MTL - I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce-~ Chapter 51

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The purchase ratio is 60%, and the subscription or waiting for 24 hours can be broken. What is it? Devitt’s face is unchanged. “Is this year’s physical examination done?”

In a word, Archie’s gloating expression immediately became stiff, and then he began to bitterly. Yes, what qualifications does he have to ridicule the little foxes of the family? The little guy sticks to Devitt so tightly that he can give a small energy stone. He was accepted for inspection, and his habit of running away from home has not changed. The wave is not there. The annual physical examination is the number one problem, and it never comes with cooperation...

Looking at the well-behaved little fox, Archie gritted his teeth and squinted at the bird standing on the window sill, his beast, learning, learning!

Archie walked out of the room angrily, and Devitt followed him directly. He didn't look at Wen Hao again. He felt that he couldn't help himself.

It’s just that he turned directly and fell into the eyes of others, meaning it’s not the same. Wen Hao was very angry and patted his paws in the check box. The hair on his face was filled with dissatisfaction. While holding his own pebbles, he thought, this should be the singing of the former people. The so-called sorrowful resentment of the kind of person who turned around and did not return, what is it called... **** man, right, **** man!

When several other doctors saw it, they also showed a bit of gaze. When they received the hire, they thought that the marshal really cares about this beast. The young beast is always sensitive. Especially for unfamiliar human beings, the marshal may not say that he is accompanied by the inspection. There is no such thing as comfort. Sure enough... even if it is a knot, the beast is still a beast, and the marshal simply does not care, guarantee him. Most of the health is also limited by the contract.

“It seems to like energy stone very much?” A young doctor in the veterinarian team looked at the soft white fox on the small water bed with some curiosity. He felt that the little guy was still very well-behaved. Willing to do the inspection."

"Well," Anna, the female doctor who started the examination, looked at the data in her hand and reached out to touch the little fox with great satisfaction. She was not angered when she was hiding. She bowed her eyes and bowed her eyes. "I will take two more for you." Play, you have to be embarrassed."

Wen Hao didn't understand, but I felt that this woman was pretty good-looking, so she licked her tail and her black eyes stared at Anna. She sucked her nose from time to time, and she looked at the latter with a dull look.

Someone screamed and said, "Don't, it's just a beast. Anna, are you really going to get five colors to play with it?"

"How to say is also the Marshal's beast, Cohen, attitude convergence point." Anna's random voice came from inside, and could not help but sigh, the beast was not valued, really willing to do this line too little, There are many people with different opinions.

"What Marshal's beast, I saw the Marshal just impatient, and the head did not go back to the ground, and did not care about it." The person named Cohen was very scornful of Anna's statement, but also looked away A gentle look, "But then, such a weak beast can match the marshal, but it is really good luck for eight lifetimes."

Devitt is not there, there is no translation machine, Wen Hao can't understand their dialogue, just fascinated by the faint green pebbles in his hand, I am very happy.

This world is spiritual, and Wen Yu can feel that such a small Lingshi should not be stored too small before it is used up. The same stone accumulates dozens of hundreds, let him Going back to mana, maybe you can try to open your own instrument.

Thinking of this, the warmth of the eyes flashed a ray of light, as if to see the hope of remedying the demon. He shook his tail, stretched out his pink tongue and rubbed his nose, and an abacus flashed through his head. The length of time to open the device was based on Reiki, and he had to repair his body. It should take a lot. The spirit stone does not know, but I don’t know how to sell the stupid big man who left him alone. How many Lingshi can I change?

Wen Yu began to think about this problem seriously. At the same time, the color that was standing at the door from the beginning was also staring at him. This kind of sight temperature is of course perceived. At first, I didn’t care. When I was bored behind, I couldn’t help but glance at the bird. When the bird first came, he was busy with Germany. Witt did not have a good time watching the other side.

However, this look, but it is watching Wen Yan could not help but smile and laughed out, shaking on the mat, making the researchers around it very strange, only the purple bird knows what he is laughing, eyes Send a strong condemnation, "Hey!"

