.

Brother Bird pinned his head aside.

"What should I do, Stinkbird." Sylvia sighed, "You don't know how stressful I am every day."

Seriously, after so many years, she can't remember many details. Relying on past notes, there are still traces to follow, but every day she worries about which important details have been missed.

Brother Bird called out.

"Really? You think there's a lot of **** too, don't you?" Sylvia patted his head, "You didn't expect to be with such a troublesome master as me back then?"

Brother Bird seems to be the default.

"What if I told you, I knew from the beginning that I was going to go through so much?" Sylvia whispered, "I mean, not all expected. But Ah...I knew from the beginning that this was going to happen...especially this year..."

Brother Bird seems to think she is sick again.

"Sometimes I always think, I just want to be an ordinary student, graduate from Hogwarts, spend time with friends, and be happy." Sylvia Looking up at the moon, which is not very bright today, the foggy clouds are meddling in front of me, "But I can't help but get involved. Are you saying that? I don't need to worry about some things. I I always feel pressured, but I actually brought it up on my own.”

Brother Bird put his head under Sylvia's palm.

"Do I deserve it?" Sylvia smiled and rubbed his head.

Brother Bird called out in obedience.

"I'm thinking, that woman is keeping an eye on it, I shouldn't be able to deliver letters this year, or you- I'm relying on it! Fuck! Take it easy! You listen to me!" Sylvia was only half-speaking, and was beaten by Brother Bird, "I haven't said that I want to send you away, why are you so smart? It must be because you are like me, right? Right."

Brother Bird rolled his eyes.

"I mean...I mean! You have to listen to me first this time." Sylvia confirmed it again and again before continuing, "I won't be able to send letters this year even if I have something to do. Now, you always dislike the trick and don't want to help Fred and George run errands. I just thought you'd better go home and take a vacation first?"

Brother Bird shook his feathers unwillingly.

"Pfft! Pooh Pooh!" Sylvia ate the feather, "I mean—" She didn't know how many times she had to say these four words today to finish her sentence, " Help me go home and see everyone. If Dad comes home from overtime too late, help me to supervise him to go to bed early, if Mom is too anxious on weekdays, help me accompany her, and if Dora is in a hurry to go out without breakfast, be sure to remind him She, who can do it, beats me for reimbursement."

Brother Bird was silent.

"I'm very worried about them, can you help me go back to take care of them?" Sylvia lowered her eyes, "If Sirius comes to our house, you can also bother me with him. No I'm here, he's probably lonely. If he doesn't want me, you'll have a better reason to beat him."

Brother Bird looked at Sylvia.

"Okay? Brother?" Sylvia laughed.

Brother Bird nodded.

"I knew you were the best for me." Sylvia took a sip on its head.

At this moment, Umbridge's office door opened. Although it can't explain anything, Sylvia is quite good at finding trouble.

"Brother Bird, the last vote before the vacation." Sylvia smiled and let Brother Bird go out, waited patiently for two or three seconds, at the tip of Umbridge When the call appeared, he rushed up and said, "I'm sorry! Professor Umbridge! I didn't hold my bird tightly!"

"What a guts! Tonks!" Umbridge screamed, "Ah! Get this stupid bird out of my face!"

"I'm really sorry. Professor Umbridge, you don't care about birds, right?" Sylvia stopped waving her hands pretentiously, and put Brother Bird firmly He hugged him back into his arms, "I'll take him away immediately."

She turned around and walked quickly, no matter what Umbridge complained, a wicked smirk appeared on her face.

"Is it cool? Brother Bird?" Sylvia whispered, "I will teach you, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!

Brother Bird seems to be in a good mood too.

"If you miss me when you go home, sleep in my bed." Sylvia helped Brother Bird to straighten the feathers.

"What if I miss you?"

Sylvia looked up and saw Fred standing on the stairs where she was sitting. She always remembered the boy standing in front of her in a radiance, even though today's moon and stars are not flattering, and they don't affect his brightness at all.

Although nothing shines brighter than Fred's eyes.

"Would you like to go and sleep with Brother Bird in my bed?" Sylvia smiled and released Brother Bird, who had recovered his disgust, "Is it over for today?"

"It's over, I'll come to you right away." Fred stretched out his hand and pulled Sylvia to his side, "Someone has to report the situation to the student president, don't you think?"

"It was the prefect who reported to me." Sylvia rolled her eyes, "You are my boyfriend, see who you are, Fred."

"So no one dares to come and report to you except me." Fred raised his eyebrows proudly, "Right?"

