MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 183 173. Routine errands and actions

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"Searle! Got it!"

Olivander's Wand Shop is closed.

The storefront, which was originally small and dilapidated, now looks even more depressed. Sylvia looked at the sign on the sign that said "Excellent wand has been made since 382 BC" and couldn't help sighing.

Where are the kids going to buy a wand this year?

"Don't always sigh when you're young." Andy said standing beside her.

"I feel like I've heard this sentence many years ago." Sylvia smiled wryly and shook her head, "Will you sigh the good news?"

"I just think it's annoying to sigh at a young age." Andy said dismissively, "Looks like he's been through a lot of bad things. Where are you, kid?"

"Me?" Sylvia sneered, "I almost died in the fight against Voldemort's remaining soul in the fourth grade. As a warrior in the sixth grade, I was almost killed by the fire of the dragon, and I was almost killed by the fire. That Barty Jr. murder. Seventh grade, did you see the battle of the Department of Mysteries in the papers?"

"Wow! That's amazing!" Andy clapped his hands exaggeratedly, imitating her tone.

"Thank you, I'm going to shut up." Sylvia smiled dryly.

"Since you have become an Auror, you should be prepared to prepare for the funeral at any time." Andy said and walked forward with Sylvia, not forgetting to stare at the passing pedestrians .

"How about I go and order a coffin for myself now?" Sylvia touched Andy's elbow and glanced casually to one side.

Duo, what should I do if I leave without finishing talking? I feel bad for you just thinking about it."

"Then I will ask you a dream then? Can you tell me?" Sylvia sneered and stood still.

"Do you mind to settle the wages first?" Andy said ruthlessly, and stopped.

"I give it to you? I also expect you to burn it for me." Sylvia said and turned sharply to face a wizard in a black cloak.

With Andy's spell knocking the man down, Sylvia quickly disarmed him, and two quick restraints bound him and the sack beside him.

"It's pretty safe." Andy applauded flatly, and took the lead in coming to the arrest target.

"Remember the one with the house-elf last time? Just took the loot away." Sylvia snorted and came to the wizard, "This time I Shouldn't you be more careful?"

"Who are you? Why are you arresting me?" The wizard shouted scoldingly, and many people stopped to watch.

"It's so noisy." Andy said, Sylvia threw a lock on her throat, "We've been eyeing you for a long time. Selling cheap goods, making amulets gimmick circle Money, which led to many wizards being sent to St. Mungo's. Go to the Ministry and explain."

"Aurors are on business," Sylvia explained to the crowd.

"Where's the door key?" Andy reached out.

Sylvia threw him a bunny doll the size of a palm.

"It's ugly." Andy said, and sent him and the stolen goods back to the temporary prison of the Ministry with the door key, "I like kittens."

Is this?"

"It's not as clever as I imagined." Andy muttered, "I thought it would take some effort."

"I'm so strong."

They both sighed in unison. After saying that, he looked at each other at the same time, showing a grinning expression.

"I suspect that these people are selling black magic products under the gimmick of this amulet." Sylvia said.

"It can't be ruled out that there is such a situation. Otherwise, why did the ministry tell us to arrest people?" Andy looked left and right as he walked, "Go back to training when the patrol is over."

"I know, I know." Sylvia said, her eyes completely inseparable from the Weasley trick shop that came into view.

The facades of the surrounding shops are dull, but Fred and George's windows attract people's attention like a firework display. The window on the right is covered with a huge poster with dazzling yellow characters:

Why are you worried about You-Know-Who?

You should care


The feeling of constipation is tormenting the Chinese!

New product from Trickster. Sylvia sighed with emotion and regretted how long she had not participated in the production of the trick and witnessed the birth of the trick.

"Want to go in and have a look?" Andy looked at her, "The two twin bosses here are quite capable. The products they make are much more interesting than those of Joko and Frolic. Look at these kids, they're so happy, they have to play with them when they go to school."

"Thank you." Sylvia said with a smile.

Andy frowned at her.

"Me." Sylvia smiled and pointed to herself, "It's the lady boss here."

"Really." Andy seemed to be a little surprised.

"These kids are playing with what I have left." Sylvia raised her head proudly, she almost forgot this arrogant feeling, "All the tricks here are Gotta let me play first."

"Understood, guinea pig." Andy nodded and was satisfied with the conclusion.

"That's to play first." Sylvia muttered and saw two figures that were not quite right slipping into the trick shop with the crowd.

"You don't feel right?" Andy lowered his voice.

"It looks a little too rushed." Sylvia frowned, "I don't know what goods the trick shop needs to snap up right now."

Soon they noticed two other familiar figures.

"Savic." Andy greeted the Auror first.

"Lost." Dora, who was beside Savage, snorted.

"A dark robe with a beard?" Sylvia asked.

"Have you seen it?" Savage looked at Sylvia, "Two Death Eaters. We just caught fire."

