MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 442 No. 1 in the world, well deserved!

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According to Ji Ruo's instructions, Ji Xiaoxiao edited the big movie "Armor Warrior: The Battle of the Nine Schools" in the time-stop domain and took it out, and at the same time went to the General Affairs Department to obtain information.

On the way, I hit the leaders of the Nine Sects, and the effect was very good.

Emily and others also came, and the ownership of No. 1 in the world has also been settled.

It stands to reason that everything went well and everyone was happy.

But, just now.

Enemy comes in time.

Yes, in time.

The other party seems to have descended from a time tunnel, because it does not belong to this era, and it will take some time to completely descend.

The strength of life displayed by it is roughly estimated to be the peak of five stars, which seems to be a monster...

But the monster race is different from the monsters. The monsters that can reach five stars have thick, pure and powerful blood, and the specific combat power is difficult to calculate.

In the previous battle of Babaozhai, the five stars who came were just monsters. Monsters know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and generally would not come to Daxia to make trouble.

But once a big monster comes...

The key is not the strength of the great monster, but that it comes from time. According to Daxia's records, there has never been a time monster in the thousand years.

Only monsters are involved in the power of time.

But if a demon can also touch time, then how powerful should this demon's blood be?

The talent of monsters involves the rules of heaven and earth, but the bloodline spells of the monster race are also tricky sometimes.

Daxia has already started a comprehensive alert.

On the side of the Martial Arts Association, ordinary people are still paying attention. The higher-ups already know that the Martial Arts Association has no more suspense, and instead focus on the sudden appearance of the big monster from outside the territory.

And not only Daxia's side, but the movement of the big monster came, which made many powerful monsters feel it. All the monsters knew very well that this big monster was coming for Daxia.

So outside the border and in the starry sky, the monsters also began to move around.

All the people of Great Xia are martial arts, and they are unparalleled in blood and blood. Not only are their martial arts not weak, but they are also blessed with powerful technological means.

After thousands of years, no matter on the ground or in the starry sky, the monsters have already suffered a lot.

There will be friction, but no one will really attack on a large scale.

Everyone knows the truth of shooting the first bird, so powerful monsters will not take the initiative to attack Da Xia, because Da Xia will really die.

But if there are 'someone' who become the early birds, then they will also help to do it together.

Anyway, as long as they don't make the first move.

Therefore, the situation that Daxia is facing now is a little bit severe.

So much so that Ji Xiaoxiao became worried.

Ji Ruo has the protection of the astral world in his body, and now he has achieved a golden body of martial arts, with a perfect body and soul.

Ji Xiaoxiao is a heart demon, without Ji Ruo's consent, she would not be able to share any power.

There is nothing he can do about this situation.



Everyone was surprised.

Gu Xingzhou asked curiously: "Ji Ruo, you are already the number one in the world, and no one is dissatisfied. What else is there to choose?"

"Yeah, yeah, we're all convinced, and it's not like this, is it?"

Someone teased: "Could it be that you also want to thank those who have supported you along the way?"

Ji Ruo smiled and shook his head: "It's not me who is being selected now."


"Not you? Who is that?"

"Besides you, who else is qualified to be number one in the world?"

Ji Ruo smiled and said, "Number One in the World has been appointed by default."

"Isn't it you by default?"

Ji Ruo shook his head: "Of course not, the number one in the world has someone else."

"How is it possible! Who else is worthy except you!"

"This is a shady scene? Damn it, who decided it by default!"

Everyone was angry: "Why is there still a shady scene in this kind of meeting! Who made the decision! Ji Ruo, you tell us, we will kill him!"

"That's right, this number one in the world, we won't accept anyone except you!"

Ji Ruo raised his eyebrows: "I decided by default."


Everyone slowly raised a question mark.

Ji Ruo smiled, and with a flick of his wrist, Wanhua's arsenal turned into a projector, and then he inserted the chip that Ji Xiaoxiao brought into it.

Video files, text files, pictures and texts... etc. were played out.

"this is......"

Gu Xingzhou opened his mouth wide.

Ji Ruo smiled and said: "Look, everyone, this is Gu Xingzhou, Uncle Gu, he was fifty-nine years old at the time, presumably older than most of the people present.

He has already achieved a golden body, logically speaking, he has already lost the qualification to participate in this martial arts meeting.

But in order to win an honor for Da Xia, he is willing to kill himself, just to be able to participate in the martial arts meeting for the last time, and use his experience to eliminate some more sect disciples for you..."

Ji Ruo introduced Gu Xingzhou, the former director of the Department of Education.

The information in his hand comes from the General Affairs Department, and the content is extremely detailed, covering all the honors of Gu Xingzhou from childhood to adulthood.

