MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-Chapter 10 under the fence

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Zhou Ziheng clearly felt the changes in Xia Xiqing at this moment. Before, he was lazily staying out of the matter, but when he heard that a player broke through the room, he immediately threw himself into the game.

But he also knew that Xia Xiqing's behavior was not because of his desire to win, but because he wanted to leave here to watch the excitement.

To make the muddy water even more chaotic is probably his real purpose.

"Don't you think this poem is strange?" Xia Xiqing found a marker pen from somewhere, and drew a horizontal line on the last few lines of the poem.

[Only re-disassembled,

Give you back to me, give me back to you.

From top to bottom, connected to each other.

Everything can regain meaning. ]

He took out the sticky note that Zhou Ziheng had spelled together at the beginning, with a string of garbled characters written on the front, "I think this poem hints at the decoding method of this code."

Zhou Ziheng nodded in agreement, and read the poem carefully in his heart.

[We were one.

Destiny pulled you away from my body, from my bones, my flesh and my heart, and abruptly put these meaningless organs together.

I was buried together with you who were dismantled and reconstructed together.

Buried under this fence with lush roses.

Only re-disassembly,

Give you back to me, give me back to you.

From top to bottom, connected to each other.

Everything can regain meaning. ]

It used to be one body, separated, put together, buried together one after the other...

He couldn't help but read out in a deep voice: "Buried under this fence with lush roses..."

fence, fence...


Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind.

"RailFenceCipher." / "FenceCipher."

The two blurted out at the same time, and then looked at each other in surprise.

Xia Xiqing laughed first, "It seems that I am really an idol. I have a perfect understanding."

Zhou Ziheng sneered in his heart, sorry, he didn't want to be followed by such a person at all.

Having said that, Xia Xiqing's reaction speed still surprised him. "How do you know the password for the fence?" Zhou Ziheng asked.

Xia Xiqing replied casually, "My nephew is in IT, and I studied a little cryptography with him for a while..."

Your nephew...? Zhou Ziheng frowned and looked at Xia Xiqing.

Where are you from, old goblin?

He didn't say anything, and didn't really believe what Xia Xiqing said. He leaned over and grabbed the pen he found just now to decode the code. Xia Xiqing turned the little poem to the other side and saw [2you] written on it, He smiled and said, "Actually, the clues of the program group are really obvious. The 2 here is not to, it means that the original state of the password is divided into 2 columns, right?"

"En." Zhou Ziheng counted the long string of garbled digits with his fingers, found the middle one, drew a vertical line, and disassembled them. Although he knew that Xia Xiqing understood the decoding process, in order to ensure the program The audience can also understand this process. Zhou Ziheng explained, "The first half of this poem is the process of encryption, and the beginning of 'only re-disassembly' is a reminder of the decoding process. According to the 2 written on the back, the garbled characters Evenly divided into two groups, with seven letters in each group."


"'Return you to me, return me to you' should mean dismantling and restoring the letters in the group." While speaking, Zhou Ziheng re-transcribed the two separated groups, aligning the two lines.



Zhou Ziheng lowered his head, and while reading the penultimate sentence in the poem, "From top to bottom, they are connected to each other." Starting from the letter P in the first line, he drew a line with a pen, first pointing to the A in the second line, and then With a turn of the pen, the line loops back to the G, and so on, until the rippling line penetrates every letter and reaches the last letter D.

"Write it down in the order of the lines..." Zhou Ziheng half-bent down and carefully copied the final answer.


Page one hundred.

"The hundredth page." Xia Xiqing picked up the unbelievably thick book next to him, and turned to the hundredth page.

The entire page was printed with words that looked like ants, and he saw four numbers on the forty-second line.

[I only live because of my desire, for this fiery cliff, if possible, at the moment when my desire burns out, I will be the 1414th rose in the sea of ​​roses in your heart, no more, no less, Just make that one. ]

"1414." Xia Xiqing put down the book, walked to the front of the study, and entered these four numbers on the password lock screen on the door.

The combination lock glows blue, flashes three times, and finally displays a green message on the screen.

[The password is correct! ]

Xia Xiqing tried to push the door, only to hear a click, and the door lock was unlocked. Xia Xiqing, who originally wanted to slip away by himself, noticed the close-up shot on the door lock, so he turned around and said to Zhou Ziheng with a smile, "We can go out now, let's go."

Zhou Ziheng, who was leaning against the desk, gave him a meaningful look, and finally put his hands in his coat pockets and walked towards him.

A new beep came from the speaker.

[Note that two players have now escaped from the original room and entered the other player's room. ]

"Is the alliance still established?" Zhou Ziheng asked suddenly.

Xia Xiqing smiled and pushed open the door, "Of course, if my use value has not been drained."

