MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 191 181. Confidentialist and Confidentiality

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"Of course I don't fully trust you. Just as you wouldn't fully trust me either."

"Merry Christmas, Draco."

"You called me out..."

"Of course not to tell you these useless blessings." Sylvia stared at the thin boy in front of her with a stern face.

This guy is much more haggard than the last time we met. So much so that the moment she saw him, she was so soft-hearted that she almost forgot to question his actions.

"This is...where?" Draco arrived at the intersection of Knockturn Alley according to the news that Sylvia passed by with coins. When he met the witch, he was pulled by her, phantom Appearance came to this dilapidated broom room.

"410 Knockturn Alley, my secret base." Sylvia said coldly.

"Just here?" Draco frowned in disgust, "You can't just afford this...this is so small..."

"Anyway, if you have any news, feel free to come here to find me." Sylvia recalled his thoughts, "I'll be there as soon as the coin is hot."

"Okay, I understand." He nodded slyly, "Do you need to make it unbreakable?"

"No need, I believe you." Sylvia waved her hand slyly.

"No need?" But Draco frowned, "Should that be a Faithful Charm?"

"Even without that, you are my secrecy, aren't you?" Sylvia blinked, "We have long been grasshoppers on a rope."

"You believe me that much?" Draco asked.

Because I didn't believe you, I specifically asked Norman to transform this secret base.

"I said, we have long been grasshoppers on a rope! You have already boarded a pirate ship! Young master!" Sylvia stared and said word by word , "So I warn you not to try to be a negative spy, or I'll take care of you myself."

"I didn't think about it that way." He seemed a little guilty and turned his head away.

"I know all about your botched plans." Sylvia snorted.

"I'm your spy, don't I need to pretend to be with the Dark Lord?" Draco gritted his teeth, as if the most vulnerable part of his heart had been stabbed hard.

"You didn't tell me that you bought that mortal opal necklace." Sylvia said lightly, noticing that Draco was completely stunned when she mentioned the necklace Trembling.

"I...I didn't expect that..." Draco's voice trembled, "I didn't expect to harm that Gryffindor..."

"You're thinking of giving it to Dumbledore." Sylvia sneered.

"Dumbledore won't be hurt by that kind of thing..." He seemed to comfort himself, "I said I'm just pretending, I can't do nothing, my mother... "

"Your mother made you do this?" Sylvia didn't seem surprised at all.

"No." Draco's eyes were much firmer, "This is all my plan, and it has nothing to do with my mother." He paused before continuing, "If I don't Doing the Dark Lord's job puts my mother in danger. I have to, Tonks."

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Sylvia asked.

Draco turned his head sharply to look at Sylvia, pursing his lips tightly without saying a word.

"I know what you're thinking." Sylvia shook her head, "Acting in two sets, doing the work of the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters well, no matter who wins in the end, you No loss."

"I'm not..." Draco bit his lower lip to control his emotions, "I know this makes you doubt me, but I..."

He is clearly guilty.

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Sylvia looked at his pitiful look coldly, "Are you thinking that if Dumbledore really died in the end, then Go back to the Death Eaters immediately, and reveal that you have played a play with me, and you can get a lot of benefits."

Draco also stared, but he still compromised first: "Yes, as you said, if the Dark Lord succeeds in the end, I will do anything for the lives of me and my family. Come out. But why don't you think about why I told you the Death Eaters were going to invade Hogwarts? Sylvia Tonks! It's not like I didn't give you any favors."

"I don't care why." Sylvia lowered her voice, "Draco, when you bowed your head and begged me, it was definitely not how much affection you had towards me, but the fact that you bowed your head for the sake of your family. I can do it with the help of a **** like me. But I choose to trust you—" Her eyes turned cold, "just because of the insignificant relationship between us."

"You...I don't..."

"I can't tolerate any mistakes!" Sylvia raised her voice sharply, "You know in your heart that only I am willing to help you! Because no one will believe you! And I believe You!" She looked irritated, "But if this is a wrong decision, it will be a responsibility I can't take, and I can no longer face my family and friends, do you understand?"

"I can't send you that much information with coins." Draco said hurriedly, "I communicated with you through Leah before, making her almost suspected by my aunt!"

Sylvia was silent, Draco's words pouring cold water on her head.

Why is this Bellatrix so annoying?

The feeling of powerlessness is most annoying, especially when she makes excuses.

"I promise I'm just pretending." Draco's assertiveness looked really weird, "I won't really poison Dumbledore, but..." He took a deep breath With a sigh of relief, "The Dark Lord is determined to win this time. He will definitely invade Hogwarts, and he will definitely attack Dumbledore. And I'm repairing the vanishing cabinet for him now. I promise to let the Death Eaters in. Before Hogwarts, let you know."

"I'm going crazy." Sylvia smiled wryly, "Draco, you better not **** me."

