MTL - I Have A Pair of Yin-Yuan Eyes-Chapter 12

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Xu Xing did not expect that the scene where he "pushed" Xiao Shun to hit Jiang Jize would be hit by Lu Che. Even Xiao Shun did not suspect Xu Xing-after all, everything would be about a purpose, and Xu Xing completely There is no motivation to do this.

Xu Xing faced Lu Che, his face was a bit white, his eyes dodged, and he justified: "Don't talk nonsense ..."

Xu Xing's eyes flickered and he turned to a vacant seat not far away-he felt that he was really blind, but only now did he realize that Lu Che and Kodi were sitting not far away.

He was just concerned about diverting Xiao Shun's attention, and he didn't know that he was being closely watched.

Xu Xing was bitter in his heart and couldn't say anything. Anyone who saw what he just did would feel weird.

Xu Xing dumbly eats Huanglian, and he's not sure if Lu Che alone saw the scene where he pushed Xiao Shun, or everyone at Lu Che's table saw it, so he didn't dare to refute Lu Che easily.

Sophistry is not easy, and it is difficult to stop your mouth with one mouth. Besides, even if Xu Xing was pushed by the red line just now, he can hardly blame him: if Xu Xing did not publish just now, the red line acts on him. The pulling force is not irresistible.

Xu Xing was anxious to calm things down, for fear that Lu Che would be so busy pulling and pulling in the court, and it would be harder to end in a while. After weighing it again and again, he said to Lu Che nicely: "You misunderstood, not what you think Like that ... "

Xu Xing said that he lost all his confidence. If he really held his fingers to count them, the misunderstanding between Xu Xing and Lu Che would not be counted. However, in the past, it was a pure misunderstanding. Xu Xing had a clear conscience. But this time it was half true and half false, Xu woke up to his heart.

Xu Xing still had a dinner plate in his hand, which didn't move very well. He took the dinner plate with one hand, and yanked the sleeves of the landing shirt with his other hand, saying, "Let's go over there."

Xu Xing was worried about Lu Che's resistance, so he almost dared not pull the hand holding his clothes. Fortunately, Lu Che was very cooperative and let him leave.

Xu Xing temporarily put the dinner plate on the empty table opposite Kodi. Kodi scooped up a spoonful of egg rice and opened his mouth to eat it. When he looked up and saw Xu Xing, he said, "It's the monitor, sit down. sit."

Kodi was completely out of condition, and Xu Xing was relieved.

Xu Xingying said: "You eat first, I have something with Lu Che ..."

As soon as Xu Xing looked up, he saw Lu Che stepping in with one hand. Jun's face smelled like a stinky rag, and he held his thin lips quietly. Xu Xing was not sure if this was a sign before his volcanic eruption, and he quickly luked Lu Chera. I went outside and found a place without people, so I explained bitterly: "My friend, I really have no idea about Jiang Jize, and I didn't mean to find faults just now, you believe me."

Lu Che still smelled his face, sneered and smiled: "Why not use your head as a guarantee this time?"


Xu Xing didn't react at first glance, and couldn't figure it out again, but since Lu Che asked, he added: "Okay, I'll take my head as a guarantee! I'm really right Jiang Jize has no idea! Can you believe me now? "

Lu Che hummed, "Did you just say that Jiang Jize is more handsome than me today? You have no idea about him, do you think he is handsome?"

Xu Xing quickly changed his mind when he heard: "No, he is not handsome at all."

As a result, Lu Che was unwilling, frowning: "You have said that he is handsomer than me, and now you say that he is not handsome at all, play with me? In disguise, I am the ugliest?"

Xu Xing did not expect that Lu Che would be so stubborn, and smiled with joy: "No ... you are the most handsome! Super handsome!"

Xu Xing only wanted to coax Lu Che, so that Lu Che wouldn't slap the matter in front of Jiang Jize, and add trouble to the outside world. After all, Xiao Shun hit Jiang Jize "inadvertently", and Xu Xing "intentionally" pushed Xiao Shun to hit Jiang Jize. This is completely different. The former is caused by the intersection of the fate, and the latter is-do you **** want to fight? !! Will also affect Xiao Shun.

Xu Xingshun landed with a thorough heart, and made good words, and tried to exaggerate him and turned his head.

But Xu Xing's mouth kept boasting, but inside he was a few big eyes rolling up to the sky: why is this guy forced to do so? You crooked, crooked, there is endless! Is it over!

Lu Che had a mess, and thought that Xu Xing's words were out of his mind, which made him feel slightly satisfied. He couldn't help pressing the corners of his lips for a long time. He touched his nose and continued to put on his bad face: "Oh, you said Jiang Jize was not handsome and had no idea about him; you also said that I was super handsome, so do you have an idea with me?"

Lu Che's eyes filled with sly smiles.

Xu Xing: "..."

At first glance, I felt that Lu Che's two sentences were very reasonable and impeccable, but think about Xu Xing and just roar: What are you **** logic about!

Xu Xing would like to take a few hard shots on the head of Lu Che's shoulder to see if it looks like a juicy watermelon, and there will be a "crisp" sound when knocked.

Xu Xing held down the turbulent anger in his heart, took a deep breath, and said, "Ter brother, don't worry, I don't have any thoughts for you. Let's go back to dinner and I'm starving."

Xu Xing turned his head and looked into the cafeteria. This was a sign that he was so tired that he didn't want to say more, but fell into Lu Che's eyes but Xu Xing shifted the subject bluntly.

Lu Che snorted and said mercifully, "Let's eat first."

Xu Xingru was pardoned and returned to the cafeteria one after the other, but when he was about to lift the dinner plate, he heard Lu Che speak again, "You just sit here to eat."


Lu Che did not play cards at all.

Xu Xing stunned and said, "No, I am still waiting for me at the same table."

Xu Xing still failed to get approval, but was lured to the side opposite Kodi by Lu Che.

Cody drank a straw and drank Vitasoy, sitting opposite Xu Xing with a grin, and asked curiously, "Lecturer, what are you just discussing with Brother Che?"

Fu Xun, who was sitting next to Xu Xing, said, "Did the monitor say he wanted to introduce Archer to his girlfriend?"


Xu Xing did not forget where the rumor of Fu Yi started, and he clearly remembered that he was holding a gangster for Wang Zicong's girlfriend.

——Oh, no, it's Wang Zi Cong's girlfriend's friend.

Xu Xing didn't want to take up this topic. He persevered by passing by. He lowered his head to eat, and suddenly saw a pair of chopsticks holding a large chicken wing on his dinner plate.

The fried chicken wings fell into the plate with a little noise, and Xu Xing's eyelids followed.

Xu Xing is now the eldest monk of Erzhang. He looks up at Lu Che with a look of urgency.

Lu Che's plate also had fried chicken wings, and said indifferently, "Aren't you hungry, I ordered too much and can't finish eating."

Xu Xing didn't know how to reject others before, but now when the subject is replaced with Lu Che, he feels that his skin is covered with goosebumps, and he straightly refuses: "I don't like eating fried chicken wings ..." Can't help but add, "However, their red mullet is OK."


Lu Che frowned: "Why don't you like to eat, don't you even remember fried chicken wings in class?"

Xu Xing reacted as soon as he heard it. Lu Che was talking about the time he was named Sichun by the class teacher. He said: "No, I was talking nonsense that time. I often ordered their red mullet, which was as hot as fried chicken wings. I was afraid that others would grab the red mullet with me, so I only mentioned fried chicken wings."

Lu Che: "........."

Cody listened and laughed haha: "Lecturer, you are so motivated! If you don't eat them, give me chicken wings."

Xu Xing simply clipped fried chicken wings to Cody without hesitation and hesitation.

Cody squinted and smiled, "Hey, I'm lucky to have the chicken wings that Che Ge bought for his girlfriend."

Xu Xing: "???"

Lu Che: "Shut up."

Lu Chen took the sweet milk beside him silently and turned his face elsewhere. He was still holding a straw in his mouth, and his neat white teeth straightened the straw head.

Lu Che just lined up for a meal in front of the stall, across the glass baffle, squinting at his eyes, there were only two poor fried chicken wings left, and he just whispered, "Oh! What is left? Two fried chicken wings ... but it's fine, even if the person in front ordered, I have one left. "

When Lu Che heard it, he suddenly remembered Xu Xing lifting up fried chicken wings in class, and blurted out: "I want two fried chicken wings."

The aunt who was cooking did not hold the spoon, and said thickly, "You can only hit one, and leave one for the other students!" Just after finishing talking, she looked up, and alas, this guy is really handsome, She immediately replied with a smile: "One for each person, you hit two to leave one for your little girlfriend, right?"

Lu Che rarely smiled, raised his lips and said, "Yes."

Aunt: "Oh!"

The aunt forcibly added drama by herself, and logically dumped both fried chicken wings into Lu Che's dinner plate. The students in the back row were speechless.


Ke Di cheerfully finished talking to Xu Xing, Lu Che's face was a little heavier.

Xu Xing silently chopped the rice in his plate and didn't think about it after listening to it. He just wanted to finish the meal as soon as possible. He also remembered the situation on the side of Xiao Shun and Jiang Jize.

the other side--

The prince clumsily eats dinner alone, occasionally looking back and forth, hoping to wake up and come back quickly, hoping that Xiao Shun will appear from the door ...

Dinner alone is really lonely like snow.

Wang Zicong opened the mobile phone in sorrow, poked at the WeChat box, and sent a message to the top friend: "Sister, I have dinner in the cafeteria myself and was abandoned by my roommate qaq"

A WeChat message snorted and replied in seconds: "Where are you?"

