MTL - I, Dimension Breaker, Join the Chat Group-Chapter 10

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Konoha Village.

Nagato and Xiaonan followed behind Bai Ye.

After the three found Tsunade, Bai Ye also told Tsunade their purpose.

"In other words, is he the one who wants to cooperate with me?"

Tsunade looked at Nagato who was sitting in a wheelchair with great interest.

This guy.

It seems to be a disciple that Ji Lai also accepted.

"That's right, I hope you can make him a pair of legs from interstitial cells."

In the original book, Naruto can create one even if his hand is broken.

And it seems that it is not difficult to get Nagato a pair of legs again.

"I know."

My grandfather's cells.

In the former experimental base of Orochimaru, Tsunade also found some remnants.

It doesn't seem to be a problem to make a pair of legs for Nagato.

"That troubles you."

for the rest of the time.

Healed Nagato's leg, and Bai Ye used his ability to help him adapt quickly.

"I can stand up now!"

Nagato felt a burst of excitement in his heart. After so many years, he was finally able to stand up.

"But before that, you should continue to sit in the wheelchair. Don't expose yourself. You should know the plan for the future, right?"

"En! Don't worry, when I go back first, I will bring Payne over to kill Danzo immediately!"

For Danzo.

He heard a lot from Bai Ye that the tragedies that happened to him were all caused by him.

He also wanted to do it a long time ago.

It hit it off.

Tsunade wants to eliminate the unstable factors inside Konoha, Nagato wants revenge, and Bai Ye wants to get the black hand behind the scenes.

All three have their own goals.

And after they chose to cooperate with Bai Ye.

Naturally, he also regarded Bai Ye's plan as his primary goal.

Back to Xiao organization.

Nagato was still sitting in the wheelchair, and Obito also came to him at this moment. Seeing that Nagato was about to go out, he asked with some doubts: "Nagato, are you going to catch the tailed beast?"

Recently, Nagato's whereabouts are strange, and he always feels that there is something wrong with him.

But Nagato has the eyes of reincarnation, so Bai Jue cannot be arranged to watch it.

Otherwise it's easy to spot.

To avoid planning errors.

Obito also decided to come and ask.

Looking at the pretending Obito in front of him, Nagato sneered in his heart.

After knowing that the people in front of them still have their plans.

Nagato had already lost trust in them.

But for the sake of the plan, he decided to endure it first.

"Well, I'm going to Konoha, I'll kill Danzo first and talk."


It doesn't seem to be the same as the plan said.

Aren't you going to catch the tail beast?

"you sure?!"

That's in Muye Village.

He Obito was naturally happy to see Nagato pass by.

But the past was dangerous.

How about helping yourself?

"Well, I already know the root location, and I will solve it myself."

"Okay, come to me when you need it, and I will go there."

Saying that, Obito threw something to Nagato.

He would be happy to see Nagato go over and wreak havoc.

But he didn't want Nagato to die like this.

So at a critical moment, he will show up and take Nagato away.


In the chat skirt.

A striking red prompt appeared.

[The plot of Nagato's invasion of Konoha Village opens in advance! 】

The screen flashes.

It is the picture of Nagato and Konan heading to Konoha Village.

Uchiha Madara: [Damn it, what the **** is this kid doing, go to Konoha without catching a tail? Nagato, are you out of your mind? 】

White Beard: [Gu la la la la la, wait for the dirty soil to reincarnate! 】

Aizen: 【Your world has changed a bit! 】

Yakumo Zi: [This...]

And at this moment.

Qiu Zixi was dumbfounded.

Is my plot useless at all?

Chapter Thirteen - Aizen: Belief in the plot will only make you lose the direction of judgment.

Tony: [Is your plot too outrageous? 】

Speaking up.

Shouldn't Nagato choose to leave for Konoha after capturing the other tailed beasts?

Haven't even caught a tail yet.

Could it be that this is planning to bring Nine Tails back first?

Isn't this a fool's behavior?

First of all, the tail beast must absorb from one tail.

This is why the Akatsuki organization did not target Naruto first.

Yakumo Zi: [Could it be that Nagato went to Konoha this time not for Kyuubi? 】

If you say catch nine tails.

This is obviously unreasonable.

But if it is not for Nine Tails, but for other purposes.

That's actually not impossible.

Qiu Zixi: [You mean he went to Konoha for other purposes? 】

White Beard: [It’s not impossible, otherwise how would you explain Nagato going to Konoha? 】


They feel that something is wrong with this matter.

Otherwise, judging from this, it seems that it really can't explain why Nagato wants to go to Konoha.

Uchiha Madara: [Konoha besides Kyuubi, what else is worth going to Nagato? 】

Speaking of which, it's not impossible.

After all, I was invited by the chat skirt.

It seems understandable that the world has changed a little bit.

As long as it doesn't affect your own resurrection.

In Uchiha Madara's view, these are all irrelevant things.

Aizen: 【The one called Danzo, isn't he always plotting behind the scenes? 】

Speaking up.

There are only two things in Konoha that Nagato needs to pay attention to.

The first one is Nine Tails.

The second is Danzo.

After ruling out Nine Tails.

Then there is only one possibility.

Tony: [He hasn't even looked for the plot, so look for it at this time? 】

Aizen: [Actually, another way of thinking, Nagato may have looked for it, but he didn't find it. After all, even Hokage doesn't know where the root address is, but now that he has information, he naturally went to look for it, although he didn't know Where does his source of information come from. 】

Aizen analyzed it for a while.

Everyone suddenly felt that it was not unreasonable.

Qiu Zixi: [But... the plot of the original book didn't happen, and Mr. Madara hasn't been resurrected to intervene, so can this change? 】

Qiu Zixi was in a mess.

She didn't expect that the plot would change into such a ghostly appearance.

Aizen: [Actually, we can regard the plot as a general direction.

It is not static, if it is said that this world was created at the beginning.

We don't know the plot, so we will indeed continue to follow this.

But after we know it, the butterfly's wings have actually begun to flap.

Whether you make a change or not, you know the plot, doesn't that just make the world start to change? 】

Lan Ran: [Superstitious plots will only make you lose the ability to judge, so you have already produced a giant baby who can only read plots! 】


It has always been there.

In Aizen's view, the plot can indeed be seen as a form of observation.

But it must not be completely relied on.

Saitama: [In my opinion, the biggest role of this future is to let me know the general situation, and also know the enemy's weaknesses and what I need to guard against. As for other plots, I don't think there is any need to pay too much attention to them. . 】

Aizen: [Yes! The biggest advantage of the plot is that you can see who your future enemy is, what abilities they will have, and in what way they will defeat your plan. Therefore, the plot does not mean that we should follow the plot. As long as you change it once, it will change later. Unrecognizable, this is for us to lay out in advance! 】