MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 182 172. Emotions and Dialogues

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"How many lovers in the world can really be married?"

"Ah! Sorry!"

Sylvia yawned while holding a stack of parchment paper, not expecting to bump into someone head-on.

"You're still so rash." A familiar voice sounded, and Sylvia raised her head to see who it was.

"Yo, how have you been?" Sylvia blinked, "Percy?"

The reflections of Percy's lenses couldn't hide his bloodshot eyes, but he still pretended to cough and said, "Please remember, I'm fine."

"Your father got a promotion." Sylvia didn't expect to join him and got into the elevator together.

"I don't know anything about the ministry, Sylvia." Percy frowned.

"Bill found a girlfriend and he fell in love with Fleur, Beauxbaton's warrior Fleur Delacour. I met her the other day at your house for dinner, not to mention the surprise It's gone." Sylvia said to herself. She was pleasantly surprised because she was so busy that she completely forgot to think about Bill's love.

"Really." Percy said as he got out of the elevator.

"They plan to get married next year."

"Thank you for telling me. Don't you have to work?" Percy couldn't help but stop.

"Hello, Assistant Minister." Sylvia followed his example and cleared her throat, "I happened to come to the Minister's office to send the reports and suspects lists of those previous cases. Although I prefer to call it a wanted list."

"Are you engaged?" Percy noticed the silver ring as Sylvia held up the stack of papers.

"Yes." Sylvia nodded.

"I heard that Fred and George's trick shop is doing really well." The Weasley Trick Shop."

"Yes." Sylvia nodded again.

Percy rubbed his nose with his hand unnaturally, and took a step forward.

"Charlie works for the Order of the Phoenix in Romania. Ron has grown a lot taller and stronger this year. Aunt Molly is complaining about having to buy new clothes, but you know how much she feels Happy. As for Ginny, you probably don't know how attractive she is now." Sylvia said, stepping faster than Percy and knocking on the door of the minister's office faster than he did.

She turned her head and blinked at Percy, who had an ugly face, and then said into the office: "I'm Sylvia Tonks, Mr. Scrimgeour, here to show off my pride. documents from Luo's office."

"So, you met Percy?" Dora asked, waving her wand tidying up the messy tabletop.

"To be honest, I almost forgot he was in the ministry." Sylvia also waved her wand to help her troublesome sister sort out the ridiculous amount of information.

"It's true that they are sisters." Andy flashed by, "The brains are quite decorated."

"Why are you still in the ministry?" Sylvia looked at her partner, "Didn't you say that there is an emergency to leave, and tell me to throw a spell on that target myself?"

"Yeah, it's just that I'm back." Andy turned around casually.

Not in the ministry anymore!"

"Save it." Andy said in a series of rapids, "You're as tired as being caught building a pyramid if you don't throw a few spells. Want to be out on the field all day? Are you? Are you going to let me carry you back?"

"The times I went on patrol with you clearly did a good job!" Sylvia said unconvinced.

"Yes, yes. So you already understand what patrolling is all about. Of course, you should take the time to practice what you are not good at." Andy said and slowly walked out the door.

"...It makes sense." Sylvia looked at his back and said angrily.

"How can I say no reason?" Andy waved.

"Andy really can handle you." Dora looked very happy, although there was no expression on her face, "I'm ready, let's go."

"Today at the Burrow to celebrate Harry's sixteenth birthday." Sylvia led her sister out, "Fred and George couldn't get away. Sirius again If you can't make it in time, tell me not to be late."

"Are you and Hoddle still arguing?" Dora asked.

"Are you and Remus still in the cold war?" Sylvia asked.

The two sisters stopped together in front of the Auror's office.

"What can I do with Wulflin?" Sylvia spoke first, "I'm really worried about you, sister."

"Well." Dora also held Sylvia and continued to move forward, "I have nothing to say, so don't ask."

"Okay." Sylvia nodded obediently.

On the contrary, Dora couldn't hold back. She sniffed and said, "I thought at first that all I needed to worry about was that Mom and Dad would think Remus was too old for me, and that Sirius would yell at him thinking he's a good buddy. How could he be with his niece. But I didn't expect none of this to happen! It's him..."

She couldn't go on, her bright hair gradually turned gray.

"Stop talking." Dora seemed to order herself, her hair slowly turning a nice purple, "What gift did you prepare for Harry?"

"I think he will want me to teach him some powerful spells as a gift." Sylvia replied immediately, "Or some melee combat?"

"Sounds good." Dora said with a smile.

"I finally chose to buy him a new pair of sneakers." Sylvia laughed, "He probably saw him by his bedside in the morning."

"Shoes?" Dora raised one eyebrow.

"These boys are always like this, and they don't know how to treat themselves better. How long have you been wearing those clothes? The Potters' estate is waiting for his son to spend, right?" Sylvia smiled and shook her head, "It's time for him to learn from Fred and George. Forget it, don't learn from them. The clothes he bought are too ugly to look at."

