MTL - I Am A Matchmaker on Taobao-Chapter 38

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Shen Chuchu looked at the strange car in front of him and looked at his side again. At this time, there was no one. It’s absolutely impossible for this car to pick her up. She subconsciously wants to stand next to her. As a result, when she wants to lift her feet, the window next to the driver’s seat slowly descends.

"Miss Shen, I will send you a ride."

Shen Chuchu listened to the familiar voice and glanced inside. He waved his hand and said: "No, no, I can take a taxi back. Thank you, Mr. Han."

At this time, the traffic on the road was very large. At the moment when Han Xingyan paused, the driver behind him had already started to scream. Shen Chuchu glanced at Han Xingyan, who was silent after sitting in the car and said a word, slightly awkward.

"It's not good to take a taxi here." Han Xingyan said. Although he never played a car here, he also saw that Shen Chuchu had been standing here for a while.

"Han, really, no need, I will wait a little longer." Shen Chuchu still refused Han Xingyan. They are not too familiar, she is not used to sitting in a stranger's car.

The driver behind was a little impatient. Open the window and shouted: "Beauty, can you hurry to get on the bus? It’s irrational to go home with your boyfriend, and it’s immoral to block traffic here!"

After listening to this, Shen Chuchu’s mood was even more stunned. Standing in the spot is a little anxious, looking at the moving Han Hanyan, want to urge him to leave quickly.

"Han, you..."


"Beauty, hurry up, I am still anxious to go home to eat, my wife is in a hurry, call me and call me!"

Shen Chuchu listened to the driver's words, and the heart was open, and the door was opened.

Before the car started, Han Xingyan looked at Shen Chuchu and reminded him: "Safety belt."

Shen Chuchu rarely sat in the co-pilot. At home, when her dad drove, her mother was sitting in the passenger seat, so she didn't have this consciousness. When I was reminded, I found that I was just too nervous, and I forgot to wear a seat belt.

She quickly came over the seat belt from the side of the car and said with a reddish face: "Sorry."

Han Xingyan looked at the appearance of Shen Chuchu, and suddenly he was not so bad. In the place where Shen Chuchu could not see, he took the corner of his mouth and said: "No problem."

Next, the two people did not say anything more.

The windows have been raised, and the entire confined space seems to be heard from each other. Shen Chuchu couldn't stand this kind of atmosphere. She thought about things just in the coffee shop. She hesitated and asked.

"Han, are you just getting married?"

Han Xingyan’s feeling of just a little bit has finally fallen, and his face is not very good. Although Shen Chuchu did not find any change in Han Xingyan's expression, she could still feel that Han Xingyan was not very happy.

Is it that the blind date is not going well? He didn't seem to have to wait for a long time. Thinking of this possibility, Shen Chuchu also felt that the problem he asked was not very good.

Just when Shen Chuchu thought that Han Xingyan would not answer her stupid question, Han Xingyan said: "Yes."

Hearing the answer of Han Xingyan, Shen Chuchu quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Although the atmosphere at this time was not very good, but she thought of Han Xingyan’s help to her, she still reminded: “That, Han, I think you should be cautious when you look for a future marriage partner. Today, this lady, maybe Well, it may not be for you."

When Han Xingyan heard Shen Chuchu’s words, his eyebrows picked up slightly and said: “Oh? Did Miss Shen really see people’s marriage?”

Shen Chuchu thought that he had refused to see Han Xingyan’s marriage in the past few times. At this time, he was slightly stunned. He put his hair on his cheeks behind his ear and said, "No. Actually, this is not It’s coming out... In short, it’s better to be cautious.

Just in front of the red light, Han Xingyan calmed the car, looked at Shen Chuchu, and asked: "Miss Shen thinks why she is not suitable for me?"

"Because..." Shen Chuchu bit his lip, she can't say what she just saw, it's too embarrassing. After thinking about it, he said, "It’s not because of anything, it feels a bit inappropriate. However, if you think that this lady can do it today, you can also get along with her. You should be a mouthful, sorry."

The green light was on, and Han Xingyan started the car and merged into the traffic. For a long while, he said: "It’s a coincidence. I have the same opinion as Miss Shen. I also think that this lady is not suitable today."

After Shen Chuchu listened, he looked up and looked at Han Xingyan. At this time, Han Xieyan had no expression on his face, just like when he first met. The sharp lines and the chilly expressions are the people who don't often laugh. However, Shen Chuchu did not know why, and he always felt that Han Xingyan’s face was cold, but he was not an unintentional person. She can always feel the enthusiasm of his hiding under the cold expression.

