MTL - I, Dimension Breaker, Join the Chat Group-Chapter 9

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Give Rope Tree one first, and Konoha one each, wouldn't it be possible to directly bring peace to the world?

"No, it's only for you, so you have to practice hard recently."

"Yeah, don't worry, I will!"

With such a powerful force, Tsunade would naturally not waste it.

"Are you saying that you want me to unify the ninja world by force? It doesn't matter, I'll go straight after I master it!"


Tsunade now wants to let people in the whole ninja world know how powerful she is.

"Don't worry, let me tell you about my goal first.

The first point is that Uchiha Madara is about to be resurrected, and his goal is to catch the tailed beast, but don't worry, whether he can be resurrected now is also one thing.

The second point, I want to kill all daimyos and unify the entire ninja world! "

Bai Ye's goal is simple.

Prevent Uchiha Madara's resurrection, even if he didn't stop it, at worst let him die again in the end.

Want to dance?

His legs were broken.

The second point is to kill all these big names.

"Damn it! Killed the daimyo, right? I've wanted to do it for a long time!"

Tsunade was already annoyed by these big names.

A group of people who don't even have strength.

Give orders to her all day long.

"By the way, be careful with Danzo. He has Shishui's other gods, who can control people's thoughts, and his entire arm is full of Sharingan, and that arm is also transplanted with your grandfather's cells."

Briefly told Tsunade about Danzo's ability.

Knowing that Danzo actually did something to his grandfather's body.

She is also angry now.

"Actually, Hiruzaru Sarutobi probably knows too. After all, Mutun is still very attractive, and it was experimented by Orochimaru."


What the hell!

just wait!

Sarutobi Hiruzen is dead, there is no way, but Danzo still has Orochimaru, she will not let it go.

"Afterwards, I will find you a helper. You can clean up the inside of Konoha, and it will be convenient for you to control Konoha later."


Tsunade nodded in agreement.

She was quite curious about the master Bai Ye mentioned.

Speaking of which, the next time Nagato comes to Konoha to make them feel the pain, let him go to Danzo directly.

Danzo's other gods have no effect on Nagato.

The ability of Kaleidoscope Sharingan is really powerful.

But it is basically impossible to control the eyes of reincarnation by leapfrogging.

What's more, Payne is not the main body.

At that time, let Nagato directly control Payne in Hokage's office.

The wifi is so close, the control must be stronger, and then Tsunade will not support it.

"Bai Ye, let's work harder to get the baby today."


It seems impossible to get around.

Bai Ye felt that in Tsunade's eyes, it seemed that he had to give birth to a child to let him go.

The last few days.

In addition to staying with Tsunade, Bai Ye stayed with Tsunade.

Hinata also asked him out a few times,

Because of Bai Yezai.

She also didn't choose to do the task these days.

After getting along with this little girl, Bai Ye found that she seemed to be very interested in him.

Could it be that even that bond has been cut off by him?

The last day.

The place agreed with Nagato.

Bai Ye came to Xiao organization as promised.

As for Nagato, his face was also a little happy. Although he was already sitting in a wheelchair, he felt in a good mood.

In the past thirty days, he has been to all the places he could not go before.

Looking at Bai Ye in front of him, Nagato said with a little friendliness, "Bai Ye, thank you for what happened last time."

"It's okay, how are you thinking?"

"I will cooperate with you, but I need to know the specific details!"

For the past thirty days, Nagato has already made up his mind.

He wants to cooperate with Bai Ye.

Instead of being used by that masked man all the time, why not try to cooperate with Bai Ye, although it is possible to be used by Bai Ye, but at least he is in a good mood to cooperate with Bai Ye.

"Okay, then first of all, let me tell you what the ultimate goal of this Akatsuki organization is!"



Nagato felt that his brain was not working well.

Xiao organization was established by him.

Bai Ye said the ultimate goal of the Xiao organization, could it be that...

"So you melon boy don't think you are in control of the Xiao organization, do you?"

Looking at Nagato's expression, Bai Ye could not know what he was thinking.

Gua Wazi's mind is really simple.

Nagato: o((⊙﹏⊙))o

Chapter 12 - Heal Nagato's legs and plan to start the live broadcast of the chat skirt!

"You are just a pawn, that masked man is Uchiha Obito, and the person who guided him to make these plans is Uchiha Madara, but Uchiha Madara is already dead, just waiting for you to resurrect him, reincarnation You should know the innate art, right?"

Bai Ye simply spoke directly.

Anyway, it's all about cooperation.

He is not afraid of being known by Nagato.

The big deal is to kill it directly.

"Damn, I'll just say it's weird, that is to say, this reincarnation eye was given to me by Uchiha Madara before he died, and then let Uchiha Obito pretend to be him, and monitored me to go according to the plan, and finally Resurrect him with the technique of reincarnation?"


Nagato understood everything.

No wonder I always felt that something was wrong before.

Now it seems that I am like a **** being manipulated.

"How do you know this?"

this plan.

Nagato didn't believe that Uchiha Madara and the others would reveal it to Bai Ye.

So how did he know?

"Because I know the power of time, just like your legs before."

Facing Tsunade, Bai Ye didn't need to explain.

But Nagato is obviously not going to work here.

Although it sounds a bit mysterious, Nagato still chose to believe in Bai Ye in the end.

"Then what is the purpose of capturing the tailed beast?"

Since he is being used.

Then catching tailed beasts is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"The purpose of capturing the tailed beast is to resurrect the ten tails. As for the ten tails, you don't need to know at the moment. You can continue to plan if you want to. My plan is the same as yours to make the ninja world peaceful, but the method is a little different. "


Bai Ye told Nagato what he had said to Tsunade before.

"It means to eliminate the daimyos of the five great powers and unify the whole world?"

"That's right! Cooperation?"

Now that he has understood his plan.

Then Bai Ye naturally did not avoid it.


Nagato said firmly.

This is the peace he wants.

Eliminate the destabilizing factors in the world, and then it's up to them to keep the peace.

【Ding! Successfully invited Nagato to join, rewards: Bamen Dunjia (ten-day non-injured version), Ryūchi Cave Immortal Mode (only for shared Nagato, can be recovered)]

[Bamen Dunjia] (ten-day injury-free version): Every ten days, there is a chance to open the eight doors without injury, but after using Ye Kai once, the eight doors will automatically enter the cooldown.

This! ?

A trace of surprise flashed in Bai Ye's eyes.

Then share the ability with Nagato.

"This ability is for you, happy cooperation."

"It's amazing...pleasant to work with..."

Nagato took a deep look at Bai Ye.

At the bottom of his heart, Bai Ye also had a little more mystery.

This man can actually make himself master the Bamen Dunjia and Longdi Cave Immortal mode in seconds.

"It's just a pity that I can't use it."

A **** opens eight doors of armor.

This is basically impossible.

"I'll take you to find someone who can fix your leg for you."
