MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 456 Here, is the rainbow sea? !

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Latest website: Xu Fugui looked disbelieving, pointing at the other party: "Sasha, you..."

"What me?" Sasha, who was 'replaced' by Ji Xiaoxiao, was full of impatience: "I said it all, I just like the atmosphere, they are all girlfriends, and they are just drinking!"

"They're all women?" Xu Fugui seemed to have gained some comfort.

"Everything is a woman, so a man can't be a girlfriend?"'Sasha' asked back.


'Sasha' had a slippery expression: "Oh, it was brought by my best friend, I don't know her."

"Then you and him..."

"Why are your thoughts so filthy!"'Sasha' became furious, and said angrily, "I told you, I will send you a message when I get home, but you just don't believe me!"

"But you only replied in the morning!"

"If you want to think like this, I can't help it! Hmph!"

Xu Fugui immediately stood on the spot as if struck by lightning.

Next, is the solo show of 'Sasha'.

"I didn't even talk to him", "It's really just the atmosphere", "He said it was just a hug, how do I know it will be like that later? ""I'm just playing with him""I must love you!" "" If you want to think like this, I can't help it"...


Every word and sentence, like a sharp knife, pierced Xu Fugui's heart fiercely.

Every time 'Sasha' said a word, his expression changed a bit, and until later, Xu Fugui's expression management was completely out of control.

Although I don't know what a black is, but according to the context, it is not difficult to understand, it is definitely not a good product...

Every sentence pierced his heart, and Xu Fugui couldn't bear it. He backed away again and again, leaning on the railing by the sea, clutching his chest, his heart ached so badly that he couldn't breathe.

The sky seemed to become gloomy following Xu Fugui's mood, as if a downpour was brewing.

Seeing this, 'Sasha' smiled evilly from the bottom of her heart, and was about to give him two more knives.

Unexpectedly, Xu Fugui was hit so hard that he didn't want to see 'Sasha' again. He chose to escape, and his dream also respected his choice.

The moment he turned his head away and chose not to look at 'Sasha', 'Sasha' disappeared in an instant, leaving only the somewhat bewildered Seabird Ji Xiaoxiao.

Xu Fugui looked at the sea, took a deep breath, raised his head as if to withdraw the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said in a low voice like a wounded beast, "Leave me alone, quietly."

Suddenly, apart from Xu Fugui, there was no one else on the beach.

He covered his mouth with a sad and painful expression, and was planning to cry secretly by himself.

But at this moment—

A white tide surged on the surface of the sea. If you look carefully, there are countless white seabirds.

Xu Fugui was dumbfounded, because these seabirds didn't come by flying, but... in the form of freestyle swimming!

Xu Fugui was stunned.

Chen Mo was also dumbfounded.

He also felt that this was not normal.

Ji Xiaoxiaofei came to Xu Fugui's side, his face changed slightly, as if he realized something, he raised his wings and patted Xu Fugui's shoulder, comforting him: "I know you are confused, but don't be confused first."

"You you you, you can talk?!"

Before Ji Xiaoxiao could answer, the next moment, those seabirds had already swam to the shore, standing on the beach, they actually started to practice Tai Chi with a 'hehehaha'!

"Seabird, swim, talk, punch...hehe...hehehe...seabird punch..."

Xu Fugui completely collapsed, his face was full of stupidity, and he looked like he had been played badly.


The sky thunder exploded, and the terrifying power even split the entire dream world in half.

Ji Xiaoxiao and Chen Mo were astonished.

Then they were spit out by the dream.

Xu Fugui also woke up at this moment. He hugged his legs, buried his head deeply on his knees, and his body trembled: "Salsa...seabird...a terrible seabird... ..”

Chen Mo and the two looked at each other.

Ji Xiaoxiao sneered and said with emotion: "It seems that our treatment is very successful, he probably won't have nightmares again in the future."

Chen Mo was stunned: "Isn't he not able to dream?"

"Cough cough."

Ji Xiaoxiao said: "Just tell me if it's fun or not!"

Chen Mo thought about it carefully, licked his lips, and his eyes lit up: "It's fun!"



They turned their attention to the other demons in the star world at the moment, and even those simple martial arts villains were also targeted by them.

