MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 293 Marriage certificate posted on the 28th of the episode (a lot of comments from fans)...

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Episode 28:

In September, "Returning to Jade" was officially finalized for celebration, and it will be released on the first day of the month. Lin Luo received the notice early in the morning, and started the road show shortly after returning from recording the variety show.

As an award-winning work that has not yet aired, "Return to Jade" is very popular. Many fans of Lin Luoqing and viewers who are interested in this kind of subject rushed to buy pre-sale tickets, just waiting for the movie to be released.

Ji Yuxiao also booked a show for this, and gave each of the company's employees two movie tickets, so that they can watch it with their friends when they have time.

The staff received the tickets, and thought of Ji Yuxiao's performance in the variety show, and felt ashamed of being their boss Ji, who just loved his wife.

When the premiere began on the first day of the month, Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao entered the cinema and watched the movie together.

Although Ji Yuxiao knew the general content of the movie, he didn't expect that it would be such a dull pain when it was filmed. It was like a blunt knife cutting flesh, and the pain was intermittent.

He felt a little uncomfortable, and took Lin Luoqing's hand and stopped sighing.

Lin Luo was already familiar with this story early in the morning, but to his surprise, he thought he would not feel much after watching it now, but at the end of the movie, he still sighed.

The end of the hero, the twilight of the beauty, the fall of the genius, has always been a sad story. Although Ye Yu is considered a genius, he himself can have a very bright future, even abandoning himself in the torrent of the world.

Lin Luoqing sighed for a long time, took some time to calm down his sadness, and left the cinema with Ji Yuxiao.

Although the film was fresh and bright, it was a sad and depressing story with a fast pace, so they didn't bring Lin Fei and Ji Leyu here, fearing that the two children would like it if they understood it.

Now that they finished watching the movie, the two of them were also in a hurry to go home. They had a bit of a leisurely life and wandered around shopping malls and roadsides.

After dinner in the afternoon, when the two of them bought desserts to take home for the two babies, they realized that they were on the hot search again.

This time, only the two of them and the movie "Return to Jade" were on the top searches.

Netizens in Oita cried after watching the movie, thinking that Ye Yu was too miserable, too sad.

[Now that I think about it, I still can't help but feel bad for Ye Yu, this movie is too sad, I couldn't stop crying in the second half of the movie. 】

[The movie is real to watch, and Lin Luoqing's acting skills are also real, but this drama ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah I am already suffocating myself. 】

[The director's lens language is really good, many scenes are like paintings, Lin Luoqing is also very handsome in the movie, so he should be able to do it twice. 】

[I will also brush twice, too crying. 】

[It's been a long time since I've seen a film that tells a story so focusedly. I really like Ye Yu. 】

[Lin Luoqing is so handsome, I thought Fu Xi was Lin Luoqing's beauty, but I didn't expect Ye Yushuai! Ye Yu is simply too handsome! The school grass is over here! 】

[No wonder there are so many nominations, Director Yu does have two talents. 】

[Lin Luoqing's acting skills are really nothing to say, and the acting is too good, he deserves to win the award! 】

[Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooish 】

【Me too, when I saw it, I wanted to wear it and pull him out, and let him live in that village. 】

[Oh, when will Lin Luoqing and Director Yu become one, they are so compatible. 】

Compared with the trending searches of movies, the trending searches of Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao are much more cheerful.

【"Fuck", is Ji Yuxiao so strong? Why did he pass the level again in the blink of an eye! 】

[Hahaha, you will be surprised now, then you will be surprised later, Ji Yuxiao is crushing the whole process, he is the king of the game! 】

[Hahaha why is Lin Luoqing's painting style so unique? He has always been a gentle, low-key and dedicated image before, but now it seems that he still has the potential of sand sculpture. 】

[Still very salty fish, very edible [cover face]]

[Hahaha, Qingqing is very interesting. After watching this variety show, I really love Qingqing and President Ji so much! 】

[Me too, these two are really addicted, from appearance to personality, they are locked up! 】

Obviously, "Let's Fall in Love" has already been aired, and it just happened to catch up with the release of "Return to Jade". Together, the two helped to push Lin Luoqing's popularity to a new peak, and also contributed to the success of "Let's Fall in Love". The number of broadcasts and the box office of "Return to Jade".

