MTL - I Am A Matchmaker on Taobao-Chapter 37

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When he arrived at the coffee shop that Cheng said, Shen Chuchu took a deep breath and walked in. When it was time to ask for the position, Shen Chuchu found a woman sitting across from him.

Shen Chuchu was slightly surprised. She originally thought that she was asking someone to come over to her alone. Is it actually two people? She did not see the woman's appearance, nor did she know who was sitting opposite. Just, looking at the query seems to be impatient.

This is more intriguing.

The inquiry has been irritated by the woman opposite, and at this time, he finally saw Shen Chu. Suddenly felt that I was saved.

"Chu Chu, you are here." After telling Shen Chuchu this sentence, Cheng Xun said to the opposite woman, "Sorry Miss, my female companion has come, I will let you let me know."

Didn't think about it, the strange woman looked at the ups and downs and looked up and said: "Are you his girlfriend?"

Shen Chuchu looked at Cheng Xun and looked at a strange woman. She suddenly felt that she seemed to be confused about what the current situation is. Just want to say no, the result of the inquiry has said: "Yes."

Hearing this, there was some disappointment on the face of a strange woman. Shen Chuchu also frowned slightly, and when she passed the strange woman, Shen Chu said: "No, I am not his girlfriend."

The strange woman looked back at the program with some interest and said, "Oh? Is it?"

Shen Chuchu said with a smile: "Yes, no. We are college students. I haven't seen you for a long time. I have been here to meet. So, this man already has a girlfriend."

When the reporter heard the words of Shen Chuchu, the expression on his face was not very good-looking.

The strange woman was interested in staring at Cheng Xun and Shen Chuchu, and after a few laughs, said: "Well, I wish you a happy meal. Yes, this gentleman, my mobile number has been reported to you, remember Call me."

After that, she twisted her **** and sat down on a table not far away. When she sat down to see Shen Chuchu's gaze, she waved and smiled at her.

Shen Chuchu smiled a little, then looked back and looked at the inquiry that he was about to pinch a fly.

Thinking of a woman who just had a toe on the bottom of the table and asked for a calf, Shen Chuchu asked: "Is it someone you know?"

Cheng Xun said with a look of disappointment: "How can I know that kind of woman, but it is a blind date to admit the wrong person."

Shen Chuchu thought of the scene just now, but felt that the lady who just had not really admitted the wrong person might be deliberate.

However, whether it is intentional or not, Shen Chuchu has no curiosity about other people's affairs. To say that before the class reunion, she also had some illusions about the program, and the illusions have disappeared at this time. After all, Cheng has a girlfriend now, and they will get married in a few years.

She didn't want to come.

When I was filming in Hengdian, I had already called several times. She has always refused, just, after all, she was also a college student for four years. Under such frequent requests, Shen Chuchu still agreed to come over.

Thinking of this, Shen Chuchu turned around and said this thing: "Yes, what happened to you looking for me this time?"

Cheng Xun sees that Shen Chuchu no longer mentions the new things, and does not want to talk about the unexpected episode. Thinking of the purpose of today, he paused for a few seconds and said: "This time I want to apologize to you. The last thing I did was too much."

Shen Chuchu did not expect that the inquiry was an apology today, and gave him a slightly surprised look. When I thought about what I had done on the day of the inquiry, Shen Chuchu did not want to care more about him. "Nothing, you don't have to apologize."

Because everyone's values ​​are different. There is no need to apologize for such a thing. After graduation, different jobs have long been different people's personalities and ideas. She does not need to correct the values ​​of others. However, she will not be close to anyone who is not speculative.

Shen Chuchu said what the inquiry did not listen too clearly, thinking of what he had to say next, the hands of the inquiry were slightly sweaty, and his heart was too nervous.

After a few minutes of silence between the two people, Cheng asked for courage and said: "Yes, I want to tell you, I actually put a note in your financial risk management book that year, you Want to know what was written above?"

Shen Chuchu looked at Cheng Zheng’s serious expression, and his heart was inexplicably nervous. She always felt that something seemed to be missed by her...

"What did you write above?"

Cheng Xun swallowed, pretending to say calmly: "Writed..."

Before he even said the inquiry, Shen Chuchu felt that he was standing next to him, and that person’s eyes were watching her. She subconsciously turned her head and glanced at it. In an instant, her eyes were slightly enlarged, and her face was smiling: "Han, good."

