MTL - I Heard You Are an Alien-Chapter 135 Still an old acquaintance

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Originally only saved one person, now it's better, two!

Yi Yiti was really speechless. She picked up the bath towel and wrapped the lady ghost, carried it directly outside, and threw it on the bed. With her current arm strength, this is certainly stress-free.

She inspected Xia Xuanyu's body slightly and found that she was drowning. Although the situation does not seem to be very serious, it is better to go to the hospital to see. Just as she was about to call an ambulance, a voice came suddenly from the door.

Soon afterwards, an incredible voice came over.

"Little Wing."

Yi Yi Ti: "..." The voice ...

侧 She glanced sideways, just as someone walked into the room and looked at each other.

"why you?"

"Why are you here?"

It wasn't anyone else who came, it was the guy Shi Jingle, who even mentioned this small suitcase in his hand, it seemed that he had just arrived in the city.

He looked up lazily and looked at the situation in the eye room. The sister Xuanyuan's family was wrapped in a bath towel and was thrown at random on the bed. The brother Xuanyuan's brother closed her eyes and fell on the bed. Someone was standing by the bed. He instantly Realizing the spirit, he waved his hand: "Excuse me, you continue."

Yi Yi Ti: "..." This guy has made up for something messy! She shouted quickly, "You get me back!"

The young man who has turned his back, don't overdo it, and look at him with dead eyes: "Sorry, I don't have much interest in multiplayer games." He is a very disciplined person, although he is often misunderstood on this point.

"..." Yi Ti vomited blood, "Please let me figure out the status !!!"

At this moment, the lady ghost who had originally squatted in the corner of the bathroom and planted a "mushroom" crawled out in a breath: "Why ... what ..." She should be screaming. Is she right? Why are they bigger than hers? QAQ

Ji Shi Jingle's gaze fixed, although it was still the lazy face that made people feel itchy, but his tone was quite surprised: "Are you out of your mind again?"

Yi Yifu's forehead: "Yes."

"It's rare for someone to have such bad luck."

"I also know a more unlucky person, what is she compared to that guy ... but the point is not here, it is serious to get her back in the body!"

"You mean Little Master Lu Family?"

Yun Yi Ti: "..." In a sense, Lu Kong's guy is really famous.

"Did she get it out last time?"

"Yes, but there are no props on hand at the moment." Yi Ti said anxiously, "The other thing is okay to say, but the **** is not so easy to find." Thanks to the good morning, now this city, she can be described as I am unfamiliar with life.

Shi Shijingle nodded: "It's up to you."

Yi Yi Ti: "..." Did he really listen to her seriously? !!

She was silent, and when he saw him coming here, after examining Xia Xuanyu's body, he said, "It doesn't seem to be necessary to be sent to the hospital." Then he took out his mobile phone, dialed a number at will, and said, "Give I bring a **** and other things, the sooner the better. "After that, hang up.

The coolness of the attitude is simply admirable.

At this moment, Yi Ti suddenly felt that this guy seemed a little tall.

But just then, his phone rang again.

Ji Shijingle picked up and asked, "Are you here?"

"You must at least tell me where you are! Also, how many times have I said that I am not your nanny !!!"

That roar, even Yi Ti, can hear clearly!

Since this time, she has also seen Zhao Mingqi many times, so she is more familiar with his voice and knows it at first sight.

She just felt utterly incomparable, but the client only rubbed her ears calmly, reported the address, and then said, "Hurry up, and I have said many times that you are a nanny and withdrawal machine."

Such a stingy remark will undoubtedly lead to a magnificent "Go !!!!" In this roar, Shi Jingle calmly hung up the phone, shoved it into his pocket, and rushed to Xuanyuan on the side of the bed. Wing picked his chin: "What's the situation?"

It ’s okay not to mention it, as soon as mentioning this Yi Ti, he went black: "He is afraid of ghosts."


"He was fainted by his sister."


Even Shi Jingle feels that this situation is a bit ugly.

But he soon recovered, walked straight to the boy's side, bent down and patted his face with one hand: "Hey, little wings."

Brother Xiaoyi?

Yi Yi Ti twitched her mouth. What's it called?

The lady ghost who fluttered beside her secretly wentssips: "Since the last time I met, the two of them have fallen in love at first sight, and the relationship has become particularly good!"

Yiyi Ti: "..." No, it's obvious that the word love at first sight shouldn't be used here?

To be precise, after seeing before, Xuan Yuanyi unilaterally treated Shi Jingle and Zhao Mingqi as they did at the first sight. Juveniles, especially those who are still in the second stage, are absolutely full of illusions. They don't want to read books all day and especially want to save the world. Under this circumstance, he knew that there was mysterious power in the world. Isn't it worth looking forward to?

This point can also be seen from his good feelings for Cecil.

For Shi Jingle, from the fact that he would prefer to have a "physicist fan", it is secretly called a narcissistic. So the two went "good".

Of course, the so-called "good" actually means that Xuan Yuanyi occasionally went to Zhao Mingqi's home to find two people, and the two of them occasionally let him see the "different world", but they were very modest, so they never knew Xuanyuanyi was afraid of ghosts. But that's all. It is not that easy to "enter the trade." First of all, Xuanyuanyi doesn't have too strong talents. Secondly, both of them come from their homes, so they can't be taught easily.

This point, they told Xuanyuan Yi in the beginning, and although the latter was a little disappointed, he did not make a forced action, and he did not become alienated because of this. On the contrary, the two young people made a good impression on him, otherwise Shi Jingle would not call him as soon as he arrived in the city.

If He hadn't learned the address from Xuanyuan Yi's mouth, how could he happen to be here?