Wang Zicong was comforted in an instant, saying that Xu Xing did not believe that Wang Zicong was chased by his girlfriend.

Xu Xing hurriedly smashed a plate of rice to help classmates pack and bring rice, and Lu Che had no reason to stop him. Xu Xing helped Xiao Shun to order a fork with honey sauce. Before leaving the cafeteria, he did not forget to say a word to Wang Cong and walked away. It was found that Wang Zicun was sitting on the opposite side of the big beautiful girl, holding her cheek to watch Wang Cong eating. This meal was also very shy.

Xu Xing is a mentally sound male student. Although he said that he was not demanding, it does not mean that he has no illusions. He would be jealous when he sees such a scene.


Xu Xing walked to Wang Zi Cong, and said to Wang Zi Cong without squinting, "I will bring Xiao Shun to bring food to the dormitory. I will leave first."

The prince Cong Wensheng turned his head and asked, "Ah, he's choked?"

Xu Xing touched his nose and dodged his eyes. To make a long story short, "I just hit a person and I spilled food."

Wang Zicong didn't ask, and said, "Oh, okay, you go back first."

Prince Cong raised his chubby hand and waved.

Xu Xing returned to the student dormitory, knocked on Xiao Shun's dormitory door, and heard the voice of "Who, come in". He opened the door and asked, "Is Xiao Shun in?"

There were three people in the dormitory. Some were playing with mobile phones and some were flipping through books. One of the boys shouted to the balcony: "Xiao Shun, the squad leader is looking for you."

Xu Xing carried the packing bag and walked to the outside balcony.

Xiao Shun was standing next to the faucet to receive water, and the sound of the lapping water covered his roommate's cries. When he saw Xu wake up, he was taken aback and turned the water down a bit. He said, "Leader, thank you, I will Let me transfer Alipay. "

Xiao Shun was thanking Xu Xing for bringing him rice.

Xu Xing saw nothing strange about Xiao Shun. He let out a sigh of relief, and turned his attention to the uniforms and trousers in Xiao Shun's basin. The stains on the clothes were very noticeable.

Xu Xing said uncomfortably: "Actually ... I also had a responsibility when you hit Jiang Jize just now. You go to eat. I'll do the laundry."

Xiao Shun didn't doubt that it didn't mean that Xiao Shun didn't feel that Jiang Jize fell because of the thrust behind, but Xiao Shun naturally classified Xu Xing's move as "careless".

Xiao Shun shook his head after hearing it, and said quietly: "I'm fine, the monitor, Jiang Jize is very nice, except for a little bit fierce just now, it didn't embarrass me."

Xu Xing noticed that Xiao Shun's hand holding the pot was subconsciously grasping a bit, for fear that Xu Xing would grab the job with him.


Xu Xing couldn't help but ask curiously: "After you returned to the dormitory with Jiang Jize ... what's the matter?"

Xu Xing asked this question very gently--

What happened after the red line disappeared? What happens after forcibly intersects with Jiang Jize? Back to the dormitory with Jiang Jize. After the two got closer, what happened?

Xu Xing felt as if he was possessed by Tang Mian's gossip soul, and wanted to follow up on everything.

Xiao Shun's voice was gentle and gentle, and the key point was answered: "He changed his clothes and gave them to me, indicating that he had to wash them and dry them before night, and then I returned."

Xu Xing replied "Oh, that's good", but was thinking: "That's it ????"

Xu Xing didn't know what he was so sorry about "as it is". Fortunately, Jiang Jize didn't have a feeling of resistance to Xiao Shun because of his involvement. Xu Xing felt that this was a blessing.

Xiao Shun lowered his eyes, his eyes fell on the surface of the water in the basin.

He didn't say it, but he secretly rejoiced: For the first time, Xiao Shun heard from Jiang Jize's mouth the low voice like a cello, pronounced his name—

"You and Lu Che are in the same class, what's your name?"

"Xiao, Shun, right?"

"Yes, it's pretty easy to remember."

Xiao Shun faintly took Jiang Jize's dirty clothes and was about to go out. He was suddenly shouted again. He stood back at the door of the dormitory and saw Jiang Jize just put his clothes around his neck. Smile at him-

"Yes, Xiao Shun—"

"My name is Jiang Jize."

The author has something to say: 1. The previous chapter was repaired a little yesterday, and corrected the non-active problem of Xu Xing's push. Qaq

2. Jiang Jize obviously changed his dirty clothes and was in a good mood.

3. Unexpectedly, some people mentioned that the prince's cp is a ladies' gangster ... this is my initial idea, but the text is not suitable, it is too rushing and Lei Meng sees it. Cover your face]

(A key point: maybe ...)

Read The Duke's Passion