MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-Chapter 94 and vice versa

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Just after the new year, the main creators of "Tracking" flew to Berlin to participate in the film festival. The film festival lasted for ten days. On the day of the opening ceremony, the crew went to attend the premiere.

For many days that followed, Zhou Ziheng and Xia Xiqing stayed in the hotel, and occasionally sneaked out late at night when no one was around. It was cold outside, and the two guys in thick down jackets were next to each other. road. For their unrevealable relationship, this is enough.

Berlin is cold, and it can be chilly at night. One day at four o'clock in the morning, two people walked to the Berlin Cathedral.

There was no one around. Zhou Ziheng and Xia Xiqing, who were wearing down jackets, stood at the door of the church. Xia Xiqing was wearing a dark blue wool cap, looking up at this beautiful and solemn building. His skin was radiantly white.

"You look good."

Xia Xiqing glanced at him, and said mockingly, "You don't look good, you look like a film seller in this black down jacket."

Both of them laughed, Zhou Ziheng took out a lollipop from his pocket, tore off the wrapper and stuffed it in his mouth, "Why are you here, we can't go in at this point."

Xia Xiqing raised his head, white mist came out of his mouth when he spoke, and the tip of his nose was red.

"We couldn't have gone in."

After speaking, he reached out to grab the lollipop in Zhou Ziheng's mouth. Zhou Ziheng pulled his neck to prevent him from grabbing it. The two of them fought for a while, but Zhou Ziheng finally compromised. He stretched out his hand and squeezed Xia Xiqing's face, jokingly said, "A villain like you won't go to heaven."

"What's so good about heaven?" Xia Xiqing kicked away a stone at his feet, looked at the gorgeous dome of the cathedral with a lollipop in his mouth, "but...if you are in heaven, just pretend I didn't say it."

Hearing that he retracted the preface for himself, Zhou Ziheng was very happy, "Then if I am really here, you are really not allowed to go to heaven."

There is no need to discuss such a meaningless assumption.

But... it's not completely unnecessary.

"If a sinister and cunning person like me can't go to heaven..." Xia Xiqing remembered the lyrics of a song. He turned around, took out the lollipop in his mouth, and twirled his fingers. Glittering in the light.

Beautiful syllables from lips stained with honey.

"kill my way to heaven."

Kill your way and see you in heaven.

When the awards ceremony is approaching, there is a lot of suspicion on the Internet about the awards of this film festival. Most people are not optimistic about Zhou Ziheng. "After the premiere, almost all the film reviews that circulated on the Internet were extremely high.

[Zhou Ziheng and "Tracking" are both dark horses at this year's film festival. ]

This is the most frequent comment.

Although the fans are looking forward to Zhou Ziheng's award, they can only lower their posture online, just say "nomination is affirmation", and dare not say more for fear of slap in the face. Even if it's words of encouragement, you can only tell him on Zhou Ziheng's own Weibo.

The time of the film festival passed quickly, and the awards ceremony finally arrived. When entering the venue, Song Nian walked in front holding Kun Cheng's hand, and Zhou Ziheng and Xia Xiqing followed closely behind.

Zhou Ziheng was wearing a full black suit and a black overcoat that reached to his ankles, looking like an aristocrat. Xia Xiqing was wearing a dark gray British style coat with a tight belt, narrow waist and long legs, in a yuppie style.

There are six Chinese-language films that were shortlisted for the main competition unit. Everyone gathered together to take a group photo. Many domestic media also flew here for interviews. Compared with other films, they won the "Best Actor" and "Best Actor" awards. "Tracking", which was nominated for "Best Director" in two categories, is undoubtedly a hot spot for interviews. However, the crew's attitude towards the awards is quite conservative and they didn't talk too much.

It's okay for others, but when Xia Xiqing arrived, the reporters asked all kinds of questions.

"Xi Qing? You didn't get nominated this time, do you feel a little unbalanced?"

"Xi Qing, look here, will you still film next time?"

"Xi Qing, Xi Qing, can you tell us about your relationship with Media Asia? Why did you decide to take part in this movie?"

"Xi Qing, why did you enter the entertainment industry, did your family stop you?"

Xia Xiqing got a headache from the quarrel, he took a microphone, "Listen, I'm just saying this for the last time. I didn't enter the entertainment industry, and after this filming, I won't take on new films, and I will concentrate on my own career. "

He paused, "Also, I recorded reality shows and made movies, all because I am a fan of Zhou Ziheng. I participated in these all because of Zhou Ziheng."

In the last sentence, he said it frankly, and no one thought about it in other ways.

Only Zhou Ziheng was stunned for a moment, but was soon dragged away by Xia Xiqing.

There were so many people at the scene that no one cared about what to say. The crew returned to the designated lounge after the interview.

Although Zhou Ziheng was very decent during the interview, Xia Xiqing knew very well that he must be nervous.

