MTL - I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce-~ Chapter 50

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Devitt didn't seem to want to spend too much time on this person. After he finished, he bypassed Cook and walked straight into the Academy. The gentleness in his arms screamed at the right moment. Devitt looked down at the little fox and looked at the wet eyes. He always felt that the other person seemed to care about him. Reaching his hand gently touched the white head.

However, the gentleness of "intimate" is not concerned with him, but a little sympathy for this stupid big man. It will not be very uncomfortable to talk to people. Hey, this is the language he will not say here, otherwise his mouth will be Kung Fu, just that yellow hair, can you marry him?

The two men and two beasts went in. The outside Cook remembered the ugly face of Devitt, and couldn’t help but feel a bit of darkness. There was a conservative curtain next to him. Some don’t worry, little voice, "Mr. Cook, Marshal If we have completely recovered, we still don’t know. If he really recovers completely, even if he is half-recovery, don’t be easy to be an enemy. The Prime Minister has always been close to him, and the Zerg does need his strength. Let people stay on the line..."

"What is the line?" Cook rolled his big eyes. "Do you know how his old man died? And the Utta Star Alliance is what I advocate. The line between me and him has long since disappeared. It is not him." Is it that I am dead, what is the use of maintaining that face, can I eat?"

After a pause, Cook replenished his sentence with enthusiasm. "It’s just a half-body. I have to see how long he can live."

When Cook finished, he went on. He didn’t finish watching the drama today. He came to the Academy to know what DeWitt was going to be. The people in the Academy are not alone. He knows that Devitt will not Easily put the news out, then he directly followed to see, there will be no one to dare to stop him.

Just did not go inside for two steps, Cook began to find something wrong.

"...what is it?" The first sensation was sent by someone beside him.

"Yeah, how is it so stinky?" The man immediately picked it up as soon as he spoke.

At this time, Cook also smelled it. It was a ugly taste. It was so powerful that people couldn’t breathe. It smelled like a stomach, and most importantly, it seemed to be uploaded from him. ...? Looking down at his cuffs, Cook’s face changed immediately, and at the same time, the eyes of a group of peers fell on him.

"Mr. Cook, you just... is it stepping on something?" Someone licked his nose and asked with a sullen voice. This person is usually a politician who can talk at any time in the House. But the atmosphere blocked by this taste did not dare to breathe, and the words were unclear.

A few people, look at me, I look at you, and have retreated several times in the same place, and the source of the stinky cook, a face is already black.

Just when the group of people at the door was in a mess because of the sudden stench, a pair of black diamonds were sneaked in the back of Devet’s shoulders, looking at their directions, shaking with a smile. .


Devitt and his party continued to walk inside. Not long after, a neat white-haired old man walked out and saw the Devette as soon as he saw his eyes flashing. "Marshal."

"Lin Lao." Seeing it, Devitt really respected the elders in front of him, and even stopped, and the direction of the old Lin was slightly stunned.

"You..." Lin Lao patted Devet's arm, reached out and helped the old glasses on his nose, and looked at the latter seriously. It seems that there are many questions to ask, but they are still in the Academy of Sciences. In the hall, Archie thought of a kind of researcher around him who was more or less cast, and quickly stepped forward, "Professor Lin, let's go in and say."

Lin Laodun paused and looked at the researchers behind them. They finally looked down at Cook, who was not far behind them. The look turned cold and seemed unhappy." Well, come with me."

After he finished this sentence, his eyes once again fell on Devitt's body. He looked and looked at Wen Wei in his arms. He seemed to think for a while before turning to lead the way.

"Professor Lin," see Lin Lao comprehending his meaning. Archie is not worried. He spent a year in the Academy of Sciences and looked at the familiar and strange scenes around him. He felt a little emotion. "I heard that. Recently, the capital star is not very peaceful, and many beasts are poisoned?"