Lin Luoqing was about to quit Weibo, but was surprised to find that a new entry related to himself had appeared on the tail of the trending search—【Lin Luoqing, Ji Yuxiao watched "Return to Jade" together】.

Lin Luoqing:? ? ? ?

He clicked in cautiously, and saw a few sneak shots of him and Ji Yuxiao coming out of the movie theater, Ji Yuxiao hugged him and bowed his head to talk to him with gentle eyes.

Ji Yisheng walked away: [I went to the bathroom after the show, so I came out very late, I didn't expect to see two people in the distance who looked like Ji Zong and Qingqing, and after going home for a long time, I felt that they might really be them , so I came out to show everyone, it’s too sweet for a couple to watch a movie on a date! 】

Exciting CP fans rushed over after hearing the news, and while looking at the picture, they identified it: [Looks like Qingqing and President Ji. 】

[It's Qingqing and Mr. Ji, that's right. Qingqing's disguise is fairly tight, and Mr. Ji recognizes it better. I can guarantee that it's Mr. Ji. 】

[I also think it's Mr. Ji and Qingqing. The height difference should be the two of them. 】

[And today "Return to Jade" is released, Mr. Ji should accompany Qing Qingyi to watch the premiere~]

[That's right, Mr. Ji was retweeting the lucky draw to give away movie tickets on Weibo before. He will definitely accompany Qingqing in private. This should be them. 】

[Ah, sister, look at your hand, Qingqing has a ring on her hand! 】

【"Hold"! Really, so did Ji always propose? 】

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sit and wait to get married! 】

[Hastily, did you wear the ring before Qingqing? If she wore it before and wears it now, it is very likely that Mr. Ji proposed to marry him! 】

[It looked like wearing it before, I didn't notice it. 】

[Occasionally, I will wear it when I attend events, but I have never worn this ring before. It seems relatively unfamiliar. 】

[But has he ever worn a ring finger before? This is the ring finger. 】

[I once wore my index finger and ring finger to promote the brand, but which brand is this ring? 】

[Forget it, anyway, I haven't done it before, so I'll take it as a marriage proposal. 】

[It's too sweet, it's too sweet, as soon as you open Weibo, you will be able to eat sweets. 】

【It's really a sugar warehouse, it's all sugar! 】

[Sister, wake up, we have so much real candy, we even eat this kind of fake candy [cover your face]]

[That's right, sister, when you get married, you must have a ring, so don't talk about it. 】

[New fans report, are the two of them so sweet in private? It's rare. 】

[Of course, are the two of them famously sweet in private? The private date at the Tanabata Playground was sweet, and variety shows weren't that sweet! 】

[That's right, feeding ice cream, stealing kisses, kissing under the moon, etc., the playground is really too sweet, it's just a couple in love. 】

[At this speed, it is estimated that the marriage is far away, and wait for a marriage. 】

[Equal. 】

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing looked down at the proposal ring on his hand, guy, this can be guessed, ashamed to be a fan looking for sugar with a microscope, that's amazing.

He put away his phone, turned on the computer, looked at the newly received documents, and picked out a few scripts to read.

With the help of Lin Luoqing's popularity, and the previous award-winning gimmick, the box office performance of "Return to Jade" this time is much higher than in the book. Yu Jiayou was very satisfied, and excitedly held the celebration banquet, almost getting himself drunk.

Seeing him and Ning Yu hugging each other, Lin Luoqing stopped being happy.

In the blink of an eye, it was the new year again. This was Lin Luoqing's third year since he came here. He looked at the people in front of him and thought to himself, he felt that they had been together for one or three years.

In the first year, the two of them knew each other and had their own thoughts, but they both developed feelings unexpectedly.

In the second year, they admired each other, liked each other, and made a promise with Fang forever.

Now, they are about to walk their eternity step by step.

Reunion is just a moment, but companionship is a lifetime.

Life is very long, when you are by your side, even this long life seems hasty and short.

"If there is an afterlife, do you still want to meet me?" Lin Luoqing leaned on Ji Yuxiao, looking at the stars outside the window, he said.

"Of course." Ji Yuxiao did not hesitate, "If possible, I want to be with you forever and ever, forever and ever."

Lin Luoqing turned to look at him with a bright expression on his face.

"Should we show them our marriage certificate?" He said, "Have you thought about our wedding?"

Ji Yuxiao lowered his head and kissed him on the face, "Of course it's up to you to decide. I do have a day in my heart, that is, the day we met, the day you came into this world, that day, my first Once I came to you, I faced my own happiness for the first time.”

Lin Luoqing listened to what he said, with starlight in her eyes, "Then that day."

He said, "Commemorate our first meeting, commemorate my coming to you."

Ji Yuxiao hugged him tightly, and said sincerely, "Thank you for coming to my side."

"You're welcome." Lin Luoqing said proudly.

The two leaned crookedly on the deck chairs on the balcony and talked for a while, until after 11 o'clock, they finally stood up and went to find their marriage certificate.

At the beginning, neither Lin Luoqing nor Ji Yuxiao took this marriage certificate seriously.

At that time, the two of them were still too familiar with each other, and they both had their own plans, and getting married was just a temporary thing for their own sake.

But from this marriage certificate, everything is the same.

They felt that they had walked into Fang's heart, and they also felt that they had put their hearts on Fang. When all the dust settled and changed, it was still this marriage certificate.

"The smartest decision I've ever made in my life must have been when I took a fancy to you and got a certificate with you."

Lin Luoqing looked at him, "Could it be that you got the certificate with me because you saw the potential of my sleeping pill?"

Ji Yuxiao: ...

"It's time to mention this kind of thing."

Lin Luoqing lightly said, "Who would have thought that our President Ji would fall asleep at such a young age? I guard day and night, and guard against illness and accidents. Unexpectedly, you have been cured by me long ago."

"But my life can indeed have various meanings without you."

Lin Luo understood that these various meanings are very spiritual.

He took a few pictures with his mobile phone on the covers of the two marriage certificates, and asked Ji Yuxiao to take a few pictures, "Then we will post it at midnight."

"." Ji Yuxiao said softly.

The bell rang at zero o'clock, and Lin Luoqing sent out the edited text and pictures on time: [Happy New Year, thank you for appearing in my life, loving you is a very happy thing Ji Yuxiao]

Ji Yuxiao quickly reposted this Weibo, with the same picture of a marriage certificate: [Happy New Year, my life is glorious because of you, so there will be things that make me happier than loving you. 】

Netizens looked at it and said in shock:

[Sloppy, hasty, what did I see? ? ? ? ! Marriage certificate! It turned out to be a marriage certificate! 】

[They are really married! Oh my god, I actually waited until it did! 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my cp is married! married! I am so complete! 】

[I'm not blind, it's really a marriage certificate, Mr. Ji Qing is happy newly married! Hurray! 】

【Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I'm so married, I can't sleep tonight! 】

[The cp I was talking about was not only true, but it actually came to the end, sobbing with joy! 】

[I'm so happy, so happy, I'm happier than I am in a relationship, Mr. Ji clearly understands that you all want it! 】

[Wait for the wedding! Mr. Ji, you must give Qingqing a huge wedding! 】

[Don't worry, sister, Mr. Ji likes Qingqing so much, the wedding must be super luxurious, I hate to tell the whole world that they are holding a wedding! 】

[Hahahaha I said he should hide it, and sure enough, after receiving the certificate, he held back and exposed himself. 】

【Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooish 】

Lin Luoqing looked at the blessings posted on Weibo and thought, then you really underestimated him, he has been hiding for three years!

As he was watching, no matter how the new page was loaded, it was obvious that Weibo had crashed again.

how to say? It's really not surprising at all.