Gu Xingzhou was also a person who won numerous awards.

However, such a person, the Secretary of Education has not been a few years.

After graduating from university, he went to the border. For decades, killing monsters was useless, accumulating a lot of military exploits.

I even forgot to go home.

If his parents were not worried about his safety and forced him to withdraw from the front line, he might still be on the border now.

It only took him two or three years to become the director of the department, and then he resigned.

The lifespan of a warrior is not short, especially the mountains and rivers of the artistic conception of Gu Xingzhou, which are condensed on the border - many of his comrades died on the border.

Everyone had agreed with each other that if whoever died later, he would be responsible for giving others' share to live together.

It was just a joke at the time, but Gu Xingzhou listened to it.

Later, during a beast horde, a comrade in arms died in battle. Gu Xingzhou looked at the holy statue brought back by the other party, remembered the previous agreement, and achieved the golden body immediately.

His artistic conception of mountains and rivers is longevity.

He wants to live longer than his original self, and he wants to live as a comrade-in-arms.

Therefore, his aging rate was much slower than normal people, and later he became the director of the Department of Education. He still looked young, like a young man, without any majesty at all.

So he changed his face with a secret method, and served as a middle-aged man...

Seeing his former self again, Gu Xingzhou was very emotional: "Ji Ruo, what are you doing with this... Don't think so much, the reason why I broke through is simply because I am afraid of death... ...."

Install the latest version. 】

"fear death?"

Ji Ruo smiled.

Then he played the next video.

That was the video of Gu Xingzhou when he left office.

The new Director of Education stood at the door of the office and asked him, "Where are you going?"

"Here, go to the border, station there to guard the frontier, kill demons and demons, and kill them until they become sanctified, so as to make atonement!"

While talking, Gu Xingzhou became younger step by step, and after a few steps, he has recovered his youthful appearance.

The screen turns again.

In Babaozhai, Gu Xingzhou faced a crisis and resolutely gave Li Guanqi half his life, allowing Li Guanqi to have the power to fight again.

Ji Ruo asked with a smile: "Everyone, is Uncle Gu afraid of death?"

Everyone was silent.

Gu Xingzhou shy: "Ji Ruo, enough is enough, don't let it go, it's shameful..."

This move is indeed embarrassing, and it is almost the same as defecating in public.

What's even more embarrassing is that what he wanted to do at the time hadn't been done yet...

But of course Ji Ruo didn't just want to play awkwardly.

The purpose of his posting these is just to show the warriors.

"No. 1 in the world, is Uncle Gu worthy?"


"it is good!"

Ji Ruo smiled and clapped his hands, and then a high platform built of earth and rocks rose from the foot of the ancient Xingzhou—no one knows how long he rolled up his sleeves and dug in the Shistop field.

"Uncle Gu, please come to the stage to accept the award!"

Gu Xingzhou: "..."

He shook his head angrily and amusedly: "You, you..."

In the next moment, Ji Ruo took out all the villains of martial arts in the sky, including all nine martial arts, and let Gu Xingzhou choose.

The rules were also condensed at this moment, and the honor of 'No. 1 in the world' was given to Gu Xingzhou.

Gu Xingzhou had a complicated expression: "Ji Ruo, thank you for giving me this honor,'s unnecessary, this time the number one in the world is given to me, and you have to wait another ten years... ..."

"Who said this?"

Ji Ruo clapped his hands, and the projector began to play the life of the next senior.

a moment later—

"Uncle Gu, do you still have an acceptance speech to say?" Ji Ruo asked.

"Ah, no, no."

"If not, please come down, it's senior Xu Wanshan."


Then, they watched helplessly as Ji Ruo selected seven 'No. 1 in the world' in succession. Each of them was recognized by the martial arts rules, and they were genuine 'No. 1 in the world'!

When the selection was over, everyone was still in a daze—one Martial Arts Festival, seven world firsts? !

"Who else wants to be number one?" Ji Ruo asked with a smile.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Of course they would.

But when I think about it carefully, my life so far doesn't seem to have much to commend me.

If the only little bit is allowed to be played by Ji Ruo, it will be too...

So think about it, forget it.

Moreover, Ji Ruo himself hadn't selected yet.

Seeing this, Ji Ruo said again: "Since no one has this idea, then I will choose it myself."

"Next, the best monitor in the world, Liang Shixian!"

Liang Shixian: "???"

He did not go through the process of social death like the previous seniors, but he also won the honor of 'No. 1 in the world'.

Feeling the protection of martial arts rules, Liang Shixian was a little flustered.

"Ji Ruo, isn't that bad? Otherwise, why don't you beat me up? I... I didn't do anything in this martial arts meeting, so why am I number one in the world?"