"I know you were almost killed by my aunt." His tone was much darker.

"Accurately speaking, it's our aunt." Sylvia chuckled. Because this well-meaning reminder is just so weird and absurd.

"I heard that she lost her temper that day." Draco seemed to recall some bad memory, "Even my mother was almost not spared. They also had a fight. Some things from the past... Because of this, I heard some things about your mother from my mother." He said, his eyes softened a lot, "She said that you are very much like your mother when she was young, independent and independent, and also the same. It's hard to grasp." When he said this, there was a bit of vigilance in his eyes.

"I guessed right, the two sisters still have a little bit of remaining affection." Sylvia lowered her eyes, "That's why I thought of asking my mother to talk to your mother at that time. ."

"I ask you, you have been helping me, is it because we are family?" Sylvia was surprised when Draco asked this question.

"Guess what?" Sylvia smiled, from the bottom of her heart, "I would have dared to say yes to this question a few years ago. Find the Snitch and chase after me!"

Draco only slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

Why is it not for my family? We are all betting with everything we have, betting that we will survive the disaster in the end." She took a step forward with cold eyes, "But I am different from you, I For them, I can gamble my life into it. To win the gamble, I can really take nothing for myself."

Draco was startled and took a step back subconsciously.

"Whether you believe it or not, I guess only I in the world understand how desperate your situation is." Sylvia said and shook her head, "But I don't have the capital to pity you and care about you. You. Because I can't take care of myself now. Neither of us is better than the other now. So I hope we have a good cooperation and don't cause trouble for each other, okay?"

After saying that, she held out her hand.

Draco took the only hand that would reach him without any hesitation.

"Scrimgeour looking for me?" Sylvia got a message from Dora as soon as she got home.

"He just sent a message from the Patronus, telling you to go to the ministry to find him." Dora didn't look up.

"Today is Christmas!" Sylvia rolled her eyes, put on her robe again, and went out again.

What can he do to me?

Sylvia came to the Ministry in a very bad mood. He ran into someone who was also in a bad mood.

"What are you doing here?" Andy and Sylvia asked at the same time.

"Scrimgeour called me." Sylvia pursed her lips.

"Then be careful, he's in a bad mood." Andy rolled his eyes, "I just met with an inexplicable lesson from him. It's like the first day I knew I was a fool."

"What are you doing here?" Sylvia asked rhetorically.

Andy hesitated, and seemed to think it over before letting go: "Submit an application and ask for a few days off."

"Where?" Sylvia asked.

"You still worry about yourself." Andy's humming in his nose was somewhat smiling, but more like a helpless smile, "Don't worry, I will do your training. Follow up, it won't give you a chance to be lazy."

"Oh." Sylvia muttered and said goodbye to him. She glanced back a few times before continuing to walk.

What leave is he asking for?

Isn’t he the best at taking advantage of the loopholes to be lazy? Coming to and from get off work is also very casual.

What does he need for leave?

Sylvia reckons that her meddling problem is not getting better.

"Ugh! Fuck!" She knocked on the door of the minister's office, but was startled by the face of the person who opened the door, "Damn it! Percy?"

She didn't know how Percy's face could be so bruised and swollen.

"Shut up, don't ask anything." Percy said angrily, turning sideways to let Sylvia go inside.

"What's wrong with you? Are you sure you're all right?" Sylvia asked uncertainly just after taking a step.

"Eh-" Sylvia staggered and almost gave Scrimgeour a big gift.

"Don't worry about Percy, he and his two brothers have a little farce." Scrimgeour motioned Sylvia graciously to sit down, "We just went on a trip his home."

"Looking for Harry?" The moment Sylvia blurted out, she regretted it.

"Looks like you know why I came to see you today." Scrimgeour nodded in satisfaction.

"If Harry can stand on the side of the Ministry of Magic, it will bring a lot of benefits to the Ministry." Sylvia simply followed the trend and said, "In the name of the savior, the Ministry of Magic will be able to More convincing, to convince everyone that we can defeat Voldemort."

Scrimgeour had a smile on his face, seemingly out of admiration for the young Auror.

"But I don't understand what I can do." Sylvia frowned slightly.

"I'll ask you a question first." Scrimgeour held out an index finger. "Are you from Dumbledore too?"

Sylvia took a deep breath, but quickly adjusted her expression and replied calmly: "I received too much attention from Professor Dumbledore during my time at Hogwarts. Have absolute respect for him. You mean Dumbledore's man? I'm his prefect and head of students, I think..." She seemed to think for a while, and finally smiled, "Yes, in every sense, I am His people. But I've graduated, Mr. Minister, and now you're my boss."

Scrimgeour stared at her for a moment before laughing.

"What a shrewd girl? Huh? Why weren't you sorted into Slytherin?" He shook his head, "I'm not testing you."

