MTL - I Have a “System” Halo-Chapter 303 I have a halo

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After that, my uncle sent a message almost a day, and when he was concerned, he reminded the Wu Wu of the award.

Wu Wu ignored it.

However, in order to reassure his uncle, he always returned a positive answer.

After receiving the newsletter, my uncle was satisfied, but always felt a sense of crisis. He shook his head: Wu Wu was always his son and he would not do anything detrimental to his family.

The orc was not a good friend. His parents were just a pair of ordinary people, giving birth to his orc son was almost the luckiest thing of his life.

When Xun Fei found him and said that he would help him find a capable Yue family, he hesitated and agreed.

The greater the risks, the greater the benefits, and the unfavorable plan seemed seamless to him. As long as it is successful, He Chou has no great future.

Although he is an orc, the orcs are also classified. In the army, he is only the lowest soldier, only better than ordinary soldiers. But in his opinion, since he was an orc, how could he satisfy him with just that?

He needs power and money, which is what he deserves.

He's power is beyond his reach. In the interrogation room, the orcs almost immediately agreed to the uncle's request.

Only the dead can keep secrets forever.

Uncle Yun's family did not want to dispose of the orc, but although the other party was just an ordinary orc, it was also on the interstellar key list. With their abilities, it is still reluctant to make an orc disappear silently.

After leaving the family, the orcs settled under the family's surveillance for a period of time, but the video of Yun Fei and the orcs suddenly appeared on the Internet.

"What's going on ?! Some of you have installed surveillance in your room?" Uncle Pei said angrily at an urgent family meeting.

Public relations are already being processed, but the video has appeared on the Internet, and the download has already been downloaded. They can only delete the public information on the Internet, but cannot destroy all downloaded videos.

My family looked at each other.

In addition to the fenced gate, how can I install surveillance in my house?

"Fei Fei." Uncle Pei looked at Fei Fei.

Uncle Yun's eyes dissipated even the last touch of tenderness. This son has been abandoned, but it is a pity that he has been trained for so many years.

"Father, I don't." He Fei immediately shook his head.

His plan was to make everyone at the party see Wu Wu's miserable condition, but never thought of recording it.

The shocked Jun Fei did not find the uncle of Uncle Jia's family, he thought, as long as he lowered his posture, his father would protect him.

"Then you say, how did these videos come?"

"I ..." Wu Fei was speechless.

In fact, Uncle Pei knew very well that the video was taken by Pei Feng. But why is the other party doing this?

Wu Wu is Pei Feng's fiance, and the Yue family's reputation is damaged. Can it be good for the Pei family?

Uncle Pei called his uncle's name, "Go ask Wu Wu what happened."

Uncle frowned and nodded.

A few days after the incident happened, Feifei found that she was pregnant. He did not care whether the body was suitable or not, and took the embryo out of the body almost immediately.

How can such a dirty existence remain in his body?

He wanted to destroy but was stopped by his father. Maybe their family can get an orc?

The embryo was taken away, and he was still the pride of the uncle's family, but once the video came out, I am afraid that the orcs with a little ability would never want to marry him again.

Bian Fei did not even go to the college and was imprisoned at home by Uncle Pei.

The orc stood up and said he was responsible. He said that the incident was an accident and no one was around when he woke up. Now knowing who the other party is, he is willing to take responsibility.

Bian Fei is unwilling to do anything.

Such a mediocre orc, I am afraid that after marrying myself, the family will no longer control themselves. The orc was found by himself, and he knew better than anyone about the inferiority of the other. If you find that you have not benefited the other party, you may not be able to get better.

He is unwilling to marry.

But Uncle Pei has already given up on Fei. Anyway, in the end, you can only match an ordinary orc. If you marry, it is good for the reputation of the whole family.

Accidents and personal relationships are obviously lighter.

Basically everyone knows how much water there is in this accident. It's just a stealing bell, which sounds better.

Bian Fei collapsed when he learned of his father's decision. He said that the orc was mediocre and brutal, but why did his father let him marry?

"You Fei, you are part of your family. Your reputation is more important than yours. I must have taught you for so many years. I do n’t teach it. I teach you responsibility, so this is yours. Cause, then you should take care of it. "

Uncle Yun's expression was indifferent.

"No, father, help me, I'm your son. I don't want to marry him!"

"It's not that my father doesn't want to help you, but that this matter is not something our family can solve anymore." Uncle Yun Jia softened his tone.

After all, he is the son he has taught and nurtured for many years. When he sees the other person kneeling and begging for himself, it is inevitable that he has two or two points of concealment.

He sighed. "This is what Marshal Pei meant."

"Father ..." Wu Fei panicked. "I'm going to him, I'm going to Marshal Pei, and I'm asking him. Father, you can help me, as long as Marshal Pei is willing to help me, then it will be fine."

Uncle Yun's family didn't speak, showing a thoughtful expression.

"And Wu Wu, Wu Wu is Marshal Pei's fiance. I'll go ... I beg him, for all these years of love, he will definitely help me."

