MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 359 Where did you get such a big face

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  Chapter 359 Where did you get such a big face

The shattering of the Gate of Nothingness was just the beginning. When the token on Fang Jinyu's side was shattered together, in the Lingjing Heaven, above the sapphire blue sky where Yuxu Fairy Mountain was located, a phantom like a jade finger, Instantly condense into shape, and then poke it down with one finger!

   Yuxu Fairy Mountain shook!

And the monk who obeyed the orders of the immortals and sat in this mountain all this time, was awakened from the trance, and his face could hardly hide the frightened look, because he could feel that this finger had the effect of cutting off the Dao power.

  Fate is inherently impermanent, and the future is full of variables, but under this finger, it changes from impermanence to permanence in an instant!

  Since then, his fate has not changed.

  And in that predetermined fate, he will die because of this finger!

  This is the irresistible "permanence"!

   But fortunately, when the finger shadow was about to fall on the Yuxu Immortal Mountain, because of its own lack of strength, it shattered inch by inch, and then disappeared in smoke.

  Although he survived, he was still in shock.

   "How could there be such a terrifying one finger?"

When he cultivated to the ninth floor of Hedao, opened the door, went to the fairyland, and then under the guidance of the "immortals" of the immortal clan, he saw a real immortal with the ultimate original immortal body. Let him have such emotions.

   That is a finger that should not belong to the world!

Even though Fusheng was frowning, he couldn't figure it out, but he couldn't contact Xianyu. Back then, the Green Immortal King cut off all the passages between Xianyu and Jiehai. Law, and can only barely maintain contact with this lower realm, and it is impossible to transmit information all the time.

"After such a change, there is no way to let the exiled fairy Thirty-seven come directly. Since then, I have to spend a lot of money and waste a few years." Jin Fusheng frowned slightly, for this kind of meeting He is the last thing he wants to encounter things that delay his own practice. Now he just wants to re-cultivate to the ninth level of He Dao so that he can return to the Immortal Realm!

   But helplessly, this is the order of the real fairy in the fairy clan, so he has to do this.

  However, it was also because of this that Ji Fusheng, who was already agitated because of that finger, began to loathe the "Thirty-seven Banished Immortals" who had never met before for no reason.

  After all, what about exiled immortals?

  He was an immortal on the ninth floor of the Dao!

  If it wasn't for something wrong with his practice, so that his cultivation base has retreated and he fell into the fairyland, he is still happy and happy in the fairyland, so why is he sitting in the fairyland in this sea?


  Small fairy domain.

  Fang Jinyu, who stretched out his hand and pointed his finger, felt a little bit of flesh pain at the moment.

  He originally just wanted to try the power of this finger, but he didn't want to take time out of his Taoism in an instant!

  If he hadn't already reached the second level of He Dao, and his cultivation base would never fall to the hundred-year Dao Xing, the situation at this time might have become extremely embarrassing and embarrassing.

   Fortunately, with the "+1" talent, the loss of Taoism is not a big deal for Fang Jinyu.

  So, he started to practice.

  Spiritual consciousness is scattered here, sympathizing with the laws of heaven and earth, slowly promoting the growth of Taoism.

  Day after day, year after year.

  Although he has a "+1" talent, Fang Jinyu never dares to slack off when it comes to self-cultivation.

  On this day, Fang Jinyu stopped practicing, but it wasn't that his practice had reached the upper limit.

  The Taoism that can be accommodated on the second floor of Hedao can be said to be almost unlimited.

  Three hundred years of Dao Xing, after passing through the "Tao Xing Tribulation", step into the third level of the higher realm of He Dao. However, the upper limit of Dao Xing that can be accommodated on the second floor of He Dao is said to be up to over 10,000, and the other party still hadn't touched the so-called "Ultimate Dao Xing" bottleneck at that time.

  Fang Jinyu's Taoism at this time has been more than five hundred years. In the past few years of practice, he has triggered "Taoism +1" several times before and after. It is not considered good luck, but it is not too bad luck.

   After all, the chance of triggering "Tao Xing +1" is not much, which does not mean that there is no gain.

Because it is set to add one direction in practice, so in these years, Fang Jinyu has obtained "Fire Technique +1", "Wind Technique +1", "Spirit Consciousness Sympathy World +1", "Thunder Tribulation Control +1" etc.

It’s hard to say anything else, among them, the addition of law power on the fire attribute and the wind attribute forced Fang Jinyu’s self-defeating wind and fire spiritual roots to finally recover completely. The root of the thunder attribute is half a point.

   Now that Fang Jinyu is in his current state, having more spiritual roots will naturally not hinder his practice.

  But for his combat power, there will not be much bonus.

   After all, when one reaches the Hedao Realm, a realm of immortal power, if there is any fight, it is often a battle of the Dao!

  The "Tao" that Fang Jinyu practices is neither the way of thunder, nor the way of wind and fire. Naturally, the benefits of such spiritual roots are dispensable.

