MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 129

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The whole winter was calm and the news of the special envoy's death did not reach the Lord's Mansion. The king was unaware that lovers and new **** occupied most of his free time. The plague has almost disappeared in Yamenan. The Holy See does not know what medicine is sold in the gourd. The main force is still peacefully staying in the blocked Aling Ancient Middle School. Even the relationship with the royal court that was once on the verge of outbreak has calmed down. .

Nothing happened, everyone agreed to stay in Maodong in their own territory. There were some rumors in Earl Anna's mansion. Flora, the head maid who was coldly received by the Earl for some reason in recent years, was very happy, saying in private that "that omega who is so proud of her favor" finally lost her favor. However, the chief knight has been serving as the general of the Bungalow border army, and Earl Anna has not seen a new favorite, so this rumor is just a rumor, and the inside story is not enough for outsiders.

When the weather warmed up, the plague hopped like a grasshopper after autumn, and was suppressed by the joint efforts of the doctors. Pop-up clinics took root with people adding bricks and tiles, and hospitals bloomed all over Yamenan. Impatient people have begun to look forward to the annual St. Cecil's Day, a crow flies into Urburg, and accurately throws an anonymous letter to Richard II who is sleeping soundly on Lover's Bed# .

No one knows what was written in the letter, let alone where it came from. People only know that the king killed a lover because of his sudden anger, and sent troops to attack the territory of the lover's family. The Royal Guard and the Royal Knights are ready to go, claiming to find out the traitor who is in collusion with the sinner Ronald, but the final attack is not the place announced in advance.

The knights who took Prime Minister Roland to meet the king suddenly launched an attack, locked Duke Roland with the God's Retaliation Chain, and dragged him rudely to the palace. Richard II waited in the drawing room with a grim expression, and Queen Eve was also there.

"Your Majesty?" Roland was pushed and knelt down, his face was full of confusion, "Dare you ask me what crime I committed?"

"What crime have you committed?" The king sneered, squinting his eyes. "Isn't it a felony to lie to your lord?"

"I don't understand, Your Majesty." Roland said calmly, "If someone makes false accusations against me, I will apply to confront him."

"No need!" Richard II stood up suddenly, his eyes were about to burst into flames, "Who allowed you to conceal the death of the special envoy? Roland Wellesley! You betrayed me!"

"The envoy is dead?"

The prime minister showed just the right amount of shock, he was indeed somewhat surprised, because the news leaked, it should have been foolproof under their concealment. The queen sat at the desk, looking timidly at her furious husband. Roland flicked past her from the corner of his eye, stared at the king sincerely and said, "I don't know anything about it."

The king snorted contemptuously, and slapped the stack of letters on the table. "Read it to him!" he ordered Eve.

The red-haired queen picked up the document on the table and began to read.

It was a confession letter written by Roland's confidant, which explained the process of the prime minister's concealment of the death of the special envoy, and the list of transferred personnel was exactly the same as the real situation. Those confidantes not only have extremely high loyalty, but also the entire family's wealth and life are in Roland's hands, so it should be foolproof. Roland was startled inwardly, without showing it on his face, he just repeated: "Your Majesty, I did not find out that the death of the special envoy was indeed my negligence, but this letter is completely slanderous! I don't know who bribed the retainers, and what was said above did not A word of truth."

Unexpected witnesses came out, but Roland, who was always cautious, never left any physical evidence that could be presented. No matter how arrogant the king is, he will not kill the prime minister because of suspicion.

"Including your affair with the queen?" Richard II asked with narrowed eyes.

"What are you talking about!"

The queen screamed, like an omega misunderstood by her husband, she covered her mouth in surprise and grief. Tears welled up in her eyes in a blink, but the king did not glance at her.

"This is blood spitting." Roland shook his head, "Your Majesty, you should thoroughly investigate the villain who uttered such slanderous words. That person not only insulted the queen and me, but also insulted you. No alpha can match the golden blood How could an omega that belongs to a king choose someone else?"

What he said later could be said to hit Richard II's mind, which made him look a little pale. The king snorted coldly and said, "Without the help of the queen, who could have concealed the death of the special envoy so far?"

"No one." Roland said, "Without the help of Her Majesty the Queen, even if you trust me like I do, it is impossible to block the news from you."

Richard II was ready to hear a defense, but he did not expect the prime minister to admit it. He was furious, and before he erupted, Roland said again: "But this just proves the viciousness and absurdity of this slander."

"Tell me!" said the king in a bad tone.

"The letter claimed the envoy was dead..."

"I checked, he is indeed dead!" Richard II interrupted.