"I'm just answering your question, Minister." Sylvia smiled back, "I'm an Auror at the Ministry of Magic, and of course someone from the Ministry of Magic."

"Really?" Scrimgeour squinted. "So you'll do whatever work I give you?"

"Since I joined the company, I think I have never violated this point." Sylvia nodded.

"I want you to complete the part I left unfinished - persuading Harry Potter to speak for the Ministry of Magic." Scrimgeour clasped his hands on the table. "How?"

"Since it's a task given to me, I'll do my best." Sylvia cursed inwardly, but she still came down.

How many Dumbledore's does he have in the temptation department?

Sylvia swallowed.

"If you performed well during the internship, I can make an exception to let you be transferred to a regular early."

Scrimgeour's words made Sylvia's mind buzz, and she looked up sharply at the old Auror chief of staff.

Too cunning, how can you coerce me?

"I heard Percy say that you and Harry had a good relationship during school." Scrimgeour continued, "You are friends, right? You are also familiar with the work of the Ministry . As long as you tell him the situation, let him say to the outside world that the Ministry of Magic is protecting everyone, please believe in the Ministry of Magic, it is not difficult, right?"

"I'll do my best." Sylvia responded cautiously.

"I read it right, you are a good seed, Tonks." Scrimgeour nodded, "Your father raised two excellent daughters."

"Then... I'll go first?" She twitched the corners of her mouth.

"When was the last time you saw Dumbledore?" Scrimgeour asked again.

"Can't remember." Sylvia responded quickly, "At the dinner at Hogwarts Hall on graduation day?"

"No chance to see you again? I thought Dumbledore liked you as a student."

"Well, he seems busy."

"What are you doing?"

"I don't know, why don't you ask him?"

Sylvia, of course, knew that her answer was worthless.

"Will you ask him for me?" Scrimgeour laughed.

"Okay." Sylvia readily agreed.

"So you can get in touch with him?" He seemed to have found a hole in her words.

"Write a letter?" Sylvia shrugged.

"You know where he is?" Scrimgeour narrowed his eyes.

"The headmaster's room at Hogwarts?" Sylvia laughed, "No matter where he goes, he always has to go back, doesn't he?"

"Nice girl." Scrimgeour sneered, "I sincerely hope you can turn around quickly."

"It was definitely the right decision for the Auror's office to hire me, Minister." Sylvia left the Minister's office after leaving this sentence, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

He suspects that I am Dumbledore's eyeliner on the Ministry of Magic? Sylvia wasn't sure, but it was always right to be careful.

How to balance the work of the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix?

She was lost in thought.

Scrimgeour is a good man. She knew this perfectly. At least he's a good Minister of Magic.

And if it can be turned positive in advance, it will be a great thing for Sylvia.

"Ah! You scared me!"

Sylvia Apparated back to the room and fell right in front of Fred. The guy sat on the rug without a word, flipping through parchment full of bills.

"I scared you?" Fred didn't look up, "Isn't it common enough to see me when you come home from get off work?"

"I was just thinking about something." Sylvia took off her robe and threw herself on the bed, "Scrimgeour wanted me to persuade Harry to speak for the Ministry of Magic, and I knew it. Don't know Dumbledore's whereabouts. Umbridge's statement that I'm Dumbledore's man obviously affects him too."

"Is it difficult?" Fred said. "Was it not a matter of mouth for you to report the situation after weighing the profit and loss in front of Scrimgeour?"

"You have such confidence in me?" Sylvia blinked at the chandelier on the ceiling, "If I say to Dumbledore, I want a little bit of his daily life that he can be revealed Life situation, it's my Auror's quick turnaround...would he be willing to do it for me?" She pondered and added, "I think we should discuss how much we, the Ministry of Magic staff, are going to play at the next Order of the Phoenix meeting for others to see. ."

"..." Fred was silent for a while, and then said leisurely, "I said, do you want to look at me?"

Sylvia got up and approached Fred: "Damn it! What's wrong with your face?"

"Percy should be uglier, right?" Fred smiled smugly.

"Shouldn't." Sylvia raised her wand but was pressed down by Fred, "You guys fought? It shouldn't get better even if you fought."

"George threw a spell on Percy so that he couldn't get rid of the ugly scar." Fred snorted, "This **** guy just deliberately gave me the same spell , he told you to take a look."

"This George is not bad." Sylvia blinked, "While making fun of Percy, he came to give me a small report?"

"He wants you to feel sorry for me!" Fred rolled his eyes angrily, "Although I think he did this just to **** me off! But did you Know the situation? You haven't looked at me all the time."

Sylvia chuckled.

"Damn Percy, how dare you fight back?" Fred turned his head angrily.

"Otherwise? You just beat me?" Sylvia said and sat down beside him, "Tell me, why did you fight? Percy finally came home, and Aunt Molly was probably sad. died."

"I wish she was crying because her wonderful son Fred was injured." Fred spat hard, "Did you also know that Percy was because your minister wanted Looking for the Burrow that Harry went to?"

"Then you don't need to hit him, right?" Sylvia didn't understand, "I thought you guys would spray parsnip juice on his face at most."

"How did you know we did this?" Fred looked at Sylvia in surprise.

"So why did you beat him?" Sylvia pressed.

"Because he made your rumors." Fred's face sank instantly, "He said something... I don't believe it anyway."

"..." Sylvia's brain was running fast, and she said slowly, "Say I'm alone with Waughlin? Or is it close to Norman?"

Fred turned his head sharply to Sylvia, his chest heaving, but did not say a word.

"Then you played well." Sylvia rolled her eyes.

Fred just raised his chin, indicating that she should explain something.

"I accidentally found out that Percy and Norman lived in the same building, and he bumped into him a few times." Sylvia folded her arms, "I didn't want to reveal his address. Who asked him to give me a small report? Also, I didn't do anything to hurt you."

"Of course I know you don't." Fred twitched his lips, "I was taunting Percy, and then that guy said those **** in a frenzy. Knowing that he was adding fuel to it. I was angry because he let both parents hear that you were close to other men."

"Ah..." Sylvia's mind instantly went blank.

"Are you afraid?" Fred smiled, "Don't worry, there is no better daughter-in-law than you in the eyes of your parents. They all know and believe in your character, and me too."

Sylvia's eyes dodged a little, and after a moment of silence, she looked back at him again: "I will meet Norman most of the time after get off work. We are doing a secret for the Order of the Phoenix. Work, no one else knows. It's something I'm hiding from you."

"So it is." Fred nodded.

"I was caught by Bellatrix because I was on a trip to Boginbok to see if Draco was being honest with me." Sylvia continued, "The first secret mission is to have Draco as a spy, and me as the connector..." She stopped talking, with a fierce struggle in her mind.

"This...I probably guessed it when you were injured." Fred's expression sank.

He spoke eloquently and told him his plan. From Draco's surrender to saving Dumbledore, it was also at this time that she noticed that her thinking was clearer than in any previous year.

Sylvia noticed the increasingly serious look on Fred's face when he was revealing one thing after another. And after her slightly trembling final sound, it was Fred's throat that moved his Adam's apple.

"Even Norman, I didn't tell him my expectations." Sylvia finally said.

"...are you sure you tell me this?" Fred covered his mouth, frowned, bowed his head and said, "I don't even know Dumbledore he..."

"I feel like I'm burdening you. But to be honest, telling you the whole thing made me a lot easier." Sylvia tried to make her smile look lighter.

"Fuck." Fred slapped his thigh cursingly, "You have to save Dumbledore and that Malfoy at the same time."

"Really?" Sylvia shrugged, "I'm the key person. Success or failure is all mine."

"Merlin—" Fred raised his head and sighed, "You came up with all this alone?"

"You don't believe it?" Sylvia looked at him.

"Why don't you believe it?" Fred smiled and rubbed her head, "Bunny, you're a genius, aren't you? You still think about how to save every step you make?"

"I've understood since the Sirius incident, I must prepare for the worst." Sylvia smiled bitterly, "But you know you..."

"I'm not going to intervene on my own initiative, if it disrupts your plans it'll be the end." Fred knew what she was talking about right away, "and I can't abandon you for injustice. right?"

"Fred, why are you so virtuous?" Sylvia blinked.

"What's the mess?" Fred frowned.

"Behind a successful woman, there must be a man who supports her." Sylvia said with great relief.

"Why can't I hear it right?" Fred couldn't understand the inexplicable unhappiness in his heart.

"You can rest assured to eat my soft rice! You can eat it!" Sylvia said with her head raised.

"Although I don't understand it very well-" Fred said through gritted teeth, "but I'm just a little upset, what's the matter?"

"It means I love you very much." Sylvia laughed.

"Really?" Fred squinted.

"Yes." Sylvia showed a harmless smile.

"Little villain, I think you are courting death!"

Fred pressed her down and took the wand from her hand, and turned off the light.

The author has something to say:

I don't think Malfoy is 100% loyal. They are calculating and will certainly have their best interests in mind. And at this time, everyone is prudent to protect themselves, and all the refugees and transactions are out of their own selfishness. Draco and Sylvia were more of a mutual use relationship.

I told Fred about Searle's plan, mainly because it was Fred! I feel bad for hiding it all the time! ! The plan to save Dumbledore is now known only to Dumbledore, Snape, Norman and Fred.

The last chapter was relatively short, this chapter is a little longer for everyone!

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of cheesecake and milkshake; 2 bottles of counseling; 1 bottle of vinyl chloride;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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