MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 455 Nightmare, it really came...

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Chen Mo was stunned: "Don't you mean that you can only realize nightmares? What's the difference between dreaming here and looking for sins?"

"We don't need to do it, let's let someone else dream, and then we go to his dream and see other people's nightmare..."

Following Ji Xiaoxiao's description, the more Chen Mo thought about it, the more interesting he became, and he couldn't help getting excited, and then asked, "How do we enter other people's dreams?"

"You are stupid!" Ji Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes: "What are we?"

"Heart demon."

"Yes! In the final analysis, we are just some negative emotions and obsessions of the main body. If the main body does not die, we will not die. If the main body dies, we will survive forever...Although we can affect the material world , but we are indeed spiritual bodies too!

Dabai and the old guy, as the gods of incense and fire, can both dream through dreams, so why can't we? "

Chen Mo pondered for a moment: "Although I don't quite understand it, I think what you said makes sense."


"Then who shall we let dream?"

As demons, they don't have the concept of sleep under normal circumstances, unless they themselves have the obsession of 'lying flat and sleeping'.

"This is easy."

Ji Xiaoxiao raised his hand and said, "Who is that, come here."

He called some demon.

Now the Heart Demon House has been put into Ji Ruo's own star realm, and the demons of all the students since the establishment of the First Martial Arts School are now living in Ji Ruo's star realm.

To them, this star realm is extremely huge, like a real world, and it is full of energy. The eight big attribute stars that appeared after practicing Bajitian, Xingxuan Dongtian and Taiji Xingxuan, plus countless other stars , together make up the world.

There are not only inner demons here, but also those villains from the Nine Schools of martial arts that Ji Ruo has searched through the Nine Schools. The two groups of people live here together, and there are occasional frictions, which add a little vitality to this star world.

"My lord, what's the matter with the little one?"

"Call me the chairman!" Ji Xiaoxiao raised his hand and gave the demon a headache.

The heart demon covered his head aggrievedly, and murmured: "You only asked us to call you the king yesterday..."


"No, no, chairman, if you have anything to do, just ask!"

Ji Xiaoxiao nodded in satisfaction: "Do you want to know what you are most afraid of?"

"What are you most afraid of?" The demon was stunned: "Could it be that the chairman knows?"

"I don't know either, but I can help you, come, lie down here."


The demon hugged his arms subconsciously: "Chairman, I'm a man!"

"what are you thinking!"

Ji Xiaoxiao glared at him angrily, and didn't bother to explain, raised her hand to grab it, and the power of her own inner demon attracted the energy of the astral world, and the two kinds of power were kneaded by it into a starlight quilt, directly wrapping the inner demon inside.

"This is... well, so sleepy..."

The demon immediately fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing this, Chen Mo's eyes lit up: "It's really good! But... where is his dream? Where are we going?"

Ji Xiaoxiao confidently threw his shoes to ask for directions, but his shoes fell to the ground directly after being thrown out, and the [Absolute Sense of Direction] was not triggered at all.

Scratching his head, Ji Xiaoxiao didn't know what was going on, and said somewhat uncertainly, "He just fell asleep, so he shouldn't be dreaming so soon, right? Or should we wait?"

"Okay." Chen Mo didn't understand this, followed Ji Xiaoxiao, the two of them, one big and one small, just squatted next to the sleeping demon, waiting.

According to common sense, demons generally don't sleep, even if they sleep, they don't dream, because their nature is similar to dreams. They are not sweet dreams or nightmares, but just the deepest obsession in everyone's heart.

However, now that Ji Ruo is in this secret realm, although he still doesn't understand what the special rules are, it must be related to the dream.

Coupled with the feature of [Sealing the Quilt] to force sleep, the combination of the two produced some subtle chemical reactions.

The demon, really started to dream.

A demon whose nature is similar to a dream, dreaming again, maybe it can be called a dream within a dream?

Ji Xiaoxiao and Chen Mo didn't wait long, and saw a small cloud of white mist floating around the sleeping demon's head, followed by a second cloud, which was larger than the first cloud, and then a third cloud... ....

When the fourth group of white mist appeared, the fourth group of white mist suddenly expanded, and its volume was larger than the previous three groups combined!

And it was this fourth cloud of white mist that, after a wave of fluctuations, actually began to appear on the screen!

The content of the screen is exactly the dream of this demon!

"Fuck! It really appeared!" Chen Mo was dumbfounded.

"Let me just say it? Hahaha!" Ji Xiaoxiao was also very surprised that it really appeared. To be honest, he was not sure about it.

But speaking of it, the form of this dream seems familiar...

"Look at what he is most afraid of!"

The two looked intently.

The content of the screen is a beach.

There are many people on the shore, and the white seabirds that look like seagulls fly or walk. They are not afraid of strangers at all, and they are allowed to be fed.

