MTL - I Have A Pair of Yin-Yuan Eyes-Chapter 13

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The first week of Sunday is Teacher's Day. The school has issued a temporary notice. Blackboards will be published in every class from high school to high school. On Friday afternoon, there will be a group of teachers to evaluate the blackboard papers in each class.

When the activity committee member received this task, he was already studying on the evening of last Wednesday. He had to urgently recruit students who could write pictures in the class to form a temporary team. Use the time of the self-study class to discuss and draw up a plan. Set of rough draft schemes.

The head teacher's requirements are not high: as long as it is not the ugliest grade.

This sentence won the warm applause of the blackboard team.

The next afternoon.

After finishing eye exercises in the second quarter, Xu Xing rubbed his sleepy eyes and was about to go to the bathroom to wash his face soberly. He walked behind the classroom and was stopped by the activity committee member.

"Leader, can I ask you something?"

Xu Xing responded stupidly, "Ah", the ending rose, with doubt.

The event committee member said, "Can you call Lu Chelai to help you with the blackboard newspaper? His chalk is very good. Many students recommend him to write. Unfortunately, I can't touch him."

Not many people used to know that Lu Che was good at writing. Thanks to Lu Che's recent writing on the blackboard, "Physical assignments are random numbers X and 7, and they must be handed in before school", which made him famous.

Xu Xing smiled embarrassingly and politely: "This ... you can't call him, I can't call it."

Event members immediately touted: "No, no, you know him!"


Xu Xing would like to ask where he came from. At this time, the representative of the biology class standing on a chair and turned to interrupt him: "Squad leader, please help me. The form of our blackboard is too simple. Now you can only pull points with beautiful blackboard words. "

The girl talked about this, and Xu Xing refused even if she refused. He could only answer it and said, "Okay ... I'll ask him."

Xu Xing felt that if you can think about it with your toes, you should call Lu Lu such a good person to contribute his love to the class collectively-this is obviously unrealistic.

However, since they have already promised others, Xu Xing needs to give them a reply.

Xu Xing looked back at Lu Che's seat. It was empty, so he decided to wash his face first, and then come back to talk about it.

Xu Xing went to the bathroom and drank urine, stood in front of the wash basin and scrubbed his hands. After washing his hands, he bent down and held up a handful of water and patted his face.

He faintly heard someone approaching, the faucet next to him was turned on, and without paying much attention, he heard the man teased and became addicted: "Squad leader, he's in good shape."

Xu Xing wiped off the water droplets gathered around his eyes and opened his eyes to look to the side.

I saw Lu Che's face with a frivolous smile, his neck crooked slightly, and his unwilling eyes fell behind him ...



"It's an adverb, it means something."


Xu Xingren scolded inexorably: "Why are you so sick?"

Lu Che was gladly scolded and replied, "I'll talk about what happened, and I didn't do it directly like you did."

The anger in Xu Xing's heart was a bit head-changing. He usually teased each other with other boys, but when the subject was changed to Lu Che, he felt that the boss was wrong.

Xu Xing yelled back: "I'm not scared if you are sick, how are you?"

Xu Xing yelled at this sentence, and suddenly his eyes fell uncontrollably on Lu Che's crotch, and he could not move his eyes at all!

His eyes widened:

I rely on--

The bow tied to Lu Cheng's crotch suddenly appeared!

Lu Che: "..."

He can be said to have never seen such a brazen person, and it can be called a textbook-like example of "speaking integrity".

Xu Xing's big eyes were full of emotions, including obvious shock and joy. Lu Che also read two other words from his eyes: hunger and thirst.

Lu Che was stared a bit awkwardly, and whispered: "Squad leader, can you converge a little? You will scare me away like this."

Xu Xing heard the words, and then came back to Shener. At the sight of Lu Che's mouth ridiculed, he immediately responded that his behavior was too weird, and he quickly explained: "No, no, it's not what you think ..."

It was that bow that was too dazzling, and Xu Xing also had difficulty staring at it without squinting.

Lu Che turned to wash his hands, and said indifferently: "Anyway, you can't beat me, even if you want to be hard."


Xu Xing was bitter and couldn't say it. Lu Che's remark was right, not quite right.

He really wanted to be hard-to pounce on Lu Che, forcibly untie the bow on his crotch, which was indeed a simple, crude and effective method.

Long-term restrained by the red line effect might as well be lifted, and after untying the red line's bow, he can resolutely return to Lu Che and say: I really can't look at you and love me.