"Yes," he walked in a little, and the people around him gradually became less. Lin Lao sighed and said, "The Assyrians just did not pay attention to the beast, but this kind of slaughter of life has never happened. It’s not only happening now, but the frequency is still so high, it’s really amazing...”

"Why is this happening? I have heard from my friends that it has been going on for a long time," Mark told him when he first came. This time, it’s been a week since it’s been reported. The monitoring of the Capital Star is very Strictly, poisoning on the street, the frequency is so high, the number of times is so many, it is impossible to find it for so long, so that the other party is more and more embarrassed, "Is it necessary to maintain the troops?"

Lin Lao pushed open a glass door, sighed and shook his head, looking very helpless.

However, Devitt, who has been silent for a moment, suddenly added a sentence, "The responsibility related to the beast should belong to the genetic survey center."

As soon as the voice fell, Aki stunned and immediately reacted. Although Cook was a very annoying guy, his words at the door were only played by the title. Those poisoned beasts were definitely let People sent to the research institute, but if the beast is just ordinary poisoning, how could it be sent to the research institute? Here is the highest level of research in the empire. As for the military department, each day is closely guarded by the military. If the poisoning of the beast is sent in, it can only be explained ---

"Let's see for yourself." Pushing the door inside, Lin's gaze flashed a trace of sorrow and took them in.

Just stepping into the room, Archie stunned, his eyes slammed wide, and he was on the spot, even Devitte couldn’t help but frown, and subconsciously reached out and hugged the little fox in his arms. s eyes.

Although the study room is already quite large, the transparent compartments in the room are still crowded one by one. In every cubicle, there are all kinds of beasts. The heads of the beasts are broken, and some of them are cracked everywhere. Some of the limbs have been broken, and many are even separated. You can see the bones from afar.

Their eyes are scattered, their breathing is very light, their faces are exhausted, and the confused and painful look is very distressing, and there are quite a few cubs in them, which are much smaller than Wen’s, almost can be said. It is a cub that has not been born for a long time. Those places that are not covered by fur are supposed to be pink, but now they are all unnatural black purple.

"It's already dead." I noticed Devit's gaze, Lin explained. "The female has just given birth for a long time. She can't see the child not taking medicine. She is very emotional and has been biting herself."

Archie's eyes were locked on those little beasts. For a time, it was a little bit fascinating. The thoughts couldn't help but pull the day when the scars were thrown in front of him more than ten years ago. The heart seemed to be stunned. Living like the same, painful and painful, the bird lying on his shoulder seems to have sensed his emotions, bowed his head, and licked him with a soft and a bit of hard bird feathers.

"There is only such a place." Lin looked at the crowded room and couldn't help but sigh. "In fact, there is no big use for this kind of isolation. Isolation and cleaning are not done very well. It is my ability not enough. I said that this matter is not under the control of the Academy of Sciences. It is argued that I have only won two rooms, and the manpower is still scarce. I can only do it here."

"What kind of poison is this?" Archie took a deep breath and asked with a slight voice.

His eyes were tightly locked on the wounded beasts. They were uncomfortable in their ears, but they had no strength. They could only scream and scream out of their throats. Their hearts were full of sorrow. These were not aggressive. Most of the beasts are barely as big as one of the small arms of a person. How can someone have such a poisonous hand?

"Nerve poison." Lin Lao said with a lip. "Although it is only speculation, I suspect that the source of this toxin is not simple. The extracted ingredients have a part that matches the suspected worm."

"What?!" Archie's eyes widened and almost screamed out.

On his unbelievable eyes, Lin Lao nodded.

Except for Devitt, the person who is infected with insects is still dead, or is still unconscious. The poison is an absolute first problem for the empire. However, some people can now get the poison that matches the worm. In the capital star Asil, a large area of ​​poisoning the beast, what is this ---

This thought was shaken from Archie's brain in just one second. He was a little anxious. "It is possible to be related to insecticide. The maintenance team still does not care? The military department!"

