MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 443 It's a mess...

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There is a big problem with my achievement system 443, this is a mess...

"Scanning Sky Island Whale..."

"It turned out to be such a legendary monster!"

"So it turns out that the Xuntian Island Whale has the attribute of time and space? No wonder, there are very few records about the Xuntian Island Whale in the past..."

In Daxia territory, residents still live and work in peace and contentment.

The General Affairs Department used a certain fantasy creation to pull up a giant curtain covering the sky.

Under the giant screen, people are still rejoicing for this martial arts meeting, and the warriors of Daxia won the first place in the world.

The years are quiet.

But outside the giant screen, countless monsters invaded Daxia.

One by one warriors stood up to resist, and one after another missiles were fired from all over Daxia.

There are densely packed demons in the starry sky and outside the borders.

The frontier and starry sky line of defense almost fell.

"Have you locked the Sky Survey Island whale?"

A warrior asked loudly.

"No! The time and space around the Xuntian Island Whale is chaotic, and the spatial coordinates cannot be determined!"

"Damn it - anchor the guidance signal on me! I will blow him up myself!"

The next moment, the martial artist walked in the air, roaring, and went straight to the whale on the sky patrolling island.

Its golden body flickered high and low, as if it had turned into a dazzling meteor, directly broke through the fragile barrier of time that was already crumbling, and stuck to the body of the Xuntian Island Whale.



The person in charge ordered immediately.

Then a large number of missiles flew up and hit the warrior.

At the critical moment, the martial artist cast his body skills, Apparated, and escaped from the locked range. The whale on Xuntian Island was bombarded. The missile saturated the attack, and the explosion was violent, and half of the sky was reflected in flames.

The demons all over the sky stopped for a while.

Then, the Xuntian Island Whale let out a long howl, sweeping away the gorgeous 'fireworks' around it, and it was unscathed!

The monsters cheered: "As expected of the Xuntian Island Whale!"

"Hahaha, you Daxia also have today!"

The monsters acted again, this time, their offensive was even crazier than before.


"Don't run!"

A group of goblins jumped off the whale on Xuntian Island, shouting and facing the warriors.

Time staggers around them, even if their own strength is not very strong, the unique space-time spells make them extremely resistant, and they look like ghosts, as if ghosts traveling through time, they can appear in the world at the same time. In many places, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

The little monsters jumped off the mainland-like back of the Xuntian Island Whale, rushed into the Great Xia, and continued to wreak havoc.

"Hand over your shoes!"

They looted the shoes worn by the Bactrians.

"Ah, this one looks like a shoe king!"

"Damn it, why can't I touch it!"

The little demons shouted, that fantasy creation like a sky curtain not only visually isolated the inside and outside, but also seemed to be blocked from the connection in space.

The little demons and Daxia are like phantoms of each other. They can see the people of Daxia, but they cannot touch or influence them.

But Daxia people can't see them or feel them at all. This kind of feeling is like...

"The incident happened suddenly. Fortunately, we have this [It looks real but it's actually a fake Movie Curtain]. Otherwise, we would have suffered heavy casualties."

A middle-aged man suddenly appeared next to Ji Ruo, wrapped in a breeze, and said with a smile, "You are Ji Ruo, right? What a hero out of a boy, congratulations on becoming number one in the world."

"you are?"

"It's nothing more than an ordinary controller of fantasy creations. You can call me a spectator... I've been watching you on 'TV' just now. Your 'story' is really wonderful."


Ji Ruo was stunned for a moment, wondering if this should be the code name?

However, it turns out that this fantasy creation with the appearance of a sky curtain is called by this name...

"Then Uncle Spectator, what is the reason you came to see me?" Ji Ruo had already heard the situation through his 'shunfeng ear'. He had to say that there was still some danger, but so far, there were no major problems. .

"I came here to ask, do you plan to transform into the Giant of Light again?"


"It's like this, I watched your "Armor Warrior" on TV before, and the situation can be controlled now, but fantasy creation has side effects.

Although using this curtain can temporarily turn Daxia into a "television image" and make the monsters outside become an "audience", but because it follows the general routine of a "television drama", there will be a "turning point" and the like... ..”

After a pause, the spectator said again: "There may be various situations in the 'turning point', which may be beneficial to my Great Xia, or it may be very generally when using this fantasy creation, We will all prepare for the 'twist' in advance.