  Of course, if it is the Fire Dao Immortal Treasure, then it is a different matter.

  At this time, Fang Jinyu found something hovering in the chaotic air outside the small fairyland, and when he swept his consciousness, he found that it turned out to be a talisman order!

  But it is different from the talisman in his cognition. This talisman not only has the traces of the Immortal Realm Artifact Refining Technique, but its power is as high as the Dao Realm!

  The chaotic and turbid air constantly surging around is because of this, it cannot damage this talisman order at all.

   "Is this for me?"

  Suddenly, Fang Jinyu noticed that this talisman had a power similar to that of the previous token of the Spirit Realm, so he pointed it out.

   This time it is not "You Chang Yi Zhi".

  It's just to make this command respond.

  The talisman was touched, and immediately released a burst of light. After sweeping past Fang Jinyu, it seemed that something had been confirmed. Even though there was a figure dressed as a Confucian scholar, but wearing cassock, walked out of it.

   This is a ray of projection from a He Dao Realm.

   Transformed by the opponent's dao mark.

  Using this talisman order as a medium to travel across the sea and the heavens, he found Fang Jinyu all the way.

   And as soon as this figure appeared, there was a great pressure descending, and the surrounding chaotic and turbid air rolled back, as if it really turned into a surging sea area, as if covering the sky and covering the earth, the momentum is terrifying!

   Then the chaotic turbid air slammed into Fang Jinyu like a turbid wave!

   This is to give Fang Jinyu a blow!

  But it's a pity... this figure's action gave a loneliness.

  Because Fang Jinyu didn't even think about it, and ran back to Xiaoxianyu immediately after discovering that there was still a ray of energy in the talisman that was projected by the Hedao Realm.

  Although this world is only a boundary-level world, but because it is based on the eighty-one small fairylands in Xianyuan, the resistance of this world can be compared with a big world.

   That is to be able to resist the forced intrusion of the seventh floor of Hedao!

   It is not the immortal power of the eighth level of Hedao, or the person holding the fairy treasure, who can't break through the world barrier to trouble Fang Jinyu.

  The figure of a man dressed as a Confucian scholar but wearing a cassock is exactly Floating Life.

   At this moment, he was somewhat stunned.

  Because Fang Jinyu left, there was time interference, so he couldn't even notice it.

  His eyes shone brightly, and through the world barrier of this small fairyland, he saw Fang Jinyu hiding in the Hedao Hall.

   "There are some tricks!"

With a snort in his heart, Jin Fusheng said coldly: "It is your great honor to be included in the list of exiled immortals on the Tianbei. At this time, you are hiding in hiding like this, and you are simply polluting the honor bestowed by the immortal clan !"

   "The list of exiled immortals on the Tianbei? What is this?"

  Fang Jinyu has heard people mention the word "Tianbei", but he really doesn't know what the Tianbei is, let alone the "List of Celestial Monuments"!

   "What are you pretending to be confused about?" In Jin Fusheng's eyes, displeasure grew stronger.

  The name of Yuxu Immortal Mountain is extremely huge in the God Transformation Realm of all the heavens in Jiehai. As a person who is in the Dao Realm, how could he not know about the stele in Yuxu Immortal Mountain!

"To be honest, Fang has practiced for more than a thousand years, and this is the second time I have heard about the Tianbei. As for the list of exiled immortals on the Tianbei, it is the first time I have heard of it." Fang Jinyu was not angry at all. , a calm tone of response.

  Because a certain little girl just responded to him in her heart and asked him to delay for a while, she caught a lot of fairy fate, and now she is working very hard to get it back.

   These are the original words of that little girl.

  Although Fang Jinyu didn't know what was going on, judging from the vocabulary of "catch", "very hard", and "hard work", there would probably be an unlucky ghost.

   But at this moment, Ju Fusheng was a little surprised. He has a special secret method, which can detect the truth of what the other party says.

   This is what he deliberately practiced after his cultivation base retreated.

  However, his secret method can only detect people whose cultivation level is far lower than his own. For example, his eighth-level realm of Hedao can detect the truth or falsehood of people in the early days of Hedao.

  And if he meets someone in the middle stage of Hedao, even if he is just entering the fourth level of Hedao, he will be helpless with this secret method.

  At this moment, Jin Fusheng discovered that what Fang Jinyu said was completely true!

As a result, the coldness in his eyes faded a little, and then he said indifferently: "You have been proving the Tao for more than a thousand years, no wonder you can be included in the list of exiled immortals, it is quite impressive. However, it is only somewhat impressive. Before you, there are thirty-six people in the list of exiled immortals. Among the thirty-six, except for seven who died accidentally and twelve who practiced in nine mountains and nine seas, the rest all went to the fairyland, and even more What's more, I have worshiped under the sect of the supreme Hunyuan True Immortal of the Immortal Clan!"

   "Senior, please give me some advice. Because I am introverted, I don't want to communicate with others, and I work behind closed doors. I don't know much about what the monument was that day." Fang Jinyu pretended to be humble and continued to delay.

  Seeing Fang Jinyu's attitude, he still frowned slightly, and then only heard him say: "You have been to the Spiritual Realm, and you should know that the seven fairy mountains are the greatest chance, right?"

   "Fang knew about it, but Fang was alone at the time, so he concentrated on searching for ninth-class spiritual objects of the heaven, material and earth treasure level, and never went there."

   "No wonder!"

  Although Fu Sheng's expression slowed down a bit, but soon after he looked at Fang Jinyu, he couldn't help feeling strange.

   Went to Lingjingtian, just looking for the spiritual objects of the ninth-class level of heaven, material and earth treasures. Although it is a good way, but compared with the nine fairy mountains, isn't it picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons?

   With such a temperament of "small things lose big things", this kid can actually create his own way of practice and succeed in proving the way, which makes Jin Fusheng somewhat puzzled.

   Unfortunately, these are all true words in his detection secret method!

Therefore, Jin Fusheng said: "The celestial tablet is the most important thing in Yuxu Immortal Mountain. If the name can be included in the celestial tablet, you can get the luck blessing of the celestial tablet, and you can prove success with one stroke. And this celestial tablet The List of Banished Immortals is a more precious thing than the former, because everyone who is listed on it can get a token reward."

   "The token is in duplicate. The first copy is for you to obtain the original fairy body. And the second copy, you need to go to the fairyland to get it."

   Speaking of this, Jin Fusheng took out something.

   But it is not a "recommendation letter", but a ray of original fairy light that has been sealed up.

"Because your heel is too bad, I gave you the original fairy body like this. After other banished immortals with extraordinary heels know about it, they will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable. Therefore, you need to do one thing first, and establish enough Only by doing so can you obtain the original immortal body. In this way, other exiled immortals will have no complaints about it! Speaking of it, this is a good thing for you and them!"

  Jian Fusheng now has an expression of "this is for your own good, you need to be grateful".

  Fang Jinyu was silent when he heard the words, and then he asked: "Fang wants to know, is the original immortal body bestowed?"

   "Of course not!"

   Hearing the words, he almost laughed, but although he didn't show it directly, there was inevitably a little more mockery in his eyes.

   Such a lowly follower, but still wants the ultimate fairy body?

   It's just a fool's dream!

"Then why do you have such a big face, dare to talk to me like that?" Fang Jinyu's face changed instantly at this time, his eyes were unruly, and his face was full of displeasure, like a monkey that was naturally raised and jumped out of the cracks in the rocks .

  Jin Fusheng couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, but immediately became furious because it was still the truth.

"You are the first person who dares to speak to me like that after practicing for a million years!" Jinfu opened his mouth angrily, but at this moment his eyes were full of murderous intentions, he looked like a desperado in the world, not like a A top powerhouse in the world who has practiced for millions of years, stepped into the ninth floor of Hedao, opened that door, and been to the Immortal Realm!

   This is a sequela of not being able to transform the fairy heart, but Ju Fusheng never knew it.

   And this is the most terrifying part of the deprivation of destiny!

  Even if Fusheng can think of practicing the method of detecting the falsehood of other people's speech in a few moments of sobriety, but in the end, luck has been lost, a Dao heart has completely degenerated into a mortal heart, and there is no time to turn around, and it is possible to regroup.

  Luck, every living being can only have it once!

   If it is lost, then even if you can enter reincarnation later and start all over again, you will not be able to have luck again!

  The battle for immortality has always been extremely cruel.

   One wrong step, one wrong step!

   Lost once, lost forever!

   "Then where do you have such a big face, dare to talk to me like that?" At this time, a soft and soft voice came from behind Jin Fusheng.

   This made Ju Fusheng startled again.

  Because he didn't realize how the other party approached him at all!

Although this is just a projection of his own dao mark, after he went to the fairyland, his dao mark has infinitely approached the perfect dao mark. The cultivation power that can be revealed is at least comparable to the fifth level of Hedao!

   Then, Yan Fusheng found that there was a white, tender and snowy hand on his chest, which directly penetrated his whole body.

   All of the strength dissipated instantly.

And before this ray of projection was killed, Ju Fusheng saw an exceptionally innocent little face, and in those beautiful **** and white eyes, it seemed to be saying—"Oh, why did you disappear all of a sudden?" ?”

   Sorry, in the chapter updated yesterday morning, there is a small bug about the origin of the token (it has been fixed, readers who subscribed after 4:00 in the morning will not be affected by reading, and thank you to the reader who pointed this out~).

   Since I went to bed too late yesterday and got up too early today, there will be no second update. Waking up early really ruins the day...I yawned after only writing 4,000 words



  (end of this chapter)

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes