MTL - I Have a “System” Halo-Chapter 304 I have a halo

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Get in the car, Pei Feng looked at the Wu Wu beside him, showing a petting smile.

"Is it fun?"

"Is not fun."

Wu Wu was still the same expression, but Pei Feng noticed the dissatisfaction of the other party, "What? He made you unhappy?"

Wu Wu didn't speak.

"That's ... are you jealous?"

Pei Feng also couldn't figure out whether Wu Wu was jealous. Wu Wu always kept absolute calmness on the characters across the world, and never affected his emotions.

Since it is not because of himself, it is because of him?

Anyway, I have experience in dozens of worlds after amnesia. Even though the jealous and jealous looks I have seen in the past are intentionally revealed by the other party, it is not difficult to guess such an association.

When he knew Wu Wu, the other party had become the most indifferent and relentless. Although the two later came together, most of the other showed calmness and self-reliance.

After the amnesia, the acquaintance once again made Pei Feng re-understand the other aspect of the teenager. Without being alone in the world, young people are more emotional, softer and cute.

Wu Wu is not awkward, straightforward, "Yes."

Pei Feng's eyes lit up.

Wu Wu is too calm. Sometimes he feels that the other party is because he likes to be with him or because he likes to be moved. However, he just thinks about it, he knows clearly that if Wu Wu is not because he likes it, there will not be similar soft feelings.

But the person in love always looks particularly naive, he wants to see Wu Wu show different emotions for himself.

Happy, pleasantly surprised, deceitful ...

Can't bear to make the other person unhappy, so that's fine.

"Why? Because he used to like the original body?"

Wu Wu glanced at him obliquely.

Pei Feng couldn't hold back the sudden rejoicing in his heart and leaned over to hold people firmly in his arms. "I'm so happy, Xiaowu."

"How? Happy someone likes you?"

Wu Wu didn't know what happened? Obviously he is a man who is used to controlling emotions, but suddenly, he doesn't want to keep that kind of person in front of Pei Feng.

"No." Pei Feng kissed the young boy's lips. "I'm glad Xiaowu liked me more than I thought."

Wu Wu raised an eyebrow. "What? Don't you think I don't like you?"

"Xiao Wu never told me to like it." Pei Feng's voice was already aggrieved.

Wu Wu thought about it carefully, from the beginning, it seemed that a certain man followed him deadly. The idiotic, gloomy, and arrogant ... and since the other party can remember from the front and back, it has become more and more absent-minded from the first sight.

Actually, it ’s not that ...


Pei Feng was dumbfounded, what does "um" mean.

He sticked in and blinked, "Xiao Wu said like me, okay? Xiao Wu, I like you so much."

"me too."

Pei Feng: ...

Even after the two were together, Wu Wu never seemed to say his favorite words. I wanted to get used to being indifferent and alienated, and the other party couldn't make it look so tired and dead.

But aren't all those in the world doing well? It's so cute!

Pei Feng entangled Wuwu all the way and entered the house. Wuwu took the initiative to press the man and kissed him.

Pei Feng froze, and responded with a more fierce attitude. He wanted to hold the boy in his arms in reverse, but was pressed against his shoulder by the other side, "I'm coming."

Pei Feng “tengled”, the whole body's blood was hot. He raised his hand and made a gesture of acting.

In fact, Wu Wu is not attached to the intimacy of the two, and his needs are almost nothing. Every time, it was Pei Feng who was pestering him.

Although it will be invested later, there are few occasions when there is active demand in Wuwu. Pei Feng is even more aware of this than Wu Wu himself, so he always tries his best to provoke the other party's desire = desire.

Wu Wu is not a kind person, he is more ruthless than Pei Feng. Pei Feng is occasionally emotionally affected by characters in the world, but Wu Wu has never been.

Otherwise, it will not let him chase for so long.

He looked helplessly at Wu Wu, his eyes full of the brilliance of having the other party.

It's like ... having the entire universe.

No, more stars than the universe are hidden in the dark pupils.

Wu Wu didn't see Pei Feng's eyes. At this moment, he was like a tiger with his claws full of aggressiveness.

He will bite each other's lips, leaving his mark on him. Ripped apart each other's shirt, under clothes, ... …………………………………………

Pull light——

Wu Wu's rare initiative made Pei Feng unable to help himself. He almost tangled Wu Wu for several days. Except for eating and sleeping, the two were in bed.