Your transformation into a giant of light can be regarded as a good turning point... Even if there is a 'great turning point', after the whole of Great Xia merges with you, there shouldn't be any danger... Yes Well, your combined transformation should have no upper limit, right? "

"Ah, indeed not."

"Then it's settled, I will enter the 'advertising' to help you promote later, and then..." The spectator briefly introduced the situation to Ji Ruo, and then said: "This time I decided to contact Yours, I didn’t receive the instructions above, and as a spectator, I can’t stay in the ‘plot’ for too long... That’s it, um, judging from the current situation, the first’ The turning point' should come soon, so I'll go back first."

As he said that, the spectator smiled and waved his hand, which turned into a breeze and dissipated.

Ji Ruo scratched his head.

Liang Shixian asked, "Ji Ruo, what happened to you? Who were you talking to just now?"

"Huh? Didn't you see the squad leader?" Ji Ruo was stunned for a moment.

"What did you see? It's not too late, Ji Ruo, let's go over and see if there is anything we can help. Use your arbitrary door."

"it is good!"

Ji Ruo nodded solemnly, and after taking out any door, he suddenly found—

"Where should we go?"

The danger is cut off by the curtain of fantasy creation, and the whole Great Summer has temporarily turned into a TV show, and they are all forced to follow the "general routine of TV dramas".

Outside the curtain, the Skywatcher Whale possesses the power of time, and can appear in almost any position in this era at the same time, making it difficult to locate.

And even though Ji Ruo was able to throw a shoe to ask for directions, but because of the influence of that fantasy creation, he didn't realize it at the first time—who would have thought that the Xuntian Island Whale came with a group of little monsters to **** the shoes? !

Inevitably, due to the influence of fantasy creations, the two temporarily became 'dark under the lights'.



Demons invaded, and Daxia decided to use more powerful technological weapons.

Xuntian Island Whale, as a peerless monster, naturally has the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. He is keenly aware of what,

Immediately said: "What are you doing!"

He glanced at the chaotic monsters, and suddenly opened his mouth to swallow, swallowing a large number of monsters who were caught off guard.

"Humans, I have no malicious intentions. This trip is not to be an enemy to you, but to find my best friend!"

"We haven't surveyed Tiandao whales in Daxia!"

"My best friend is not my clan, but the shoe clan enslaved by you!"

"What race?"

"Shoes and shoes!" The whale of Xuntian Island roared: "I can feel that my best friend is here! It's really heartbreaking that you humans are so cruel that you trampled the shoes and shoes under your feet, even though there were already prepared, but now... so many shoes, you are so cruel!"

The chaotic monsters: "???"


They already realized that something was wrong, and an elephant demon asked hesitantly: "Dare to ask this king, the shoes and shoes family you are talking about...?"

Xuntian Island Whale said loudly: "It's so obvious, can't you see it!"

He used spells to control objects, levitating the shoes he had snatched from Jiuzong earlier, showing the three races of monsters and humans.

The demons were dumbfounded.

Since they would take the opportunity to make trouble, they are naturally familiar with Da Xia.

I also know what kind of race these shoes are, they are clearly human creations!


"It's too hateful!"

A wolf monster rolled its eyes and said indignantly: "King Xuntian, they humans are so cruel that they enslaved a whole family. Now that you are here, they still don't want to repent. Your Majesty, we can't bear this matter. I would like to hear from you, Your Majesty." Send them to exterminate mankind together!"


Xuntian Island Whale was puzzled: "I didn't have any malicious intentions, I just wanted to find my best friend, extinction... I never thought about it."

Seeing this, the martial artist from Da Xia hurriedly said, "You want shoes, right? We can give them to you!"

There are very few records on Da Xia's side about Xuntian Island Whale. We only know that its bloodline is strong and its combat power must not be weak.

In addition, the opponent possesses the power of time, and can almost instantly appear in any position in this era, and their attacks are not very useful-you can fight, but not in Daxia.

"I don't want to be an enemy of you humans, but you enslave my best friend's family. If my best friend is not angry, I should vent my anger on it!"

The little monsters brought by Xuntian Island Whale also began to speak and complain.

Later, even the warriors of Daxia began to doubt whether there were really shoes in Daxia.

"What does that dear friend of yours look like? As long as you quit Great Xia, we can help you find it!"

"Look, this is my best friend, the king of the shoes and shoes family!"

As he spoke, he used the demon method to project Ji Ruo's sneakers into the heaven and earth.