Roland nodded kindly, and continued: "His Majesty, the king who should know everything about Yamenan, did not know about the death of the special envoy. There are only two possibilities for this matter. One, the spies arranged by His Majesty in Bangalore were silenced, and I was ignorant of this. Second, I, who was trusted by you to bear the heavy responsibility, betrayed you for some unknowable reasons, and at the same time, Her Majesty the Queen, who loves you so much, betrayed me for no reason, and worked together to create a seamless scam, which was successful lied to you."

The king's face was still grim, but he didn't speak.

"The first point, I am very shocked and saddened by this. I consider myself a careful and cautious person. Since I was twenty-five years old when you took the post of Prime Minister, I have not dared to slack off for a day, for fear of disappointing you. Under your trust, I have been lucky enough to succeed so far, but now I am so negligent, and let my staff be instigated by others for no reason. I cannot shirk such crimes." The prime minister sighed, "And the second point... First, What reason do I have to betray you? I have already reached the position of prime minister, have no worries about food and clothing, and have no heirs. To say something extremely disrespectful, no matter who sits on the throne, it will not be better for me than you with the crown on your head."

"Secondly, why does Her Majesty the Queen have any reason to help me? Everyone knows that Her Majesty the Queen is a chaste omega. We only met a few times on announcement occasions, and the person who made up such rumors that damage our reputation must not remember me It's a holiday with the Stewart family. Will I betray Her Majesty the King who appreciates and trusts me for an omega? Will Her Majesty the Queen betray her alpha for a lover who has a feud with her family?"

"In the end, it takes long-term planning and orchestration to deceive the king, and it can't be done with a few words and a few eyes." Roland concluded, "This accusation makes me angry not only because I have been wronged, but It insults the reputation of the royal family, and even more insults your personality and vision. If the accuser stood in front of me, I would definitely throw my gloves in his face."

Richard II's anger calmed down with Roland's explanation, and his face became expressionless. The prime minister knew very well that bringing him here was not to convict him, and the king was not so reckless as to believe a letter entirely. This majesty was just suspicious and would not give up the temptation.

The king stroked his beard expressionlessly, and the prime minister had finished defending himself, with a look of resentment rarely seen in the past. The only sound in the room was the queen's indistinct weeping. Omega Rika was sniffling with rain and wiping the tears off her face with a handkerchief. After a while, Richard II went to Roland and kindly helped him up.

"You are right, the odious instigator!" said the king. "For the sake of pointing out Anna Sullivan's atrocities, I will not hold him accountable. As for the crime of oversight, no one can do it without a sage." However, I will naturally not criticize Sir Wellesley. The most sad and deplorable thing is the deterioration of friendship and the collapse of trust. I was possessed by the devil just now, and I have doubts about you!"

With a sound of "Zheng", Richard II drew out the sword from his waist and pointed it at Eve.

"I never doubted that you intend to betray me, dear Roland. But I am afraid that there will be disloyal, enchanting and depraved snakes separating the monarch and his subjects." He put on a sad look, "Let me ruin this I will apologize to you with the beautiful omega of the original sin!"

The king's sword fell down, and the speed was not fast, as if the sword would also pity the fragrance and cherish the jade. The queen's eyes widened, as if frightened, she watched it fall on her face.

Blood gushed out from the white and tender skin, and the point of the sword pierced into the queen's right cheek, from the eyes all the way to her jaw. The queen let out a wail, begging her own alpha all the time, without looking at the other person. Roland maintained an expression of astonishment and disgust, silently watching the tip of the sword fall from Eve's face.

That couldn't be the face of an adulterer watching his lover suffer.

Richard II saw what he wanted to see from the corner of his eye, he retracted his sword, let out a burst of hearty laughter, and began to comfort the wronged minister. The queen covered her cheeks, choked up, and her husband didn't have the slightest intention to call for a healer. "Let this be on her face!" said the King, "that I shall never forget the day when I suspected Sir Wellesley out of jealousy!"

See, he thinks it's an apology.

Duke Roland could feel the king's scrutiny. The other party wanted to see his expression when he heard that the queen's face would be permanently scarred. Roland cooperated with the ground and remained expressionless, as he always did. Roland could also feel the king's scrutiny of Eve, wanting to see if she would say more in a panic when she was about to lose her appearance. Eve lowered her head cooperatively, weeping in despair, every move was in line with the king's heart, a wife whose husband had cut through "the most important thing in omega". They could all feel that the king's vigilance softened rapidly.

Roland remained unmoved. The most important part of the queen was never her face. Eve was also unmoved, the face was just one of her tools, and it was an alternative that could be discarded for the current situation—Roland was quite aware of this and appreciated it.

Richard II was not stupid, just blind. He never thought that an alpha and an omega would form an alliance for reasons other than the lower body.

Neither the queen nor the chancellor was severely punished in the end, but others who were angry with the king were not so lucky.