That's right, it's a bird with pure purple flowers, but it has a bunch of fake bird feathers, and it's full of killing Matt. The most important thing is... it doesn’t face either side. Knowing what happened, I even posted a circle of pink fur, but it was authentic pink, it seems that I don’t want to mention more funny.

Wen Hao simply couldn't understand what Archie had any obsession with the color of the bird's feathers. To make it look like this, I had to take a name called Cai Cai.

Thinking of this, Wen Hao couldn't help but be grateful. Fortunately, Devitt did not make any self-proclaimed name to him, even if he did not recognize it, he would die.

Use the claws to put the piece of Lingshi into his arms, and gently wow his tail. He wants to know where the stone comes from, how can he get it, although he can't communicate with humans here, but there is no Is it a bird? Although it is a bit ugly, but the age should be quite old, know a lot?

Wen Hao thought, while narrowing his eyes and staring at the color, "Hey!" Silly bird, do you know this kind of spiritual stone?

"啾啾啾---!" However, the purple bird did not take care of him, and directly screamed.

"Hey!" Don't pretend to be stupid, know that you understand! Wen Yan said, the female doctor Anna also came back.

"They are very happy talking about it?" Anna said with a smile. She took a few new pieces of Lingshi, and one of them was full of energy. The most important thing is that the one full of energy is still a water stone. ! The gentleness of the Dangdang is the most familiar to Wen Yu!

This aura is changed in the past, more or less is considered a top quality stone, not to mention in this aura of the world, the energy contained in it can really make the fox unable to stand up.

Wen Hao didn't lick the bird in an instant, turned his head, and the black eyes stared straight at the Lingshi in her hand. The little expression made Anna laugh. "You really like these little stones." ”

"Oh." One second turned into the warmth of the innocent little white fox, as a fox demon, Wen Hao is very shameless to enjoy the benefits of the skin.

However, such a scene, but the purple bird next to it can not fall, "Hey!" Silly fox!

Wen Yu pretended not to hear, and continued to stare at the Lingshi, the aura of abundant aura, for him, is more important than the ugly purple bird next to it.

"Anna, have you got the full fifth-order energy stone? Or the water system... It’s too extravagant." Cohen stared at the blue stone, his eyes flashed with greed and frowned, as if Some can't understand Anna's style.

"The water system only found this one. I want to find all the five colors, see what color it likes, and then," Anna looked at the little fox with a gaze. "You didn't find it, it likes it very much." An energy stone in the water system."

As Anna said, she put all the stones on the side of Wenyu. Sure enough, as she said, Wen Yan’s eyes quickly took the water energy stone to his side, and he couldn’t seem to like it. .

"The fifth-order water system energy stone is so precious..." Cohen seems to be very disgusted with Anna's statement, but half of it, the gaze of the other party's dissatisfaction, can only lick the corner of his mouth, secretly whispered a few times in his heart, no longer Speech.

The quiet room made the inspections more rapid. After about an hour, all the warm inspections were completed.

Anna took the report and handed it to Devitt who walked into the room on time. However, the person who picked it up was Archie.

Because he quickly completed his own series of inspections, and then left Devette in this room for a moment, he was competing with Wen Wei. To be precise, Wen Wei had to put the little belly tightly on the check box, and he refused to let him Witt picked him up.

It was so decisive when I left him in this room, and he didn’t return, and now he wants to run to hug him! Slag man, stupid big!

Warmly roaring, using his claws to open Devette's attempt to hold his hand, it pushed once, Devitt's face was ugly.

"...the speed is very fast." Archie looked at the tempering little fox next to him, and the expression inexplicably brought a tight stretch of Devitt, and found that he could now respond to Anna, as if he was only him.

"Yeah, this little guy is very embarrassed. After we gave him the energy stone, he was very good at checking, very smart." Anna smiled. "And we found that all the energy stones, its favorite should It’s the energy stone of the water system, and I don’t know if it’s because I feel the full energy inside, and I’m so addicted.”