"Sneakers? How can we have such a large size of sneakers in Daxia!"

"Now is not the time to talk about this, let someone find him and find out all the similar shoes...Damn it, this Xuntian Island Whale is such a dog, it's all like this, and he hasn't fully discovered it from time." body!"


"So this is the 'turning point'?"

Ji Ruo eavesdropped on the "off-screen" conversation with his ear, thoughtful.

But he also found it a little funny.

Shoes become fine?

This is not twenty years later, when incense and gods are prevalent in Daxia, how could utensils...


Ji Ruo seemed to think of something suddenly and was slightly taken aback.

That's right, he can cast his shoes and ask for directions!

Tsk, why did you forget?

Ji Ruo curled his lips, intending to cast his shoes to ask the way to confirm the direction, and then opened any door to lead the crowd.

But who knows, after being thrown out, his sneakers disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, outside the curtain, a sneaker of size 41 was firmly imprinted on the face of Xuntian Island Whale.

Xuntian Island Whale was hit hard, and his head was raised violently, but instead of anger, he was happy.

"Xiaxie, you are indeed here!"

The demons on his back were also ecstatic: "Finally found you, king of shoes and shoes!"

The sneaker went away with one blow, and returned to Ji Ruo's feet in an instant.

"Shoes, don't go!"

"We came here specially to find you!"

"Have you forgotten the days we used to live together!"

"Shoe King!"

Ji Ruo is inside the curtain, and he is still a member of the 'TV' at this moment. Although Shunfeng Er can hear the voices outside the screen, it also blocks Ji Ruo's sight, making him unable to see clearly.

Coupled with the influence of general routines such as 'black under the light', Ji Ruo was full of doubts, not knowing why his shoe-casting and asking for directions didn't work... No, it did work, but... .

[To tell the truth, I have been using Changing to catch up and change, changing source and switching, and there are many voices for reading aloud, both Android and Apple can be used. 】

Suddenly, the breeze came again, and the 'spectator' appeared next to Ji Ruo again.

However, I don’t know if it’s because I entered the ‘drama’ as a spectator twice in a short period of time.

The audience has changed drastically.

The head is gone, a camera and a speaker appear around the neck...

"You are..."

"It's too late to explain!" The spectator hurriedly said: "I almost forgot just now, except for 'turning', other established routines will also take effect in 'TV', and you will be affected...Of course, now this It doesn't matter anymore, the important thing is, which sky-watching island whale is looking for a pair of sneakers, it is the pair you are wearing now, look..."

"Looking for me?!" Ji Ruo's expression was astonished. He was blocked by the "fourth wall" of the imaginary creation, and it was difficult for him to discover the truth by himself.

Seeing this, the spectator cursed secretly.

He had never pulled the entire Great Xia into the curtain at one time before, using such a large-scale fantasy creation, so that there were so many details in this 'TV show' that he couldn't see it. Yes, I overlooked a lot of things.

"This is a big deal..." The spectators hurriedly 'tear off' the 'curtain' on Ji Ruo's body, which is equivalent to manually breaking the fourth wall for him.

Let Ji Ruo appear directly outside the 'plot'.

Ji Ruo instantly saw the sky-filled monster and the sky-scanning island whale, which was huge enough to cover the sky and block out the sun.

Combined with the 'information' heard before, Ji Ruo, without the influence of 'dark under the lamp', finally connected the cause and effect together.

"The power of time and space, Xuntian Island Whale, my sneakers, never wear out, return automatically... hiss!"

Ji Ruo, who figured out the approximate truth in his brain, was full of His sneakers were lost in time and space before!

"Ji Ruo, are your shoes perfect? ​​It should be a fantasy creation, right? It may be the key to breaking the game!" The spectator whose hands and feet have been turned into supports hurriedly said: "Can you give us the shoes, don't worry , the higher-ups won't treat you badly afterwards..."

Ji Ruo looked strange: "Pause for a while."


Ji Ruo stopped the time, took out the time machine, and went directly to twenty years later without any delay.

This time, Ji Ruokai moved very slowly. He wanted to see what happened to him after his sneakers were lost...

I do not know how long it has been.

Ji Ruo restarted time with a complicated expression.

After searching for a long time, he finally found out what happened.

The spectator was still anxiously saying: "Ji Ruo, I know these shoes may be very precious to you, but..."

"I see, I'll go talk to them myself."

Ji Ruo said helplessly: "No one can handle this matter except me."



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