Ji Ruo smiled and said, "I think you are number one in the world, and you are number one in the world."

Liang Shixian clicked his tongue and said, "You are too domineering..."

"There are even more domineering ones!"

Ji Ruo laughed loudly, flew up out of thin air, opened his arms, and said in a loud voice: "Martial arts began since ancient times, and it will be extinct because of me. From now on, ten thousand years, ten thousand years, until the end of long as I still If I live for a day, I will be number one in the world forever!

Who is for and who is against? "

"No. 1 in the world, well deserved!"

Thousands of villains in martial arts bowed their heads, and all of them bowed in admiration.

"That being the case, the reward that belongs to me, bring it!"

Ji Ruo stretched out his hand to the sky.

The rules of martial arts were condensed, and the situation in the world was changing. The next moment, a token appeared in Ji Ruo's hand.

Because this secret realm of martial arts is time-sensitive, and the internal rules are still supplementary rules, it is inherently weak. Every time it is opened, it will take ten years to re-accumulate strength.

The rank of the secret realm is extremely low.

But at this moment, under the protection of the "rules of monster evolution" and the "road of swords" and "road of swords", its rank has risen.

In addition, Ji Ruo fought fiercely against the Nine Sects, and almost took back all the honors and rewards obtained by No. 1 in the world in the past, so as to give back to the secret realm of martial arts.

The entire secret realm of martial arts has been strengthened, and it has been promoted to a normal secret realm that can last forever.

Therefore, it has the possibility of condensing fantasy creations.

Combined with the power of Ji Ruo [Great Inventor].

That token is the fantasy creation it condenses.

Its name is [The World's No. 1 Exclusive Martial Arts Token], the name is not very complicated, and the function is also very simple.

It is to open and close the current secret realm, along with having the highest control authority of the secret realm, and then, to keep its internal rules constant as the current appearance.

It is estimated that if the martial arts villains are released back to the mountains, in time, the contact between martial arts and martial arts may give birth to some more special martial arts, making this secret realm more colorful.

Afterwards, Ji Ruo made a replica of the Martial Arts Token, so that it had the power only inferior to the original token, and planned to hand it over to Da Xia after he went out.

Ji Ruo smiled and said: "From now on, you will only be able to compete for the second place in the world."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, then laughed.

"Number two in the world is pretty good!"

Everyone is very happy.

Apart from-

"What's wrong with you? Smile, are you still angry?"

Ji Ruo poked the frowning Ji Xiaoxiao.

Ji Xiaoxiao sighed: "How can I still laugh now, are you done here? Come out with me as soon as you're done, outside now..."

Ji Xiaoxiao briefly introduced the situation outside.

Ji Ruo was shocked when he heard this: "Why didn't you say such an important thing earlier!"

"You didn't ask... Besides, seeing how interested you are, I thought I'd tell you when you're done... What's the matter, this kind of thing is my only thought Should the devil care? It's all your fault, what kind of character is it?

Reasonably speaking, demons should be unrestrained and fearless, but look at me...

Are you a demon or am I a demon? "

Ji Ruo: "..."

He didn't delay, and the group of warriors around him hadn't fought much, and they were in excellent condition.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't sit still.

Ji Ruo hurriedly opened the door and asked everyone to go out. Anyway, the number one in the world has been selected, and the secret realm has entered a new round of evolution. It’s useless to stay here any longer. What can help here.


"What's going on now?"

As soon as Ji Ruo came out, he pulled a random person and asked.

That person is the leader of Xingji Sect, when he saw Ji Ruo, he snorted coldly and said nothing.

Another sect leader on the side said coldly: "We won't say anything! This is your own fault, Great Xia!

what! So what if you get number one in the world? As long as I return to the sect, I can sit back and relax—"

Ji Ruo raised his hand and slapped him, making him swallow the rest of his words.

Yu Hongzhuang said: "Husband, congratulations on becoming number one in the world, now..."

"Who are you calling husband!"

Qu Fei stood in front of Ji Ruo, angrily said: "Ji Ruo is mine!"

Ji Ruo: "..."

These people can't be counted Fortunately, the current situation doesn't need these people's explanations, he has already heard the voices from the time with his ears.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

"I can feel it, it's here!"

Suddenly the whale cry was high-pitched, and a roar resounded throughout Daxia.

A huge figure whose body is huge enough to cover the sky and the sun has passed through the barriers of time and descended into this world.

"Xiaxie, don't be afraid, we are here to pick you up!"

The monsters who were about to move outside Daxia seemed to have received a certain signal, and they all started to act together. For a while, the demons danced wildly and invaded Daxia!


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