As soon as he entered the lounge, Zhou Ziheng sat on the sofa without saying a word, and took a glass of water to drink silently. Xia Xiqing sat beside him, gently stroking his back, telling him to take it easy now would be basically futile, so he didn't intend to say it, but just accompanied him silently.

Kuncheng was also quite nervous. Although he had won many awards abroad, they were all non-mainstream niche awards after all. He walked back and forth nervously in the room, "It's okay, the nomination is already very good, very good, It will be better in the future."

Song Nian couldn't help laughing, "I've found out now, it's a good thing not to be nominated, I feel relaxed."

Xia Xiqing saw that she was going to wear a gift to eat cake, and reminded, "You also have the quality of being a female star."

Song Nian stuck out his tongue, seeing Zhou Ziheng still bowed his head, holding his hands tightly together, he held back what he wanted to say, and took a sip of coffee.

Not long after, a staff member came in and told them that the awards ceremony would start soon. Kuncheng nodded repeatedly, put on his coat, and said, "Let's go."

Song Nian also clapped his hands and took his dinner bag, "OK."

Zhou Ziheng stood up in a daze, ready to follow them, but Xia Xiqing pulled his elbow, and heard Xia Xiqing say from behind, "Director Kun, you go first, I have something to tell him."

"Okay, then hurry up, don't delay."

When the door was closed, Zhou Ziheng turned around and gently asked what was wrong. Xia Xiqing lowered his eyes and carefully adjusted his suit jacket.

"Actually, I really, really hate plain and straightforward expressions, which sound very..." He tried hard to think about the exact wording, "It's very brainless, too simple, and doesn't have that well-designed sense of value. Sometimes this kind of The price of the method is also very high, and it requires a lonely heart. However, I still want to say, "

He took a deep breath and raised his head to look at Zhou Ziheng.

"I love you."

"This is probably the most direct expression in my life." Xia Xiqing raised the corners of his mouth and repeated, "I love you, Zhou Ziheng. Don't doubt it."

"You will always be the best actor in my heart."

Zhou Ziheng's eyes were astringent, and the string that was tense all over his body suddenly snapped, and Xia Xiqing ripped it off without any warning. One of the most important things in his life had been affirmed, and at this moment, everything else seemed less important.

He hugged Xia Xiqing, and hugged his most precious person in a small corner of this grand awards ceremony.

"I... then my probation period."

"Fool." Xia Xiqing hugged him back, "It's over long ago."

At the beginning of the awards ceremony, Zhou Ziheng and Xia Xiqing were separated by director Kuncheng. After Xia Xiqing's confession, Zhou Ziheng was surprised to find that he was not so panicked, and he didn't even know the reason for this.

But what he didn't know was that Xia Xiqing panicked.

He was so nervous that he couldn't concentrate. He didn't remember who came on stage and said something in front of him, and he didn't have the slightest impression.

The best director award has already been awarded, but it is a pity that Kuncheng and the little silver bear missed out, but his mentality is quite stable, he just smiled, "There will be another time, don't worry, I am still so young."

It is also true that all eyes are on the upcoming best actor award, and clips of their performances have begun to appear on the big screen.

Xia Xiqing's palms were covered with sweat, and his heart was beating like a drum, panicking like hell. He thought about how he would comfort Zhou Ziheng once he missed the award. Tell him there is still a chance? There are many awards in the country?

No, neither is good.

These were all overthrown by him.

Because he really hoped that Zhou Ziheng could win the award, more than anyone else.

He was so engrossed in thinking that Xia Xiqing even missed the host's lengthy string of words. When he heard the cheers from the audience, he came back to his senses in a panic and grabbed the person in Kuncheng beside him in a panic, "Who is it? Who is it?"

Kuncheng was so excited that he almost cried, "Ziheng, Ziheng won the award."


Song Nian turned to Xia Xiqing while applauding, "Yes, it's Ziheng!"

I was so tense that I could hardly breathe, my heart exploded the moment I heard this name, like fireworks. Xia Xiqing's eyes followed Zhou Ziheng's back, watching him step by step up to the much-anticipated prize-awarding platform.

That was his love, his boy.

His nose suddenly became sore, and it turned out that there were times when he couldn't control his emotions.

Zhou Ziheng bowed deeply to the audience, took the award from the presenter, said thank you calmly in German, then switched to Chinese, he took a deep breath and smiled.

"To be honest, I didn't expect to win an award today, so I didn't even prepare my acceptance speech well. After a while, everyone may hear the most confusing speech ever."

This little humor made the people in the audience laugh, and the atmosphere relaxed a lot.

Zhou Ziheng said seriously, "I feel very lucky to be nominated with so many seniors in the film industry." He paused, "First of all, I would like to thank Director Kuncheng for your guidance and help. You are in my heart It is the uncrowned king. I must also thank the more than 300 staff members of the entire production team. Thank you for your dedication. Because of you, Gao Kun and "Tracking" are possible. This award belongs not only to me, but also to all of you .”

There was a burst of applause from the audience, Zhou Ziheng waited and continued, "Then, I would like to thank my parents and family members for giving me enough freedom to do whatever I want and giving me full encouragement , I am very grateful. And the fans who have always supported me, you have always been the driving force for me to persevere, I know that no matter what happens, you are always there."

Xia Xiqing smiled and applauded him. At this moment, his heart was full of pride and emotion. Zhou Ziheng standing on the stage is so charming and dazzling.

"Finally, I still have something to say. Not long ago, someone asked me why I chose to study physics as an actor. In fact, this is the first time someone asked me. I told him the answer I told anyone. In turn, I believe everyone will be confused, since I chose to study physics, why do I still insist on being an actor.” Zhou Ziheng smiled, “It’s a bit grandiose to say it, My original idea was indeed to let people discover things that the world doesn’t get attention through acting. Someone once told me that I was an immature idealist.”

Xia Xiqing froze for a moment, then laughed, this guy, the more he talked, the further he went.

"But later, as I was acting, I realized that I was actually an emotionally deficient person. As Director Kun said, I couldn't act the most complicated and ordinary emotions as an ordinary person. I even started to think, I One of the reasons why I like to study physics may be a kind of escapism. Physics is the most essential expression of the world. It can express the working principles of the world with the most refined formulas. It is simple, pure, and unlike human beings, it is too difficult to understand. "Zhou Ziheng raised his head, stood on the awards platform and looked at the person in the audience.

The moment their eyes met, Xia Xiqing suddenly understood something.

His pounding heartbeat seemed to be a strong omen.

"As an actor, I have played too many people and simulated too many emotions. In fact, I know very well that it is not my life, nor my emotions. I am just a flexible container. Until one day , I met a person, and this container finally has what it should carry."

Hearing these words, Xia Xiqing burst into tears suddenly, and his mind went blank.

Only the heart was beating eagerly, as if trying to leave itself, to pursue the light it wanted to pursue.

"After meeting you, the emotions surging in my chest are really me. They belong to Zhou Ziheng and come from Xia Xiqing."

The moment this sentence appeared with the simultaneous translation, the audience applauded thunderously. No one thought that at the most successful moment of this famous young actor, he would choose to announce his love affair to the world. Countless people turned their heads, applauded and looked at the other person in this grand confession.

Xia Xiqing endured it for a long time before holding back the tears in his eyes. He looked at the person on the stage with red eyes, and smiled with his lips pursed.

Zhou Ziheng also raised the corners of his mouth, and looked at the eyes that had been searching for fifteen years across the sea of ​​people, "No, the opposite is also true."

"From Zhou Ziheng, it belongs to Xia Xiqing."

Under the guidance of the star debris, the little rose with its teeth and claws restrained its sharp thorns, and exchanged darkness for moonlight.

Take a leap and plunge into the soft universe.

Arrested forever.

——End of the full text——

The author has something to say: Today’s double update, I’m afraid that some friends may miss the last chapter, so let’s talk about it~

This article is finally over. This ending is the ending I imagined at the beginning of the article. I feel very fulfilled if I can write it well. I know everyone is reluctant, and I am too, but the story of self-study will not It's over, let them continue in their world. Thank you all for your support during the three months of serialization.

In fact, I was under a lot of pressure when I wrote this article. When I serialized it, I was in the first semester of graduate school. I had a lot of homework and a tight schedule. It happened that my grades in this article were not very good, and there was no exposure. At that time, a friend advised me to cut down the outline earlier and finish the settlement. There is always a reason for poor grades. It is enough to write a love essay of 200,000 to 300,000 words. But I am a little bit unwilling, the story I want to write has not been finished, and you are really cute, talking to me in the comment area every day, when I think of this, I am very reluctant, reading comments after nine o’clock is the happiest and happiest day of my day Looking forward to the time, you gave me confidence. And most of the comments in the comment area are made by everyone spontaneously. I know it all, and I am really grateful to everyone.

It can be said that it is because of you that I persevere and have a complete Zhou Ziheng and Xia Xiqing.

Regarding the two of them, I want to have a good chat with them after my episode is over, because there are still many stories about them in the episode, the werewolf killing that I promised you, and the stories after coming out to the world will all appear in the episode.

After the extra episode, I need to take a good rest. In fact, these days I have already started to build the world view of "All People Are Not Human". This time I want to break through the comfort zone and try to write a large-scale plot. The blood of teenagers also has conspiracy and struggle. The story takes place in a modern fictional world where monsters, half-demons, and humans coexist. There are fierce conflicts between different races. The murdered big monster Jiufeng is reborn on a human body to track down the truth of his death, which leads to a bigger conspiracy. This book is also a double-A strong setting, the coquettish talk is tall and handsome, and the x people ruthless talk less attack. If you like it, you can click the column to collect it and wait for me to write~

Yesterday a reader confessed to me on Weibo, I said thank you, but she said to me, no thanks, you deserve to be liked. To be honest, I burst into tears right away.

It is really a blessing to have you accompany me to finish this article.

I love you guys, see you later~


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