MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 128

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An Xu was greatly shocked.

From the beginning of this dream to the present, as An Xu said before, her life has been smooth sailing—at least in her heart. No one can force her to do what she doesn't want to do, and no one can stop her from what she wants to do. Even if something goes wrong, she can solve it with hard work. The setbacks An Xu encountered in this dream were not so much ups and downs as they were levels that made her dreams more interesting.

Anxu's emotions have always been light and unreal. Happiness is like the moment when you get through the game and get the achievement reward. Negative emotions are even more so. Even the brain-dead king she scolded many times is just an unworthy person in her heart. The clown is like the little villain used to set off the protagonist in the story.

Of course she is the main character.

Every day of Anxu's life is very happy. She has a territory that gets better day by day according to her mind, has stronger and stronger abilities, and Chris. Whether Chris has a good face or a good personality, all kinds of settings are completely her dream lover. Rather, the more she gets along with Chris, the more An Xu discovers what kind of person she likes.

Chris has a handsome face, a fit body, a gentle personality, a saint-like ideal, and her identity. When she first got along with her, she was forced to look like she was forced, and slowly as her favorability increased, she began to care about her. It looks exactly like it was tailor-made for Anxu. An Xu never doubted his liking for Chris, never doubted Chris's identity as the "hero", let alone the authenticity of the other party.

Such a cute male lead, of course, is her delusion.

until now.

An Xu proposed to Chris, she really wanted to marry him. She never thought that this marriage would fail, because she had hoped so strongly, there was no reason why her wish could not come true. In the "dream" that lasted more than ten years, Anxu's invisible arrogance also rose with her invincibility, like a dragon with arrogance engraved in her bones, never doubting her dominance. If the world suddenly collapsed when she was proposing marriage, and a big devil appeared and took Chris away, Jie Jie said with a strange smile that Anxu had traveled across thousands of mountains and rivers, defeated countless mobs, defeated the four heavenly kings, and fought eight times with the big devil. If it took a hundred rounds to marry Chris, An Xu would not be surprised. But the reason for getting married has nothing to do with whether she is strong or not. It is just another party saying: Sorry, I refuse.

An Xu was completely bewildered.

She seemed to be playing GALGAME, and was opening a new file to capture a new character, but the character from the previous round of capture grabbed the computer screen, crying and complaining that she had never given up on herself. An Xu felt at a loss, and a little scary, as if something hidden as a stress-relief plaything suddenly had a will of its own.

…which is most likely either a metaphor or a literal statement.

The male protagonist of the love game she liked so much made a voice, which was beyond her expectations, and said to her: "If possible, I want to be treated as an equal person."

An Xu's body seemed to be sealed in gel, and he couldn't even move his eyeballs. Her mind also seemed to be frozen, unable to properly analyze the current situation, and then transmit the disassembled and analyzed answers to her mind. It was the uneasiness of being totally watched, the fear of things being out of control, if she admitted that "Chris" wasn't the perfect microcosm in her head...

Just imagine, you are madly in love with your male god, but you are too ashamed to strike up a conversation with him, so you have to close the door and write YY novels between you and your male god, about how you and your male **** will grow old happily together. In addition, you also have some ulterior hobbies, for example, you like to put the male **** on a dog leash, and you want to see the male **** cry and beg for mercy. You are usually a normal and a little shy girl, except for delusions, you have always been harmless to humans and animals. Then one day, your novel was read by the male **** himself.

No, the assumption above just makes people feel ashamed and angry, but it will not lead to more serious things, such as guilt. Let’s change the assumption and turn the “novel” into a simulation game. In this game, you do this and that to the male god, and then you find that the real male **** is missing, and the male **** in the computer is desperate. Called out your real name, please let him out of this strange place.

Chris has a little guess that it is actually very close to An Xu's mentality. He thinks that painlessness is the reason why Ann lacks real sense of other people's suffering. An Xu knew what pain was in her previous life, but she just didn't feel that the person in the dream would be in pain. How can she develop empathy for the dream character who will disappear at any time?

If Chris is a living being with self-will, then he will have joys, sorrows and joys, and he will be in pain, and Anshu has caused him a lot of mental and physical pain, and what happened can’t be like playing a game Unlimited replay with store and read. If Chris is real, then this world that Anshu has run it real?

An Xu took a step back as if awakened, and hugged his arms defensively. "No..." She didn't look at Chris, she lowered her head and muttered to herself, frowning, "Shouldn't..."

She didn't know what she was talking about, but the idea of ​​shaking violently under the impact was miraculously stabilized, like a ruin that was uncovered at a corner was covered by a truck of cement that suddenly rushed out. If Chris's words shocked her in the first few years, An Xu would indeed reflect on her situation after the shock, and maybe "wake up" just like that. But up to now, what happened in more than ten years has exceeded the psychological tolerance of "ordinary person Anxu". The next moment she was shocked, she stopped thinking defensively.

【An Xu】Used 【I don't listen to me don't listen to big# method】.

The effect is outstanding.

Count Anna didn't have time to catch her breath, and if she said something to expose this topic, Chris had already taken the lead. He took a step forward, and kissed An Xu's lips lightly, regardless of the resistance aura emanating from the person in front of him.

Anxu suffered the paralysis effect for the second time.

Chris smiled, his smile could be called calm. Mr. Knight shook his head with a smile, looked at An Xu tenderly, and said, "Not everything goes as you wish."

Unlike An Xu's mood about to crash, Chris's mood is almost calm. His mixed feelings and worrying about gains and losses reached their peak at the moment of speaking, and he felt relieved when he really expressed his thoughts.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chris is the kind of weirdo who lives for ideals. If Karina, the psychiatrist of this era, had a chat with him, she would probably have dug from his childhood. For example, Chris's father was on the front line all year round, his mother didn't care about him, had no friends, and his cousin of the same age who lived in the castle with him was hostile to him, which caused him to lack love in his childhood... To talk about this will appear Long story, in short, An Xu is a person who can get love from "getting", but Chris is the type who seeks love from "giving". This situation intensifies, and when Chris's personality matures, the value of life in his self-perception becomes "giving". He lives for ideals, and lives by ideals.

The chief knight has always been a person who makes things difficult for himself. He is obviously just an ordinary person, but as a human being, he longs for things that can only be achieved by gods and saints. He hopes that the world will be peaceful and that human beings will live and work in peace and contentment on an equal footing. For this foolish ideal, he can sacrifice everything, but he also has human emotions, and will suffer and blame himself for the sacrifice. Such a noble and cruel person is destined to have both good and bad reputation. If he hadn't met An Xu, he would probably run on this path of almost pathological "selflessness" until he burned himself to death.

Meeting Anxu undoubtedly changed Chris's life, and he could see the dawn of his ideals in his lifetime. And the influence that Anxu brought to the paladins is actually far more than that.

Since when? Can't remember the exact time. In the past, when Chris did things, he first considered the impact, not his own preferences. His likes and dislikes were very weak, and his "self" was compressed to the extreme. If it were the old Chris, he would never refuse An Xu's marriage proposal. He would consider "accepting the marriage proposal will help stabilize Earl Anna's mood", and nodded without hesitation, because that would make An Xu happy, and a happy An Xu would do good deeds, which would definitely benefit the country and the people.

Chris. Field is the type of guy who doesn't hesitate to sacrifice himself for the greater good.

An Xu made him selfish.

He will suffer when he thinks that Anxu has betrayed their ideals, and he will be depressed for a long time, instead of calmly thinking about "keeping the green hills alive without fear of no firewood" to please the other party. He would say to Ann Shu that "our souls should be equal" instead of being obedient, because Chris loves her irresistibly, and after so many things happen, he finds that he longs for equality.

I want you to look me in the eye, with the eyes of another individual who is your equal.

Ann likes him, but never takes him seriously—no one knows this better than Chris, who spends a lot of time around her and can read minds. Earl Anna is a very benevolent lord. The Queen of Thunder has been deified, and any strange behavior of her will be explained by her admirers. Only Chris, who is in a special position, keenly feels that she doesn't take other people seriously, not even herself.

When the gamer's life reaches the point where he doesn't value his own life, what can others do?

Therefore, Chris was not surprised by Anxu's resistance, nor disappointed by her non-answer. Talking about how he felt made him feel like a weight had been lifted and he felt relieved.

He said it, he fought for it. No matter what the result is, there will be no regrets.

"Shall we go back?" Chris laughed, "It's quite cold in the open air this season."

When the trigger and instigator of a huge event can still worry about emotional problems, the instigator's hard-working staff and allies are working at full capacity.

Mayor Charlotte dealt with the accompanying guard of honor as quickly as possible to ensure that no news of the envoy's death was revealed. Queen Eve, who was far away in Urburg, got the news. She stood up abruptly from her seat and sat down again.

