MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 306 Extra: A family of four on variety show (11) Your volume...

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Extra Story: Variety Show for a Family of Four (11)

Ji Leyu was coaxed by Lin Fei, so she didn't get angry anymore. She lay beside Lin Fei's ear, covered her mouth with her hands and whispered to Lin Fei, "You ignore them."

Lin Fei: ...

In Lin Fei's eyes, he was three points familiar, one point helpless, one point disgusted, and five points calm.

He lowered his head, following Ji Leyu's example, and covered his mouth with his hands and whispered in his ear, "Your parents are my father's colleagues."

Ji Leyu didn't understand, and continued to cover his mouth with his hands and whisper in his ear, "What do you think?"

"The idea is, if I ignore you, your parents may not want to be colleagues with your father."

Ji Leyu pouted, he thought it was inappropriate, but he remembered the scene when the other party was talking to Lin Luoqing, well, Lin Luoqing still seemed to want to be colleagues with them.

"You don't mind me." He lay next to Lin Fei's ear again, whispering in a breathy voice, covering his mouth with his small hand.

Lin Fei felt that he was so stupid. When they went home after recording the show, he would never see them again, let alone reason?

He raised his fingers and knocked on Ji Leyu's head, "Stupid."

Ji Leyu:? ? ?

Ji Leyu blinked in a daze, "Where am I stupid?"

Lin Fei stretched out his hand and wanted to pinch his face, but thought that his hand was a bit dirty, so he took it back and hit him on the head again.

Ji Leyu: ...

He raised his hand and rubbed the place where Lin Fei had hit him, and let out a small snort.

Lin Fei smiled, knelt down and continued digging potatoes.

Ji Leyu squatted beside him, digging with him.

Netizens looked at it, wondering: [What were they talking about just now? 】

[Yeah, what are you whispering about baby, let aunt listen to it too? 】

[This little guy still has a secret, hahaha. 】

[Human little ghost is big, so cute. 】

【Feifei just smiled, it's so cute, Feifei looks good when she smiles. 】

[I saw it too! ! Feifeiguo has a cold face and a warm heart towards her family. Sometimes the face is not cold and she just smiles. 】

【Ah, I really like Feifei, I really can't resist Feifei's cold face and warm heart. 】

【Me too! 】

[Haha I just took a screenshot of the whispering screen, super cute! Where will I be as a screensaver in a while. 】

[Sister, I think so too, can you share it? 】

[Weibo Zai Zai Chao said. 】

[? ? ? Zai Zai already talked too much? 】

[Hahaha yes, not only has Chaohua, but also a resource blog, specializing in cuts, animations and screenshots. 】

[Good guy, I'll go take a look. 】

A curious netizen took out his mobile phone and searched Sou Linfei and Ji Leyu, and saw that, as the bullet screen said, not only there were super chats, but also resource blogs, and even a considerable number of fans.

Ah, this... This variety show hasn't been officially aired yet, this baby is so popular, it's now aired, how popular is it?

At that time, Lin Luoqing will probably gain a wave of fans. After all, many netizens have turned to Lin Luoqing because of this baby, so that Lin Luoqing can see the news of this cub.

Alas, it is really a star destined to prosper forever, which is enviable.

Lin Fei and Ji Leyu didn't know this, they were still diligently digging potatoes.

After Dao dug out a big potato, Lin Fei turned around and put it in the basket, only to find that he couldn't put it down, and the small back basket was already full.

So he put his hand into Ji Leyu's small back basket.

Ji Leyu glanced back at him, Lin Fei stood up, and said to him, "Be good, don't run around, I'll go find the village chief uncle for another basket."

Only then did Ji Leyu realize that his small back basket was full.

"Oh." He said obediently.

Lin Fei turned and walked towards the host.

The host saw him from a distance, walked over, and asked him, "What's wrong, Feifei? Are you looking for me?"

Lin Fei nodded and looked up at him with his small face, "My basket is full."

After he finished speaking, he pointed to his small carrying basket in the distance, as if to confirm his words, "I want to have another one, is that okay?"

The host was surprised, "Are you already full?"

Lin Fei nodded again.

"You can rest now." The host smiled, "You have dug a lot."

"I want to dig some more." Lin Fei said calmly.

The host was even more surprised when he heard this.

Children of this age have always had no self-control, they are too young, and it is their nature to play, which makes most children of this age unable to concentrate on doing a boring thing.

Digging potatoes is not too boring, but it is not very interesting for children. At the beginning of digging, they may find it novel and have some patience and interest.

After digging a few or even a dozen times, you will feel bored.

So even Tang Jiale, who was the oldest and most energetic at the beginning, dug a dozen and started chasing the kittens in the potato field.

Wu Menglei and Wu Han, the young babies, stopped digging even more, talking to themselves, completely forgetting about digging potatoes.

Only the little girls Geng Shansi and Yang Wenjing have been digging obediently, but they will take a break from time to time.

That's why he kept circling here, so as to urge them to remind them, and watch them by the way, so as not to hurt them.

But now that Lin Fei has finished digging a basket and wants to continue digging, the host feels that he is really... hardworking.

He smiled and said to Lin Fei, "You don't need to dig any more, you are already very good at filling a small back basket, and you won't be able to carry any more."

"I can handle it." Lin Fei said lightly.

Seeing this, the host was a little puzzled, "Why do you want to continue digging? You are already number one now."

Lin Fei pursed his lips and said nothing.

He didn't want to say it, and the host would never force him to say it. He just looked at Lin Fei, thought about it, and dragged him to find the potato planter, who asked him for a snakeskin bag.

"There is no small back basket, you can put the newly dug potatoes here, so that uncle can help you carry them back when the time comes."

Lin Fei took it, thanked the uncle seriously, and thanked him, "Thank you."

"I can carry it back myself," he said.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards Ji Leyu.

The host watched and quickly followed, until he got to Ji Leyu's side, the host realized that he really filled a basket full of potatoes, and there was no space left.

He looked at Ji Leyu's small back basket, good guy, it's almost full!

He is simply a little expert at digging potatoes, amazing!

Seeing that the two of them didn't speak, the host concentrated on digging, thinking that they didn't seem to need a place for themselves, so he went to Tang Jiale and the others.

After a while, Ji Leyu also filled his small back basket, and began to put the dug potatoes into Lin Fei's snakeskin bag.

When the snakeskin bag was half filled, the host blew his whistle and shouted, "Time is up, the game is over!"

Lin Fei put the last potato into the snakeskin bag, stood up, picked up his small back basket, and picked up the snakeskin bag.

— He was afraid that the potatoes in his and Ji Leyu's small baskets would fall out if they were too full, so he took out a dozen or so ahead of time and put them in snakeskin bags to ensure that no potatoes would fall out of the small baskets, which made Ji Le The fish picked up.

Ji Leyu tacitly helped him hold his small shovel, and walked forward together.

Tang Jiale was standing in front of the host, stretched his neck to look at the other people's small back baskets, and said excitedly, "I am the most, I am the number one hahaha, sweet potato is me."

Moderator: think too much.

He turned his head and saw Lin Feizheng walking towards this side with a snakeskin bag in his arms. The host hurried over to help him.

Lin Fei didn't let go, and looked up at him with an effortless and calm face, "I can."

The host looked at him like this, and felt that he was really capable, not trying to be brave, so he let go, "If you are tired, just talk to me."

Lin Fei nodded, "Yes."

Netizens looked at it and couldn't help sighing: [Feifei is quite strong. 】

[Yeah, I carried a basket on my back and carried half a bag in my arms, but I'm not tired at all. 】

[It seems that we are very capable and very good. 】

[It should be. Before they lived in Gaopo, Feifei and Xiaoyu were not tired walking around with their small schoolbags on their backs, and they could still do their homework! 】

[Hahahaha yes, the other kids cried and rested and ate when they saw the house, but we, Feifei and Xiaoyu, only did homework during the winter vacation, laughing to death. 】

【It’s the same now, it’s too much for a child to dig half a basket, but Feifei actually dug a basket and half a bag. 】

[The host was shocked when he heard that he continued to dig. 】

[But why did Feifei dig so much? He was number one just now. 】

[Just to be on the safe side. 】

[Maybe it's just to dig more while taking advantage of the limited time? After all, we are not non-volume [cover face]]

[Good guy, I actually think there is no problem! 】

[After all, we are definitely the first in the exam, and we "force" our younger brother to do winter homework when we go out [狗头]]

[Hahahaha, there are reasons and evidence. 】

[Feifei—You are king, infinitely rampant! 】

The barrage instantly burst into laughter, Lin Feize and Ji Leyu followed the host to where Tang Jiale and the others were, and stood beside Tang Jiale.

Tang Jiale saw him approaching with a bag in his arms from a distance, and he stood curiously and looked closer, but he didn't see anything inside.

"What is this?" He asked Lin Fei doubtfully.

"Potatoes." Lin Fei said concisely, then put down his holding potatoes, and put down his small back basket.

Only now did Tang Jiale see his basket full of potatoes, and he acted dumbfounded.

"How did you dig so much!"

Lin Fei is very calm, how many?

Ji Le fish can dig this much, not many.

Tang Jiale saw that his heart was as cute as a doll, and Ji Leyu dug a basket full.

Tang Jiale:! !

"How can you dig so much?"

Ji Leyu answered him with a smile, "That's all there is to digging."

Tang Jiale: ...

He actually lost to his handsome younger brother who looked soft and had to protect him, which was too undeserved.

Tang Jiale couldn't bear to see her half-basket of potatoes, and felt that she shouldn't tease cats and dogs, no, no, it wouldn't be possible to only have a half-basket at the moment.

Woooo qaq.

The barrage laughed loudly: [Lele is okay, you just lost to Juan Wang and the younger brother who was rolled up by him, don't be sad. 】

【Yes, who can compare with the king of rolls [狗头]】

[Feifei dug up almost everyone except Xiaoyu by himself. 】

[Feifei's hands-on ability is really strong. 】

[All kinds of righteousness [funny]]

[How is it the king of scrolls! [dog head]]

The host looked at the children in front of him and smiled, "Now our champion has been born, it's Feifei, so Feifei can come and get a bag of sweet potatoes, and let your father steam it for you when you go back."

Lin Fei walked over calmly, the host took the sweet potato in his hand, walked back and handed it to Ji Leyu - he was still hugging the potato.

Ji Leyu opened the bag and checked, there were six or seven, so they could eat one each, and there would be three left, that's great.

"Let's go." The host waved the chess piece he took when he came, "Baby, you have worked hard, and now you can go home."

The children cheered up in an instant, cheered and picked up their small back baskets, lined up in a line, and continued to walk back with the potato planter.

Lin Fei and Ji Leyu were holding a bag each, so they couldn't hold hands anymore, but Ji Leyu stuck to Lin Fei's side and walked side by side with him.

Tang Jiale looked at it, took a step forward, walked to the other side of Ji Leyu, and said enthusiastically, "Are you tired of holding sweet potatoes, let me help you."

Ji Leyu shook his head and smiled, "I'm not heavy, but my brother is heavy. Help my brother take it."

Lin Fei: ...

Hearing what he said, Tang Jiale really looked at Lin Fei, and said proactively, "Let me hold you for you."

Lin Fei: ...

Lin Fei turned his head and saw Ji Leyu smiling very lightly and cutely, like a rainbow in the sky.

At this time, he is not stupid at all.

[Lele really likes Xiaoyu. ] A Tang Jiale fan sighed.

Lin Feifan didn't hesitate: [It's a pity that Xiaoyu only has his brother in his heart [狗头]]

[Barrel, Lele, she's just an outsider from the beginning. 】

[Hahahaha, we are still miserable, we lost to Feifei in the game, and Xiaoyu only has Feifei in his heart. 】

[Who told Fei Fei to spoil his younger brother? He has the ability. I'm Xiaoyu, and I definitely only want to be close to my brother. 】

[Yes! Feifei is the best! 】

[Feiyu is so sweet, kiss each other. 】

Lin Feidang didn't agree to Tang Jiale, and continued to walk home with his potatoes in his arms.

Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao were not there, Lin Fei and Ji Leyu searched around, and asked the staff around them suspiciously, "Where are my father and the others?"

"They have their own tasks, and they haven't finished them yet, and they will come back after they are done." The staff member said gently.

The tasks for the parents will be one hour longer than the tasks for the babies. This is also to see what the babies will do when the parents are away. Firstly, it will let the parents know more about their babies, and secondly, it will add some highlights to the show.

After hearing what he said, Lin Fei nodded and said politely, "Thank you."

He put the potatoes in the house, and took Ji Leyu to the water pipe in the yard to wash his hands.

The water is relatively cold in winter, and Ji Leyu made a "hiss" sound from the cold water, and kept blowing at his little hands after wiping them clean.

Seeing this, Lin Fei dragged him into the bedroom and put his hands on the kang.

Ji Leyu was surprised, "It's hot here."

Lin Fei said "hmm", he had just found out when he came in to look for Lin Luoqing.

Ji Leyu rolled her hands comfortably, feeling warm and warm.

"When will Dad come back?" he asked.

Lin Fei shook his head.

"What are we doing now?"

There isn't even a TV here.

Lin Fei slumped his little face and said calmly, "You haven't finished your winter homework yet."

Ji Leyu:! !

Ji Leyu was silent for several seconds, with a sweet smile on his face, and his voice softened, like a jellybean that could break through when poked, "Brother, are you tired? Let's not sleep for a while."

Lin Fei shook his head.

Ji Leyu puffed up her small face, "But it's so warm here, I don't want to leave here."

Lin Fei thought for a while, turned around and walked out.

After a while, he opened the door curtain and walked in, holding a book in his hand, He Zheng-"Must Recite Ancient Poems in Primary and Secondary Schools", "Stories of Idioms".

Ji Leyu: ...What do you mean by despair? !

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