"Freckle-faced, pointed-mouthed monkey cheeks." Andy quickly described the appearance of another person, patted Sylvia on the shoulder, and gave Cevich a gesture, "Substitution."

Dora and Sevich looked at each other and slipped quietly to both sides of the store door.

Why this one?

Sylvia didn't expect it at all. Did those two run away because Dora's pursuit failed? And this time happened to be met by us?

Andy and Sylvia locked the two sneaky guys as soon as they entered the door. They strolled among the shelves, staring carefully out the window.


Unexpectedly, George was the first to discover Sylvia. And the girl was keenly aware that today was the day the Weasleys brought their young children to Diagon Alley. But they didn't see the Iron Triangle. According to the plot, they should have followed Draco to Knockturn Alley.

No, don't let their attention cause too much movement.

"Andy, come here." Sylvia patted Andy on the back and motioned him to go up the stairs together.

"Why are you here?" George gestured to his brother, and Fred almost rushed down at the fastest speed. "Why are you here?" Fred also asked the same question, with a happier tone.

"Meet. My fiancé, Fred Weasley and his twin brother, George Weasley." Sylvia smiled and said, "This is the one who took me Auror, my partner, Andy Degas."

"Hello." Andy smiled and shook hands with the two bosses, and Sylvia took over his surveillance and glanced downstairs.

"You are Andy?" Fred laughed enthusiastically, "I often hear Bunny mention you."

"Not very often." Sylvia replied casually.

"So what brought the two Aurors to our trick shop?" George narrowed his eyes.

"What else could it be for?" Andy looked at the two guys who seemed to be making small movements from Fred's side, "Can I get a discount when I come to spend?"

"Of course! Pick some and take them back as gifts from me." Fred smiled graciously, "Thank you for taking care of my Bunny. You can take back whatever you want. Play."

"That's great." Andy shook hands with Fred again in a good mood.

"Ehhh! Why did you give it away? A prodigal thing." Sylvia couldn't help rolling her eyes, "You're welcome to him."

"Obviously your fiancée doesn't know much about the world." Andy pretended to be sorry, "You have a great future, Fred."

"Don't act like a pedantic workplace old man at this time!" Sylvia couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Then I'll pick first." Andy gave the twins a smile and approached the two suspects with happy steps.

"This Andy looks good." George exclaimed.

"It's more... ordinary than the Auror I imagined." Fred struggled to find the adjective.

"I remember Apparition is forbidden in the workshop, right?" Sylvia suddenly looked at Fred.

"Of course. We have a complete protection system." Fred shrugged, "I don't want my dream to be ended by Avadasso."


Sylvia noticed that the two were sneaking towards the door, and Andy was only one step away from them.

"What happened?" Fred noticed Sylvia's wand and lowered his voice.

Can't fight in the trick shop.

Sylvia has only one thought in her head right now.

Andy's wand was drawn out like a sharp blade, and he turned around and cast two spells to get two wands. Sylvia hit the bearded shoulder directly with a spell, making him smash hard in front of the cashier. The other was also restrained by several of Andy's spells and fell to the ground.


Sylvia's wand fell.

Sylvia saw that the bearded man had drawn a second wand from somewhere and pointed it towards Andy. She rolled over and jumped down the stairs, and jumped at the big man with a stride, locking her arms around his neck, pulling down, kicking her feet to the bend of his knees, and the beard's curse hit the ceiling.

Andy quickly turned away from the bearded weapon, while Sylvia kept increasing and lowering her weight until the rear strangulation knocked him unconscious.

The whole trick shop fell silent, and everyone seemed to take a deep breath, accompanied by the cheerful music in the store.

Andy looked at the panicked female clerk and hurriedly waved his wand to repair the cashier.

"It's all right. Just leave it to us." Fred said, waving his wand to sort out the knocked over shelves and ground.

Sylvia only noticed at this moment that he seemed to have drawn his wand long ago, ready to strike at any moment.

"Death Eaters." Sylvia pulled the sleeves of the bearded man and threw him to the ground for Andy to bind him.

"Good luck." Andy opened the door and called Sevich and Dora in, "These two are ours."

"It counts you." Dora corrected and took over the two Death Eaters.

"You wouldn't be able to do it without us." Andy waved his hand, "They recognize you, and as soon as they enter the store, they will probably start a fight. There are so many customers. What a risk."

"It's because of this that you came here." Dora clicked in dissatisfaction and escorted the person away, "I'll report your names as well."

"Good job." Savage nodded to Sylvia and left.

"Yes." Andy looked at Sylvia.

"Wand! Sylvia!" George ran to a far place and waved Sylvia's wand. And Fred is trying to restore the store to its original state.

"It's faster than many old Aurors." Andy patted her on the shoulder. "Of course, after all, you're so young. It's normal for young people to be better." He turned around Go and say to the frightened crowd, "The danger has been lifted, everyone..."