Han Xingyan nodded and said: "Miss Shen is good."

Cheng Xun was interrupted, and some people were not very happy to look at this person who was not in time to appear here. At first glance, it is even more unpleasant. He remembers that the last time this person interrupted his conversation with Shen Chuchu. He squinted slightly, staring at Han Xingyan for a few seconds, then glanced at the opposite smile.

Suddenly I felt a bit ironic.

Han Xingyan also recognized the inquiry, but there was no extra expression on his face. After looking at the test, he nodded slightly to him, and then greeted Shen Chuchu, then left.

Seeing that Han Xingyan left, Shen Chuchu turned to look at the unpleasant inquiry, saying: "Yes, what did you just say?"

Cheng did not answer the question of Shen Chuchu, but asked: "What is your relationship with the president of the Han Group?"

Shen Chuchu listened to the inferior tone of the inquiry, and his face was a little cold. He said: "It doesn't matter, it's the fate of several sides."

"Is it? He will take the initiative to say hello to you on several sides?"

Shen Chuchu coldly said: "Routine, what do you mean? I think, the reason why Han will come over and say hello, is also what you give. After all, when you met last time, you were not very friendly to me, Han Zong Probably afraid that you will bully me again."

Cheng Xun was stunned by the words of Chu Chu, did not say anything. For a moment, the two men were silent again. Shen Chuchu stirred the coffee in the cup, drank a few mouthfuls, and then raised his head.

She hadn’t noticed that she just saw Han Xingyan’s figure. And across from him, he was sitting on the woman who had just tried to "seduce" the inquiry.

Cheng Xun just saw Shen Chuchu's gaze and looked back. When I saw the people who Shen Chuchu looked at, my heart was a little cool. Turning his head and looking at it seems to be thoughtful, but it seems to be not very happy, reminding: "Shen Chuchu, the kind of people like Han is not a world with us."

Shen Chuchu turned his head and looked at Cheng Xun seriously. He said: "Routine, what do you mean in the end? When it comes to not being a world, I think we are not quite like a person from the world."

After listening to this, Cheng’s face suddenly changed, and the tone was a bit blunt: “Why are we not a world person? We went to the same university and learned the same profession. I just want to remind you, don’t follow those If you want to marry a female star in the giants, you don’t have to resort to the goal. You don’t look at how many people can successfully marry into the giants.”

Shen Chuchu looked at the opposite mouth for a one-in-one inquiry, his face was still that face, handsome and compelling. However, people are no longer the ones who used to be. Just as Cheng Xun felt that she had changed, she also felt that the inquiry had changed. In fact, she knew that the circle was not very clean. I am now able to feel this. Just, no more clean circles, some people will stick to their dreams and stick to their own bottom line. Such people are also there in the circle.

Shen Chuchu also wants to be such a person.

She has also seen many evaluations on the Internet. Many people have also used her to maliciously lick her. She has also been saddened by the night. However, she knows that those are unfriendly from strangers, and more from the ignorance of this circle. Slowly, she can also accept unfriendly comments in a calm manner.

However, in the same way, when the same speculation comes from a familiar person, Shen Chuchu's mood is not the same. In particular, the meaning of the inquiry in her heart is still not the same.

"What if I want to marry into the giants? Why do you care for me? Chengxun, I remember that you seem to have a girlfriend, why, you still have to manage female classmates now?"

Cheng Yi listened to the words of Shen Chuchu, looking at Shen Chuchu's face, a glimpse of his heart. He clearly wants to apologize and be good today, and somehow it has become what it is now.

"Don't misunderstand, my girlfriend..."

Shen Chuchu interrupted the inquiry, saying: "Forget it, I am not so curious. How do you care about your girlfriend? I will come here today, your apology, I accepted it. Goodbye."

"Shen Chuchu, I..." Cheng asked to stand up and want to explain what, after all, still did not say anything.

Shen Chuchu got up in a depressed mood and was ready to leave the cafe. At the time of Han Hanyan's table, she glanced down under the table subconsciously. Seeing the scene below, I frowned slightly. However, at this time she did not say much and quickly left.

Therefore, she naturally did not see the man who was touched by the high heels in the pants and stood up.

After walking out of the cafe, it was blown by the wind outside, and the mind of Shen Chuchu was somewhat calm. She stood on the side of the road and waited for the taxi.

At this time, a black car stopped in front of Shen Chuchu.

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