The demons are alright, but those martial arts villains are naturally intuitive, and almost at the same time they feel a chill in their hearts, as if something bad is about to happen, but they don't know why.

At this time, the heart demons and martial arts students have not realized the seriousness of the problem...


Ji Xiaoxiao and Chen Mo have already started playing, using the bed sealing technique to make all the demons fall into a deep sleep, and produce dreams under the influence of the rules of the secret realm.

They found that people were afraid of all sorts of strange things, and there was even a female heart demon whose most feared thing was to lose her human body and become a cute little beast, hunted down by other more powerful beasts.

Ji Xiaoyu couldn't bear it, and decided to help her overcome this fear.

"The best way to overcome fear is to crush it with greater fear!" Ji Xiaoxiao said firmly.

Afterwards, the beast body and mind demon was overtaken by the carnivorous beast. After a fight, he was defeated and died miserably.

According to normal circumstances, the dream should have ended here, and the demon would wake up after a shiver.

Who is Keji Xiaoxiao? Can he be normal where he is?

The dream didn't end directly, and the beast body and mind demon also found that he hadn't lost consciousness after a short period of fear, but couldn't move.

Similarly, she couldn't feel the pain, just like a bystander, looking at her originally cute, but now unrecognizable, extremely miserable animal body, inexplicably, felt a little sad.

The next moment, she noticed a beam of white light shining on her body, and raised her head in a daze.

"It's such a shame it's so cute."

It turned out that this wilderness turned out to be a modern ecological pasture, and everything was artificially built.

The young man in the white coat didn't mind the blood, picked up the tragically dead cute little beast, and spoke with a gentle expression, as if he wanted to take her for an autopsy?

The female heart demon felt a little comforted.

But the next moment, the screen changed, and the female heart demon didn't know what happened in the middle, she only knew that her animal body was suddenly lying on a cold operating table.

The young doctor who performed the autopsy on her was arguing with a middle-aged man at the moment.

For now, let's call them A and B, and the young doctor is B.

The content of their quarrel, some...

A (with angry expression): "Why did you have **** with her!"

B (also angry): "She's lying there naked, what can I do!"

A (roaring Xiao Xiao): "You should have done an autopsy! Autopsy!"

B (getting up angrily and overturning the table): "You don't need to teach me how to work!"

A (furious): "You're the worst veterinarian I've ever seen!"


The female heart demon's expression collapsed. She didn't know what happened when the screen switched just now, but the conversation between the two caused her cpu to burn no less than three times in less than half a minute...

Of course, this nightmare also collapsed.

Ji Xiaoxiao said cheerfully: "Okay, from now on, she will never be afraid of suddenly turning into a wild beast and being hunted down by stronger wild beasts."

Chen Mo was dumbfounded, but he found it even more interesting.

The two had a great time playing in the dreamland of the demons.


outside world.

Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian finally arrived at the bottom of the maze. In Ji Ruo's eyes, this maze had only the last long corridor left.

At the end of the corridor, there is a portal made of slightly glaring white light.

"Finally... this maze is too long!"

Rao Jiruo couldn't help but let out a long breath.

It's okay when you can't see it, but after seeing it, this maze composed of countless nightmare fragments, the dark and depressing style, coupled with the nightmare thoughts released at that moment, affected Ji Ruo's spirit a lot.

Fortunately, his golden body "The Classic of Burning Mountains and Boiled Seas" is amazing enough, and he can bear it to this extent.

"Squad leader, the destination is ahead, let's adjust our status here first, wait a minute, maybe there will be a fierce battle."


Liang Shixian nodded his head, and then began to adjust his breath.

During the process of breath adjustment, because Liang Shixian couldn't see the maze, the world in his eyes was still the same, a vast ocean, and he reminded: "Ji Ruo, it seems that the exit is below the surface of the sea... my Fudo Myoko You can get oxygen even if you are in the you know the turtle's breathing technique?"

"Turtle breathing skill?" Ji Ruo shook his head slightly: "I know Bajitian."

Liang Shixian was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, and said awkwardly: "I forgot, you taught me this method..."

His enlightened martial arts supernatural power Fudo Ming Wangshen is based on the superb iron cloth shirt, combined with various hard skills, and some other martial arts, after removing the chaff and saving the chaff.