"Thank you." Sylvia caught the wand that George had brought with the Floating Charm, and saw Mrs. Molly hurried towards her, "I didn't expect to meet you here, Mo Auntie Li."

"Are you all right? Searle." Molly asked with concern, "Oh I didn't expect..."

"But that's the job of the Auror, Molly," said Mr. Arthur reassuringly.

"I have nothing." Sylvia said hurriedly.

"That's cool! Syr!" Ginny came over excitedly and put her arm around her, "What's the last trick? I want to learn it too."

Muggle stuff has proven useful.

Sylvia is lucky to be a melee mage.

"I hope you never use it." Sylvia sighed.

"That's right!" Molly immediately echoed, "I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, really..." She stopped her words because Fred came over, "You guys will be faster. Let's chat for a while, Fred. Searle is going back to work soon?" Then he took Ginny and Arthur to chat with George.

"So you came here to catch Death Eaters?" Fred smiled, "I thought you came here specifically to find me, which is really sad."

"Yes, yes." Sylvia followed his words and replied, "Otherwise, who would come here for nothing, right?"

"It seems that getting out early and coming back late these days is a bit useful." Fred looked up and down Sylvia with a barely persuaded look, although he was persuading himself, "I'll reluctantly forgive you for not having time to be with me."

"I'll return this to you as it is, Fred." Sylvia's index finger turned around, suggesting that the whole trick shop had resumed its liveliness.

Of course she knew that Fred wouldn't rush over and say something distressing. Her boys certainly saw the charisma she displayed when she willingly put herself in danger and protected the people she loved.

And that's what she wants most.

"Searle, go." Andy said at the door. He has been very considerate to give the newcomer a lot of time.

"Let me say one last sentence, my lady." Fred whispered, his eyes full of joy, "You were so handsome just now!"

"Handsome, right?" Sylvia blinked, "It's not common. Everyone here, give me a ticket. Give you a chance to make a fortune, Fred."

"Of course, of course. In the future, there will be Death Eaters rushing to me." Fred nodded frequently with his arms folded, "Come to the Weasley trick store to buy interesting tricks and anti-curse goods. , and watch the Aurors beat up the Death Eaters!"

Sylvia smiled happily, turned around, waved her hand, and left with Andy.

Fred just stared at his girl with an unstoppable smile on his face.

"Is it worth writing today's work report?" Andy strode down the streets of Diagon Alley.

"Do you really think I'm doing a good job?" Sylvia asked.

"Of course." Andy rubbed the back of his head, "What? I joke so often with a faceless face that I can't be trusted to speak?"

"That's good!" Sylvia sighed, "You don't know how nervous I was just now! Andy! I have to put on a look of determination!"

"That's it." Andy's eyes fell on a street that was not as lively as in the past, and people sighed imperceptibly, "As an Auror, you are going to die in the next second. , you have to tell everyone not to be afraid. Even if you die, keep an arrogant expression for me, and let those guys kill you!"

"That's why we get along, Andy." Sylvia smiled and bumped his fist.

"Getting along with a kid who just graduated makes me sound very unstable." Andy pursed his lips, "Stunning spell is a way. I also see that you are conscious of reducing damage, but still There is a better way."

"It would be more appropriate to have it all petrified." Sylvia nodded.

"As a newcomer, you are already very good." Andy patted her head, "It's not bad to let you participate in a capture. Now you know where to train?"

Sylvia nodded: "I didn't expect that guy to have a second wand, and he almost made a big mistake."

"You think about how many wizards they killed, it's not difficult for them to hand over a few wands." Andy's face sank.

"Yes." Sylvia sighed.


Sylvia was still standing, holding out two fingers.

"Okay, just two cups." Andy smiled and patted her on the back.

"Twenty." Sylvia followed in his footsteps.

"Twenty cups." Andy pulled out a beautiful smile, "Don't leave until you finish."

"Twenty...oz." Sylvia pulled out a smile.

"I can't hear you." Andy waved his hand, "Twenty cups. Even if you give me your life today, you have to finish it."

"I'm dead, Fred will kill you." Sylvia regretted her outspoken words. She knew all too well why Dora said only Andy could take her.

"Are you sure? Who killed who?" Andy narrowed his eyes.

"Please, don't kill him." Sylvia repented again.

"I think about it." Andy said, jumping to the side to avoid Sylvia's dung ball. He suddenly took out the same thing from his pocket, and Sylvia ran away.

The author has something to say:


Because the beginning of school was used as the time node to divide the volume, then according to the time, the next chapter will be a new volume, and the plot of the Half-Blood Prince will officially begin.

There are a lot of private settings, treasures, I have more and more private settings, in order to save people and to round up the entire timeline and story view. I think this year's plot is still quite top, and the KPI of Dumbledore has also kicked off. Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2022-02-12 12:57:53~2022-02-16 12:57:53~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Thirteen Years of Asking Spirit. 20 bottles; 1 bottle of cheesecake and milkshake;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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