MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-Chapter 9 Broken Mystery

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The handcuffs were successfully opened. Zhou Ziheng, who had fulfilled his mission, raised his eyes and met Xia Xiqing's straightforward eyes without any precautions. He subconsciously frowned, looked away and coughed, and swung the loose handcuffs with his wrist. In the palm of my hand, I put it on the wooden cabinet beside me with a snap.

Xia Xiqing smiled, touched his wrist and said thank you softly, remembering Zhou Ziheng's expression when he just finished solving it, "You also found out that it's Morse code, right?"

Zhou Ziheng nodded, and put his hand into his pocket to check the time, "But I can't remember the specific correspondence of the Morse code, it's a bit difficult to solve, so I can only make up."

Xia Xiqing played the music he had paused before, and explained along with the music: "At first there was a long pause, then three short pauses, and the music resumed after the short pause, [long, short, short, short ] corresponds to the letter B, followed by a [short, long, short], which is the letter R." The music continued to play mixed with the inserted stuttering sound, "[short]—the letter E...[short, long ]—letter A... [long,short,long]—letter K..."


"break the mirror." Before Xia Xiqing could finish explaining the next two words, Zhou Ziheng had already given the answer.

"That's right." Xia Xiqing smiled. This smile seemed to be different from the previous one, with a hearty feeling.

Probably an illusion, Zhou Ziheng thought.

"Why are you so familiar with Morse Code?" Zhou Ziheng walked over and turned off the music, picked up the vinyl record that he hadn't observed carefully before, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"When I was in junior high school, my Olympiad teacher said it. I found it very interesting. I used it to pass the answers to others during the exam. I didn't use it when I went to the liberal arts class in high school. I just remembered it after reacting for a while." Xia Xiqing The toe of his leather shoe lightly touched the ground, "But the program group set it up too difficult, if you don't happen to know this knowledge, you can't solve it at all."

"Actually, they are very thoughtful." Zhou Ziheng handed the vinyl record to Xia Xiqing, with the name of the suite Mirror written on it, "Just now when I was putting together notes, you played this piano piece. Those who are familiar with the music can directly hear that this is the mirror suite, and then think of the mirror next to the gramophone, if you don’t know it, you can find it by watching vinyl records, so it is inevitable to think of the mirror.”

"If you want to think of breaking a mirror..." Xia Xiqing thought of the bookmark in the previous book, "Whatever I touch, it will be broken."

Zhou Ziheng nodded, "I guess, the fragments of the note are also one of the hints. So the program team arranged several ideas, and you chose the most direct one."

"But the intellectual cost is the highest." Xia Xiqing shrugged slightly, "But compared with the efficiency of the association effect, mathematics is much more accurate and faster."

Zhou Ziheng wondered how an art student could be so good at mathematics. At this moment, Xia Xiqing had already focused on the sticky note that he had put together before, "That garbled code should also be a set of passwords, but it may be another solution." He walked over and picked up the piece of paper, "Maybe here Hiding the code to our door."

This idea coincides with Zhou Ziheng, but apart from this note, he always feels that there are many other information in the room, but he can't find a good way to distinguish which is effective information and which is interference information.

Once again, the two met the post-it note that was broken and restored again.

Xia Xiqing flipped the sticky note to the side with the words written on it, looked at it carefully, took out the bookmark from the book, and suddenly said something that didn't sound very effective at the moment.

"Don't you think the handwriting on the two pieces of paper is different?"

Zhou Ziheng also noticed this point. The writing on the bookmark looks more majestic, like a man's handwriting, while the handwriting on the sticky note is much more delicate. Although it is not a huge difference, judging from the degree of retractability of the pen, it is indeed not. Words from the same person.

He pointed to the bookmark, "I think this is the handwriting of the owner of the study."

In fact, Xia Xiqing agrees with this point of view, but for the sake of program effect and audience acceptance, he still asked very conscientiously: "Then what if the owner of the room borrowed this book? The bookmarks in it are very Probably not his own."

Zhou Ziheng shook his head, then pointed to a row of bookcases next to him, "The third row is counted from left to right. The first six books are all in the same series as this novel, and this one is the finished book. Except for this series, There are many other series of books on the bookcase, and I don’t think a collector would borrow books to read, let alone the finished one.”

Xia Xiqing made a very appreciative fan expression, "Wow, it's a shame that our family Hengheng doesn't act in criminal investigation dramas."

Our family Hengheng? ? ? Although this way of expression Zhou Ziheng has become commonplace on Weibo, which is flooded with fans, but coming out of this person's mouth, his always excellent expression management almost lost control.

Seeing the unbelievable admiration on Xia Xiqing's face, Zhou Ziheng couldn't help but retort in his heart.

[It's a shame that you don't act. ]

After all, it was on a show, so it's not good to be too indifferent to the hot face of this "fan" in front of him. Zhou Ziheng coughed and said sullenly, "Not necessarily not acting."

For some reason, Xia Xiqing felt that Zhou Ziheng was a little cute at this moment.

He shook his head in his heart, he must have lost his head.

Seeing that Xia Xiqing's feet were about to step on the fragments of the vase that he had broken into pieces at the beginning, Zhou Ziheng couldn't help reaching out and pulling his arm, "Be careful."

Xia Xiqing also reacted, and looked down, "Ha, so the vase was broken in the first place, I almost forgot, the theme of our room is probably [fragments]."

Xia Xiqing vaguely felt that something was wrong when he said this casually. If Zhou Ziheng’s theory of “broken” association just now was really a series of clues designed in advance by the program group, then shouldn’t the vase, which is also fragile, be broken? Clues that can be obtained later?

Zhou Ziheng also seemed to have gained inspiration from Xia Xiqing's words, and the two of them squatted down almost at the same time, with a tacit understanding.

On the ground are broken porcelain vases and a bouquet of white chrysanthemums scattered on the ground. Xia Xiqing used white chrysanthemum branches to poke through the broken objects on the ground, and found a paper note rolled into a thin tube, "There is indeed a clue."

He couldn't help complaining in his heart that the writer of the escape room script was really thoughtful, with so many clues hidden in the corners, if he didn't think of the theme of "fragments", the vase probably wouldn't be broken.

No, not right. He quickly denied himself in his heart.

Zhou Ziheng said suddenly, "So the program team tied us up with rope, but didn't set up any sharp weapons, only a vase as a decoration, and put it by my hand, just to let us smash him."

His thinking actually synchronized with his own. Xia Xiqing was a little surprised, but still quickly responded, "Well, that should be the case, but our attention was diverted from the beginning, and we didn't find any clues in the vase."

It's like a snake game, no matter which one you start to eat or what the moving route is, you have to eat all the fruits that existed when the game was initialized, otherwise it will be GameOver.

He suddenly admired the screenwriter a little, he is a smart person, he didn't frame this program as a game that must be followed step by step, otherwise the replayability would be too much reduced. The steps are not important, and the order is also irrelevant. Even the problem-solving ideas are set in multiple ways, and a dark character like killer is added to the escape room, which suddenly turns a pure decryption game into a mode of IQ warfare and psychological warfare. .


The two opened the note and wrote a small poem on it.

We were one.

Destiny pulled you away from my body, from my bones, my flesh and my heart, and abruptly put these meaningless organs together.

I was buried together with you who were dismantled and reconstructed together.

Buried under this fence with lush roses.

Only re-disassembly,

Give you back to me, give me back to you.

From top to bottom, connected to each other.

Everything can regain meaning. ]

It looked like a Gothic poem, but Xia Xiqing always felt that something was wrong. He turned the paper over and found something written on it.


"He wrote to as 2, there must be a reason." Xia Xiqing can't be sure about other things, but this is certain. The only rule that can be found in this game is not to let go of any unreasonable details.

Zhou Ziheng kept staring with his brows, as if he was seriously thinking about this little poem.

The phone rang suddenly.

Their thoughts were interrupted, they took out their phones, and a new message appeared on the screen.

[Note that the first player escapes from the original room and enters the other player's room. ]

"It's so fast." Xia Xiqing looked around, put the phone back with a smile, and looked innocent and thankful, "But it seems that he didn't enter our room. If this person is the killer, randomly enter a certain room... this The show is horrible."

Zhou Ziheng asked back, "What if he is an ordinary player and enters the killer's room?"

Xia Xiqing turned his face to face him, chose an angle that could avoid the closest close-up shots, raised his hand, and covered the wheat as if he was tidying up his neckline, lazily raised the corners of his mouth, and showed a smile that completely reproduced his bad nature. The export type joked.

"Isn't it more exciting to have a sheep go into the mouth of a tiger?"

The author has something to say: Zhou Ziheng: You are an art student, how can you be so good at math?

Uncle: The genes of the Xia family - good looks, tall, good at math.

Your friend Xia Zhixu refused to be cue