MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 305 Extra Story: A Family of Four on Variety Shows (10) Not Fish Digging...

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Extra Story: Variety Show for a Family of Four (10)

After a while, several children arrived at the potato field.

It was the first time for these children to see a potato field. Xinqi looked at it and asked the host curiously, "Uncle village chief, where are the potatoes?"

"The potatoes are all in the field." The host said, "That's why you need to dig the potatoes."

"That's right." The leading potato planter made them form a semicircle, picked up Wu Menglei's small shovel and small back basket closest to him, and showed them, "Here, do you know? The potatoes were dug up, Put them in this basket that you carry on your back."

"It's so simple." Tang Jiale shouted, "Then I will."

"I will too." Geng Shansi also said positively.

The host squinted, "Then let's start digging. After an hour, let's see who digs more."

"Okay." The child said loudly.

Lin Fei didn't shout, he just unloaded the small back basket, took a small shovel, and started digging.

Ji Leyu followed beside him, never leaving.

Digging potatoes is really not a difficult task. Use a small shovel to dig out the soil to reveal small yellow potatoes, and then dig them out with a small shovel or small hands.

The host watched with satisfaction, and while watching, Tang Jiale went down with a few shovels and directly poked the potatoes into the pits, and happily put the potatoes in the basket.

Only then did the host realize that children at this age have not yet spoiled the concept of vegetables. They think that digging is enough. As for whether there are bumps when digging vegetables, whether the bumps are big or not, they don't care.

But he cares, who will buy this vegetable tomorrow? !

So the host said anxiously, "Everyone, be gentle, don't let the little potato get hurt, the injured little potato won't be put in the basket."

After speaking, he picked up Tang Jiale's potato and showed it to everyone, "This kind of injury is serious and needs treatment."

Tang Jiale: Huh?

Tang Jiale quickly looked at the basket, good guy, there are a lot of wounded.

Tang Jiale had no choice but to hand over the wounded to the host and ask him to treat Tuo Tuo.

The barrage laughed loudly: [Good guy, I dug for a whole time, and it was for nothing. 】

[Lele is too inattentive. At the same age, Feifei is obviously very careful, and has always been light-hearted. 】

A passer-by netizen who was busy looking at other children didn't look at Lin Fei before heard this and glanced at it, and said in surprise: [Good guy, why did Lin Fei dig so much? 】

Lin Fei's sister fan and mother fan Haohao said: [Feifei has always been very manual, hahaha, and Feifei is very serious, and has been concentrating on digging potatoes. 】

[Yes, Feifei is just doing but not talking, super reliable! 】

Super reliable Lin Fei was digging potatoes diligently. While digging, suddenly some dirt splashed on his face. He raised the back of his hand and wiped his face. He looked the smallest. earth.

Seeing him looking, Wu Menglei said to him with a guilty conscience, "I'm sorry."

She didn't mean it, and she didn't know why, the dirt flew up and flew into the little brother's face.

Wu Menglei pointed to the small shovel, "Not good, the dirt is flying."

"It's okay." Lin Fei said calmly.

After speaking, continue to dig potatoes.

Wu Menglei saw him picking up a small potato for a while, and then looked at how hard it was to dig the potato. The small shovel was hard and hard, and everyone fell down and squatted, but the potato was still not dug.

Wu Menglei felt a little uncomfortable, and her **** hurt from falling, and her white gauze skirt was still dirty. With a "wow", she burst into tears of grievance.

Lin Fei was digging when he suddenly heard crying in his ear, and when he turned around, it was indeed Wu Menglei who was crying.

He is indifferent by nature, and has no feelings for anyone except Lin Luoqing, Ji Yuxiao, and Ji Leyu, and now seeing Wu Menglei crying doesn't make him feel flustered.

On the other hand, Wu Menglei saw him looking over, and she was surprised that he was good-looking and fair, and that he was older, so some children complained to him like a baby: "Tudou bullied me, if you don't come, you even throw me."

Lin Fei didn't say anything, he didn't think it had anything to do with it, and he didn't want to care about it.

If Ji Leyu was crying, he would coax him patiently and earnestly so that he would stop crying, but when Ji Leyu's other children were crying, he would only think that children really love to cry, that's all.

Lin Fei lowered his head and prepared to continue digging potatoes, but suddenly remembered that when Ji Leyu was at home, he asked him if the camera uncle was a colleague, and the camera uncle said that the colleagues worked together.

Lin Luoqing's job is to record the show now, so Wu Menglei's parents are equivalent to Lin Luoqing's colleagues, and they chatted when they stood together before.

Now that Wu Menglei was crying, she was still so close to him, talking to him, and wanted him to help her.

If he doesn't help, will Lin Luoqing continue to talk like before when he meets Wu Menglei's parents?

Will Wu Menglei's parents not want to be colleagues with Lin Luoqing because of this?

Lin Fei wanted to be here, and looked at the potatoes in front of Wu Menglei helplessly. She had just dug the potatoes and revealed a little yellow coat, not fully exposed yet.

Lin Fei picked up a small shovel and dug the soil, only to find that the soil was bigger than he expected.

He carefully dug up the potato without scratching it.

"Here." Lin Fei put the potatoes in front of Wu Menglei, turned around and continued digging potatoes.

Although he really didn't care about Wu Menglei, let alone Wu Menglei's parents, it was he who cared about Lin Luoqing.

He didn't want Lin Luoqing because he was a little affected.

He hoped that Lin Luoqing would talk to whomever he wanted, and that the other party would not reject Lin Luoqing when Lin Luoqing was talking to him because of him, and would not continue to be a colleague with him.

Lin Feidi is still young, and he still doesn't understand Lin Luoqing's popularity and status today. No one would refuse to communicate with Lin Luoqing. He just carefully maintains Lin Luoqing's world with limited understanding and lessons learned from life.

Like Zeng, he thinks that Lin Luoqing likes to get off the station and wait for him by the car, so he can get off the car, and he doesn't need to sit in the car against his will just because his classmates will ask him "Is that Lin Luoqing" and "Is your uncle a star?" inside.

—He can do whatever he wants, as he allows everything he wants to do.

Wu Menglei stared at the huge potato in front of her, was stunned for a moment, then wiped away her tears, and said softly, "Thank you brother."

"It's okay." Lin Fei was still indifferent, he didn't even look up at her, he was only busy digging potatoes.

But Wu Menglei was very happy. She felt that the little brother in front of her was so kind that he helped her dig such a big potato.

What a big potato, it must be Grandpa Potato!

Wu Menglei excitedly picked up the big potato in front of her and ran to the host.

"Look, Uncle Village Chief, Grandpa Tudou, what a big Grandpa Tudou."

The host gave an exaggerated "wow" and praised her, "Awesome! You dug up such a big potato!"

Wu Menglei shook her head, "It's not me, brother Lin Fei dug for me."

She was soft and waxy, unconsciously coquettish with adults, "Brother Lin Fei is so amazing, he is so good."

The netizen instantly became cute: [Ah, ah, Leilei is so cute, soft and waxy. 】

[Leilei still remembers that Feifei dug it, and she even told the host that Feifei helped her dig it, so good. 】

[I don't think Feifei looks cold, but she is actually quite gentle. 】

[It's still cool! Later, Leilei and Feifei thanked her, but Feifei didn't even raise her head, just said it was fine. 】

[It’s true that you really didn’t take this seriously. After digging three times, five times and two times, I put the potatoes in front of Lei Lei and went to dig again. 】

【Feifei is probably not used to asking for credit. Qingqing also said it before. He is very talkative and doesn't say anything. He obviously helped Leilei this time, but he doesn't want to talk too much. 】

[This kind of personality feels very disadvantaged. It will cry and the child has milk to eat. 】

[Fortunately, Qingqing paid attention, Qingqing is a very good father. 】

[Qingqing was afraid that we might misunderstand, so she explained Feifei's character in front of the camera, saying that he looked cold, but he was actually very gentle, similar to Fu Xi. 】

[Wuwu, Qingqing must have misunderstood Xiao Feifei when Qingqing said this, and felt sorry for Feifei. 】

[Hug my little Feifei, don't worry, all the aunts know you are a good boy. 】

【Handsome, good at studying, strong in hands and doting on your younger brother, and you don’t take it seriously when you help others with a cold face. Why are you so good! 】

[Feifei is simply my favorite cub after watching so many parent-child variety shows! 】

[Me too, I disdain other parent-child variety shows, watching Feifei makes me crazy! 】

【Hahaha who doesn't like Feifei? Not dear~]

Netizens are peaceful, but Ji Leyu is not so peaceful.

He looked at Lin Fei, puffed up his cheeks angrily, and ruthlessly poked the soil in front of him with a small shovel.

He even helped Wu Menglei dig potatoes!

