MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 192 182. Unyielding and Peaceful

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"So I said before, your things are nothing."

"Sylvia, you bring these documents to Andy." Jasmine shoved a stack of parchment into Sylvia's arms.

"Andy?" Sylvia said angrily, "I haven't seen him for days."

"Really?" Jasmine raised her head, "Isn't his vacation over long ago? Again?"

"How do I know? He's canceled all my fieldwork. We haven't acted together in a while." The young Miss Auror sighed and took the parchment.

"He didn't even see you practice?" Jasmine frowned.

"Andy disappeared again?" Dora came over, "In that case, Sir, send these to his house."

"I'm going? Are you sure?" Sylvia was overjoyed, she was eager to go out immediately for fear of her sister's repentance, but unfortunately she had to wait for Dora to write down Andy's family address.

"There is so much work in the department now, he has to finish his part." Dora said and handed a note with the address to Sylvia.

"I'm going!"

Isn't it a little too comfortable to live in a small town on the edge of this stunning coastline in Devon?

Sylvia Apparated to this small town, slowly counted the house numbers, and searched for each family.

Is it okay to come without saying hello?

Sylvia suddenly stopped at this thought.

He won't let me go out! Didn't I walk up to him and let him teach me?

She wrinkled her nose dejectedly and continued to walk.

Is this guy actually like this? It’s okay to be late and leave early, and it’s okay to be a fool, don’t they just show up now?

Could that be the case?

Sylvia couldn't get an answer even if she tried to break her head.

But Dora looked like it had happened before.

When she thought of this, she had already found the exact house number, pushed open the small gate on the fence, walked through the slender cobblestone road, and came to a bronze door.

Sylvia looked around and knocked on the knocker. She was sighing that the house retained too many colors that belonged to the last century.

This Andy also keeps owls in the yard?

She looked at the owl shed built in the small courtyard and the two owls roosting inside, and she could imagine how these Muggle neighbors were discussing this eccentric Mr. Degas behind his back.

And if this matter is put on Andy, I always feel that he is somewhat intentional.


A question came from behind the bronze door.

Sylvia noticed an enchanted cat's eye on the door, as the little glass bead was dripping.

"Hello! I'm Sylvia Tonks!" Sylvia hurriedly said.

Shortly after, the door opened and behind the door stood a blond woman in a long printed dress. She looked a little too thin, especially with those bamboo-like fingers and terrifyingly deep eye sockets. But under such obvious morbidity, her charm has not diminished in the slightest. The gentle smile on her face was like some strange magic that made Sylvia unable to move her eyes. The moment she met her gentle eyes, a warmth and comfort flooded into her heart.

And she has a golden gradient kitten in her arms.

"He's a little afraid of people." The lady was referring to the kitten, and she smiled apologetically, her eyes full of tenderness.

When Sylvia struggled to get back to the ground and walked into the house with her little **** on her back, Sylvia suddenly understood why Andy turned those door keys into It looks like a cat doll.

"You're the little girl Andy used to say? Forgive me for taking a moment to make sure you're not a Death Eater in disguise." The lady smiled and turned to welcome Sylvia into the door, " Come in now."

"You are... Mrs. Degas?" Sylvia guessed carefully.

"Look at me, I forgot to introduce myself." The blonde lady closed the door and turned back to the girl, "My name is Elora, Andy's wife—why this expression? No looks like?"

Sylvia heard this and realized that she had been staring at Elora in disbelief.

"No, no, I'm just a little shocked...because you're very beautiful." Sylvia looked back at her bewildered, "I'm sorry for my sudden visit, ma'am."

"Don't say sorry, Sylvia. We haven't had guests in our house for too long." Elora beckoned Sylvia to sit down on the sofa, "Nice mindless words. This is the point of opening your mouth, but you are very similar to Andy. No wonder he likes you so much as a little girl."

"I'm telling the truth!" Sylvia waited for Ellora to sit down before sitting down obediently, "Madam, you are too temperamental. Andy is too enviable already."

"You should see me so weak, right?" Elora shook her head and made a pot of strong tea, "As soon as you came, I knew Andy didn't go to work again. Now." She closed her eyes and looked at Sylvia, "I think he should be back soon, wait a moment."

"Is he not coming to work because you are sick?" Sylvia asked with a wink.

Ellora didn't answer right away, she just poured tea for the guests quietly, and after a long time she said slowly: "It's not just this time that he was dragged down by me..."

"What..." Sylvia realized that she accidentally stepped on the thunder, but it was no help. Fortunately, there was movement outside the door at this time, and the familiar senior returned home in a dusty manner.

Andy of course saw Sylvia, but his eyes quickly passed her to his wife: "Why are you up?"