Unfortunately, as Lu Che said, he can't do Lu Che ...

The future in Xu Xing's presupposition is very beautiful. He is so beautiful that he can lie down for a while and he can courageously swallow his voice. He feels that he must calm down first. Now that he can see the red line again, come to Japan and discuss it from the longest.

The task now is to set up a relationship with Lu Che first, it is best to let Lu Che take him lightly and wait for the opportunity to untie the bow.

Xu Xing was quiet for ten seconds in front of Lu Che, but his inner drama had reached the finale of episode 130. He forcibly pulled the topic of the two back to the normal trajectory, saying, "Yes, the event member told me just now that he wanted I asked you to help me to produce a blackboard newspaper, but I could n’t help you, so I asked you to do the ideological work ... "

Lu Che shouted indifferently: "Why does he think you can call me when you come out?"

Xu Xing: "How do I know this, I will be responsible for spreading the message, I will go back and give him a reply, and said that you refused."

Lu Che: "I'll speak for myself."

Xu Xing glanced at Lu Che, and said with a gaping mouth, "Oh."

Xu Xing and Lu Che came out of the toilet and returned to the classroom one after the other.

Xu Xing walked ahead, and as soon as he entered the door, he looked forward to the expectations of the members of the activity committee and the representatives of the biology class.

Xu Xing's eyes fell on the representative of the biology class. He can now see the red line again, only then did he notice that a light red line floated out of the atrium of the biology class and slowly extended behind him. Toru's ankle made several turns.

Xu Xing just glanced over and didn't care too much.

Activity members and representatives of the biology class are still waiting for Xu Xing to bring good news. Xu Xing turned his head and looked back, leaving Lu Che the right to speak.

Lu Che took the corner of his lips gently, raised his arm and hung it on Xu Xing's shoulder, and said to the members of the event, "I can help me write a few words, but not more."

Xu Xing looked back at him with a grimace, didn't this person just want to refuse ...

Lu Che put his hand on Xu Xing's shoulders, scratched Xu Xing's auricle, and smiled and said, "After all, the squad leader is in good shape, he can't help showing the squad leader, right?"

Lu Chechong Xu Xing raised his eyebrows.

Xu Xing: "..."

Xu Xing wanted to shake off the hand on his shoulder, but the corner of his eyes fell on the fluttering bow on his side, and he stiffened again.

The Biology class representative rushed to Lu Che before the event committee member. "No, it will not. There is not much content that requires a blackboard."

The representative of the biology class jumped lightly from the chair, turned on his mobile phone and approached Lu Che, giving Lu Che a detailed explanation of the areas and contents of the blackboard.

Xu Xing was slowly squeezed to the back by the biology class representative. He didn't care too much, bypassing Lu Che and returning to his seat first.

The bell rang and the demons returned.

Xu Xing looked at the swaying red line on Wang Zicong's chest, and when he looked up, he saw that Fu Yi helped Xiong Huan to boil water every day as usual. The red line of the two was still intimate, but Xiong Huan's attitude remained cold.

Xu Xing looked down at the palm of his hand, the red line fit the love line that represented marriage in the palm, and the other end was hidden in his crotch.

Xu Xing folded his palm into a fist, glanced back subtly, and saw another red line sitting under his butt.

He sighed imperceptibly and looked up inadvertently, just as opposed to Lu Che's eyes next to the window—

Lu Che held his chin with one hand and looked at him casually.


Xu Xing's eyes on Lu Che felt uncomfortable. He lowered his head in a panic and looked left and right, pretending to be looking for something on the ground. He turned away from Lu Che's eyes and went absently to the ground. Glancing at it, he was suddenly surprised: "Oh!"

Wang Zicong tore a packet of fudge secretly under the table, and he was frightened when he heard Xu Xing's voice, and the mouth of the packing bag suddenly became too big.

Xu Xing raised his head, shoved his mouthpiece into the stomach of the table, and said, "Everything I eat, I still eat!"

Prince Cong stretched out a fleshy finger and bent his eyes and begged: "... take one."

Xu Xing: "..."

He reluctantly condoned Wang Cong's grabbing a fudge, and the feeling of heartache was beyond words: as soon as he lowered his head, he saw Wang Cong's left ankle wrapped with a red thread.

Xu Xing's mood was complicated, and he felt that Wang Zi Cong was taken up by all the good things. Wang Zi Cong not only found an object with good white appearance, beautiful temperament, and long legs with lordosis, but now someone still loves him secretly !!