When Eve knew what the king's envoys were going to discuss, she had anticipated the possible outcome, and she couldn't stop it even if she tried to die, not to mention that no one would despise a pig opponent. The queen tried to persuade her hypocritically, but secretly contributed , Hurry up and prepare for things that are beneficial to you. Of course, she still didn't expect Anna's reaction to be so, um, intense.

The special envoy is not a high-ranking figure, but he represents the face of the king, and Richard II, who was slapped in the face, is destined to be furious. Now that the plague in Yamenan has been brought under control, and the Holy See in Alingu is unexpectedly safe and sound, the king will definitely mobilize troops to trouble Count Anna for the sake of face. Eve can't dissuade this, all she can control is the time when the king finds out.

The king's eyes and ears in Wenjialuo have been replaced by Eve silently, and the power of the Holy See has completely withdrawn from Wenjialuo during the plague period. Charlotte turned out to be Eve's subordinate, and Eve believed in her wrist. Now the only person who can know this breaking news is Prime Minister Roland.

During this year, Roland initially reached a cooperative relationship with Eve, and the ingenious temptations of each other have never stopped during the cooperation - I don't know that His Majesty the King, who thinks he is full of charm surrounded by Yingyingyanyan, knows that his wife and the prime minister have been What to think when engaging in communications that are out of the bad taste. Eve is sure that the Duke has some appreciation and recognition for her, and she also has common interests for the time being, but if it comes to more trust and being tied to the same warship, the old fox has not given her a chance so far.

So, that's not a bad thing either. Eve smiled and twisted the letter paper. She thought it would be great to have a pig opponent who sent God teammates to you.

Duke Roland stood up suddenly in his mansion. He looked at the new news sent by Wen Jialuo's eyeliner in disbelief, and felt panicked for a while.

As in the past, he didn't think that the king's special envoy would bring good results, but the result is too exaggerated now, right? Earl Anna killed the special envoy with a bolt of lightning in public? For an omega? For the Chris who was asked to go in court. Field? ! The special collar has been worn for so many years, shouldn't he be killed? Duke Roland never imagined that the big killer he made would be used as a #interest prop, and the chronic curse he put on the collar out of caution was useless—Chris’s self-healing ability was not just for show, The blood added during the removal of the collar is greater than the blood that is slowly deducted when the collar is put on. It will take forever to kill him with this.

The old fox's ABCD backup plan was all abolished, and he finally felt that when Eve met Anna. When Sullivan was a scholar, he was aggrieved when he met a soldier. Roland's mentality is not as relaxed as Eve's. He also treats Richard II as half of his teammate, or he really wants to offer the king as a mascot for stamping. He tried his best to pull hatred everywhere. The Holy See's mind is unclear, Earl Anna is strong and strong, Roland touched his forehead, his hairline has been moving up year after year, and in the future, he will probably achieve the achievement of being a smart head without hair growth.

At this moment, he received a letter from the queen. The righteousness above said that for the future of Yamenan, they need to cooperate sincerely, first keep the king in the dark, and slowly figure it out.

The death of the special envoy cannot be concealed for a lifetime, and the suspicious and self-willed Richard II is destined to regard the concealment as betrayal. But now, don't hide it, is it possible to let the king go to war at this time? Roland sighed and finally made up his mind.

Queen Eve took advantage of this incident to finally drag Duke Roland into the water. Richard II's most trusted courtier and the most unsuspecting omega teamed up to make him deaf and blind. The envoy's eloquent "handwritten letter" soon came to the king's desk, complaining and begging for forgiveness, and finally issued a bunch of oaths , indicating that this protracted negotiation will surely win.

Richard II cursed useless courtiers and then put it behind him. At this time, Eve's secret letter spread throughout the king's rule, warning the doctors and troubadours who were treating diseases in Yamenan to evacuate as soon as possible. However, almost all doctors declined her kindness.

The plague in Yamenan is almost under control, but it is the coldest time of the year again. The doctors who had seen the plague revive in the spring chose to stay. They decided to wait at least until the spring of the next year to prevent the disease that they cured most of the disease from coming back.


A man in a hood and a child leading a horse for him are walking on a mountain path.

There is a large bag on the horse's back, and the best cloth is exposed in the bag. The Hooded Man wore well-crafted robes and expensive calfskin boots. She walked staggeringly, staggering, yelling and cursing in a rough voice from time to time, telling the boy who led the horse to hurry up.

"You can ride a horse, or hire a carriage, ma'am!" said the child, "you're drunk..."

"I'm not drunk! little bastard!" The hooded man said drunkenly, her voice sounded clear, probably young, but her tone was old-fashioned, "What do you know? Ma'am, I have money, hiccup, just It's interesting to... walk this mountain road! It's too annoying to listen to them every day, I can't do this or that, I just want to walk by myself!"

After finishing speaking, she took out a big money bag, shook it vigorously, and made a clanging sound. The child looked back at her, and she kicked the child, causing the child to fall to the ground.

"Get up!" The hooded man kicked him again, "Lead the way quickly! They also said... that there are bandits here, bah, there are no bandits in this poor and remote place where no one goes!"

The child did not speak, and led the horse forward with his head buried. The roads are getting more and more remote, but most of Yamenan has no official roads, and there is not much difference between having no roads and having roads. The foolish lady who had drunk too much didn't notice this, she followed the child for a while, and was suddenly surrounded by a group of figures.

The hooded man looked around in a daze, rubbed his eyes, turned around and ran away as if he was sober from alcohol. There was a bang in the air, and an arrow pierced the ground in front of her. The Hooded man fell to the ground, petrified, staring at the arrow.

"I opened this mountain, and I opened this road! If you want to live from now on, save money to buy roads!" The common cut of a green forest hero sounded from the crowd surrounding him, and the robber who spoke said with a smile, "Please, this lady Leave the money and goods behind? Otherwise, there will be more holes in the body."

"You..." The Hooded Man's voice trembled, "Are you the Storm Bandits?"

"It's the Grand Thieves!" Someone shouted dissatisfiedly, "We make money without killing people, we steal from the rich and give to the poor, and we don't hurt children and omega, which is much better than you lords and ladies!"

As if to testify to his words, the local children leading the way for the hooded man had already run behind the blocker and made a face at the hooded man. Compared with the foreigners who forced him to lead the way, he was obviously closer to the local strong... thieves.

The hooded man jumped up from the ground and lifted his hood.

It was a young female beta, not considered beautiful, with sporadic freckles on her face. The people surrounding her were stunned, some didn't understand what she was doing for showing her face, and others shouted uncertainly: "Cheli?"


"Cherie! You're alive!"

The voices quickly joined together, and the tense atmosphere just now completely changed. "It's me!" the person called Cherie screamed, calling a bunch of names in one breath. Her head was veering from side to side, so happy that she didn't know which way to look. Every time she called out a name, she got a response, and finally someone couldn't help but dropped their weapon, rushed over, and gave her a bear hug. There were more and more people like this, and they surrounded Cherie into a ball of people who couldn't stop crying and laughing.

The children who brought her looked at them in bewilderment, as did the people who had joined the team later. The leader of the bandit group squeezed out of the crowd, the beta, who was blind in one eye, laughed after a long absence, watching Cherie being thrown up by the excited people.

"You are hiding well enough! I have been looking for you for a long time! You have to pretend like this to be robbed by you! Pretend to be like a fool!" Cherie shouted out of breath in mid-air, and turned her head to see the robber The boss let out another cheer, "Hank! I knew you were still alive, old loach!"

"The scourge will last for thousands of years!" Hank laughed.

"Long live!" Someone in the crowd shouted, "For the new survivors of the Gale... group!"

"Long live!"

Everyone was crying and howling, and even the people who didn't know Qie Li before and couldn't understand this scene became excited in this atmosphere. Cherie laughed until she shed tears, and it took her a long time to stop. She wiped her face and shouted, "Don't throw it away! Be quiet! The leader is still alive!"

The forest instantly returned to silence, and the carnival crowd stood still, barely catching Cherie. She climbed down with a grunt and said loudly: "The leader is fine, he is in Bangalore!"

There was silence.

"Isn't the leader?" After a while, someone asked hesitantly.

"Not executed..."

"Bah! Shut up the crow's mouth!" Someone yelled in hindsight, "I knew that the head of the group will be rewarded with good things, and good people will be rewarded with good luck!"

"Hank, you idiot! What kind of half-information did you inquire about!"

"Rumors are all rumors!"

"Yes yes yes I'm an idiot!"

The stunned members of the regiment erupted with a bang, and gathered together with loud voices, no one could hear who was talking.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

The rest of the Gale Knights, who had been hiding in the barren hills after mistaking the death of the leader in the rumors, were able to go home.

Book VI Yamenan

Read The Duke's Passion