He Fei looked down on Wu Wu, but only Wu Wu could help him in this matter. At the thought of putting down his posture in front of someone he despised, Feife felt a strong sense of humiliation.

"Okay, then I'll give you a chance."

"Thank you father."

After all, it's because of value. If Fei Fei can have a little weight in Wu Wu or Pei Feng's eyes, it is not bad to stay.

Indeed, marrying the orc was the best solution, but it was a decision made without Pei's help. If the Pei family is willing to lend a helping hand, an orc is afraid he cannot solve it?

So when Wu Wu saw the righteousness in front of himself, he laughed a bit.

You all know who the messenger is, and come to ask for yourself. Isn't that finding trouble for yourself?

"Wuwu, you must help me. The orc has a tendency to abuse. I will die if I marry it."

Wuwu said uneasily, "How come? Since you agree with that orc, the other party will definitely cherish you."

"It's all a misunderstanding, Wu Wu, I don't know him at all." Wu Fei wanted to tear Wu Wu's clothes and was avoided by Wu Wu.

Long before Xun Fei came, his uncle came to ask him. Wu Wu just said that he didn't know about it. Pei Feng wouldn't do that. Someone framed him.

No matter what his uncle said, Wu Wu was such a rhetoric, his uncle had no choice but to hang up the communication.

My father thought that Wu Wu had simple thoughts and could not think of complex conspiracy levels. As everyone knows, Wu Wu is the main messenger at all.

"Sorry, Fei Fei, I can't help you." Wu Wu apologized.

"No, you can help me, Wu Wu. Tell Marshal Pei, as long as Marshal Pei agrees, it will be fine."

Wu Wu showed an uncomfortable expression, "But Pei Feng would not listen to me at all."

He Feiran wondered, "How come? Marshal Pei seems to like you so much."

At the same time he said that, Feifei felt a slight pain in his heart. Admitting that Marshal Pei liked another person, it was a psychological torture for him.

"He just did it in front of outsiders." Wu Wu felt sad.

Bian Fei suppressed the faint joy in her heart and couldn't even care about her own affairs. He worried, "If Marshal Pei doesn't like you, why marry you?"

Wu Wu whispered softly, "I match him best."

Fang Fei turned around and asked, "Wu Wu, would you marry Marshal Pei?"

"I ..." Wu Wu stopped talking.

"If you don't want to marry the Marshal, I can help you."

"How can you help me?" Wu Wu looked up in surprise.

There is a smug glance in Wu Fei's eyes, "Wu Wu, in fact, I match Marshal Pei with the same high degree, but it is better than you. If you don't want to, I am willing to marry Marshal Pei."

"How can this be." Wu Wu immediately objected, "You are like that orc, how can you marry Marshal Pei."

Bian Fei's face twisted for a moment, and he was sad, "Wu Wu, don't you even look down on me?"

Wu Wu shook his head. "No, but since you have a relationship with the orcs, Marshal Pei is so good, you ..." is not worth Marshal Pei.

He Fei read out the unfinished words. He swallowed the hatred in his throat and wailed, "Yes, I know I don't deserve Marshal Pei, but I really like Marshal Pei. I just want to help That's how you say it. If you don't want to, just treat it like I didn't say it. "

"Xun Fei, thank you for your willingness to help me, but I think it's better for me to marshal Marshal Pei."

Wu Wu's words directly acknowledged that Wu Fei was not worthy of Pei Feng.

He could not help but want to vomit blood. He was about to speak, but when he saw a figure, he smiled strongly, "Marshal Pei is indeed the best interstellar orc. Although you don't like him, he is indeed a good one. Marriage. You must be happy to marry Marshal Pei.

As soon as Wu Fei said it, a man with a strong sense of presence came to Wu Wu.

Yun Fei thought that Marshal Pei was a proud person. When he heard that his fiance did not like himself, he would definitely not want to marry him again.

However, Pei Feng's words later made Fei Fei unable to restrain her jealousy.

"Even if Xiaowu doesn't like me, as long as Xiaowu is willing to marry me, it's my luck. As long as I like Xiaowu.

Who has ever seen Pei Feng, who has always been indifferent, show such gentle eyes.

Wu Wu was at a loss, and it seemed that Pei Feng would not appear suddenly. He kept busy trying to explain, "I ..."

Pei Feng stopped his words, "It doesn't matter, I know."

"Pei Feng ..." Wu Wu moved.

Seeing the intimate figure of the two people in front of her, Yan Fei felt a strong jealousy.

why? !!

"Wu Wu, didn't you say you didn't want to marry Marshal Pei?" Wu Fei provoked.

Pei Feng did not give Chan Wu a chance to speak. He asked Wu Wu to go out and wait for him first, with a pair of sharp eyes staring at Chan Fei.

Hefei was startled, busy lowering his head to conceal the look on his face.

"I did that. You want to frame Xiaowu. I just used it on your body. What is self-effect, I think you will know right away."

After speaking, Pei Feng did not look at Fei Fei any more and went out.

Xiaowu was still waiting for him in the car.

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