"This background... is he afraid of this?" Chen Mo couldn't help pointing at the dream, and laughed: "Look at him, he is afraid of this, hahaha, I'm not afraid at all!"

Ji Xiaoxiao pondered for a moment: "Maybe he is afraid of those seabirds flying around to **** on his head?"

Chen Mo: "???"

The screen suddenly zoomed in, and the two saw the protagonist of the dream, who was really the demon sleeping in front of them.

At this moment, he was holding the shoulders of a girl with the temperament of a girl next door, talking constantly, looking at his expression, he seemed a little anxious.

Not to mention Chen Mo, even Ji Xiaoxiao's [Shunfeng Er] couldn't hear the content of the conversation between the two, as if they were watching a colorful mime.

"What are they talking about?" Chen Mo scratched his head curiously.

"Come closer and listen?"

"can hear?"

The two moved closer, but still heard nothing.

Ji Xiaoxiao tried it and wanted to go in, but his hand passed through the white mist directly, causing ripples in the dream, but it didn't affect the progress inside.

After thinking for a while, Ji Xiaoxiao suddenly performed the magical technique of entrusting dreams to the **** of incense and fire.

It's just that although he and Ji Ruo are one in theory, Ji Ruo is the Kitchen God after all. Although Ji Xiaoxiao can use the Dream God Art, the effect of using it is far from Ji Ruo's.

After the technique was performed, the white mist in the dreamland turned into a whirlpool, producing an unusually strong suction force. Although it did not affect other things in the astral world, the two people who were both mental bodies and extremely close to each other, were together. If you didn't pay attention, you were directly sucked in by the vortex.


outside world.

Relying on their memory, Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian re-entered the 'Void Labyrinth', and only after arriving at the position they had just left, they threw their shoes to ask for directions again.

By the way, the other sneaker has also returned long ago. After reaching the destination, the sneaker will automatically return, which is unstoppable.

And this time, because the three goddesses, including Emily and Sheila, are gone, their progress is much faster. They had to wait for them before, but now they don't need it.

Tim shrunk the god's body through some kind of magic, lying in Ji Ruo's pocket, and went forward with them.


[Congratulations to the host child for triggering the function to achieve: what are you dreaming about? Let me be healthy! 】

[Title Obtained: Dream Traveler (Observing Dreams, Entering Dreams, Participating in Dreams, Changing Dreams)]

[Remarks: Kids, wake up! Time to sleep! (seriously)]

[Remarks: Don't sleep, don't sleep! Not only are you drooling, your dreams are leaking out! 】


Ji Ruo: "???"

Why did it suddenly trigger an achievement? !

He obviously didn't do anything...

Could it be...

Ji Ruo blinked, after he got the title, the whole world suddenly changed in his eyes.

He saw the so-called 'empty labyrinth'. He and Liang Shixian were in a dark labyrinth surrounded by dark walls. He could see the moving black mist, but if he didn't look carefully, he felt that they seemed to be extremely hard, so Ji Ruo stopped in his tracks.

"What's the matter, Ji Ruo? What did you find?"

Liang Shixian also stopped immediately, with a puzzled face, letting the sneakers go away - anyway, Ji Ruo still has a shoe now.

Ji Ruo didn't speak, but stretched out his hand in a daze, trying to touch the wall of black mist.

If it was before, his hand would definitely pass through it directly, and he might even escape the maze again.

But this time, it was different.

He actually touched the entity of the maze.

The wall was cold to the touch, but not completely hard. Ji Ruo felt that if he exerted a little force, he could still penetrate the wall and leave the maze.

But is it really leaving the maze this time?

With the blessing of the title [Dream Traveler], when he touched the walls of the maze, Ji Ruo clearly felt an indescribable idea trying to invade him, and he felt it carefully, but there were only some incomplete pictures.

The protagonists in these pictures are all inconsistent, but without exception, they are not experiencing any good things...

"Nightmare shards?"

Ji Ruo was stunned.

He didn't quite know why he suddenly triggered this achievement, maybe it was related to this secret realm?

But right now is not the time to explore this. Now that he has seen this maze with his own eyes, he has a deeper understanding of the complexity of this maze.

After sweeping his consciousness and examining the fragments of the nightmare, he suddenly found out.

What kind of fish do they eat during the day! That's not a fish at all, it's clearly the result of these nightmare fragments!

"Interesting, even I, the Kitchen God, have been fooled."

Ji Ruo said to himself, facing Liang Shixian's doubts, he shook his head slightly, without too much explanation, but said: "It's okay, monitor, let's continue, we will be there soon."

Liang Shixian didn't ask any more questions when he saw this, but just nodded: "Yes."

Ji Ruo threw his shoes to ask for directions, and the two continued to move forward.


In the dream of the heart demon.

Two seabirds stood on a reef away from the crowd, their eyes were a little dazed.

At this moment, one of them suddenly asked, "Where are we going?"