He didn't even dig it!

Why did he dig for Wu Menglei? !

Why bother with her!

Ji Leyu dug a potato with a puffy face, picked it up and put it in the box, and saw Wu Menglei walking towards them in a white down jacket, white gauze skirt, and little red boots.

Ji Leyu turned to look at Lin Fei when the alarm sounded loudly, "Let's change."

Lin Fei didn't care, and exchanged land with him.

When Wu Menglei returned to her new position, she found that next to her was not Lin Fei, but Ji Leyu.

Wu Menglei blinked and looked at Ji Leyu in a daze.

Ji Leyu looked up at him, her beautiful phoenix eyes slightly raised.

He looks good too, Wu Menglei thought, and he is Lin Fei's elder brother and younger brother, so he should also be a gentle little brother.

Wu Menglei squatted down obediently and continued digging small potatoes.

Ji Leyu is satisfied, hum, don't even try to get close to Lin Fei!

But he resolved the crisis here, and after a while, Lin Fei's new neighbor, Yang Wenjing, began to ask him for help in a low voice.

"Is it possible?" Yang Wenjing looked at Lin Fei pitifully.

Lin Fei: ...

Lin Fei recalled a little bit, and found that Lin Luoqing not only talked to Yang Wenjing's father while standing, but at the earliest when they arrived, after getting off the car and entering the house, Lin Luoqing sat on the sofa and chatted with Yang Wenjing's father. Yu Xiao chatted with them.

Lin Fei: ...His father is really popular, and his colleagues like to chat with him.

So, in order to be popular with her father, Lin Fei very silently helped Yang Wenjing to dig out her potato grandma who couldn't get her.

Ji Leyu looked back at Yang Wenjing and Lin Fei, saying thank you, holding a big potato in his hand. Lin Fei lowered his head and silently dug the potatoes, his voice was as calm as ever, "No need."

Ji Leyu:!

Why did he help Yang Wenjing dig up again!

Ah, ah, don't you have any brothers? !

Why do you have to ask his brother to help!

Ji Leyu stood up angrily.

"Let's change places." He told Lin Fei.

Lin Fei looked up at him and found that he was puffed up and looked angry.

"Oh." Lin Fei had no objection.

He picked up the small back basket and asked Ji Leyu, "Where are you going?"

Ji Leyu took his hand and walked forward, walking far enough away from Wu Menglei and Yang Wenjing, he finally felt better and stopped.


Lin Fei looked at him as if he was not angry anymore, but thought he was really childish, sometimes angry, sometimes not angry.

He put down the small back basket and prepared to continue working, but when he saw Ji Leyu walking in front of him, his face puffed up again, and his mouth pouted.

"You coax me." Ji Leyu was confident.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Fei asked him.

Ji Leyu snorted fiercely, her little mouth pouted like a bottle of oil.

Lin Fei raised his hand to touch his head, but found that his hands were a little dirty after digging potatoes.

So he changed his method, lowered his head and kissed Ji Leyu's face, and said softly, "Good boy."

The uncles, aunts, sisters and sisters who were watching the live broadcast widened their eyes instantly:

[Fuck, Feifei even took the initiative to kiss? ? ? ! 】

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! so sweet! 】

[Wuuuuu brother and brother are too loving. 】

[Feifei is so fond of Xiaoyu, I never thought that he would be so cold and cold that he would take the initiative to kiss others! I was so shocked! 】

[He not only kissed him, but also said he was good, no wonder Xiaoyu listened to nonsense so much, whoever refused one would spoil you and say good brother to you. 】

[Xiaoyu is so happy, Feifei is really happy, Feiyu is so happy to see me! 】

[What a picture of innocence in the world, the land under your feet is the blue sky behind you, the two children are innocent, I hate that I didn't take a screenshot just now! 】

[Program group! I want to see this wallpaper in three minutes! 】

[I want to watch this scene in the feature film! 】

[I really envy Qingqing, the two babies have such a good relationship, unlike my two cubs who know how to fight every day. 】

[Feifei really takes good care of my brother, that's great, I don't have such a good brother. 】

[Thinking about seeing these two cute cubs every day, rua, and kissing, I instantly turned into lemon essence! 】

[But Qingqing is also very good to the baby, there is no Qingqing who is not so cute. 】

[Woo, why don't you install a camera for Qingqing's house? Mr. Ji's sweetness is clear and cute, I have watched a hundred episodes! 】

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