"That was just my guess. The specific ingredients of the worm have not been fully analyzed today. There is no specific text, and the process cannot go."

Archie was shocked. Lin Lao has always been a respected predecessor in the Academy of Sciences. If he said it, even if there is no tangible evidence, there is no one who can even respond. "You can't find someone to remind you. ......"

"I also submitted the safety hazard report." Lin Lao said, taking off his glasses and pinching his temples in a weary manner. Archie discovered that Lin Lao was much older than the last time he saw it. "But It was rejected by Cook."

The room was in a moment of silence. The air seemed to have only the painful inhalation of the beasts. Archie bit his teeth and couldn’t even say a word. The old Lin looked at the furnishings in the room. The pleated face carries a bit of blame.

Instead, Devitt looked at the small beasts in this room and suddenly asked, "What about the other room?"

He was in a coma for a month. In Cook’s eyes, it’s not much different from the estimated death. Devitt didn’t really care what others thought of him, but if he wanted to summon this thing, if he indulged, all the soldiers in the frontier might Will be chilling.

They lost to the Zerg, but they will never lose to Uta Star. In the past, now, the enemy can now join the alliance, but it is not directly seeking the sum of the way of self-depreciation. It was he who had just seen it in the official document. Cook actually intended to exchange the small part of the information in the frontier legion to express the sincerity of seeking peace.

There was a storm in the eyes under the eyelashes, but soon he felt the energy nucleus faint. Devitt's lips became a straight line, with the frequency of his energy storm and spiritual dissociation, and the imperial progress of the empire in this respect. It will take a long time to face death, but he will guard the frontier defense, he will Like his father, stick to the last second of life.

After pinching the bridge of the nose, Devitt took a shower after closing the terminal. He walked into the room very lightly and saw the little white fox sleeping in the nest next to the pillow. The footsteps were soft and the eyes softened.

Wen Hao has always been a bed, this little guy is very afraid of cold, although he is not willing to admit, but Devitt's body warmer obviously improves his sleep quality, especially in the period of serious injury, so when he first came, he I chose the bed very much without abandoning my dignity. I shared a bed with people but I never had a fight from my brothers and sisters and my parents.

And Devitt has nothing to do with whether or not a person can sleep on a bed with a beast. He fully implements the belief that he should be good at his own beast. And he knows that the little guy is afraid of cold, sometimes he wants to let it sleep in the quilt, but the other party has been reluctant to give it a new quilt, and always sleep next to the pillow.

After going to bed lightly, Devitt stared at the fox on the pillow and saw it, suddenly itchy, his fingers gently touched on the gentle head. Seeing that the little guy was sleeping on the floor, he didn’t react to his movements. Devitt turned his claws and the soft hair on his belly. After finishing his hand, he reached back to Wen’s head. Hit the ground and carefully slammed the little hair on the little guy's head.

Soon, there were two different reverse hairs on Wen’s head.

Busy in the official document, the marshal who wanted to sleep, looked at the two mane, as if suddenly found a great pleasure besides work, touched and touched the head and stomach of the little fox, not long after, the gentle hair of Wen’s body Just on the left side of him, he had a bulge on the right side, and his final gaze fell on the fluffy big tail.

Looks like it feels good ---

Devitt, who has entered the "No one can think of me to do this" mode, can't help but slowly get together.

However, just as the sin was about to happen, the little fox who was still sleeping suddenly changed his sleeping position. When he moved, he blocked his belly with his tail, and together with his butt, wrapped his body tighter. Devitt’s movements were stiff and his mind seemed to wake up in an instant. He remembered the attitude of the little fox to his touch and touch during the day. He silently took it back and paused for a while before turning around and turning off the light.


Wen Hao had a nightmare. In the middle of the night, he woke up with two raised hairs, and a little squatting, licking the wet eyes against the air.

