MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 292 Episode 27 "No matter how old you are, you are mine...

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Episode 27:

Ji Yuxiao looked at Lin Luoqing, Lin Luoqing pretended to think for two seconds, looked at the host with a smile, and said briskly, "I won't tell you."

host:? ? ?

【"Hold"! He cheated! 】

[It's over, I actually think he looks cute when he's cheating [cover face]]

[Also, this is simply cute! 】

[Kiss baby, mom fans don't care, mom fans only think it's cute! 】

The host couldn't laugh or cry, Ji Yuxiao said with a smile, "Let's let it go, the marriage certificate will be posted later."

"Really?" The host was skeptical, "What if the two of you also want to keep it private."

"It can't be hidden." Ji Yuxiao was very frank, "It's not such a person who can hide."

【Hahahaha, that's true. As far as Mr. Ji shows his affection, he wishes the whole world knew that they were a couple. 】

[Isn't that right, Mr. Ji is simply showing off his wife and crazy. 】

[Believe in you, Mr. Ji, waiting for your marriage certificate! 】

[End of the show today, get the certificate tomorrow, and see your wedding tomorrow! 】

[Datian can go wherever Dad goes! 】

[Hahahaha that's not enough, at least two or three, they are so light, they shouldn't have children so early [cover face]]

[It doesn't matter, let's spend a while in the world of two people, as long as you see marriage, that's it. 】

【Too! Sit and wait to get married! 】

[Wait for the wedding! 】

[Mr. Ji hurry up! 】

Seeing that the interview was almost over, the host asked some quick questions and answers, and harvested a lot of dog food, which ended the interview.

At noon, Lin Luoqing, Ji Yuxiao and other guests had lunch together, and they got together to play a few games in the afternoon. It was no surprise that Ji Yuxiao won a big victory.

The director looked at the monitor and sighed helplessly: He has tried his best, but Ji Yuxiao is really too strong, there is no way to do it!

When the clock turns to 6 pm, this recording will be over.

Li Jiamao and Cai Shiyu had been together for three days, and it could be said that they were quite uncomfortable, and they left overnight with their luggage on their shoulders.

Yang Xinyue still had activities, and Li Zhiyuan also left with her.

Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao thought about Lin Fei and Ji Leyu, thought for a while, greeted the program team, and went to the airport with their suitcases.

"I don't know if Xiaoyu and Feifei will sleep when we get home?" Lin Luoqing asked while sitting on the plane thinking about the baby at home.

"Probably not. There are no tigers in the mountains. Xiaoyu, a little monkey, will definitely not sleep well on time. Maybe he will have to accompany him. When the two of us get home in a while, we can just catch him."

Lin Luoqing laughed, "Why do you miss Xiaoyu so much, maybe he has already fallen asleep obediently."

"Then you really think highly of him. How can you not understand him after watching him grow up?" Ji Yuxiao looked confident.

Lin Luoqing laughed and told jokes, Ji Yuxiao knew his little nephew very well hahaha.

Seeing him laughing, Ji Yuxiao leaned closer to him, "What are you laughing at? You don't think it's right."

"No, I just think you're a little cute."

Ji Yuxiao: ...

"It's enough to praise you as handsome, there is no need to add other words."

Lin Luoqing smiled even more obviously.

"Okay." He agreed softly.

Ji Yuxiao squeezed his face, couldn't help but kiss him on the face, squeezed his face again, let him lean on her shoulder.

After the plane landed, the two got into the nanny's car and arrived home after ten o'clock.

Mrs. Zhang received the news and prepared meals for them in advance. When she saw them coming back, she stood up and walked over, asking if they wanted to eat now.

"Have Xiaoyu and Feifei slept?" Lin Luoqing asked.

"It seems not yet. When I looked at it just now, the lights in Feifei's room were still on."

"Didn't you come back with the two of them?"

"No." Mrs. Zhang said in a soft tone, "They went back to their room after dinner at seven o'clock, and they didn't come down when they were cooking in the kitchen, so I don't know that they are preparing dinner for you, and I don't know that you are going tonight Will be back."

"That's good. Let's eat later, and go see the two of them first."

"it is good."

Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao dragged their suitcases into the elevator and went to the second floor, where they could see the light seeping through the crack of Lin Fei's door.

Lin Luoqing let go of the hand carrying the suitcase, tiptoed to the door, gently twisted the doorknob, pushed the door open, "surprise!"

Ji Leyu was lying on Lin Fei's bed looking at the tablet when he heard his voice suddenly, and when he turned around, he and Ji Yuxiao were standing at the door at some point.

Ji Leyu jumped out of bed in surprise, without any shoes on, and threw herself directly onto Ji Yuxiao.

Ji Yuxiao smiled and hugged him, "I know you haven't slept yet."

"Why are you back?" He said, "Isn't it tomorrow?"

"He and your father missed you, so we came back early." Lin Luoqing smiled.

Ji Leyu looked at him with a bright smile, not hiding her joy.

Lin Luoqing touched his head, then turned to look at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei had never been as unrestrained as Ji Leyu. Even though he was pleasantly surprised, he still looked calm and composed.

He walked up to Lin Luoqing, looked at Lin Luoqing, and asked him, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I ate something on the plane, but it wasn't good, so I plan to come back and eat with you." He bent down and rubbed Lin Fei's head, then looked at him with a smile, thinking of something, "Dad You brought presents."

"Oh." Lin Fei said lightly.

Ji Yuxiao hurriedly said, "Yes, I also brought you gifts."

"What?" Ji Leyu was very supportive, "It depends on the gift."

Ji Yuxiao put him down, turned out of the room, and pulled the suitcase in. Most of the places here were local specialties and dolls bought for Lin Fei and Ji Leyu.

Ji Yuxiao put the suitcase on the ground, opened the suitcase, and took out the lion cub specially for Lin Fei, "Feifei caught the lion cub for your father last time, so this time it will be for you and your brother as well." The little lion, the little fox, and the little wolf are all yours."

"This little dinosaur was caught." Lin Luoqing quickly showed off, "Now I can catch dolls too, hahaha, here it is for you."

He put the little dinosaur in Lin Fei's hand, and handed another one to Ji Leyu, "This is yours, Xiaoyu."

"It's a pity that the claw machine doesn't have little tigers, little sharks, or little crocodiles, so I can catch a few more for you."

"It doesn't matter, the little dinosaur likes it too." Ji Le Yuzui said sweetly, "I like everything Dad catches, everything."

"Oh, have you eaten candy? Your mouth is so sweet." Ji Yuxiao teased him.

Ji Leyu tilted his head and smiled, "I like it at first, the ones given by my father are the best."

Ji Yuxiao scratched his nose, "Okay, as long as you like it."

Lin Fei looked down at the little dinosaur in his hand, squeezed its short hands, and said that he liked it too.

Ji Yuxiao divided the dolls, and took half of the local specialty snacks and handed them to them.

He and Lin Luoqing were busy recording the show and didn't have time to buy these things. Wu Yuan bought them for them, in duplicate, one for him and Lin Luoqing, one for the two babies, everyone can try it.

"Let's go." After distributing the gifts, Ji Yuxiao stood up, "Let's go downstairs for dinner."

Ji Leyu nodded, and was about to leave with the little dinosaur in his arms, but just after taking a step, he heard Lin Fei's voice, "Put on your shoes."

Ji Leyu realized this, looked down at Zibai's tender little feet, and then at Lin Fei. The meaning was very clear, brother, you should go fetch the water.

Lin Fei: ...

Lin Fei felt that he was so stupid, he was about to fetch water, when Ji Yuxiao had already picked up Ji Leyu and went straight into the sanitation.

Ji Leyu blinked, a little dazed, until Ji Yuxiao put him in the bathtub, asked him to stand up, and when he washed his feet with the shower, he realized, yes, you can wash it directly in the bathtub .

"You little fool." Ji Yuxiao said with a smile.

Ji Leyu smiled sweetly, leaned on his arm, and said softly, "It's good that Dad is smart."

Ji Yuxiao smiled and looked at him dotingly.

He never thought there was any problem with such words. For him, whether Lin Fei, Ji Leyu, or even Lin Luoqing, they are all people who need his protection, so they can be coquettish, self-willed, They can freely grow up in the way they like, anyway, he will protect them well, they just need to open it.

