MTL - I Lost My Memory Before the Divorce Was Agreed-Chapter 11

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Lu Yuanbai subconsciously always thought that his wife should be shorter than him, but now Lu Yuanbai stepped on Duan Yu's shoes and was half a head shorter than Duan Yu.

The eyes happened to meet Duan Yu's thin lips, the young master had never been in love, the two were very close at this time, Lu Yuanbai didn't know what to think, blushed, and hurriedly turned his head, "Wife, I want you to put me down quickly."

As he spoke, he went to look at the wheelchair behind him, but because the two of them moved a little bit, the wheelchair was pushed away by external force.

Duan Yu looked down at him, the young man lowered his head and couldn't see his face, but the thin red earlobes could be seen clearly.

Lu Yuanbai has a slender body and can be wrapped around his waist with one arm. Because of work, he has been keeping fit and keeping fit, which is not heavy at all.

Duan Yu looked as usual, and then exerted a little force, and Lu Yuanbai's toes left his vamp.

After turning around a few steps, he arrived at the wheelchair position. The whole process was like holding a sack, and then slowly put the person on the wheelchair and sat down.

Lu Yuanbai still had some residual heat on his face, his heart was pounding, and he didn't dare to look up at Duan Yu for a while.

Shrink his head like a small quail.

Lu Yuanbai listened to the beating of his heart,

Was it so exciting to fall in love?

After Lu Yuanbai slowed down for a while, he quietly raised his head to look at his beautiful wife, but found that the beautiful wife was also looking at him at this time.

Lu Yuanbai swallowed and his eyes fell on Duan Yu's lips uncontrollably.

If you are in love, you can hug, so isn't marriage a kiss!

Duan Yu looked at the blushing on the face, and suddenly found it interesting, and said in a low voice: "What's the blushing?"

In the past, the two pretended to be close, and the young man in front of him couldn't even blink, let alone blushed.

Lu Yuanbai grabbed his hospital gown with one hand and didn't look at Duan Yu, "It's nothing."

Duan Yu stepped forward and touched Lu Yuanbai's earlobe, as if stroking a pet cat. His dark eyes couldn't tell his emotions, "Nothing to blush?"

Duan Yu's hands were slightly cold, and when he touched the slightly hot earlobe, Lu Yuanbai shrank his neck slightly, and then broke the jar and said, "I think you are too beautiful..."

"Because you look good, I blush, I don't think about anything else."

The answer is honest, after all, the young master really thinks that his beautiful wife is beautiful, but the added sentence is a little bit of a deaf ear.

Duan Yu was only interested in teasing him just now, but he didn't expect the other party to be so ashamed, and gently rubbed the fingertips that touched the earlobe just now.

Seeing that people continued to put up quails, they did not continue to tease him.

Instead, he walked behind Lu Yuanbai, pushed the wheelchair, and led people out.

The corner of Yuanbai's mouth never came down on the way, Duan Yu pushed people into the elevator.

Then we reached the first floor and exited the hospital building.

At this time, it was three or four in the afternoon, and the summer sun was shining brightly.

Lu Yuanbai took a big breath of the fresh air outside.

The drink of liberty,

Anyone who drinks will get drunk.

Duan Yu pushed the person to a position close to the shade under the tree.

Lu Yuanbai raised his fair cheeks, half-squinted his eyes comfortably, and basked in the sun like a leisurely cat.

The area of ​​area a where the VIP ward is located is not small, and it can be said that the entire central hospital occupies a large area.

There are many patients who go out to walk in the sun now.

At a glance, there are many children.

Lu Yuanbai did not forget his wife in his leisure time, turned his head slightly, and once again began to chat about the great cause of enhancing his relationship.

"Wife, what do you like about me?"

The young man's peach eyes were half-squinted because of the sun, the corners of his tender red mouth were raised, and his fair skin was very clear under the sunlight.

The more he looked, the more he looked like a Persian cat begging to be petted.

Duan Yu stared at him, feeling a little itchy for a while.

After thinking of a reason, his voice was cold, "If you like you, you will make money."

In the years when Lu Yuanbai first entered the entertainment industry, he was very short of money. As soon as the advertisement was over, he went to the next commercial show, whether it was cannon fodder or a trick, as long as he gave money, he would accept it.

As a result, Lu Yuan became white and red, and he was picked out of the hard way he had traveled to make money before, which attracted the distress of a large number of fans. The package, spread everywhere, can be said to be painful and happy.

After hearing Duan Yu's words, Lu Yuanbai puffed up his chest instantly. It turned out that his wife would make money if he liked him.

Then a small face smiled brightly and said, "When I get better, I will earn a lot of money for you to spend."

Lu Yuanbai is an actor after all, and his smile is very contagious, Duan Yu looked at the corners of his mouth and unconsciously evoked.

Looking around, he looked meaningfully at the young man in front of him, "Give it all to me?"

Lu Yuanbai nodded, "It's all for you."

Then he bowed his head and smiled shyly, "We got married, and my money is your money."

Lu Yuanbai didn't know that he had sold himself clean at this time.

But the young master is full of yearning for his beautiful love in his heart.

I don't feel anything.

"Aren't you afraid that I will run away with your money?"

Lu Yuanbai was really taken aback by this, he raised his eyes to look at him, froze for a moment, and said, "Can you?"

After asking the question, before Duan Yu could answer, Lu Yuanbai shook his head and said seriously, "No, you won't be so cruel."

Duan Yu stood beside him and looked at him condescendingly, "How do you know that I'm not that cruel?"

"Because you love me."

Lu Yuanbai almost blurted out, Duan Yu looked slightly stunned.

"We got married because of love. Although I have amnesia now, I think you must be the best person I think. Because you love me, you will not be so cruel."

After Duan Yu heard this, for some reason, a smile appeared on Jun Yi's face.


Lu Yuanbai was more interesting than he thought.

Duan Yu leaned over to be with Lu Yuanbai, his sharp eyebrows met Lu Yuanbai's peach blossom eyes.

The sudden approach made Lu Yuanbai a little surprised. Just as he was about to say something, he heard the man's hoarse voice say, "I won't run, wait for you to earn money to support me."

The corners of Lu Yuanbai's mouth smiled a faint pear vortex, "Okay."

Duan Yu looked at Lu Yuanbai's smiling eyes and said nothing, but the bottomless black eyes were full of playfulness.

At this time, there was some chaotic noise not far away, and the distance was a little far. Only the few people gathered not far away were arguing, but the content was unclear.

When you are bored, there is nothing more interesting than eating melons.

Lu Yuanbai was curious for a while, and stretched out his head to look into the distance.

Duan Yu stepped forward without a trace, and turned Lu Yuanbai's wheelchair into a 180-degree turn.

However, when he was turned over, Lu Yuanbai was like a scorpion jumping up and down in the field.

Turn your head around and keep watching.

Duan Yu: "…"

Duan Yu reached out and turned Lu Yuanbai's head back, then pushed the person to another place, unable to see where the group of people was.

Although Lu Yuanbai wanted to watch the fun, it was more important to bask in the sun with his wife than to watch the fun.

However, soon after walking elsewhere, Duan Yu answered the phone, as if there was something urgent.

Lu Yuanbai remembered that Song Zhao said that his wife was busy with work and had no leisure time, and felt a little distressed.

After Duan Yu hung up the phone, he lowered his eyes and glanced at Lu Yuanbai, "You can bask in the sun here first, and I'll come back to you later."

Seeing that he seemed to be busy, Lu Yuanbai nodded obediently, "I'll wait for you."

Duan Yu walked back and Lu Yuanbai half-dazed his eyes and basked in the sun.

In the hot summer, Duan Yu did not fully expose Lu Yuanbai to the sun, but stayed in a shady flower bush.

Just when Lu Yuanbai was drowsy, a tender voice came from his ear.

"Big brother!"

Lu Yuanbai opened his eyes in response, only to see a five- or six-year-old boy standing in front of him.

Lu Yuanbai: "Call me?"

The little boy nodded.

Lu Yuanbai looked around, are you and your family lost?

"No, I just came downstairs to play. My grandpa is hospitalized here."

After hearing this, Lu Yuanbai was relieved, "Then do you have anything to do with me?"

The little boy said cheerfully: "I want to invite you to eat Wang Wang Shattered Ice with me!"

Lu Yuanbai was a little surprised, he and the child didn't know each other, "Why?"

"Because you look good."

Lu Yuanbai was a little embarrassed to be praised like this by the child.

"Is Big Brother going?"

Lu Yuanbai was a little embarrassed, but Duan Yu suddenly appeared in his mind.

Even in summer, men wear well-pressed suit shirts.

Duan Yu has only left for a long time. There is a supermarket in the hospital, which is not far from here. It is estimated that it will not delay too much time.

Finally, he said, "Okay, my brother will take you to eat Wang Wang Bingbing!"

Lu Yuanbai leaned on a stubborn left hand, and was disabled and determined to slide a wheelchair.

After arriving at the supermarket, I bought Wang Wang crushed ice cream for the little boy, and then lingered in the freezer for a while, and bought Duan Yu a strawberry-flavored ice cream.

On the other hand, she is rarely sensible. Although she is also a little greedy for ice cream, the nurse said that it is best not to eat it now.

The little boy held the crushed ice in his hand, "Don't you want to eat it, big brother?"

As he said that, he still shook in front of Lu Yuanbai.

Lu Yuanbai swallowed and struggled a little, "No... no."

"Why don't you eat big brother?"

"My brother is sick now. The doctor said it's better not to eat it, so my brother didn't eat it."

The little boy cast a adoring look, "Big brother, you are amazing. The doctor told my grandfather not to eat spicy food. My grandfather couldn't help but secretly eat it every time."

Lu Yuanbai, who was suddenly praised, raised his head very stinky, "Of course, my brother is a mature adult!"

The next moment, I saw the little boy unpacking and dividing the broken ice into two parts along the extension line in the middle.

Lu Yuanbai licked his mouth.

Soon after, Duan Yu, who had not found anyone, found Lu Yuanbai at the entrance of the supermarket.

The sunny and beautiful young man was sitting in a wheelchair, holding half a piece of crushed ice in his hand, and his tender red lips turned over the water at this moment.

The next moment, I saw Lu Yuanbai grinning stupidly at the little boy beside him.

"It's delicious."


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