MTL - I Lost My Memory Before the Divorce Was Agreed-Chapter 12

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Lu Yuanbai's already tender red lips looked even brighter because of eating ice, and his mouth was full of the taste of peach-flavored ice. In the hot summer, Lu Yuanbai cherished the half in his hand. Wang Wang crushed ice.

He just ate half of it, and no one sees it now.

It's like he didn't eat.

While Lu Yuanbai was enjoying himself, the little boy stretched out his hand and gently tugged the hospital gown on Lu Yuanbai's body.

"Big brother, why does that uncle always look at us? Is it because no one shared Wangwang crushed ice with him, so he is envious."

Lu Yuanbai looked in the direction of the little boy's finger, and saw Duan Yu standing not far away. Lu Yuanbai's look just happened to meet someone.

The smashed ice in the hand suddenly became fragrant.

The little boy looked at Duan Yu with pity in his eyes, "That uncle is so pitiful, I didn't expect that he was so poor that he couldn't afford broken ice and no one would share it with him."

Said and shook his head, what a sad adult.

And Duan Yu, who was so poor that he could only afford a building but couldn't afford popsicles, was looking at Lu Yuanbai with an elusive expression.

Lu Yuanbai felt a little guilty, so he hurriedly turned his back and lowered his head to quickly eat the remaining sweet ice, then pretended that nothing had happened, and waved in Duan Yu's direction with a smile.


Immediately, he hurriedly took his left hand and pushed the wheelchair to go to Duan Yu.

Duan Yu didn't give anyone a chance, and took a few steps with long legs to Lu Yuanbai's side.

Lu Yuanbai graciously handed over the strawberry ice cream he bought for Duan Yu, "My wife gives it to you."

Duan Yu glanced down at the pink and tender ice cream, but didn't take it, then looked at Lu Yuanbai with sharp eyebrows, "Come to eat ice cream?"

Lu Yuanbai hurriedly shook his head, opened his eyes and said nonsense, "No."

It's more like if you wipe your mouth clean.

Duan Yu raised his eyebrows, "No?"

Lu Yuanbai felt a little guilty, "No...."

As soon as the words fell, there was a slight touch on Lu Yuanbai's cheeks, and Duan Yu was slightly attached to him, reaching out and wiping it against Lu Yuanbai's lips.

"Didn't eat?"

The warm fingertips touched the cool lips very comfortably.

Lu Yuanbai's cheeks were slowly dyed crimson, and he didn't know whether he was shy because Duan Yu's actions were too intimate, or he was embarrassed because his lie was exposed.

Lu Yuanbai shrank his neck both ashamed and ashamed.

feel wrong.

How could he lie to his wife for half a barb of ice and ice!

Then he lowered his head and said, "Eat."

Duan Yu looked at his ashamed appearance but didn't say anything. Instead, he took the tissue bought by his assistant, lifted Lu Yuanbai's cheeks, and started to wipe his mouth.

The assistant who came with Duan Yu just now stood proudly not far away.

There really is no one more discerning than him.

The boss wiped Mr. Lu's mouth, and he immediately went into the supermarket to buy tissue, which deserved to be the **** sentence.

This kid is smart from a young age.

The assistant stood with high fighting spirit, and he was going to be the number one dog-legged person by Mr. Duan's side!

Duan Yu's movements were very stiff and unfamiliar, Lu Yuanbai's face as a star was originally small, and Duan Yu almost blocked most of Lu Yuanbai's face with one hand.

At this time, the expression on the man's face was as usual, and there was no emotion, but the deep black eyes were rarely softer.

But the eyes are not doting on the young man in front of him, but a look like he looks at his own pet cat.

Seeing his wife wipe his mouth, Lu Yuanbai felt guilty for a while.

"My wife, I'm sorry."

Duan Yu stood up straight after wiping his face, "I'm sorry for what?"

Lu Yuanbai: "I shouldn't lie to you, I couldn't help eating half a piece of crushed ice just now."

When the little boy on the side met his big brother, he seemed to have been discovered by his parents for eating crushed ice and was disciplined.

Da Da Da walked in front of Duan Yu, "Uncle, I invited my brother to eat it just now. My elder brother said he would not eat it at first, but the crushed ice is so delicious, I really don't blame my elder brother."

There's nothing to blame for Duan Yuben, even if Lu Yuanbai lied to him, he didn't have any emotional ups and downs. He was just a kitten and a puppy to pass the time, and he didn't have to be harsh on the other party's actions.

But it is better for patients not to eat too much ice.

Duan Yu: "There is no next time."

Lu Yuanbai nodded his head busy.

After saying goodbye to the little boy, Duan Yu pushed Lu Yuanbai around again before returning to the ward.

As soon as he entered the door of the ward, he saw the manager, Lin Mu, waiting anxiously in the ward. The whole person was much thinner than a few days ago.

Seeing that Lu Yuanbai was back, a pair of eyes were rare.

"Brother Yuan."

Lu Yuanbai remembered him and greeted people with a smile, "You're here."

Just after the two finished greeting, a nurse stood at the door and knocked, "Mr. Lu."

Lu Yuanbai turned his head in response, "What's wrong?"

The nurse looked at Lu Yuanbai's delicate and beautiful face and was in a good mood, but she said, "Mr. Lu's food truck is broken today."

Lu Yuanbai: ! !

"Are you out of food today?"

The nurse shook her head, "Yes, it's just that the family members have to be troubled to bring a lunch box or something that can hold food to fight."

As he said that, he glanced at Duan Yu and stood beside Lu Yuanbai.

Lu Yuanbai: "Are there many people now?"

Nurse: "It shouldn't be a lot now."

Lu Yuanbai's eyes lit up, he hurriedly turned his wheelchair to the table beside the bed, and then took out his stainless steel rice bucket.

"The wife gives it, the family members go."

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yuanbai glanced at the nurse quietly, and then reached out and pulled Duan Yu's sleeve.

Duan Yu looked down at him, "What's wrong?"

Lu Yuanbai sat in a wheelchair and raised his head, "Wife, can you be shorter?"

Duan Yu didn't know what he was going to do, but in the end he bent down in front of Lu Yuanbai, "What's the matter?"

Lu Yuanbai stretched out his hand and pulled Duan Yu Junyi's face towards him, then turned his head and said in Duan Yu's ear: "Wife, I want to eat sweet bean buns from the hospital cafeteria, you can help me get two more."

Usually only one meal is delivered, saying that now he is recovering, and it is better to eat less desserts like sweet bean buns.

The young man spoke so softly that only two people could hear him.

The other party's breath spread on the ear, slightly itchy.

Duan Yu didn't expect at first that Lu Yuanbai would wrap his neck around him and whisper to him.

The intimate posture is very natural, as if the two have done it many times.

Duan Yu looked at him sideways, his thin lips parted lightly, "Didn't you just eat sweet ice today?"

Lu Yuanbai murmured instantly, "Then... then get me a sweet bean bag."

Duan Yu looked at the young man's pitiful appearance at this time, and the evil factor quickly filled his heart, "Do you think it's time to eat today?"

The man looked at him, but without any deterrence, he just looked at Lu Yuanbai like this, wanting to see how the other party answered.

Lu Yuanbai was stunned when he heard Duan Yu's words, hesitating on his face, thinking that he ate ice today and lied to his wife, so he really shouldn't eat it.

Although he was regretful in his heart, Lu Yuanbai said dully: "Then don't eat it today..."

Hearing the person's answer, Duan Yu stood up, and then walked out of the ward with a stainless steel rice bucket in his hand.

For a while, only Lu Yuanbai and agent Lin Mu were left in the ward.

Lin's eyes were blue and black, and Lu Yuanbai said with concern, "You haven't rested for the past few days, haven't you, you don't look very energetic."

Lu Yuanbai nodded with embarrassment on his face, not only him, but even the employees of the studio have been working day and night these days.

The incident of Lu Yuanbai illegally running a red light and causing a car accident never went down on the WB hot search. Although he didn't stay at the top all the time, he didn't break out of the top ten.

The wall fell and everyone pushed.

What's more, Lu Yuanbai is currently popular, and many people want to take Lu Yuanbai from his current position.

Lu Yuanbai also has opponents in the circle, and even one or two can be said to be relentless. The current trend on the Internet has begun to unanimously resist Lu Yuanbai, and now many of the originally negotiated jobs and endorsements have been eliminated.

Naturally, some people took advantage of this trend of boycotting and suppressing Lu Yuanbai, and took advantage of it. Many second- and third-tier stars have already taken over the endorsements and jobs that Lu Yuanbai has lost now.

Whoever makes money is not happy, and they are not afraid of offending Lu Yuanbai. After all, Lu Yuanbai is now riddled with scandals, and no one wants to make a mess and bring disaster to themselves.

But what's even more chilling is that the people who Lu Yuanbai helped to promote the drama and helped in the industry before, turned their faces and didn't recognize them, and stepped back on Lu Yuanbai.

Those people are tepid, and sometimes they involve Lu Yuanbai's popularity on WB intentionally or unintentionally, and they don't care.

But now that Lu Yuanbai's fame has made a fortune, it's too ugly to step back.