Duke Roland was not allowed to perform crimes and meritorious deeds. When he was questioned under house arrest, the king's eagle dogs had already scattered. The Royal Knights and Royal Guards did not pounce on Earl Anna's strong Bungalow line of defense. They quietly covered Yamenan in the name of searching for Ronald's remnants.

The king publicly ordered: crusade against the former earl who was deprived of his title, the devil who spread the plague and bought people's hearts with the plague, and killed the sinner of the king's special envoy, Anna. Sullivan!

Richard II's secret order came to his army one step ahead of the announcement. Before the announcement of the crusade spread, these knights and guards drew their butcher knives at Earl Anna's people outside and stayed outside for nearly a year. People are used to the outside environment. Under the protection of the guards, doctors, missionaries of the Evangelical Church and troubadours successfully worked with the locals and established a good relationship. They are like aquatic plants that improve water quality. After taking root and growing, they become a part of the local ecology. They begin to be needed by the people around them and change the surrounding environment. Under such circumstances, all those who choose to stay have the hope of improving this place into their homeland.

Their vigilance is not as strong as it was at first.

The power of the queen and the prime minister could not convey the news because they were closely watched by the king. Urburg was the first place to suffer. The royal court and the Holy See learned from it, but their blockade was internal rather than external. The inner city, which smelled of danger, was locked, and then any suspected place was suddenly attacked, and there was no living mouth to leak the news. So when the hammer came over the other strongholds, no one knew what happened to Urborg.

Suspected nobles were deprived of their titles and inheritance rights, their property was confiscated, and their heads were beheaded.

The suspected businessman ransacked his home, his store was sealed up, and he was tortured and tortured. The Nightingale's Throat in Urburg was confiscated, and an accidental fire broke out during the search. Most of the Nightingale's Throat's prostitutes and the royal guards who came to seize it were killed and injured. Rebecca, the owner of Nightingale's Throat in the capital, died.

Is the king crazy? This word was quietly circulated among the nobles, and then everyone fell silent. Prince Ronald's rebellion, the plague, the discovery that he might be betrayed by those closest to him... this may have been the final straw, allowing Richard II's suspicious nature to explode. He was rational and crazy, restricting the prime minister, indifference to the queen, confiscating a lot of nobles in the order of succession, and concentrating power and wealth on himself. He doesn't necessarily believe that they really betrayed, but just decided to do so. The royal family at the top of the line of succession was depleted after the purge, leaving only Richard II and his children.

After the cleansing of the royal capital was completed, all this was extended to places other than Urburg.

The Guards were only used against bandits, squires and local bullies, not against Yamenan's official army. The killings took place all over Yamenan, turning many places of salvation into living hells. The hospital was burned, a new pyre was built on the ruins, and the doctors, nurses, missionaries, troubadours, sick people who could be caught - did not suffer from the epidemic, but had ordinary diseases, and unfortunately were seeking medical treatment when the officers and soldiers rushed in The civilians—all were thrown into the stake, whether they were alive or had been hacked, whether they were really the subjects of Anna the Sinner, or local civilians who were later called to join these people.

When the atmosphere of fanaticism and panic spread, beatings and random biting appeared everywhere. Lords everywhere were happy to fish in troubled waters, reporting offenders to the king's army. The burgeoning doctor-hunt, like the witch-hunt, the traditional program of Yamenan, broke out in the second year of the plague.

Jane, the general of Thebes. Stuart received orders from the king to send her troops to attack Aberyshire. Because of her younger sister Eve, Jane's loyalty to the king has long been exhausted, but also because Eve is in the hands of the king, Jane can't blatantly disobey orders. The frontier army on the border of Tibes and the patrol team in Aiboli City started a protracted drill. The sound of cannons on the "battlefield" was so loud that the supervising army was too frightened to go forward. what effect.

The field application and improvement of artillery continued to improve under this exercise, and the blooming ammunition invented by an alchemist named Tina became more mature and stable during the exercise. The soldiers on both sides participating in the exercise knew in their hearts where their guns would be pointed when the time came.

The supervising army sent by the king did not realize that there was such a realistic fake war form. They listened to the sound of the drill from a distance every day, and handed over the casualties provided by Jane to the king. The person who submitted the battle report was a writer of the newspaper. The battle situation in her writing was extremely thrilling and immersive. The overseers treated her kindly, and felt that thanks to her, they were able to write authentic reports from miles away from the battlefield.

However, most of the troops were stumbled by this incident, and there were not many rescue teams that could secretly send out on the border of Tibes and Abery County.

Rescue teams disguised as homeless bandits and attacked the hunting doctor's army. They focused on rescuing people, supplemented by attacks, and brought all the citizens of Anna Land who could be contacted back to a safe place. In Yamenan, there are lords who use the king's orders to rule out dissidents, and there are also lords who have tasted the sweetness of trade over the years and fell to Anna under sugar-coated shells. The lords near the southern borders opened their doors to hide all "sinners" who fled to their lands.

Soon the rescue team discovered that there was another "robber" who came uninvited. Rather than robbers, this team is all assassins. They broke into pieces, sneaked into the big city that the rescue team could not enter, and then aimed their swords at the knights.

"Arrow" to be exact.

The Royal Knights are much stronger than the Royal Guards. The knights are all excellent alpha nobles, most of them have supernatural powers, and wearing good armor, they can't easily break the defense. But the unconventional bandit team did not fight them head-on. The assassins always appeared at unexpected times and places, and shot arrows at the exposed faces, eyes, and necks of the tin cans, often killing them with one arrow.

This ghostly army has terrible aim, their arrows are sharp and silent, and they use bows and crossbows so strange and small that they can be hidden in cloaks. The furious Royal Knights searched and executed many hunters with bows, but failed to find these rats with poisonous minions.

During the closest siege, someone saw the figure of the attacker. "Crossbow!" A knight exclaimed, "Gallery..."

He has experienced the Black Beast Rebellion in Urborg and confronted the Gale Knights. Unlike the other knights of Prince Ronald, the flexibility of the Cavaliers of the Wind and the weapons with extremely fast arrows in their hands are a complete nightmare. Thanks to the fact that they had fought against strange beasts for a long time before being surrounded, the Royal Knights were able to take advantage of it. Annihilate these rebels. Hasn't the Gale Knights been destroyed? The royal knight who personally killed the members of the Gale Knights thought, but he didn't even have time to utter the second half of the sentence, and he could no longer speak.

He saw the assailant grinning like a wild beast from under his hood, and he felt a cool breeze in his throat. His colleagues watched as the royal knight fell on his back with an arrow in his mouth.

The word of the Gale Knights spread among the people who participated in the siege, accompanied by countless horrified whispers. The assassins followed the Royal Knights like leeches, and appeared like ghosts. From time to time, knights fell, but no assassin was caught. Gradually, the horror legend of "the revenge of the evil spirits of the Gale Knights" spread among the knights. ".

The Avengers of Rogue The Wind liked the title.

Under the high pressure of the king, some nobles joined forces in private, and they had other thoughts in their hearts. Compared with a king who is getting harder and harder to serve, of course it is more beneficial for them to be a son emperor who is a few years old. The illegitimate child is not considered. The prophesied son of the red-haired queen is now four years old and is still weak, but he is alive and sound, which shows that his mother is not a fool. The nobles thought about it, secretly plotting to replace the king and become an auxiliary minister.

The Vengalo defense line, which was pointed at by His Majesty the King, has not yet been in close contact with the King's hawks and dogs. A small part of the rescue team was also dispatched, and the main force stayed in Wenjialuo, and the beast horde came.

The timing of the Great Purge was very precise, just as the harbinger of the summer beast tide in the north was beginning to appear. Even if the animal horde this year is no longer a matter of life and death for all border residents, it is impossible for the border troops of Wenjialuo to be transferred away. What's more, the next year will be the year of the big beast tide, but this year there are unexpectedly many strange beasts in Wenjialuo, just like the big beast tide that happens once every ten years.

The people on the Bungala defense line were too busy to take care of themselves, and Anxu couldn't leave. She felt "something" approaching her territory.

According to Anxu's reckless character, in the past, when she knew that her own person was killed by the king, she would have sneered forcefully and said, "Come as soon as you go to the house", and fly directly to Urburg to kill the king. Ye is dead. But this time when Anxu was about to fry the king, the feeling of meeting the firebird rose again.

The induction between Firebird and Anxu will appear within a certain distance (a distance several times greater than that of Spring City). Over the years, the beast tide has been calm, and Anxu has never felt the approach of Firebird. Misfortunes never come singly this year. I don’t know if I should say that God bless the king. Since the beginning of spring, the border army has been on the lookout for the increasingly fierce beast tide. And the dots on the GPS in Anxu’s brain are gradually moving at a much slower speed than before. Approach the line of defense.

It feels stronger than the previous Firebird, An Xu can't tell how much stronger it is, just feels... weird. The existence of the firebird is like flames, wild and fierce, and cannot be concealed in the darkness, but this similar induction is much more restrained, and even disappears from time to time, making it impossible to predict its whereabouts. An Xu couldn't leave, if it reached the line of defense when she was not around, no one else could stop it.

This situation continued until Anxu's patience reached its limit. As the beast tide rose in vain, the point in An Xu's mind appeared less than a few kilometers away from the defense line.

An Xu flew up in the horn of the beast tide, and Chris, who was fully armed, rushed out of the house almost at the same time as her. They looked at each other, their eyes staggered, one went to the fortress, and the other flew to the sensed wilderness.

Read The Duke's Passion