Xu Xing was extremely imbalanced, pretending to pick up something, lowered his shoulders, stretched his hands and dialed the red line on the ankle of the Prince Cong, and curiously grasped the change of the red line. However, the red lines that fell to the ground were as quiet as chickens, and nothing happened. reaction.

Xu Xing guessed: It may be because the owner of the red line is not in this classroom.

He sighed silently, and was not in the mood to envy the jealous prince again, holding a pen to draw on the draft paper, holding his chin in sorrow, thinking: How can I untie the bow on Lu Che's body ...

Xu Xing thought about the whole lesson without success.

When the bell rang at the end of the lesson, he was lying down on the table in depression, sticking his face to the table, facing the window, and a few longer bangs slid down the smooth forehead as he moved, blocking his eye.

Xu Xing blinked uncomfortably, raising his left hand unconsciously to break his hair.

His movement was very natural, but the next second when he pulled his hair away, he sat up in surprise, he put his palm in front of him, and unexpectedly found that the red line in his palm disappeared unexpectedly again!

Xu Xing raised his head staggered, looked around, and found that all the red lines in the entire classroom were gone-including Xiao Shun, who had special circumstances before today, this time was not spared.

what happened?

Xu Xing couldn't figure it out, and his inner tension was also faint: the red line appeared from the break time of the previous lesson and disappeared a few minutes after the end of the lesson. The time before and after it appeared was only one hour.

Xu Xing walked outside the classroom anxiously, standing in the corridor and looking around, reconfirming that he could no longer see the red line.

Xu Xing sighed and regretted that when he saw Lu Che ’s bow in the toilet just now, he did n’t immediately jump up to untie the bow. This matter was an urgent urgent matter of one hundred thousand fires.

Xu Xing regretted it. He pulled his head into the classroom and rubbed his head as he passed the blackboard. He raised his head inexplicably, and saw Lu Che standing on the chair, looking down at him pronely. And asked, "What's wrong?"

Xu Xing waved his hand and responded perfunctoryly: "Ah, it's all right."

Lu Che wanted to follow up and was interrupted by other members of the Blackboard Squad: "Head teacher."

The head teacher came to care about the progress of the blackboard newspaper after class. The senior year was the sprint time against the clock. The extra time was taken by these classmates to draw the blackboard newspaper, and she was unhappy.

"Everyone has worked hard, wow, Chan Chun's paintings look great."

The representative of the biology class is Yu Canchun.

"Oh, Lu Che, the word is as handsome as he is, so handsome!"

The head teacher stood behind Lu Che and exaggerated.

Xu Xing was still standing next to him, and the class teacher joked when he saw him: "Squad leader, why didn't you go up to help, you can help draw some flowers and grass."

Xu Xing listened and said, "Don't, teacher, don't tease me. I can't draw, or I'll go up and sign a name first."

In this blackboard, the members of the event aimed to cut corners, but also created an illusion of full sincerity. After an internal discussion of the team and nodded consent from the class teacher, they decided to reserve a large piece of paper The open space is used to collect the signatures of the classmates. In this way, the scope of drawing books is greatly reduced.

After listening to Xu Xing's words, the class teacher said, "Okay, everyone can sign in batches, so you don't have to wait in line to write your name."

Xu Xing smiled and said, "The first signature, I'm so stressed, don't be ugly."

Of course, Xu Xing's remark was just a lip service. He had already taken the chalk. As a result, he heard Lu Che said, "Let me sign it for you."

Xu Xing has not yet responded and must refuse, looking up to see Lu Cheshun sign his name in the middle of the blackboard:

Xu Xing.

The silver hook of iron painting is strong and powerful.


Xu Xing smiled on the surface and MMP inside.

The head teacher fluttered and smiled: "Lu Che, you are really the squad leader and you are ugly and dare not go up and write? This is a performance method to promote first suppression, my stupid class representative."

The classmates who looked around all smiled.

Lu Cheju raised his corner of his mouth and said, "That's it."

The tip of his tongue rolled with a smile, and the words were meaningful: "That gift is still exchanged, the squad leader signs my name."


Xu Xing resisted: exchange signatures? This is too weird!

The author has something to say: The notation of the three-character name 1: Anyone with the surname "Yu" in the text is Xu Xing's love rival. After all, the two people of "Xu" have become dependents. Do n’t be angry with my little angels, I ’m farting at Hu Yan, just to remember the supporting role ’s name [Hou Quan])

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