Now Lu Yuanbai has been bought by many opponents on the black hot search, those rumors and rumors, their studio public relations are not able to do public relations.

For a time exhausted.

Lu Yuanbai saw that the man was much more haggard than before, "Sit down first, I see that your face is not very good, is there something wrong?"

Lin Mu stared at Lu Yuanbai with red bloodshot eyes. He wanted to tell people about the Internet, but he couldn't say anything with his mouth open.

If you think about it, he will not be like this. Lu Yuanbai's calm and powerful is the central axis of their studio, and he is a very reliable boss.

But now the boss is different, he has lost his memory, and now his mental age is only eighteen.

Lin Mu's face was embarrassed, and in the end he didn't tell Lu Yuan anything about the Internet.

Instead, he started asking about Lu Yuanbai's injury, and then said, "Brother Yuan, can you recall the day you had the car accident?"

This matter is now overwhelming the studio, and Lin Muhong stared at Lu Yuanbai.

Lu Yuanbai looked at him apologetically, "I'm sorry, I don't remember."

"Can't you remember it at all?" Lin Mu's forehead was sweating, "Did you really intentionally run a red light that day?"

As long as Lu Yuanbai says no, they can contact the police now to issue public relations documents that Lu Yuanbai is not malicious and illegal. As long as Lu Yuanbai says a word, the studio doesn't have to do it as hard as it is now.

Lu Yuanbai doesn't need to be scolded by someone poking his spine.

Lu Yuanbai looked at Lin Mu's tired and anxious expression and wanted to recall it, but no matter what he thought, his mind was blank.

Lin Mu: "Brother Yuan, think about it, whether this happened on purpose or was an accident."

Lu Yuanbai looked at the anxious Lin Mu in front of him, "I don't know, I... I can't remember."

Immediately, my heart began to panic, "When I woke up, someone said I broke the law, I don't know if I did it on purpose, I..."

Lu Yuanbai was timid, and his hands were shaking for a while, "The police came to me that day and said I broke the law, illegally running a red light, causing a car accident, and the victim."

Lu Yuan clung tightly to the hospital gown on his body, "I was very scared at the time, I don't remember those memories, I don't know what I did that day, and I don't know how the car accident happened, I...I... "

"I was only eighteen before I woke up, I shouldn't be here... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I shouldn't have broken the law, I can't remember if I did it on purpose."

Lu Yuanbai's peach blossom eyes were full of fear and anxiety. He deliberately avoided this incident from his heart. He didn't know what Lu Yuanbai was like at twenty-five, but now he is still the timid Lu Yuanbai. , you can't move forward when you encounter difficulties.

Lin Mu held Lu Yuanbai's slightly trembling shoulders, "Brother Yuan, I don't mean to blame you."

Then he sighed, "If I can't remember it, I don't want to, it's okay."

Lu Yuanbai was silent for a while and then said, "Is the person injured in the car accident okay now?"

Lin Mu: "The van driver is out of danger now, but he hasn't woken up yet because of his serious injuries."

The van driver couldn't wake up, and the matter couldn't be settled.

They couldn't refute the overwhelming abuse on the Internet.

He and the people in the studio knew that Lu Yuanbai was a calm and calm person. He would never do anything radical, but when it came to the law, no one could say anything. It was a fact that Lu Yuanbai ran a red light and caused a car accident.

Nor can they violate morality and make up false excuses.

A short surveillance video of the road accident in Luyuanbai, which had been spread on the Internet, was also deleted.

Public opinion on the Internet began to launch another round of attacks on Lu Yuanbai.

If there is no king's law, if you have money, you can do whatever you want, and now the monitoring of car accidents has been deleted, but it is not just a guilty conscience after deliberately breaking the law and hurting others.

But they really didn't delete this video.

Lu Yuanbai's studio has not responded to this incident, and it is wrong to say more, and everything will wait for the results of the police investigation.

Lin Mu wanted to go to the police station to see the monitoring of the entire road section of the car accident, but because he was not the party concerned and the legal counsel had no right to check it.

After the accident, the van driver's medical expenses were also paid by Lu Yuanbai's studio.

They did what they could.

They have no excuses, they accept all accusations.

Some people gloat about misfortune, how high Lu Yuanbai was praised in this circle before, and how badly he falls now.

Before Lu Yuanbai acted as a teacher in a movie of the Republic of China, with his superb acting skills and his cool and elegant temperament, he became popular on the Internet overnight, and he made many people jealous.

Wherever you go, there are people who are flattering.

But now Lu Yuanbai is shouting and beating like a rat crossing the street.

But it is clear that the law and the police have not convicted Lu Yuanbai, the Internet and public opinion have turned Lu Yuanbai into a sinner.