"Oh." Sylvia suddenly realized, "It's not unreasonable to say that."

"Good news first, our organization is officially named Dumbledore's Army. Cool, right? That name. Although I prefer 'The Ministry of Magic is a group of idiots' ;." As soon as Fred spoke, Sylvia pulled up the shielding air wall.

"I also prefer the Ministry of Magic to be an idiot." Sylvia nodded approvingly, and the two of them smiled at each other for that very moment.

"Then...then ah, Bunny, I was just thinking..." Fred pulled Sylvia closer, "You know I learn spells very quickly, compared to and Harry learned something, it just hit me..."

Sylvia just watched her boy quietly.

"It's a strange feeling." Fred shrugged, "Dumbledore said long ago that we need to face danger. And we're still at the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix for so long. It's been so long. But really just now, when a group of us got together to practice spells against Umbridge and the Ministry of Magic...I really felt that it was my turn to play a role."

Is that what made you want to do something for everyone?

Sylvia laughed.

But she didn't know how dazzling she was in Fred's eyes at this time.

"You can say I'm sluggish, how do I feel." Fred shook his head and continued, "I'm excited because it feels unexpectedly good. Because I can finally and You're fighting the stupid Ministry of Magic together."

"You are really slow." Sylvia shook her head, "You didn't fight with me before today?"

"That's not the same, and it's not fair." Fred twitched his lips, "Professor McGonagall approached me and George. She said that no matter how much we vented our dissatisfaction, Umbridge would also It will only be on you. Professor McGonagall said, if you don't want to cause you trouble, be on your own. As the student president, you are responsible for everything."

"It's normal for me, Fred."

"You know what I mean." Fred tutted softly, "Before you were the head of the students, you told everyone that it was okay, and you took care of everything. But Now we have Dumbledore's Army, and we can all carry it together, you understand? You were never supposed to face it yourself! Including that Buttermilk Diggory. Save the two of you. Look at standing together now People! We are different!"

That's why Fred rushed out to find Sylvia. D.A's enthusiastic training gave almost everyone confidence. Of course he wanted to share this joy at the first time.

Individuals have little power. Anyone in Fred, George or Gryffindor who dared to resist may only be completely suppressed, or they may be twisted by Umbridge as the result of Sylvia's instigation. But they have a team, they have confidence. Perhaps it is the magic of the castle, the students of the four academies can be fearless when they gather together.

"I don't think it makes any difference." Sylvia blinked, "Fred, you know we're on one side anyway."

"You don't understand!" Fred said solemnly, "It was a terrible feeling, the feeling of you standing up and protecting everyone was terrible. You are Student leader, you protect everyone, but you also have to be supported by everyone! And now is the time!" He said slowly, restraining his high emotions, "Harry asked me to ask you if the next meeting can be held by Are you going to teach everyone?"

"Don't mention that frustrating guy." Fred spat, "I'm just here to tell you how pleasant it is for everyone to be in agreement. Of course I don't expect you to listen. , but Bunny, if you want to protect everyone, let me protect you."

You are the student leader of everyone, but, my girl alone.


Sylvia's clear response was like a gripping waltz, washed in the looming light of the night sky. Her brows and eyes were full of smiles, as if the boy gave her unparalleled joy.

"Are you ready?"

"Say it."

I will say. Fred also laughed. His Bunny is the indistinguishable super-strong student leader and the lovable girl who puts down all her armor in front of her.

"I'm hungry." Fred hugged Sylvia from behind, burying the girl in his arms with an exaggerated size difference.

"Go, go to the kitchen." Sylvia struggled to stretch out her right hand and snapped her fingers silently.

"But I want to eat the croissant you made." Fred slaps it.

"Go, go to the kitchen!" Sylvia snapped her fingers again.

This time,


But she burst out laughing at Fred's sudden clenched hands.

The author has something to say:

"If you want to protect everyone, let me protect you."

You are the student leader of everyone, but, my girl alone.

Hey is the daily cookie! !

Brother Bird's character is also one of the things that I think I am very successful in. I love this kind of bad-tempered, arrogant, stinky-faced bird, it's so cute, I really like it! ! This point of his protecting the master is also what I thought about from the beginning. Only Brother Bird can fight Searle! No one else can be bullied! !

Already warning ahead! It will be a week from the next update, friends! Let's spend the last time of 2021 happily together! ! Update every day! ! The promised addition is coming soon! ! I specially picked a good day! Happy everyone! !

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: rice rice ~ 10 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion