MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 193 One hundred and eighty-three, honesty and childish words

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"Want one of our kids."

Astoria's reply took a long time. For a long time, Sylvia thought that Brother Bird had fallen in love with this girl who was younger and more beautiful than her, and then she didn't want to leave.

Although this stink bird has always preferred beautiful women.

Sylvia looked up at Brother Bird who was standing on her head and felt a lot of pressure.

She read the letter and understood why Astoria was so slow to reply. First of all, she didn't expect Sylvia to know about this curse, and secondly, how could Miss Greengrass easily talk to people about the trauma in her heart? What's more, Sylvia also mentioned in the letter that she was thinking about whether there was a way to unlock this curse.

Whether Astoria thinks this girl is bizarre or whimsical, it is enough for her to think about how much she should write in her reply for a long time.

And what ended up in Sylvia's hands was nothing but vague words.

"What did Leah look like when she saw the content of the letter?" Sylvia raised her head sharply. Unexpectedly, the owl grabbed the roots of her hair tightly, and then stably followed her head and swayed back.

"Is that expression?" Sylvia looked at his smug look and smirked.

Brother Bird gave her a wing, and obviously felt how rebellious it was to put her stinky face on a beautiful girl.

"How do you talk to the owl?"

Sylvia looked at the blond boy to the side, and seemed helpless to distract him again.

"Because my owl is my friend, Samuel." Sylvia gave Samuel a smile.

She ended her training on this day, just in time to help Andy who needed to take Elora to St. Mungo's to take the child.

Andy was right, she shouldn't have sworn to help. Raising children is simply too laborious and thankless! Mainly because she didn't expect this to be a four-year-old child!

"Is there no one to be friends with you?" Samuel looked regretful.

"Because we should also be friends with small animals." Sylvia never dreamed that she would say such positive words while pulling an ugly smile.

Is he black? Must be?

"Sister Sear, can I be friends with Brother Bird too?" Samuel put down the puffball in his hand, turned and spread his arms to Brother Bird.

"Of course!" Sylvia quickly grabbed Brother Bird and stuffed it into Samuel's arms. She just watched Brother Bird showing a helpless expression under the child's sex, and smiled unkindly.

"You are so kind, Dad won't let me hold the owl." Samuel smiled and rubbed Brother Bird with his little face, "He said that owls are dirty and like to hit people, if not Who will send the letter to keep this thing?"

Brother Bird was obviously shot.

"That's because you're not in good health. Your father is all there to protect you, even though I think he may have gone too far." Sylvia said softly, cleaning up the tricks scattered on the ground it is good.

Yes, they are in the booth above the trick house.

The reason is just because this little child is not interested in Sylvia's books, nor has the patience to wait for her to find children's movies from a bunch of DVDs bought for star chasing. So in order to make him have a pleasant experience, he had to come here to play tricks.

"Dad won't let me play these." Samuel pursed his lips and pointed to the side trick, "Don't tell Dad, you gave me so much fun."

"It's you, don't tell your dad I let you play with this." Sylvia swallowed, "You know your dad is an Auror, right? I might die!"

"Dad said you are also an Auror, you can't beat my father?" Samuel raised his head.

What an innocent and lovely child.

"Isn't it? Your father is many years older than me!" Sylvia snorted.

"But Dad said it has nothing to do with age. If you don't work hard, you will be a waste no matter how old you are." Samuel blinked.

He is... blunt!

"How did Andy teach you this? You're only four!" Sylvia stared in disbelief.

"Dad said, when I am sensible, I must understand, I must work hard to become strong, and then protect my mother." Samuel rubbed Brother Bird's head and said sweet words in a sweet voice .

Sylvia sighed quietly.

"Sister Syl, are you taking me out to play tomorrow?" Samuel raised his head and looked at Sylvia.

"I'm sorry, but I can't." Sylvia thought about it and told the truth.

"When can you come out to play?" he asked.

"When your dad needs me to help you take care of you for a while." Sylvia said truthfully.

"I want to play with you, but I don't want my mother to go to St. Mungo's." Samuel said, he naturally did not notice Sylvia's suppressed emotions, "Every time my mother goes St. Mungo's, Dad is in a hurry. Dad is rarely in a hurry, and when he is in a hurry, bad things will happen."

"A very bad thing?" Sylvia murmured and repeated.

"I won't see my mother for a long time." Samuel lowered his head, "because she needs a rest."

"She'll be fine." Sylvia sat next to Samuel and put him in her arms, "Do you believe me? Samuel, she'll be fine. ."

At this moment, the door of the compartment was opened, and the sound of two tired footsteps came, but it quickly stopped.

"Are you back?" Sylvia looked at the twins who finally got off work after a hard day.

"Why..." Fred rubbed his haggard eyes, "Bunny, why did you bring your child here?"

"What?" George suddenly woke up from his drowsiness, "When did you have children? Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's funny how you two look insane." Sylvia smiled helplessly.

"It's all this big?" George said in disbelief, "I should have thought of that! The time you were found by my mother! I should have guessed! You are Disguise Magus Ah! Just fooled us all!"

"Wake up George!" Sylvia grabbed Brother Bird and threw it on George's face, "Even if you have a child at that time, you can't grow to four years old at once!"

"He looks like two or three years old at most." George finally pulled Brother Bird off. Apparently the owl had found a suitable object to outburst the resentment just now.

"Besides, our children will definitely have red hair." Fred said casually, obviously not trying to explain the misunderstanding, "You have to believe that Weasley's genes are very powerful."

"This is Andy's son Samuel, I'll take care of him for a while." Sylvia explained, "His dad will come and pick him up tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow?" Fred frowned, "You won't tell me he's going to sleep with us in the same room?"

"Accurately speaking, with me." Sylvia said and saw Fred wailing silently, "Please, I promise to help people take care of the children, of course, I have to guarantee everything. "

"Who are they? Sister Syl?" Samuel asked.

"This one seems to be mad for some reason. It's called Fred Weasley. The one who is staring at you with interest is called George Weasley." Sylvia The introduction said, "The tricks you play are all made by them. They are the owners of this trick shop. Samuel, we need to be polite children. Say hello to them and call..."

"Uncle!" Samuel replied with a wink.

"Pfft!" Sylvia almost spit out saliva.

"Are you sure it wasn't on purpose?" Fred squatted in front of Samuel and squinted, "I'm talking about you, Bunny, did you teach it?"

"How did I teach it?" Sylvia covered her mouth and laughed, "Tong Yan has no taboo!"

"You call her sister and our uncle?" George also narrowed his eyes.

"Isn't it?" Samuel asked.

"You should call us brother." Fred said persuasively.

“Why brother?” Samuel asked.

"You call her sister, right? I'm her—"

"Fiancé." Sylvia said first.

"What is a fiancé?" Samuel asked again.

"It means that the two of them were in a relationship before and now they are engaged but not married." George explained with a smile, "Understand? It's just that you haven't married like your parents, that's called husband and wife. "Fiancée couples are not married yet."

"You're not sure if you can change it?" Samuel looked at Sylvia.

"This kid is really interesting." George also laughed and sat down on the armchair.

"Don't you think they look alike?" Sylvia looked at Samuel.

"This is magic, right?" Samuel looked at Sylvia.

"Not magic. We are twins." Fred explained dryly, "George is George, Fred is Fred, the girl next to you is my girl, understand Yet?"

“What are twins?” Samuel asked.

"It's Merlin's magic. He picked a few lucky moms at random and gave her a pair of babies that looked alike." George said patiently.

"Is that magic?" the little boy asked.

"Yes!" The three adults said in unison.

Sylvia's answer was the loudest: "They are the best gift Merlin has brought to the wizarding world, Samuel. Because the world needs happiness, they are here."

"What a powerful magic." Samuel blinked.

"Okay, stop staring, Fred, come and sit down." Sylvia smiled and took Fred's hand and let him sit on the carpet too.

Samuel was completely unaware that he had been hit a few times by an adult's brain supplement, and played with a fake wand without hesitation.

"You don't know what great things we accomplished today." Fred snorted and sat down beside Sylvia, "I'm exhausted, I want to close the door for a day off. "

"Then what are you talking about?" Sylvia asked with a smile, motioning Fred to get closer to him and pinching his shoulders for him.

"We acquired Joko in Hogsmeade." George snapped his fingers, "We have taken care of the branch today, and then Fred and I will take turns."

"Really?" As soon as Sylvia was excited, she almost lost control of the strength in her hands, and patted Fred on the back after a pretentious wailing, and continued to give He massages.

"Is there still a fake?" Fred sneered, "This way students can buy tricks for Hogsmeade Day."

"In advance, I'm not surprised, but I just want to say-" Sylvia blinked, "There will be a branch so soon! How long has it been!"

"You're just around the corner, aren't you?" Fred smiled smugly.

"But you're going to be busier, aren't you?" Sylvia said regretfully.

"But it's a good thing." George said, "Although I'm tired and sleepy every day, it's very happy."

Sylvia felt a bright light behind her, and the silver-white light circled around her head in a circle around the room, and finally turned into a shining wolf.

"The patron saint of Remus?" Fred frowned.

"What happened?" George was also nervous.

"No, it's not." Sylvia sighed softly, "This is Dora's."

"What?" The twins looked at her at the same time.

The silver wolf had already heard Dora's voice, and Samuel looked up at it. More than curiosity, he heard his father's name.

"Andy is coming to the house to ask for a child, you quickly bring the child back."

Sylvia watched the light gradually fade away, and then looked at the little boy who had patted his **** and got up obediently.

"Dad came to pick me up, right?" Samuel asked.

"Earlier than planned, it seems that your mother's condition should not be worrying us." Sylvia nodded.

"Then let's go, child." Fred said with a carefree voice and stood up, "Uncle Fred will send you back." He deliberately gritted his teeth and emphasized the word uncle .

"Are we still going to get into the fireplace?" Samuel looked at Sylvia with a smile, but when he reached for a hug, he was caught by the waist.

"Hold me tight, brat." Fred picked up the child and put it on his shoulders and turned around, "Bunny, Floo fan."

"Goodbye." George yawned, waved, turned and walked to his room.

"Are you sure you want to go in like this?" Sylvia couldn't help but worry, the Floo powder in her hand was reluctant to sprinkle on the flames.

"You don't believe me?" Fred pursed his lips and looked up at Samuel, "Do you believe me, child."

"I believe in you!" Samuel's voice just fell, and he followed Fred to the flames.

Sylvia hurriedly threw out the Floo powder in her hand, lest the two of them really just rush into the flames.

"Hello!" She couldn't help laughing as she watched the two disappear into the green flames.

She saw it.

The moment he rushed to the fireplace, Fred took Samuel down and hugged him tightly.

In a trance, she was a little stunned.

If we have children, he will be like this, right? He also jokes with the child like this, makes the child sit on his shoulder like this, and eats the child's vinegar like this...

Sylvia threw a handful of floo powder again and walked into the fireplace.


As soon as she returned to her familiar bedroom, she saw two guys who were grimacing at her.

"Are you trying to scare me?" The girl smiled and rubbed the little boy's head, then took the older boy's hand and walked out of the fireplace.

"It looks like you failed." Fred shook his head casually, "What should I do, kid, you lost the bet."

"You made a bet with him?" Sylvia looked sharply at Fred, "You're crazy! Andy's down there! He'll kill us both!"

Fred ignored Sylvia and looked at Samuel with his arms folded.

"I know, I won't go back if I lose." Samuel raised his chin like a little adult.

"What are you two betting on?" Sylvia looked at Samuel, "Samuel, tell me, what did this guy ask you to do?"

"It's between men." Samuel held his head up.

"What did you teach him?" Sylvia pushed Fred in disbelief.

"Come on, your dad will be in a hurry." Fred said and exchanged a wink with Samuel.

"Fred, haven't you been beaten by me for too long?" Sylvia narrowed her eyes and pointed her finger at Fred, "Come and explain to me."

"Don't hit him, Sister Sill." Samuel pulled La Sylvia's cuff, "You agreed to get married, right? Like my parents."

Sylvia looked at him and was stunned for a moment.

"Yes." She didn't know why she was so moved at the moment, perhaps because the little boy's clear and beautiful words splashed ripples in her heart.

"Then you must get married." Samuel said and took Fred's hand.

"We will definitely get married, then you promise me-" Fred gestured again.

"I promise." Samuel said with a silent gesture.

"You two..." Sylvia smiled helplessly, and let Fred take Samuel out of her room.

You will get married, right?

Like my parents?

We will get married, right?

Like Andy and Elora.

Like them, they clearly know that what they are facing may be despair separated by yin and yang, or they should bravely walk together.

Sylvia rubbed her arms uncomfortably, the inexplicable chill made her a little unbearable.

"It's so cute, isn't it?" Fred came back with a big smile on his face, and it seemed that he had a good conversation with Andy, "But our child will definitely be more than him. Lovely."

"What did you ask him to do?" Sylvia asked worriedly.

"It's a secret for both of us." Fred shrugged and walked to the bed with open arms and poured directly into the soft quilt.

"I advise you not to be mean! He's only four years old!" Sylvia looked at him with her arms crossed.

"I don't have a bad heart." Fred said slowly.

"What is it?" Sylvia asked again.


"What the **** do I ask you?"

"What is what?"

How stupid?

Sylvia took a deep breath, walked quickly to the bed, and leaned close to Fred's ear. But before she could raise her volume and shout, she was hugged and dumped into someone's arms.

"It's useless! Fred! What the hell!" Sylvia struggled.

"I made a bet with him if I could scare you. If he wins the bet, he will come to the theater for free." Fred said compromisingly.

"Then what if he loses?" Sylvia glared at him.

"Huh? What? I don't know." Fred scratched his head.

"How could you not know!" Sylvia pinched his nose.

"I really don't know."

"I'm dying! Say it!"

"I don't know."

"You! Quick! Speak!"


The author has something to say:

Have some cookies and happy everyday!

Long time no cookies! ! I am so happy when I write this chapter! !

Actually, it's hard for me to imagine that Searle has children hahahahaha, Fred and Searle are still kids themselves! However, I have already written two stories about their children, and I will post them when they are finished. I have always been reluctant to end Searle, and now the plot is getting closer and closer to the end, but if I think about it carefully, I can still write a side story! Searle's story never ends!

What's the point? some type of. But anyway, the location of the two boss branches is already there!

What did you bet on? Will find out later!

Recent feedback seems to be less, is the plot not exciting enough? Let me see that the daily life is almost over, and the high energy will start after the foreshadowing is completed.

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: Cheesecake with 5 bottles of milkshake;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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