Wu Wu was extremely forgiving to him this time. There is a lot of pampering as long as you want.

Moreover, he got "likes" from each other.

He couldn't describe the feeling at that moment, like the fireworks blooming in the night sky, dropping countless stars. It's like the morning dawn descends into the darkness and shines on the entire Mo Hai.

All emotions come together-I love you.


Bian Fei's wedding was held in a hurry. In just one month, the whole process was completed. At the wedding, Fei Fei's face was gloomy, not at all like another protagonist of the wedding. However, others don't care.

Everyone knows that the grandmother's family is doing this more to round their own face.

The wedding didn't go, he didn't want to go, no one could force him.

He's not frightened, but he's really uncomfortable lately.

A black hole appeared in the body, slowly devouring his soul power. He carefully inspected for several days and found nothing strange.

And each time after finishing with Pei Feng, the swallowing power will disappear for a while, and the soul power will return to its original state, making him think it is his illusion.

But whether it is an illusion or not, Wu Wu is very clear.

Perhaps, let Pei Feng take a look.


The survey data of the list of awards has been submitted to the federal parliament, and the materials will record the merits and faults of the elected person and a series of experiences. The federal parliamentary investigation is very detailed, and some secrets are also under investigation.

After all, no matter how fair the Federation is, it is also controlled by several powerful military and political forces. However, it is just the balance in the checks and balances, they all want to catch some handles and get rid of their opponents.

The rest of the candidates submitted normal inspection data, but the only one was a thick pile of evidence of violation of discipline.

The Qiang family is a military and political family. Almost every child has gone through the process of attending a military school, joining the army, and being promoted.

Just while several generations were on duty in the army, suddenly the army of the Federal Parliament took them away. Almost all of the soldiers in the family were bewildered and didn't understand what was wrong.

The federal army has a huge battlefield. If there were no military regulations to control it, the army would have been talking about it.

Uncle Yun's family wanted to refute, but found that the information in his hand had irrefutable grounds. Moreover, none of them is fictitious, all of the gloom that the family used to try to hide.

I tasted the beauty of power and started to feel uneasy at first, but in the calm waves that no one reported, the greedy minions stretched longer.

Except for a few ordinary people who were married out, almost all the puppet family members of the army were captured. There are no loopholes and no grievances. In the face of solid evidence, even if they do not plead guilty, federal law will punish them for guilty of refusing to plead guilty after breaking the criminal law.

The ordinary people married to the Qiang family are not valued. When they see something wrong with the Qiang family, they ca n’t wait to weaken their sense of existence.

How to stretch? !! How to stretch? All the rules and regulations are violations of law and discipline!

Not to mention that they have no ability, if they have, they will not go to this muddy water.

Most of my family members are influential. How can their life in the family be better off? When they saw something wrong with their uncle's family, their first response was not to help the rescue, but to be happy and happy.

Bian Fei was because he was abandoned and ignored, but escaped, but his life was not satisfactory.

After the marriage, the orc found that Feifei could not bring him what he wanted. At first, he also took care of the identity of the other party and was afraid to say anything. After discovering the truth, he was used to venting his anger almost every day.

You dare not fight, and scolding never stops.

He asked Qian Fei to ask his family to promote himself to an official position. He was perfunctory with his qualifications. Now that his family is down, Bian Fei has completely lost value, and the number of hands has increased.

The orc didn't care about the child at the beginning. The child is still in the military laboratory. As long as it belongs to his name, it will always be delivered. In his eyes, Hefei has nothing except identity.

As an orc, naturally, there are a lot of ordinary people who cherish and embrace, and there are not many who are willing to give birth to him.

Xun Fei does look good, but that's under the blessing of the other heir's heir. Without that circle of aura, he is just an ordinary person who looks slightly more attractive.

After hearing about the seizure of her family, she found that Wuwu was not on the punishment list and proactively exposed it, but was told that Wuwu was one of the informers.

Howling! He has been lying to everyone! Everyone believed his disguise!

Hefei fell to the ground and was dragged back by the orc husband who followed him. Orc's scolding was ignored.

Although his family gave up on him, he still had the identity of his family, and the orcs would still worry about his family if they did not like him. But now his family is gone, and he is finished.

Read The Duke's Passion