In addition to the Weasleys, Remus was on the table today. Sylvia always thought that without the bad news of Sirius, Dora and Remus would be better off. And now it seems that the problems between the two of them are enough to worry them.

Remus looked thinner and gaunt than last time, with more tattered clothes and more patches.

"Sit down!" Mrs. Molly greeted the two Aurors.

"Come with me! Sylvia!" Ginny waved eagerly, she seemed to have reserved a spot for Sylvia. And this position is in the middle of her and Hibiscus.

Sylvia knew that Ginny didn't like Fleur at first. But the first time I heard Ginny call her Slime, she laughed unkindly. As a result, her original neutral position seemed to be biased towards Ginny.

After Dora sat beside Mrs Molly, Sylvia also sat beside Ginny.

"Is the department going well? Sylvia?" Fleur asked. "Norman said St. Mungo's was going crazy."

"I know what you've heard." Sylvia shrugged, "I'm in charge of some summarization work, so there's not much first-hand information."

"I only sent two people to St. Mungo's yesterday." Dora was cutting the sausages on the plate that were not much to cut, "One of them bought a fake amulet and almost got strangled. Merlin, I'm going crazy!"

"Those people are really endless! This can only make people more fearful! They are also protecting themselves in the wrong way!" Arthur also seemed very angry, and it seemed that he was promoted to a fake defense spell After becoming the director of the Office of Reconnaissance and Collection of Protective Equipment, I was not less worried about these crooked ways.

"Can I apply to Scrimgeour for an order?" Sylvia asked, "Warn these people that if they want to sell this product again, they will be subject to review by the Ministry of Magic, and if they are found to be Counterfeit goods should be arrested on the grounds of making a fortune from disaster."

Hermione nodded frequently when she heard this.

"You also know that there is no manpower in the department now, and it is enough trouble to solve all kinds of troubles." Arthur sighed.

"Managing public opinion is also a very important point." Sylvia knew it might be difficult.

"Public opinion is one thing." Ron said casually, "but now it's a matter of life. People really can't spend their minds on those people. I think they sell Those things might just be scary, too."

"Two more dementor attacks just today," announced Remus, as Mrs. Weasley handed him a large piece of birthday cake, "they were in a small north Igor Karkaroff's body was found in the cabin. The Dark Mark hangs in the sky... Well, frankly, I'm amazed that he can live a year after leaving the Death Eaters."

"Karkaroff is dead?" Sylvia rolled her eyes. She has been really powerless recently, and she almost forgot all these little details.

"Yeah," said Mrs. Molly, frowning, "well, maybe we should talk about something else..."

"Have you heard about Florin Fusco, Remus?" It was Bill who asked, and Fleur was pouring glass after glass, "That's the— "

"—opens an ice cream shop in Diagon Alley?" Harry interjected, feeling an uncomfortable emptiness in his heart, "He used to give me free ice cream. What's the matter with him? ?"

"From the situation in the shop, he was robbed."

"Why?" Ron asked, while Mrs Weasley glared at Bill sternly.

"Who knows? He must have offended them somehow. This Florin, he's a good man," Bill replied.

"Ah... indeed I am tomorrow..." Sylvia looked through the work records she carried, and Andy would make the new task appear on it, "I'm going to Diagon Alley next. Search. Looks like a lot of work to be done."

"Arrange you to go to Diagon Alley?" Dora poured a sip of mead into her mouth, "Looks like the department takes you seriously. Work hard, Searle, the newcomer won't have a chance to take over. live."

"Speaking of which," said Mr. Arthur, "it seems like Ollivander is gone too."

"The one who made the wand?" Ginny looked surprised.

"It's him." Arthur looked at his daughter and nodded, "The store was empty, and there was no sign of a fight. No one knew whether he left on his own or was kidnapped. ."

"But what about wands? What if people want to buy wands?" Ginny asked.

"We'll have to find another wand maker," Remus said, "but Ollivander is the best, and it would be very bad for us if the other faction took him away. already."

Sylvia sighed at this moment. She didn't expect the topic to end, nor did she expect her sigh to be so obvious. Under everyone's attention, she had no choice but to raise her glass, clink with everyone silently, and drink the wine silently.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Mrs. Molly." Dora stood up after dinner, "I'll go back first."

"Do you still have work to do?" Aunt Molly asked kindly.

"No, no." Dora pulled out a smile, "Ciel, are you leaving?"

"I'll find Fred later." Sylvia pointed upstairs, "He asked me to take some old tricks from their room."

Dora said goodbye to everyone and walked outside.

"You are welcome anytime!" Molly waved eagerly.

Sylvia left the table and went upstairs. Ginny also got up at this time to catch up.

"My mom wants to get Bill and your sister together," she said in a low voice.