Although he didn't major in Bajitian, his Fudo Mingwang body does possess some characteristics of Bajitian.

Bajitian is a fantasy martial art that allows practitioners to withstand various extreme environments!

It's hard to count down the sea water.

Of course, Liang Shixian didn't doubt Ji Ruo's strength, it's just that fighting in the sea will inevitably affect his actions, so he reminded him.

After a while, the two had adjusted to the best state, looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and then rushed towards the light door under the leadership of Ji Ruo.

There was a feeling of passing through some kind of invisible membrane, and what came into view was not the underwater world that the two had originally expected, but—

One huge rainbow after another across the sky, the sky is colorful and colorful.

A large river flows quietly, gold flows in the river, and gemstones of different colors are laid on the banks of the river.

Various melons and fruits grow on the tree, emitting a powerful and gentle spiritual pressure, and people can tell at a glance that these are very precious spiritual fruits.

The gentle breeze blows slowly, and the cute little beast wanders in the wilderness, not afraid of strangers at all, looking curiously at the two who came suddenly.

Everything here seems to be full of beautiful fantasies, everything is peaceful and peaceful.

Liang Shixian was dumbfounded, and the strong sense of sight made him look at Ji Ruo in a daze: "Ji Ruo, is this the Rainbow Sea you mentioned?"

Ji Ruo frowned.

This place is indeed the same as the rainbow sea he described to everyone before, but the biggest problem is also here—

This place is exactly the same as the rainbow sea in Ji Ruo's fantasy!

He is very clear that he has never been to the Rainbow Sea!

But after a while, Ji Ruo's brows eased again, and he said with a smile: "Yes, this is the Rainbow Sea, monitor, you can try it, can you make people's wishes come true here?"

Liang Shixian tried it, and in the next moment, a beautiful flower sprouted and grew rapidly beside him, and in the blink of an eye, it had already matured.

Then, as soon as the flower bag was vomited out, a large box containing the limited figure of the Vajra Armor was spit out into Liang Shixian's hands, and there was a burst of pleasant scent of flowers on it.

Liang Shixian was pleasantly surprised: "It's really possible! All wishes come true! Ji Ruo, this is really a rainbow sea!"

When the divine light appeared, Tim cheered, and together with Rosie and the white cat, he left the two of them and had fun in this beautiful and peaceful wilderness.

"I want a lollipop!"

"I want it too, I want spicy strips too, give me ten catties!"

"Please tell me everything!"

Wishes were raised one by one, and they all got what they wanted.

The pleasant surprise of a dream come true made them fall in love with this place immediately.

Ji Ruo smiled and took out the arbitrary door—the maze before was too difficult for Emily and the others. Now that Ji Ruo has arrived here, the arbitrary door has already recorded the coordinates, and the door can be opened normally.

Then, it was the same wishing and cheering.

Emily was surrounded by a group of cute little animals, hugging one another and hugging the other, she was so happy.

Sheila clasped her hands together and prayed silently. The next moment, a huge palace that was both gorgeous and full of death elements rose from the ground. Surprised in her eyes, she rushed into the palace and sat alone on the throne of bones, facing The skeletons below are commanding and ordering, their expressions are cold, but the joy in their eyes can't be restrained no matter what—

Although she is the goddess of death, she is inherited after all, and she is incomparable with the original goddess of death, and the Earth Mother Continent is waiting to be rebuilt. But to change, her strength is far from returning to its peak, and even the Kingdom of God in the Dead Zone has long been destroyed by Charles. If she wants to rebuild it, she doesn't know how many years she will have to experience and how many deaths she will witness.

Now, it was just a thought, and the Temple of Death reappeared, how could she not like it?

Everyone seems to have forgotten the purpose of coming here, to have fun here, time flies, and soon, half a month has passed—

"Rainbow Sea, what a wonderful place!" Even Liang Shixian couldn't help admiring.

Ji Ruo was noncommittal, just looked up.

"Rainbow Sea...Although I found it, is the Rainbow Sea under this Nightmare Sea really the Rainbow Sea I was looking for?"

Naturally, he would not refuse the rare relaxation, but he did not forget that Xuntian Island Whale and Tongtian Jianmu were still sleeping outside.



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