He slaps on Shi Jingle with perseverance, and Xuan Yuanyi wakes up staggeringly, and does not sound like a mysterious "嘤 咛". He rubbed his eyes, leaned up with one hand behind his forehead, and shook his head blankly: "What happened to me ..."

"Wingy, are you okay?"

I was so worried that my younger sister, Ghost Miss, was gone, and asked with great concern.

Yun Xuan's body stiffened instantly.

He raised his head "Kaba Kaba", glanced at his sister who was obviously floating in the air, and suddenly he rolled his eyes again and fell down again.

"Little Wings !!!" Xuan Yuanyu burst into tears.

Shi Shi Jingle rubbed her chin: "I was really afraid of ghosts."

Yi Yi Ti: "..." He did his utmost to wake up the other party in order to prove this kind of thing! !! !!

在 At this moment, Shi Jingle said, "Do you mind smoking?" Because the environment in the house is relatively closed, he is said to have asked this question.

"Mind !!!" shouted the female ghost! This guy bullied her brother just now, she doesn't like him at all!

He didn't say much, turned and walked towards the door.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Go to the door and smoke."


Wu Xuan Yuan Yu punched silently behind him, floating cross-legged in the air, looking anxiously at his brother, muttering to himself: "Should you not have nightmares when you are dizzy?"

"Is he so afraid of ghosts?" Yi Ti asked curiously.

"Well." Miss Ghost nodded, "That's how she was from an early age." Then she said with a worried expression, "I hope parents will come back later." Otherwise, seeing their current status, their sister and brother would be scared out of heart sickness.

"Relax," Yi Ti comforted her. "It's only after 8:30, they're probably not back that early. And, you have been back so long since you left the soul last time. This time, it should be fine." However, she didn't say that it was a very rare thing to leave the soul. It was very rare for her to meet her once, but she encountered her second time. Is this really a coincidence? Or……

I do n’t know if Xuan Yuanyu ’s luck is so bad, so “tragedy is comedy at the end”, and after a while, at about 9 o’clock, Xuanyuan ’s parents did n’t come back. It was Zhao Mingqi.

似乎 He seems to have just come from a more important occasion, wearing a rather formal black suit and a red tie. The hair has been carefully taken care of, it seems to be lean and neat, and coupled with a handsome face, it feels a bit like an industry elite.

The only thing wrong is ...

He carried a dark bag in his hand, and it trembled from time to time, so the whole person's style of painting instantly became ready for a bad deal ... criminal.

"Dressed so stupidly, are you picking up again?" Shi Jingle poking in the doorway didn't open her mouth, it was amazing.

However, Yi Ti, who has been baptized by "Special Occupation" by Pei Ling, can now calmly accept the line of "accepting customers", which is certainly not a common meaning anyway!

铭 Zhao Mingqi's answer was to smash the bag directly into someone's face, and then rip the tie around his neck, saying in a bad tone: "Shut up if you can't speak!"

Shi Jingle stopped in front of her face with one hand and grabbed the bag. He snarled open the zipper and looked at the crested **** with his head closed and his mouth closed with adhesive tape. He raised a smile and said, "In fact, you should Thanks to me. "

铭 Zhao Mingqi gave him a glance, but did not say anything to refute.

Because the fact is true, he was forced to put on clothes that made him uncomfortable, and "seeing guests" with his mother everywhere, and most of them were female guests. The meaning of "blindness" was self-explanatory. It's painful.

"You don't have to worry about it like that." Shi Jingle said, "Dead friend, immortal friend", "It's a big deal. I'll tell my aunt, you're actually a guy, don't introduce your girlfriend anymore."

Yi Yi Ti almost sprayed out, this is really a good friend! Not a good friend can't do such damage!

Zhao Mingqi: "..." After a moment of silence, he said, "My mother actually suspected our relationship long ago. He also told me today that if he really has no interest in girls, at least he must find a decent man It must not be ugly, lazy, not working and not doing housework. "

Yan Shijingle: "..." The cigarette **** in his mouth fell silently on the stall, and after a moment of silence, he said, "As a male who is extremely normal in both physical and psychological conditions, can I sue your mother for slander?"

铭 Zhao Mingqi rolled his eyes and said, "You are free." If anyone can attract his mother's attention at this time, he really wants it!

"... forget it."


"I sent my aunt to court, and I was ashamed to eat and drink with you."

"... go!"

Squinting as the two men talked about "gradually getting better," Yi Ti coughed softly and said, "Well, can you wait for another flirtation? There are still people in there to rescue."

Zhao Mingqi: "..."

Yan Shijingle: "..."

"Be careful I sue you for slander." X2.

Yi Yi Ti: "..." Blame her?

The three of them looked at each other for a few moments, and they all laughed. The strangeness and embarrassment that had been faintly floating before gradually dispersed, and the relationship seemed a little closer than before.

After that, with the help of Cecil, who was offline for a long time (is it actually invisible?), Yi Ti quickly set up everything in the house, and once again used the cockscomb blood of the cocked **** to send the lady ghost back to her body. in.

However, unlike the last time, the mirror that Zhao Mingqi brought was a magic weapon, so it did not break after completing the task. This also just saves the trouble of cleaning the lens. Even if the glutinous rice is not cleaned, it is not a big deal. The mirror fragments are different, and people will be injured if they are not careful.

She also happened to happen. Almost at the same time as Xuan Yuanyu returned to her body, her brother woke up. After learning that his sister had recovered, he clearly showed a relieved expression, and then squirted his old sister. The latter, who was rather guilty, did not resist from beginning to end, only smirking and begging him not to take this Tell the parents.

After the others had packed their things, they stepped out of the room and left space for the pair of siblings.