The word squeezed out is so subtle that Zhou Ziheng didn't even feel that he was being molested by Xia Xiqing, and followed him out of the original room unconsciously.

The structure of this house is very strange. There is no corridor-like partition between the rooms. Open the door of your own room and directly enter the new room. The people in the room were busy doing something, when they heard the wall behind them, at least he always thought it was the door of the wall being opened all of a sudden, he couldn't help being startled and his back trembled.

Adhering to the original intention of shaping the character design, Xia Xiqing took the initiative to greet the original owner of the room with a smile, "Hi, we are the players who escaped from our room just now, you should have received a message from the program team."

The man was wearing a creamy yellow overcoat, and his dyed light brown hair looked very fluffy. When he heard the voice, he turned around, and his pretty face suddenly showed a sigh of relief when he saw Zhou Ziheng. Facial expression, "Ah Ziheng, great that it's you." He smiled at Xia Xiqing again, "Hello, hello... Hey, aren't you the one who was recently? The one on Weibo two days ago..."

Xia Xiqing reported his family name very considerately, "Xia Xiqing." The other party looked like he was about to introduce himself, and Xia Xiqing immediately spoke for him, "Shang Sirui, I like the song of your group very much."

Shang Sirui is the face of the popular group HighFive. Shang Sirui had worked with him in a movie before, but it was just a cameo role. Although Xia Xiqing only talks about scenes, and he doesn't like listening to the songs of this kind of idol boy group, but their popularity is still good in the circle of young people, especially this Shang Sirui, with his handsome face He and Yu's confused personality has become a popular top member in the group.

"Really?" Shang Sirui laughed twice, "Hey, you guys are amazing, you escaped so quickly, I've been tossing around here for a long time and haven't come up with anything useful, hey, I'm surprised Now, why did my agent answer such a difficult announcement for me?"

Xia Xiqing almost didn't laugh out loud. He's an idol anyway, and when he opened his mouth, it was like talking about cross talk. No wonder the netizens complained about his mouth.

"The two are always faster." Zhou Ziheng walked to Shang Sirui's side to check his current progress.

Xia Xiqing realized that Zhou Ziheng was really tall and his shoulders were wider than Shang Sirui's when the two of them stood together, which made Shang Sirui, who was originally above the standard figure of the men's team, look petite. If he remembers correctly, these two people seem to have a CP.

The general attacker in the entertainment circle pretends to be honest and does not deceive me.

Although both Shang Sirui and Zhou Ziheng have countless fans, their looks are completely different in two styles. Shang Sirui's facial features are light and full of youthful looks, looking like a high school boy, while Zhou Ziheng is The full face and deep facial features were once mistaken for mixed blood.

For Xia Xiqing, of course, the latter is more exciting.

The author has something to say: Cryptography knowledge popularization:

In fact, I have tried my best to explain the decryption process in the simplest and easy-to-understand language (Zhou Ziheng’s words). Many readers may have persuaded 2333 to quit after seeing the word [password], which is actually very interesting (really~). If you are interested, you can take a look at the popular science below (without mathematical knowledge, it is a very simple operation)

The garbled code [PGOEUDEAENHNRD] that appeared in these two chapters belongs to a fence password divided into 2 columns. I will not talk about the concept and use the password in the text as an example. The first half of the poem that appears in the article (I wrote it blindly, let’s call it Shi Ba) is the encryption process, so let’s make a one-to-one correspondence.

We were one. [The original plain code is Pageonehundred, remove the spaces to become one PAGEONEHUNDRED]

Destiny pulled you away from my body, from my bones, my flesh and my heart, and abruptly put these meaningless organs together. [How to "extract", because the column is 2, so divide it two by two to become PAGEONEHUNDRED, a total of seven groups (bones, flesh, heart, etc...) and then extract the first character (PGOEUDE) of each group and put it in One pile, the second character (AENHNRD) is placed in one pile, it becomes two piles]

I was buried together with you who were dismantled and reconstructed together. [Put together the two piles of letter sequences obtained just now, "one in front and one in back", and you will get the password PGOEUDEAENHNRD]

So this is the encryption method of the fence password, and we will give another example, such as encrypting "ILoveYou", if we encrypt in 3 columns

First remove the space to become ILOVEYOU, and then separate three by three, ILOVEYOU

Then the first letter of each part is grouped (IVO), the second letter is grouped (LEU), and the third letter is grouped (OY)

Finally put them together end to end: IVOLEUOY

Dangdangdang, the encryption is complete! (Take it to confess~)

Have you learned the fence code? In fact, the passwords used to set up mobile phones and some accounts every day are very good~

For the decoding part, follow the steps in the text, first divide the garbled characters into two columns, string them together with wavy lines on one line, and write them in order.

Read The Duke's Passion