Counter-hair is a very difficult thing to do, especially when it is very clear that the hair is not smooth. So this feeling, after returning to the gods, Wen Hao is going crazy, madly want to touch his head, but the claws can not reach the head shortly, and he is anxious to die, his heart is tight and tight, simply not I understand that I have just been sleeping in the wild, and I will sleep like this. Wen Yan has always been very guilty about this matter. He is not very good at sleeping. When his parents are still there, he can roll around and go all the foxes in the nest. Master.

Although Wen Hao has always liked his hair to be beautiful and bright, the mane technique is very high, but this time he also took a long time to get the two bristles on his head, and left a sharp point. angle.

The presence of the sharp corners of this point is already unseen, but silently telling myself that I can't sleep so capriciously.

Subconsciously licking the paws, but found that his claws are already cold, this kind of thing happens often, in the past, Wen Hao will immediately pick up a squat to warm up, but now, he licked the fox eyes, put the meat pad directly Stuffed to Devitt's neck.

Feeling the warmth of the temperature came, Wen Hao comfortably raised his eyes and stuffed the other paw, and stepped on it.

Thinking of the dream, Wen Yan’s eyes faded. He took medicine before going to bed. The abundant spiritual power was enough to support him to find the giant **** Dan placed in the innermost space treasure. Now that the drug has taken effect, he can I feel that there is warm current swimming in the body.

Although the demon has not recovered, but the medicine has not yet fully taken effect, and the internal injuries in the body are already good. Silently praised in the heart the genius of the research gods----When he himself stretched out on the pillow, his eyes fell on Devitt, and he remembered the very unpleasant dream. .

Devitt’s words a few hours ago also flashed through his warm mind.

"Before that, all your abilities will be kept secret."

After licking his paws, Wen Yan’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light. He was happy to see the human race and was not interested in their lives and deaths, but he liked the sincere people. The eyes of the Terran said that he was delighted when he said the sentence.

After thinking for a while, Wen Hao was slightly gazing, and his eyes fell back on Devitt. The pulse in the internal organs of the latter appeared in front of him.

The meridians are very chaotic, and the veins are also shocked, especially the meridians, and the warm eyes are slightly moving.

This person's pulse mouth has many small wounds, which are all signs of being attacked by disordered aura. It is very rare. Their aura's aura is alienated from the demon, and the chaotic aura is absorbed. Then, it will be dealt with by the demon, and it will be normal to get used to it for a long time. The human race is the same, so the pulse port usually does not show such signs, unless the man with high mana is directly oppressed from outside the body with spiritual power - but this is obviously impossible.

Here, Wen Hao has not seen anyone who can surpass Devitt and cause him such trauma. So, is this guy... sucking the aura from the pulse? A gentle look, then think about it for a moment, and it makes sense in an instant.

He did not carefully look at the veins of Kasei and Archie, but this group of people is so amateur to the use of Lingshi, and the way of absorption is also very likely. Reversing the aura, all the energy in the whole body is reversed. The more you absorb, the faster you reverse, and the more easily your body will explode, it is simply evil. It is no wonder that this guy’s body will become this. Sub-pattern.

Wen Yan blinked. He didn't know the way from which the Terran was learned to absorb the aura. It was enhanced to use the aura of the heavens and the earth, but this method greatly reduced their life.

Thinking of this, Wen Wei moved the white-haired claws and made two turns on Devitt's body.

So Devitt felt in his sleep that one hand had been swimming in his abdomen. The hand bones were distinct, white and slender, with a slight coolness, and he was very patient in his abdomen. It's a little itchy.

Devitt didn't understand what was going on at first, and the body couldn't move. He could only let the hand move, and when his thoughts followed the hand completely, he felt like he understood something, and it seemed like A little did not understand, and when Devitt fell into this maze, the hand suddenly left.

In the heart, he subconsciously grasped the hand.

The other side seemed to pause, Devitt worried that the hand disappeared, and the grasp was very tight, and then did not know how long it had passed, a sense of suffocation came from his neck, and... is it itch?

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