The eyes of the other one changed from dazed to sharp, and said firmly: "Of course, go to the pier to order French fries!"


The sea bird was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You misunderstood me brother, what I mean is, what is the ultimate purpose of our life, in the final analysis, what is the purpose of living?"

The sharp-eyed seabird said firmly, "I'll order French fries at the pier later!"

"Hey you..."

"Trust my brother, if you don't go to the pier and order chips, then you will regret living this life."

Change source app]


Seabirds are silent.

On the other side, the sharp sea bird squinted his eyes, and said in his heart: "What a danger, I didn't expect this dream to have such a strong assimilation ability. If it hadn't triggered the achievement and won the title, I'm afraid I would sink down..."

These two seabirds are Chen Mo and Ji Xiaoxiao.

Although they came in through the 'method of dreaming', they are different from normal dreaming.

First of all, Ji Xiaoxiao doesn't have the power of incense and fire, he only has the power of inner demon.

Moreover, in conventional dreaming, although the caster is the one who dreams, the content of the dream is constructed by the caster.

But now, they are the ones who broke into the dreams constructed by others.

They themselves are equivalent to spiritual bodies, so that as soon as they came in, their identities were 'arranged' by this dream, so that their existence would not appear obtrusive.

If it wasn't for the title of [Dream Traveler], Ji Xiaoxiao might have forgotten what she was here for, and thought she was just an ordinary seabird.

Ji Xiaoxiao was thinking about it, when Chen Mo on the side suddenly nodded heavily.

"You're right, brother! Thinking about it, I'm a little hungry too. Let's go to the pier to order French fries!"

"Okay, wake up now!"

Ji Xiaoxiao raised his wings and flicked Chen Mo to the ground. Then, with the body of a seabird, he performed a set of Tai Chi on the spot.

This kind of behavior seriously violated the setting of the 'seabird' itself, so that the seabirds beside them froze in place for a while, like a frozen picture - the dream did not understand, or the one who dreamed The demons subconsciously don't understand this behavior, so they shut down.

As for Chen Mo, after being slightly taken aback, black mist floated from his snow-white body, and then he also came to his senses. After seeing the situation clearly, he screamed strangely: "I've turned into a bird!"

"I've changed too, tsk... big devil, don't forget what we're here for, now we can listen to their conversations up close."

Chen Mo became excited when he heard the words: "Yes, yes, let's go!"

As he said that, Chen Mo swung his two slender bird legs and started running like this, then jumped into the sea, flapping his wings and cooperating with the bird legs, he planned to swim over!

"You are stupid, we are birds now, fly over!" Ji Xiaoxiao raised his forehead: "Are your wings growing there for display?"

"Huh? That's right!"

Only then did Chen Mo come to his senses, and swam back again, went ashore to shake off the sea water on his body, and after a little familiarization, he and Ji Xiaoxiao flapped their wings and lifted off clumsily.

And the seabirds here are still down.

After a while.

The two flew to the place where the protagonist of the dream was.

Other places are full of people, but here they are, within a radius of more than ten meters, there is no one else except them, who are seabirds.

Others didn't seem to notice them either, watching and feeding the birds on their own.

"Salsa, talk! Where did you go last night? Why didn't you reply to my message? Tell me!"

"Fugui, I..." The woman had a complex expression, four parts guilty, three parts unbearable, two parts entangled, and a little irritated, "I" for a long time, but didn't say anything.

Of course, Ji Xiaoxiao's fan-like expression was made up in his own brain, but the woman's expression is really complicated.

Ji Xiaoxiao smiled contemptuously, and said, "This kind of emotion, I can express clearly with my eyes!"

Chen Mo watched the two tugging with relish.

The demon named Fugui's full name is Xu Fugui.

Chen Mo said: "Hey, what Xu Fugui is most afraid of is falling in love? Hey, it's okay, I'm also afraid of this, Xiao Xiao, you don't know, during the time we were separated from you, Xiao Hua... ..”

Chen Mo took the initiative to chat about his gossip.

During the time with Hua Qianrou, although he was unwilling in every possible way, he had indeed grown a lot. Of course, it wasn't all positive growth. He was a demon after all!

After listening for a while, Ji Xiaoxiao lost interest, and Xu Fugui's side has dragged on for so long, and until now, he has no intention of advancing at all, Ji Xiaoxiao is a little impatient.

"Big devil, UU Reading, wait here for me, I'll go help them."


Ji Xiaoxiao didn't explain, and directly used the ability of the title of [Dream Traveler] to turn herself into the woman named 'Sasha', or in other words, temporarily occupy the identity of the other party.

All of a sudden, the expression of 'Sasha' changed.

That trace of irritability turned into a full face of irritability.

"Xu Fugui, are you annoying!"

Xu Fugui: "???"

"Haven't I already said it, I just like the atmosphere, my friend insisted on asking me to go!"


Nightmare, it really came...


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