"That's why Dora often comes to your house for dinner?" Sylvia didn't seem surprised.

"Because Mom doesn't like that arrogant lazy woman with sticky phlegm." Ginny snorted, "I hope that can be true."

"My sister and your brother?" Sylvia smiled and opened the twins' room.

"Yeah." Ginny jumped in after.

"I don't think so." Sylvia found the little cardboard box she was looking for. Fred and George said they wanted to remake their previous failures, and their goal now is to do as many tricks as possible.

“Why?” Ginny asked.

"What? We only have two daughters in the Tonks family, all married to Weasleys?" Sylvia snorted arrogantly, but soon laughed, "I believe I don't have that possibility."

"How can it be impossible?" Ginny and Sylvia left the room together, "Bill is so adventurous and matches your sister."

"What about you? Your new boyfriend Dean Thomas." Sylvia pinched her face, "Not half your charm."

"You don't bless us?" Ginny squinted, "You're not satisfied with my boyfriend, sister?"

"Then... Does it mean that Dora has someone she likes?" Ginny asked.

Sylvia descended the stairs and met Remus' eyes, but he quickly turned his attention back to the conversation with Bill.

"Yeah." Sylvia gave Ginny an affirmative answer and then jumped around to Mrs. Molly, "I'll go first, Aunt Molly."

"Go back, go back," said Mrs. Molly in a good mood, "remember to ask Fred and George to eat on time. They used to be in the room doing their stuff, everything. Don't care."

"Got it." Sylvia dropped a kiss on Mrs Molly's cheek before walking out the door.


Remus stopped her.

"What's wrong?" Sylvia looked back at him.

"Do you mind if I drop by with you? I'll also go to Diagon Alley." Remus said goodbye to the Weasleys and walked in front of her.

"Let's go then." Sylvia gave him an affirmative answer.

The two Apparated to their destination together.

"What do you want to say to me?" Sylvia asked preemptively.

Remus was slightly stunned, and retracted some of the small talk he had intended to start with: "You should know me and your sister..."

"You haven't spoken for a long time, right?" Sylvia nodded.

"Ah, yes... is she okay?" Remus asked embarrassedly.

"You don't look too good, Remus." Sylvia patted him on the back.

"I don't want to see her like this." Remus sighed, "Can you help me persuade her..."

"Why don't you say it yourself?" Sylvia pursed her lips, looking indifferent.

"You know I'm busy with the werewolf camp..." Remus whispered.

"Yeah, you're busy, and Dora is busy too. So you both chose not to solve it." Sylvia sighed softly, "You know that's not an excuse of."

"Yes, so, I'd like to ask you for help." Remus gave a tired smile, making one wonder for a moment whether he was bothering about his tasks or his feelings.

"Persuade her to look away?" Sylvia smiled, because when she asked this sentence, Remus' face was obviously unwilling, "Or persuade her not to give up hold on?"

Remus was silent.

Sylvia knew it would be like this, and he didn't even know what he wanted to do. Maybe she just didn't want to see Dora look so eclipsed.

"I never get involved in a relationship. I can't give Dora any advice, and I don't want to sway her mind." Sylvia explained, "Trust me, Remus. You guys. Only you can resolve the matter. Because none of us know what you've been through."

Remus looked heavier, and the faint moonlight behind him made him thinner.

"Ciel, what did you think when you knew Dora's mind?" he asked.

"Then what do you think?" Sylvia asked rhetorically.

"I... Of course I..." Remus said hesitantly, as if he couldn't find a suitable answer.

"What do I think?" Sylvia sighed, "I always say you are the best professor. I have never evaluated the second teacher in this way."

Remus didn't look any more relaxed. He wanted affirmation when he asked that question, but felt more uncomfortable for some reason.

"Really." Sylvia re-emphasized as if afraid that he would not believe, "I have no such evaluation of Dumbledore."

Remus put a slight smile on his face and said thank you softly. It's just that the usual gentleness has returned to the place where they should exist, but at this moment it looks extraordinarily beautiful.

That's right.

Sylvia and Remus said goodbye and pushed open the door of the still lively trick shop.

Neither Remus nor Dora should be as sad as they are now. They are all bright-spirited people, and they should warm each other with the love they think they want.

I don't know why they are annoyed and inferior.

Sylvia laughed when she saw her trick shop owner who was still talking to customers.

Love is a luxury.

It's the same for everyone.

The author has something to say:

The year is over, I even have to start school woohoo

This semester is also very busy, there are many, many important exams this year

Why is it everyday? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh? I'm chatting again, and I can't finish talking. But you may want to cherish these happy plots. I looked at it and it seems that the beginning is not easy. Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-02-09 15:03:06~2022-02-1215:03:06~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Lanxi; 6 bottles of sneaking out of the Badger House; 5 bottles of cheesecake and milkshake;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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