"I'm much better." Elora smiled gently, "Look, Sylvia will be waiting for you for a while."

"Where's the stuff?" Andy glanced at Sylvia and put the big paper bag he brought back on the table to the side.

"Well, here it is." Sylvia handed him the parchment in her pocket.

"Endless—" Andy flipped through the information in his hand, and rolled his eyes imperceptibly.

"You didn't go to work again? What if you were really fired?" Elora also sighed softly, imperceptibly.

"Where's Samuel? Still sleeping?" Andy avoided Ellora's question, turned to face her again, and after his wife nodded, "You go to rest too, the guests have I entertain."

"Andy, I know my body very well." Elora advised.

"It won't be clear to me either." Andy said, he stepped forward to help Ellora, lowered his voice, "Be obedient, it will be much better for you to lie down."

Elora didn't insist any longer, nodded and looked at Sylvia: "Remember to drink the brewed black tea while it's hot, Sylvia. You are also welcome to come to our family at any time. "She walked upstairs with the kitten.

"Thank you, Madame Degas." Sylvia hurriedly took a sip of tea as a courtesy.

"I guess there is nothing for you to do for you to do this work, right?" Andy opened his work file, "Drink more tea, and there are snacks on the table, you're welcome. "

"What? Still sitting? You're not going back with me?" Sylvia asked.

"Are you here to tell me to go back?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Not really." Sylvia shook her head, "Dora said you have to finish the work."

"That's right." Andy nodded, "Remember not to disclose that I didn't go to work when you go back."

"Wait! Dora and the others have been hiding this for you?" Sylvia's eyes widened.

"It's all about popularity when you go out." Andy said and threw the stack of parchment aside, "but my work has not fallen."

"It's because of your wife?" Sylvia seemed to be plucking up courage, "The bag you brought back has the St. Mungo's mark."

"..." Andy was silent for a while, then looked at Sylvia, "Whether you hear it or see it, you should notice that my wife is in a very bad state."

" looks a little too thin..." Sylvia frowned, "What's the disease?"

"It's not a disease." Andy's voice deepened, "It's a curse."


"It's the curse of their family, I don't know if you've heard of it." Andy said lightly, pretending not to care, "My wife was named Greengrass before she married me."

"Greengrass." Sylvia muttered, suddenly choked.

Yes, Astoria is death by the curse of the family.

"I knew she had such a curse when I was still at Hogwarts, and I knew she would die of illness." Andy said and looked aside, "But I I still want to be with her, and I still want to be her groom."

Sylvia noticed that Andy's eyes fell on a wall in the living room, which was covered with many photos.

"Although she always felt that this would drag me down, so she never agreed to my confession." Andy's mouth pulled out a playful smile.

Sylvia shook her head, and seemed to see that Andy was facing the terrifying curse with a smile like this, and also told his girl how bad those sufferings were in his eyes Worth mentioning.

"I knew it was happy at the time, no, I didn't mean that, I mean..." Andy laughed, from the heart, "She kept avoiding me, I thought it was because I was Hufflepuff. You know how long a Hufflepuff and Slytherin romance was at Hogwarts. And she was the Greenglass lady, and she was so beautiful. but me…"

"Sloppy, freewheeling, sloppy, not formal." Sylvia followed his words.

"Yes!" Andy nodded frequently, "I was really relieved when I knew she was worried about that." He said, his eyes darkened, "I told her, I will get through it with her, and with me, it will definitely be resolved."

Sylvia sniffed, turned her head and dared not look at the lost man again.

"Actually, it's been a long time." Andy's voice was so flat, so flat that there was no trace of emotion, "At first she told me that she had been in bad health, and she might be alive and well. Only eighteen years old. I married her when I graduated. I gave her the biggest wedding. Merlin was on top and let her survive her eighteen years." I'm always trying to find a way to ease her pain, and I'm always trying to find a way to heal her."

Sylvia lowered her head, looked at the ring on her hand, and clasped her hands together tightly.

"Everything was fine until we had a child and her condition began to deteriorate." Andy's complicated eyes made Sylvia's heart sink suddenly, "I actually want her How could the body possibly stand it? But Elora wanted a child, and she said it was her only wish."

"Samuel?" Sylvia guessed.

"Yes." Andy nodded, "That stinky boy is too smart, like his mother. Even his body is not very good, but also like his mother..."

"Did you choose to be an Auror in order to contact wizards in various cases and fields to find a solution to the curse?" Sylvia asked.

"Do you remember when I told you that I was under the Imperius Curse?" Andy quickly sorted out his emotions and looked at Sylvia again.

"It has something to do with this?" Sylvia sat up inadvertently.

"My parents were excellent Aurors, they captured a large number of Death Eaters, and finally died in the hands of Death Eaters." Andy's hands clenched into fists, " And it's all because of me."


"My parents have always been vigilant, our residence is also hidden and no one can find it." Andy also frowned, his eyes full of resentment, "But one day I was in Playing outside, under the Imperius Curse, opened the door for them."

Sylvia stood up abruptly, and she felt a burst of grief pouring into her nose, making her unable to sit still.

"Yeah, and then they died unsuspecting." Andy's head was getting lower and lower, "I guess one of them quickly notified the Aurors who lived nearby. Friends, I was rescued by an Auror who arrived. They are all well-trained Aurors and know how to deal with all kinds of crises." He said and shook his head, "I still remember that I opened the door. At that moment, those Death Eaters rushed towards my parents, and I just stood there in the doorway the whole time...I felt like I was more dead than them."

“How could they know about you…” Sylvia shuddered.

"I was twelve years old at the time." Andy said with a long sigh, "I guess some Death Eater kid saw my parents coming to pick me up at King's Cross Station? Who knows? What? It doesn't matter anymore."

"Unbelievable." Sylvia swallowed.

"Since then I have decided that I want to be the same as my parents, to be the one who will make the Death Eaters feel scared." Andy looked at Sylvia again, and quickly lowered his head to look Move away, "But it was also a joke made by Merlin and me? It didn't take long for the mysterious man to disappear, and no one knew that he would be resurrected now. Although this did not affect my final choice."

"You are a very good Auror, and your parents will be proud of you." Sylvia whispered comfortingly.

"But I finally relented, because I couldn't put my family in the same danger. That's why I've always had a little reputation in the ministry." Andy said, gesturing west Sylvia sat down, "I was too young at the time and only wanted revenge. Now it seems that nothing is more important than being alive. Sometimes I look down on myself when I think about it..."

"You're right, life is more important than anything else." Sylvia sat down slowly.

"I thought if the situation got worse and I couldn't sneak around like this anymore... I would quit." Andy gritted his teeth, "I want to spend my time in Elo La and Samuel."

"I can understand." Sylvia nodded understandingly.

"Remember when I told you that Aurors can't protect everyone?" Andy smiled wryly, "Searle, Searle, that's why I told you that the fundamental A piece of cake."

"I didn't know you've been through so much." Sylvia lowered her head.

"I don't understand how Merlin weighs his partiality." Andy snorted coldly, "I have been complaining about injustice for a long time. But it was only later that I realized that maybe everyone Is there a doom for everyone?"

"If you really plan to resign, can you tell me first?" Sylvia asked bluntly, "At least...for the sake of me being the new guy you brought."

"...I don't think I'll really resign, at least not that fast." He was lost in thought and muttered, "If I really quit, I'll give it to you Find a better Auror to teach you..."

"I don't want it." Sylvia said without hesitation, "There is a saying in China that a teacher for one day is a father for life. Although it doesn't seem to be used here. But it doesn't matter. , I don't want to learn from others anyway."

"Okay, come and see me with a gift when you have time, I'll teach you a few more skills?" Andy laughed.

"If you want to accompany your wife, you can give these to me." Sylvia took the documents.

"No, you still can't go out to work until your training period is over." Andy waved his wand, and the stack of paper flew back to its original place.

"Then I don't have much work to do anyway, so you can say anything if I can help!" Sylvia said honestly.

"What can you help? Help us with laundry and cooking or take care of children? It's funny, little girl." Andy shook his head with a smile.

Sylvia took advantage of the situation to catch up with the conversation and led the topic to a relaxed and pleasant direction, and the atmosphere in the room was no longer so oppressive.

But she was thinking in her heart—

The Curse of the Greenglass House—You have to get a chance to communicate with Astoria.

The author has something to say:

Regarding Andy's story, I wanted to write Searle as an Auror at first because I wanted to write about these Auror images that were not expressed much in the original book. Compared to Mad-Eye and Tonks, Theseus is actually the one who makes me fall in love with the Auror profession. He wears handsome clothes to go to work, and he is decisive and unrestrained in battle! It's so charming! And most of the people who choose this profession are very brave people.

In those days, I think Neville's experience is unique. I let Andy have the same experience just to express that in this environment, maybe what we find painful is very common. And there must be something we can't see, maybe even darker.

Andy will be a very good teacher for Seale.

And then, did you guess that I set Andy to have a Greengrass wife hahahahaha! no! Saying that everyone will be saved, Astoria will not die in the future, and little Scorpius will have a happy family! It's just that this part, if it's all my private settings, everyone get ready! The curse part begins, it's time to start saving people!

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