After feeling the sight of Shen Chuchu, Han Xingyan was slightly uncomfortable. He looked at Shen Chuchu and asked: "Miss Shen went to the coffee shop today, is that person your boyfriend?"

After saying it, Han Xingyan felt that this was somewhat out of place. However, if you say that you have already said it, there is no need to recover it. Just feeling the abnormality in my heart.

After hearing Han Xingyan’s words, Shen Chuchu returned to God and explained: “No, that person is not my boyfriend, my classmate of college. People have girlfriends.”


Next, the two people fell into a new round of silence. Shen Chuchu heard the phone in his bag screaming a few times, could not help but want to take it out to see if it is WeChat or what information. However, in such awkwardness, she is not very embarrassed to come up. When she couldn't help but want to take it out, the man around her talked.

"Miss Shen really can't remember what happened that night?"

Shen Chuchu thought, that night, that means... which night? She turned to look at Han Xingyan, who was driving seriously. Han Xingyan also looked at her sideways. At that glance, let Chu Chu immediately understand what Han Xingyan is referring to.

After all, things have been going on for a long time, but the things of that day are still hard to forget. Just suddenly mentioned that Shen Chuchu was not prepared.

As for the thing that night, to be honest, Shen Chuchu really has no impression. She also carefully recalled afterwards, but her memory was very chaotic and the picture was blurred. Therefore, she did not know what was in memory. In the end, what scene was true, and which scene was made by her, or that was her dream of the night.

Just, listening to the tone of the man around, she always felt that something must have happened inside. Moreover, it seems that she has done something. She remembered that she drank some wine that day, could she say...

Shen Chuchu thought about what he might have done, and slowly turned his head and looked at Han Xingyan carefully. Seeing Han Xingyan still just like a normal face, she slowly turned her head. The eyes first looked at the front, then looked at the window again. Looking at the appearance of her own cramped in the window, she licked her own hair, swallowed her throat, coughed a little, and took the courage to look at Han Xingyan.

"Don't I spit you out that day? If it is, I am here to say sorry to you. I might have had a drink that day, I can't hold back."

Hearing the answer from Shen Chuchu, Han Xingyan clenched the steering wheel slightly, and looked at him with a blank expression. He said, "Can you think of this?" He just looked at her uncomfortable appearance and thought that She has already remembered it. As a result, I still don't know anything.

In addition to the things that happened that night and she didn't know, Shen Chuchu grabbed another keyword, and her face was red, and said: "I really spit on you that day? It's too Sorry, sorry, Han."

Han Xingyan listened to the words of Shen Chuchu, but he was helpless. I couldn't help but explain: "No, Miss Shen did not spit on me, your wine is very good."

Shen Chuchu listened to this, and the guilt in his heart was slightly less. As long as you don't do such a shameful thing, it would be fine. However, if she is not vomiting Han Xingyan, what else can she do? Is it drunk? However, she has been a very quiet person since she drank too much before, and she will not be drunk.

Han Xingyan sees Shen Chuchu's expression of thinking, and shifts the topic: "I heard that Miss Shen saved people some time ago, I don't know if your body is hurt."

Shen Chuchu converges on his own thoughts and smiles and explains: "I am fine. I was very lucky that day. The slate fell from a place less than one meter away from us."

Han Xingyan nodded and said: "Well, nothing is fine. Although saving people is a good thing, Miss Shen still needs to protect her safety. Miss Shen seems to be in danger."

Shen Chuchu stunned, thinking that the first time he met Han Xingyan, he was taken medicine by himself, and later he was asked by the inquisition to ask questions, and then the danger was that the usual guide lady once... seems like she There are a lot of unsafe factors around me.

Thinking of this, Shen Chuchu smiled and said: "Well, I would like to thank Han, I will pay attention to it later."

Han Xingyan stopped the car and said: "Well."

Shen Chuchu glanced at it, just happened to be in his apartment. She smiled and thanked Han Xingyan, saying: "Today, thank you to Han."

Han Xingyan looked at Shen Chuchu and said: "You are welcome."

Shen Chuchu looked at Han Xingyan and felt that he just seemed to smile. At that moment, the expression on his face was softened, and he swayed. After a few seconds of her stunned, the ghost asked: "Did I lighten you that night?"

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