So Ji Leyu doesn't need to be very smart, he just needs to drive.

He is his father, he will give him a safe blue sky.

Lin Luoqing watched Lin Fei put the little dinosaur and lion on the bed, and put the other dolls on the bay window, and asked him, "Do you like it?"

Lin Fei nodded, and responded softly, "Yes."

"You like little dinosaurs and little lions the most?"

Lin Fei was speechless.

Lin Luoqing smiled and put his arms around his shoulders, "I'll catch the little tiger for you later, but it's a pity that the cactus doesn't have dolls, so I can catch the cactus for you."

"It doesn't matter." Lin Fei's tone was soft and soft, "Anyway, it's already there."

He turned his gaze to the small pot of cactus on the windowsill. His cactus hadn't grown up yet, and it hadn't bloomed yet, but Lin Luoqing's had already bloomed, so one day, his cactus would also bloom.

White flowers that will never be blown away by the wind.

"Did you work hard this time?" He turned his head and asked Lin Luoqing.

Lin Luoqing shook his head, "It's very easy this time, just playing games and cooking, it's much easier than usual."

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Luoqing looked at him, "What about you? Did you think about it?"

Lin Fei refused to answer the question.

"So are you having a good time these days?"

"is acceptable."

"Then you ask, have you had a good time these days?"

"Are you driving?" Lin Fei asked.

"It's on, I just miss you, so I can't wait to come back overnight." After he finished, he asked in doubt, "You know what it means to be impatient, right?"

Lin Fei nodded. He looked it up in the dictionary, and if he couldn't wait, it meant that he was in a hurry and couldn't wait any longer, which meant that Lin Luoqing missed him very much.

He looked up at Lin Luoqing, said no, but there was a faint smile in his eyes.

Lin Luoqing looked at his inconspicuous smile and laughed, "It seems that I really know."

"That's right." Lin Fei said proudly.

"It's amazing, I didn't know it when you were so young."

When Lin Fei heard this, he immediately became a little interested. Although he had asked many questions about what Lin Luoqing was like in his own world, he still didn't seem to know what he was like when he was a child.

"Did you get good grades as a kid?" he asked.

"It's definitely better than others, but it's definitely worse than you. Anyone is probably worse than you." Lin Luoqing said truthfully.

Lin Fei nodded slightly.

Lin Luoqing looked at him and said with a smile, "When I was young, I thought about whether to go to Qing University or B University. When I grew up, I found that these two basically have nothing to do with it, but you can work hard, you will definitely go to whatever you want The school you want to go to can also be used to send you to see what a higher education institution you have never seen is like."

"You still give it away when you grow up?" Lin Fei was a little surprised.

Isn't it only children who need to be picked up?

Will Lin Luoqing still send him off when he grows up?

"Your freshman registration will definitely send you off." Lin Luoqing said seriously, "Besides, no matter how old you are, you are still my baby, and my little Feifei."

Lin Fei pursed his lips, and said nothing, but it was like the wind blowing in the air, and the branches and leaves that hadn't had time to grow buds trembled slightly.

He asked Lin Luoqing, "Which school do you like?"

Lin Luoqing thought for a while, and replied, "It's fine. You like them all. When you grow up, you can see what you like, and you can like whatever you like."

"Okay." Lin Fei agreed.

When the time comes, he can ask Lin Luoqing to send him to the school he once wanted to go to.

In this way, he should be very open.

Lin Luoqing looked at Lin Fei with gentle eyes. He actually knew that Lin Fei would go to Tsinghua University the most, where he would meet like-minded friends and spread his wings completely.

But that's all the old things, now, he is just a little tiger with not too full wings.

Still a baby who needs his care.

Ji Yuxiao washed Ji Leyu's feet, carried him out, and made him put on his slippers.

"Come on, let's go downstairs to eat." He said.

Ji Leyu responded cheerfully, "Yeah."

Lin Luoqing took Lin Fei's hand, "Let's go."

Lin Fei looked at him holding his hand, his hand was much bigger than his own, just like his son, he still has a long time to grow up, so he can indeed be a long time little baby.

his little baby.

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