Looking at the stone under the white fox's white paws, Devitt, who had been resisted, heard this sentence and asked dimly, "Do you like this stone?"

"Hey!" Yes, like, what happened!

"Buy you." Devitt said concisely, "Can't you go back?"

This guy thinks of him as something, for this point Lingshi thought he could cheated him?

"嗷呜呜---" buy ten first!

Looking at the little greedy appearance in the black eyes of the white fox, although he could not understand the screaming of the other party, Devitt could imagine that the other side had a small chest and said that he wanted a lot of meaning, and suddenly felt itchy in his heart. "Yes." ”

"Oh." The white-haired paws were very unruly in the hands of Devitt.

The latter immediately took the little guy into his arms and touched the little boy's rounded head without stopping for a second. After repeated and repeated touches, the face of the perennial face was barely noticeable. Satisfaction.

After a complete reading of the dialogue between the human and the beast, and the face of the marshal who was known for his fierce and irony, he saw the faint expression of the idiot. The people suddenly felt that the world seemed to be a little magical.

Especially Cohen, the face is red and can't wait to get into the hole.

However, this theory, Wen Yu is obviously unacceptable.

After seeing the box of fire energy stone, Wen Hao simply felt that these people’s brains were broken. It was obvious that Devitt had such a good magical stone. The purity of the aura was higher than the purity of ordinary Lingshi. How much, but also self-contained, even if you want to absorb, why not put such a good thing, do not have to find those one-off?

So when Cassel took several boxes and came to Devit's office, and opened the box on the table, Wen Hao was very unhappy to put his claws on one of the Lingshi. "Hey." You What are you doing?

Kasei was the least frequented in the room. Seeing that he had just moved his hand, the little fox would come up and remember that the veterinarian said that he liked the sparkling thing and couldn’t help but smile. "Marshal, this little thing will not I want this too? What energy stone does it like?"

"Hey!" Wen Hao turned his head over the fierce, you are a small thing, you are all small things!

Aqi couldn’t help but shivering, and thought that Kasei didn’t see the energy stone that the little guy had distinguished before, and also pushed the fire system to Devit’s face. If he saw it, he would I can’t say this.

After Wen Hao’s murder of Kasai, his eyes were swept away on the box on the table. It didn’t matter if he didn’t scan. He swept a stun. He found a reiki from the row of five abundant fire stones. Very disordered earthen stone?

Wen Wei was a little stunned, and he couldn’t take care of the other. He went straight to the stone and smashed his head.

"What's wrong?" Wen Wei's movement quieted the room. Even Kass was curious as to how the little fox was so interested in that stone. Devitt took the lead to react, and asked Emei.

Wen Yan dialed the stone with his claws and raised his eyes. "Hey." Stupid big, someone wants to harm you.


If the aura is small, if it is big, in the past, on the mainland, 10 to 10 people are going to detour, for fear of inhaling a little bit of aura to damage their pulse, even if it is gentle, this is the case. The aura does not like it very much, let alone the whole problem of Devitt's body.

And, let's take this stone...

The warmth of the nose moved, and the bottom of the eye flashed a bit of disgust - there was a smell of bugs.

Wen Yu is not like the Zerg, he is not very fond of nature. The white fox has always been respected by the United States. For him, he is instinctually uncomfortable for him. Although Devitt has a big gap between the appearance and the white fox, I can see it, especially the strong abdominal muscles. Moreover, Devit's body has been hit hard by insecticide, perhaps with the influence of a contract, so Wen Yu will subconsciously hate and reject the Zerg.

"Oh." Wen Yan thought, holding out a white-haired paw and pulling the piece of stone directly out of the box.

"Oh---", the light stone was dropped on the table.

"Hey!" The energy stone is very precious in the hearts of the powers, especially the energy stones placed in front of Devitt, which are very precious high-order energy stones. When Casse was brought, it was all in a box, for fear of encountering it. Now he was directly pushed out by the ruthless paw of Wen Hao. Kasei couldn’t help but step forward. If it wasn’t Devette sitting at the table, he would just rush out.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes