MTL - I Heard You Are an Alien-Chapter 136 Found something

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After I went out, the four went to Shi Jingle's house (yes, he opened the room very quickly before looking for Xuanyuanyi) and sat down, calling for room service by the way.

After I sat down, Yi Ti asked, "Is there something wrong with her body?"

Zhao Mingqi looked at Shi Jingle: "What do you think?"

Jie Shi Jingle rubbed his chin and thought a little before he said, "I have read in the book that some people may have gaps in the connection between the body and the soul due to some accidents. After that, they will often leave the soul."

"Is there any harm?"

"As time goes by, soul separation becomes more frequent, such as when you cross the road or swim suddenly."

"..." That was really a tragedy.

If that's the point, can Xuan Yuanyu only stay under one's eyelids 24 hours a day? Even so, I can't guarantee that there will be no accidents.

"But it's not without its benefits," Shi Jingle continued.

Yi Yi Ti looked at him doubtfully: "Benefits?"

"Yes." Shi Jingle leaned back and replied lazily, "Because she frequently traverses" this world "and" that world, "her spiritual talent will become higher and higher."

"I have heard this." Zhao Mingqi nodded. "I heard that some practice methods must be practiced in the state of the soul. Slightly small achievements can freely change between the soul body and the human body, and even the soul body can also Touch things in reality. "

"There are such exercises." Yi Ti showed a surprised expression. She is not as eye-catching in this circle as they were when she was a child, so many things are quite new to her, such as everything now said.

"Hmm." Zhao Mingqi replied affirmatively, "But it's just a legend. No one knows whether this kind of exercise really exists."

"If it exists, it is really suitable for her." Shi Jingle raised her eyebrows and said, "The living soul is different from the dead soul. As long as the body is not dead, it will not be taken away by the overcast." So she has enough conditions to cultivate.

"That is to say, you can't pin your hopes on such a slim opportunity." Yi Ti said conclusively, but she remembered that the special herb used in the previous visit to Lu's house, Jinsi Xuewen, has the characteristics of Works on the soul. There is also a space in her space, using it should be able to make potions with the effect of "fixing the soul".

The waiter quickly brought the drinks and food they ordered.

When a few people chatted casually, Yi Ti accidentally learned that the original purpose of Xuan Yuanyu's family and the two people here was the same-Zhao Mingqi's grandfather had an 80th birthday.

In fact, she should have guessed that Xuan Yuanyu's family was just ordinary people, but at that time, her daughter could invite Shi Jingle and Zhao Mingqi, which shows that both sides knew each other.

Of course, what Yi Ti doesn't know is that the truth is slightly different from what she guessed. For example, Xuanyuan's family is indeed not a person in the cultivation circle, but an old friend of Xuanyuanbo, the father of Sister Xuanyuanyu. Contact with this circle again, so when Xuan Yuanyu had an accident, they could invite Shi Jingle and Zhao Mingqi through this old friend.

It was this contact that made the relationship between the two parties gradually closer.

For example, Xuanyuan Wing and Shi Jingle ...

For another example, Zhao Mingqi's father and grandpa are calligraphy enthusiasts. Xuan Yuanbo also wrote a good hand. At the time, he originally wanted to give two people a good report, but Zhao Mingqi said straightly, "Your daughter is not our rescue." After repeated resignations, Xuanyuan Bo responded to the party's request and gave him a word.

This word naturally fell into the hands of Zhao's father, and then one day when he ran and ran away with his father, he was "confiscate and confiscated."

That's why I wish you a good birthday. The father of the Zhao family specifically said that he would invite the Xuanyuan Bo family to come.

Tong Xuanyuan Bo and Song Nanning and his wife combined together. The last time that incident happened, if no one in this circle took the lead, his daughter would be dead. Although I don't know who the shot was, it doesn't seem to hurt me to get closer to this circle. This may also be a kind of snobbery, but the starting point is for the health and life of the family. So they rushed to the city with a pair of children before the snow blocked the traffic.

By coincidence, I encountered "daughter's true life-saving benefactor" on the way. Unfortunately, I met but didn't know each other.

Things are clear at this point.

铭 Zhao Mingqi ’s grandfather ’s birthday, of course he wants to return, and Shi Jingle as his good base friend, it must also be lively. Although Yi Ti deeply suspected that he followed because "no one at home cooked for him", but it is good to experience the spirit of this kind of thing, but it would be boring to say it.

"I originally wanted to send you an application letter." Zhao Mingqi looked at Yi Ti and said, "But I want to get the news of your travels, I can only leave it. I didn't expect your destination to be here."

Yi Yi Ti smiled and replied, "I just bought a ticket at the train station, and it was just a coincidence that I was here."

既然 "Since it's so coincident," Shi Jingle yawned, saying, "Would you like to join us for a birthday party tomorrow night?"

"Okay." Since it was the birthday of the other person's elder, she could not refuse the invitation arbitrarily. In addition, she had originally planned to go up the mountain the day after tomorrow, and it is really nothing at present. Then she asked again, "I don't know what your grandpa usually likes?" Decided to go, then I must prepare a gift. The most convenient gift for Master Ling Zhi is of course "medicine", but for a birthday, you give someone a bottle of medicine ... I always feel that it is not so good.

"His old man likes elegant things the most." Shi Jingle said in a "quick answer", "calligraphy and painting, jade tea sets and the like ...

Yi Yiti nodded thoughtfully: "That's it."

"But you, a spiritual planter, a native tyrant, don't be afraid to find a gift." Shi Jingle's face showed a slightly wry (in Yi Ti's) smile, "For example, I have such a prepared one on hand. A gift for you. "

Yi Yi Ti: "..." Hey, is this really okay?

卖 "Sell it to her, what about your birthday gift?"

"Take yours."

"……then what do I do?"

"It doesn't matter to me."


Uh ...

Yi Yi Ti thinks that the relationship between the two is really good. However, this relationship also continued from the ancestors. At that time, the ancestors of the Shi family accidentally acquired the tradition of cultivation, but this part of the inheritance is mainly related to medical books. There is no significant increase in the value of force. In short, it is a typical "priest." Because of this, he was almost killed by someone with a heart. At this moment, an "exporter" was born, and he formed a "scrabble squad."

Yep, this dps is the ancestor of the Zhao family. He is similar to the ancestors of the Shi family, but also inherited it by accident, but the whip method is used.

When Yiyi Ti met Zhao Mingqi in the hospital, he used exactly a whip.

Xun Zheng's so-called one attack one ... milk, born a pair.

Afterwards, the two lucky men finally settled in the city together after rushing together, and each set up a family by virtue of their own skills. Because of their brotherhood, the offspring of the two families have a good relationship. Shi Jingle and Zhao Mingqi can be said to be young children, but when they grew up, they left here for various reasons and successively moved to other cities. The latter is now a company executive and someone's nanny. The former ... The current occupation is writer and squat at home, and they only do occasional work on the cultivation circle.

As for what the "various reasons" are, only the two of them know.

Yi Yiti knows that this is not something she can explore at will. In particular, Shi Jingle Mingming's family is here, but chose to stay in a hotel. Although she was curious, she also knew what kind of bitterness it contained.

After chatting with the two for a while, Yi Ti saw that it was not too early, and she said goodbye to Cecil, who was always offline, and decided to go to the antique street in the city tomorrow to find some birthday gifts.

Soon, the two returned to the room, and Yi Ti ripped off her shawl, only to find that she had been running around in pajamas, but no one reminded her ... it was a shame! Look again at this guy, Cecil, because he had not yet taken a bath at the time, he was wearing a normal shirt, woolen vest and trousers, which is too unfair! Why is she alone? TAT

Yi Yi Ti tangled in silence.

认识 Since she knew a jelly star, she seems to be focusing more and more on strange places.

Cecil: "???"

"... Nothing." Yi Ti kept her head away, silently turning on the computer she had previously closed, and then saw the conversation between sandstone and formaldehyde in the discussion group.

Vermiculite (XXOOXXOO) 22:22:27

Hey (head) I'm back!

Formaldehyde (XXOOXXOO) 22:22:35

Hmm ... why did you and Xiao Tian disappear at the same time? Say! Is there any jq? (sinister smile)

Vermiculite (XXOOXXOO) 22:22:40

Did you know that I was actually in fact, we actually met the hotel just now, and ...

Formaldehyde (XXOOXXOO) 22:22:45


Yi Yi Ti: "..." Hey, what about martial arts?

Formaldehyde (XXOOXXOO) 22:22:51

By the way, why are you using the mobile phone to access the Internet today?

Yi Yi Ti saw it, indeed, ah, usually this guy always uses a computer to go online, rarely sees him using a mobile phone, why is it always like this today. Computer problem?

Vermiculite (XXOOXXOO) 22:22:55

I'm out, the computer is in my bag, but I haven't taken it out yet.

He did not lie. After getting off the plane, he and Zhao Mingqilue said a few words, and then they found a place to have a meal, and then they took a taxi to the hotel where Xuanyuanyi was located. to chat with.

Formaldehyde (XXOOXXOO) 22:11:07

Going out? Going out for materials? (Laughs)

Vermiculite (XXOOXXOO) 22:11:13

Uh ... it was the grandfather of a buddy who grew up together and had an 80-year-old birthday.

Formaldehyde (XXOOXXOO) 22:11:18

Eighty? Father is so good! But look at the information. Your hometown is in J province. It is already snowing there.

Vermiculite (XXOOXXOO) 22:11:24

Well, it got off the previous two days, but these days are sunny.

Quickly brushed dialogue is reflected in Yi Ti's eyes, but she has no intention to look at it, because her head is "buzzing"-after realizing some amazing fact.