MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 360 This is probably hanging

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  Chapter 360 This is probably hanging

The fat-skinned catkin patted lightly, as if to pat away the dust that didn't exist at all, and then the little girl turned her head slightly. That small mouth seemed to contain rich emotions, but she didn't speak, just Using the corner of his eye, he kept aiming at Fang Jinyu who had just stepped out of that small fairyland.

   "What's the matter?" Fang Jinyu put his hands behind his back, his clothes fluttering, and he saw sword eyebrows and star eyes, and his face was like an autumn moon.

   As he said this, he also looked at the little girl curiously.

  Why do you look at him with such an expression?

   "Mother, your ability to provoke enemies is better than mine!"

  The little girl praised decisively.

  Fang Jinyu couldn't help but give her a blank look. It turned out that she knew that she was capable of provoking enemies!

  Then, he hurriedly asked: "Is this person's main body cultivated very high?"

  For this little girl to say such a thing, the cultivation level of this comer must not be low, and there is a high probability that it will be much higher than what he imagined in the middle stage of Hedao!

  When the projected body appeared before, Fang Jinyu felt a little palpitation for a moment, and then hid in Xiaoxianyu without thinking, and at the same time summoned Qingfu to **** him.

   "Mother, it's not a matter of being tall..." Qingfu rolled her eyes, showing a soft and charming look, but when she spoke, she intentionally prolonged the tone at the end of her words.

"what is that?"

  Fang Jinyu was puzzled.

   It's not a question of whether one's cultivation is high or not, so what else could it be?

"A person who has broken through to the ninth level of He Dao, but for some reason, retreated and fell to the eighth level of He Dao, but his overall strength is still beyond the eighth level of He Dao...His cultivation can be said to be the best of the world. Number one! It’s strength, and it’s probably in second place now!”

  Fang Jinyu couldn't help being shocked. This person working for the immortal clan is not only the number one person in Jiehai, but also a former immortal!

  Because it was too shocking, and because he remembered the previous words of "Tai Chu", Fang Jinyu subconsciously skipped the last sentence of this little girl.

  Fortunate Deprivation!

   If there is no accident, this former immortal was probably deprived of his luck by the immortal clan, which led to the retreat of his cultivation base.

   "However, even if his cultivation base has fallen, he should have gone to the Immortal Realm. Why is he still in this sea?"

  Fang Jinyu couldn't help asking.

  The channel between the Immortal Realm and the Jiehai Heavens has already been cut off. Although there is still the ancient immortal road, which connects the fairyland and the worlds of the sea, but the pass rate of that immortal road is extremely low.

  So, under such a premise, how did this person return from the fairyland to the sea and the heavens?

  Fang Jinyu was full of curiosity.

   After all, there was an immortal king who made the move himself!

"Mother, you ask me, who should I ask?" The little girl curled her lips and answered quickly, but it was like she didn't answer, but fortunately, she also gave Fang Jinyu an idea: "Mother , Shall I go and ask someone who must know the truth?”

  Fang Jinyu was quite surprised by this answer.

  So he asked: "Can I ask?"

   "It's probably not easy to ask! It's very troublesome!" The little girl blinked, after all, she was looking for the main body of the projection.

   "Then I will go with you!"

  As Fang Jinyu said, he took the initiative to show off his left little finger.

  If there is Qingfu on the side, and he really encounters some serious trouble at that time, at worst, he will break all the Taoism, and evolve Youchang Yizhi in this sea of ​​realms!

Although his second-level cultivation base of He Dao is not top-notch in the He Dao realm of the heavens in the sea, he is confident that even if he meets the Unchanging Finger in the later stage of He Dao, he has evolved it at the cost of five hundred years. , can only dodge and retreat!

   And hearing what Fang Jinyu said, a certain little girl suddenly became interested.

  Because she had noticed the changes in Fang Jinyu's fingers a long time ago, and she had already made up her mind about the extraordinary power of that finger...

  So, the little girl frowned and said happily: "Mother, it's okay if you don't go, as long as I let you make a move, you can strike with all your strength from the air!"

   "It's okay for me to shoot here?"

  Fang Jinyu was surprised.

   In this way, it seems that his understanding of the characteristics of "youchang" is still not deep enough.

   Still have to continue to comprehend the permanent characteristics of the stone axe!


   Then, the little girl stretched out her plain finger and poked lightly, and suddenly a door of nothingness opened in the chaotic air.

  A certain petite and exquisite figure also stepped through the door at once, without giving Fang Jinyu a chance to react, the door of nothingness was directly closed.

   "Can Qingfu directly open the passage to the Spirit Realm?" Fang Jinyu, who recognized the origin of the Gate of Nothingness, was naturally a little surprised by this.

  But immediately, he simply sat cross-legged in the chaotic atmosphere, waiting for the little girl's call.

  Because if the immortals really mastered the method of descending from the immortal domain to the critical sea, then from now on, no matter what Fang Jinyu does, he will have to think more about it.

  Although "in the beginning" once said, he will help him cover up. But "in the beginning" is already dead, and those who can kill "in the beginning" can probably see through the methods of "in the beginning".

  If he was found on him because of this, then he might have to go to another timeline to be resurrected.

  As for the Immortal Light of Absolute Beginning that he has cultivated now, and the fairy treasure condensed by the Immortal Light of Absolute Beginning, they can be used without hindrance. The former is incomplete, and the latter does not represent anything at all.

   There are too many fairy treasures that are held by people, but they were not refined by themselves.

   Killing people and seizing treasures is an eternal theme in the world of cultivating immortals.


  Lingjingtian, Yuxu Fairy Mountain.

  Because he wanted to return to the Immortal Realm, Ju Fusheng, who had become a little dazed, was once again interrupted in his practice.

   "My ray of projection was cut off..."

  Although Fu Sheng felt a little irritable in his heart, there was also a bit of violent murderous intent for no reason. This is because he has no Dao heart, and a mortal heart can't control his whole body!

  The place where he sits is Yuxu Immortal Mountain, one of the Nine Great Immortal Mountains. Although it is only a projection cast into the Boundary Sea, it also has the charm of immortality, which can help him indirectly suppress his own Taoism.

  However, this method of relying on external force cannot last for a long time after all.

After more than 100,000 years, it is already close to the limit, and the stimulus of "youchangyizhi" before, and a little girl's shot, easily wiped out his dao mark, it can be said that it has become an overwhelming camel. the last straw.

  The person who loses the destiny, the fairy heart can no longer be successfully transformed, and the cultivation base has retreated to the eighth level of harmony. In fact, this is just the beginning!

   Not the end!

  Because this person who has been deprived of his destiny will eventually be torn apart because of a mortal heart that cannot control his own way!

It's not the simple fragmentation of the body, but the Tao fruit, primordial spirit, Taoism, supernatural powers, Taoism, divine consciousness, etc., everything related to practice, even the virtual body of the Nascent Soul Realm, are all divided out.

  It is possible that part of the Dao fruit has been transformed into a brand new self; the other part of the Dao fruit has been fused with a fragment of the primordial spirit to become another brand new self; or it is simply that the virtual body took away most of the Dao and ran away...

   And once this kind of differentiation begins to appear, it is irreversible!

  Furthermore, as this differentiation continues, not to mention the loss of the cultivation base of the Harmonious Dao Realm, the "authority" obtained by once stepping into the Fairyland will also disappear!

  Unless they can be reunited as one, they can only sit down and dissolve directly after their longevity is exhausted.

And at this point, it is not a liberation, because when you go to the fairyland, you will automatically give up the original position of heaven and earth. Therefore, after sitting, even if you enter the reincarnation and return after reincarnation, you will not be able to reincarnate like other realms. In that way, Huanyang returned to his place!

   You need to re-cultivate step by step like other ordinary cultivators!

  Of course, due to the fact that they used to join the Tao, this kind of people can be regarded as "registered" among the immortals. Therefore, in order to show their benevolence, those immortal clans often invite the supreme Hunyuan True Immortal in the family, and even the true immortal who has cultivated Hunyuan Wuji Immortal Light, to let reincarnation give this kind of people some preferential treatment!

  This has led to the fact that after reincarnation, people of this type who can obtain good aptitudes for cultivating immortals usually have a dual-attribute spiritual root with first-class spiritual root attributes, or simply have first-class aptitude for heavenly spiritual roots.

  People with this level of cultivation qualifications, no matter how much they practice for three days fishing and two days drying the net, they will eventually get a guaranteed achievement on the immortal road-Golden Core Realm!

Although compared with ordinary people, this can be said to be a very good treatment. After all, Jindanjing is not a person with ordinary aptitude, who can cultivate so easily, but if you compare them with their previous cultivation base in the fairyland If it is... there is a sense of irony for no reason.

  Being deprived of luck by the immortal clan, so that countless years of hard work have been wiped out, and it’s okay to be unable to turn over forever. In the end, I still need to thank the immortal clan for giving me a chance to re-enter the immortal way!

   This is extra dramatic.

  At this time, Ji Fusheng was extremely irritable, and suddenly overlapping figures began to appear, as if they had become unreal.

   Then, there was originally one floating life, but suddenly it became two.

  One is dressed as a Confucian scholar with disheveled hair, and the other looks like a monk. This is the beginning of his differentiation. The former represents his soul and body, while the latter is his Tao fruit and the way he cultivated.

   "Who are you?"

  Jufusheng of the primordial spirit and body was furious, while Jufusheng of the other Tao fruit and the way he cultivated was not to be outdone, and after fighting back with the same words, he glared angrily.

  So, when a little girl came over sneakily, she found that there were two Hedao eighth-layers fighting here.

   "Oh, it's too early!"

  Mumbling in her small mouth, the little girl immediately called Fang Jinyu's name in her heart.

  In an instant, Fang Jinyu, who was sitting cross-legged in the chaotic turbidity, felt something, so he stretched out his hand and pointed towards the boundary sea.

   This finger has no abnormality in the boundary sea.

  But under the guidance of a certain little girl, after searching for the source, it manifested again in the spiritual realm.

  A slender finger like jade condensed and formed above the Yuxu Immortal Mountain, and the two who were fighting were suddenly shocked when they saw it.

  Although one is divided into two, but for this scene, these two Blissful Life are no strangers!

  However, this finger did not fall down, because a certain little girl put it away, and I don't know what method she used to make this phantom with Chang Yifinger put away in an instant.

  The Dao method is exclusive to the Dao state, with the Dao being cultivated as the core, and the power of the Dao behavior, it evolves into a wonderful method.

   can be ever-changing, or it can be consistent.

   "Hey, there is finally another projection with Chang Zhibao!" A certain little girl was very happy, her trip was not in vain, her "mother" has so many good things!

"It's you!"

   "The thief who killed my dao mark, you still dare to appear in front of me?"

  The two Ju Fusheng also found this little girl at this time, after all, she didn't hide it before.

"Oh, why don't you continue to fight? I'm just telling you, don't tell others. As long as one of you can beat the other, you can return to your original state!" The little girl blinked. Blinking, the little face urged earnestly.


   "Suppress her first!"

  The two of them had cold faces, but they reached a consensus in an instant.

  Although this little girl eliminated an attack that frightened them in front of them, the two of them didn't think that if they exploded with all their strength, they would not be the opponent of this little girl.

   After all, this little girl is only on the fifth level!

  However, when these two fought with all their strength, they found out in the **** that this little girl's own combat power had risen to the ninth level of He Dao in an instant!

  Although this is in line with the performance in Dao Xing's Calamity, it also makes the two extinct blissful lives speechless for a while.

Because in the Daoxing Calamity, although the chances of increasing combat power and greatly reducing strength are both 50/50, but greatly reducing strength always accounts for the majority, and the few strength increases are almost equal. It's just a layer or two up.

   If it can be raised to a third level of strength, it is enough to call it shocking!

  Although Fu Sheng used to be an immortal, even if his cultivation base has been reversed and dropped to the eighth level of Hedao, his overall strength is still stronger than the other eighth levels of Hedao, which can be called the "false" ninth level of Hedao.

  However, after all, it is not the real nine-level combat power of He Dao.

  So in the next step, a certain little girl caught the two of them effortlessly.

  Then, the little girl frowned and said in a soft voice, discussing: "How about we make a good deal?"

  However, these two masters ignored her.

  Because this little girl is not the real ninth level of He Dao after all, even if her strength has risen to the ninth level of He Dao, which can be called invincible in the world, she will soon fall down.

   This is the characteristic of Dao Xing Zhi Jie!

"Give me all your fairy fate! Then tell me, how did you come down from the fairyland, and I will let you go. Isn't this deal a good deal for you?" Qingfu said She looked good for discussion, but as soon as she finished speaking, her cultivation power plummeted instantly.

  Thus, without saying a word, the two Ju Fusheng immediately broke free from the control, and then laid hands on the little girl together.

   "Oh, I didn't come to fight with you, you two are so annoying!"

This little girl seemed to be a little angry, so her cultivation power once again exploded from the fifth floor of the Hedao to the ninth floor of the Hedao, and then easily suppressed them again under the eyes of the two ghosts. up!

   "How can you still raise your strength to the ninth level of He Dao?"

  (end of this chapter)

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