MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-Chapter 95 Extra Story 1: Self-study is real

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In the early morning of February 14, Weibo was paralyzed.

This kind of thing has happened before, but it has never been paralyzed at 6 o'clock in the morning, and as soon as Weibo is opened, it will start to crash crazily, the search bar is blank, and the homepage can't browse anything. The status continued for more than three hours before it was resolved.

Many netizens who have opened the information push of major portal websites, the first time they woke up, the lock screen of their mobile phones had already displayed various awards about the Berlin Film Festival.

In fact, there is a nearly seven-hour time difference between Berlin and Beijing. The film festival awards ceremony began at 7:00 p.m. local time on February 13, and it was already 8:30 when the best actor was awarded. Fans can only set the alarm clock and get up to see the results. Whoever wants to, will be pushed all the spoilers by their mobile phone as soon as they open their eyes.

Seeing [Zhou Ziheng captured the "Silver Bear" and became a dark horse, the confession of the century shocked audiences all over the world, the self-study CP is real! ] Such a news headline, many fans almost fainted from shock.

And those fans who stayed up all night watching the live broadcast of the film festival were even more frightened. At the beginning, I waited for the awards with all my heart, and finally got the best director award, but Kuncheng missed it, and the result was not satisfactory. Even the director of Kun did not win the award. Confidence dropped quite a bit again. Although I kept reassuring myself that the nomination was already great, I was still unwilling, as if I saw this award completely landed with my own eyes.

When the host pronounced Zhou Ziheng's name in non-standard Chinese, the barrage of the live broadcast was almost maxed out, and the whole screen was filled with different colors [Zhou Ziheng is awesome! ! ], but when Zhou Ziheng said the last paragraph, the barrage began to go in a strange direction.

[Wait, why do I feel something is wrong...]

["After meeting someone", what the **** is Zhou Ziheng going to make public? Fuck no! ]

[Damn, don't tell me it's Song Nian! ! Song Nian, why are you crying? Don't cry! ! ]

[Wei Fan has given up struggling...]

[Hengheng don't! Mom doesn't allow it! ! ]

The moment Zhou Ziheng said Xia Xiqing's name, the barrage of the live broadcast completely exploded, with everything, like crazy, the most was full of shit.

[Fuck! ! Self-destruct! ]

[Self-explosion is contagious! ! ]

[Fuck, is this true!] ]

At the end of swiping, Xia Xiqing's face holding back tears appeared on the screen, and the bullet screens all turned pink, and the screen was full of [Self-study isrio! ], brushed until Zhou Ziheng stepped down, looked at Xia Xiqing all the way and walked back to his seat with a smile.

The mental journey of the self-study girl is like riding a roller coaster, repeatedly resurrecting and dying back and forth.

In general, one-third of Weibo paralysis in the early morning is due to the carnival of self-study CP fans, one-third of the reason is the tearing force between CP fans and Wei fans, and the remaining one-third, It's a melon-eating passerby who gets up early and shows off his face.

Weibo started to have problems at 5:30 in the morning. The Weibo engineers and programmers who hadn't woken up had to pick up their computers and work overtime early in the morning.

Of course, they are not the only ones who work overtime, there are also countless large and small media, and even media workers can’t help complaining in the circle of friends, “Please, celebrities, in the future, open their relationship, open marriage, open divorce, and choose a serious job when they open everything.” Is the time okay?? The Berlin International Film Festival really picks the time, Valentine’s Day, thank you so much!"

There was another reply below, "Zhou Ziheng's award is enough for us to work overtime, even if he won the award, he still made it public. It's too beautiful."

When Weibo was finally repaired to the point where it could barely be used, almost all the hot search lists were occupied by Zhou Ziheng—[Zhou Ziheng Silver Bear Best Actor], [Self-study isrio], [Zhou Ziheng Silver Bear Award Century Confession], [Zhou Ziheng Tracking], [Zhou Ziheng Confesses to Xia Xiqing], and even [Self-study Girl] are on the trending searches, and there is also a funny trending entry from people who don't know the truth, [Why is Weibo paralyzed].

Apart from these poor overtime workers, it was Jiang Yin who suffered the most. She originally flew to Berlin on the day of the awards ceremony, but the plane was delayed, and her phone rang off the hook as soon as she got off the plane. Only then did she know that Zhou Ziheng had confessed her love during the awards ceremony.

"Are you crazy! I'm really going to be mad at you! You..." Jiang Yin was so angry on the phone that she couldn't speak, her professional instinct forced her to think about how to publicize this matter, how to In order to maximize the use of this heat, how to deal with those opponent teams who took advantage of this wave. On the other end of the phone, Zhou Ziheng just kept apologizing and smiling, without any awareness of apologizing.

"Forget it, you two don't run around, go to the hotel and wait for me."

The composition of Zhou Ziheng's fans is different from that of a lot of traffic. He used to be a powerful child star with a high nationality, and there are many diehard fans.

This reality show and the two main guests have a mutual achievement relationship, so more than half of the fans he attracts on the show are CP fans, and the other traffic is basically the opposite, most of them are Du Wei. Even Xia Xiqing's only fans and Xipi fans are split half and half, because he has experienced too many online blackmails, and many Xipi fans have been abused to become only fans. Of course, there are also a few "boyfriend fans" of the **** group. ".

The composition of Zhou Ziheng's fans is very strange, a large proportion of diehard CP fans, a medium proportion of passerby fans and a small part of Du Wei's diehard fans. This kind of fan composition also determines the overwhelming offensive of girls who are self-studying all over the Internet.

It is a very risky thing for a celebrity to disclose their relationship, and it is easy to be used by others to make a fuss, especially a young male celebrity with a lot of girlfriend fans. In order to avoid being taken advantage of by the opposing team, Jiang Yin could only preemptively publicize the news that Zhou Ziheng won the Silver Bear Best Actor, and at the same time let his gossip marketing account and marketing big V borrow some funny and interesting aspects to make troubles. The first step is to capture the video of the award ceremony broadcast live in the early morning, and put it on the Internet together with the fans’ comments in the evening. The barrage itself has its own drama. The fan circle's carnival also spread.

A marketing account with more than one million fans posted a picture. The background of the picture is full of Buddha light, and there is a silhouette of a villain in the middle, with four words written on it—self-study girl.

[@爱八口的食鱼mulberry: Repost this self-study girl, and all the Xipi you make will come true! ]

With the stalk of "the self-study girl got it real", this Weibo was forwarded more than 30,000 times within an hour, and was reposted by various Xipi fans. Now even the self-study girl has a personality —Koi carp in sipi powder.

In addition, Jiang Yin took advantage of the heat to present Zhou Ziheng's past achievements. In addition, Zhou Ziheng's most attractive point is his personality charm, and Jiang Yin decided to make a fuss from this point. You can’t just divert your attention during public relations. Once the public can understand the advantages of this person and be convinced through the popularity, even if there is a real opponent who ends up bad, the public will find it difficult to buy it. This is the psychological primacy effect.

Screenshots of Zhou Ziheng's past interview videos, video recordings of the English speech contest at P University and the team physics competition were all posted on the Internet, which quickly sparked public discussions.

[@望望的田野上: I have to say that Zhou Ziheng is a real master of learning, whether it is English pronunciation or logical thinking ability, he is at an elite level, even if he does not act, he will be successful. ]

[@我不知道:This physics competition is hard. ]

[@Whatever: I still remember the scope of the word "normal" that Zhou Ziheng discussed before, and I was shocked when I saw it at the time, not an ordinary person. In fact, many people now say that he has a brain in love. As a bystander, I really find it funny. If the brain of a person like Zhou Ziheng is called a brain in love, most of us ordinary people should be brainless. ]

[@123拍手: No matter how you say it’s emmmmm to be open about your relationship...]

[@房精应该把推机[email protected]拍手: I have nothing to say about other stars’ public relationships, why can’t Zhou Ziheng, he doesn’t rely on fans and he’s not an idol, what’s wrong with publicizing his relationship with the silver bear actor at the age of 21 ? ]

[@竹喜爱: Before Xia Xiqing came out of the closet, it didn’t take long for the two of them to make it public. It’s ready. Not sour, and the two of them go quite well together. ]

[@吉里吉里: Non-fan, isn’t Xia Xiqing forced to come out of the closet? How did it become ready? The memory of netizens is really fish. ]

[@千ang令台珰: One is the youngest silver bear actor who became famous at a young age in the Department of Physics of Peking University, a second-generation sculptor of the chaebol, a master artist of human appearance and aesthetics, a true fairy CP, no one is worthy of each other except them. ]

Netizens are constantly arguing, and the self-study girl has not yet woken up from the carnival. The most interesting thing is that a self-study CP website put up a special program, interviewed many self-study girls by telephone and recorded audio clips to complete. Because this video was too sandy, it quickly became a source of joy for netizens and was reposted frantically.

The first person the stationmaster called was his best friend. She fell asleep from 12:00 p.m.

Station Master: "Self-study is real."

Jiyou: "..." repeated in a daze, "Self-study is real."

The webmaster emphasized his tone: "Self-study is real!"

Jiyou thought that he was not sincere enough, so he emphasized his tone without soul: "Self-study is real!"

The webmaster was furious: "No, I mean the self-study is real!! It's true!"

Jiyou: "...What are you doing, I just woke up and you don't bother me! It's true..."

The webmaster sighed, and explained without panting, "Zhou Ziheng and Xia Xiqing confessed their love to Xia Xiqing at the Berlin Film Festival Awards Ceremony. By the way, Zhou Ziheng won the award."

Friend: "......Damn...I don't believe it! Fuck, Fuck, where is my phone? Fuck, Fuck, Zhou Ziheng is awesome..."

Station Master: "Your phone is in your hand." Smiling.

On the second call, the stationmaster dialed the voice call of the deputy stationmaster.

Station Master: "Self-study is real."

The deputy station master burst into tears: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'..."

Station Master: "Calm down and let me record..."

The deputy station master suddenly yelled: "I can't calm down!!! Ah!! My self-study! My Hengheng, my brother Xiqing, you guys are really blah blah blah, I'm going to run around downstairs, no, I'm going to Berlin to find my self-study!"

Station Master: "Your self-study will be back tonight..."

Deputy Station Master: "Then why are you calling me! Let's pick up the plane! Woohoo, I'm going to prepare a wedding gift for self-study, so don't bother me! Go away!"

Webmaster: "..."

The whole video was black screen with scrolling subtitles. When it was uploaded to Weibo, it was first reposted in fan circles, and then accidentally got out of the circle, and it became a source of joy for the entire network.

[@爱吃鱼的猫: What kind of sand sculpture fan is this? Hahaha // @西亚大大World’s No. 1 cutest: The first girl is so cute! It's so cute to shout slogans together without waking up! //@一个柳颜鲜: At any rate, he is also a chasing Xueba CP, how can he be such a sand sculpture hahaha, the painting styles of fans and idols are so inconsistent. //@你感感了你今天: When the second girl yelled to pick up the plane, I really laughed like crazy, when I was chasing stars, hahaha //@wodema: The stationmaster deserves to be so calm hahaha//@波浪There is a little white dragon: full of energy! ]

Seeing that the video of Ziheng's speech last week at the awards ceremony has been reposted 250,000 times, netizens have finally focused on the confession of the century after taking turns to play tricks.

[@蓝色波泡糖: If this acceptance speech was not written with the help of the team, then I really feel sorry for Rui Sibai. ]

[@娱乐圈第一条攻: It’s not the team’s, the team can’t write it. Zhou Ziheng’s consistent speaking style is this kind of thinking of a man of science and technology. If you don’t believe it, you can read some of his previous public speeches. ]

[@格芬多小宝贝: What Zhou Ziheng really said is the truth. He used to only shoot realistic scenes, and the subject matter was more sensitive than the other. The meat can't keep up. ]

[@小芝鱼: This award acceptance speech is probably the most awesome confession I have ever heard, maybe because Zhou Ziheng himself is very legendary, he studies physics, and is keen on acting. Art and science seem to have no boundary, but in His body is unified, very romantic and very reasonable. ]

[@水瓶座小女孩: I can understand Zhou Ziheng and Xia Xiqing, these two people will fall in love with each other when they meet together, they are very suitable, whether it is family background or personal level, ps, I heard that his mother It's from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, I don't know if it's true or not. ]

[@自学女孩生活结果: Fans are not as good as passers-by, I just want to say, the description of that container is too wonderful, and vice versa, my God, I am really speechless. ]

This CP carnival continued to ferment, and Zhou Ziheng's last confession was imitated by netizens, and it became a special Zhou Ziheng's confession style, and [Science and Technology Men's Confessions] was also on the hot search.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the main creator of "Tracking" landed at the Capital Airport. Xia Xiqing was ready to be surrounded by crowds, but what he didn't expect was that there were more people than he expected. It was approaching midnight, and the entire pick-up gate Almost all of them are fans, and they are uniformly dressed in pink, with pink coats and pink coats, and there are girly fans everywhere.

Xia Xiqing was wearing a blue down jacket and a gray knitted wool cap on his head. He came out with a plain face, looking tender and cute. Whenever he saw fans, he stretched out a hand from his pocket and gently kissed them Laughing, "You are all dressed like girls!"

All the fans screamed, "Happy Valentine's Day bro!!"

"Brother, happy wedding!!"

newly married...

"Happy self-study newlyweds!! Happy marriage for a hundred years!!"

"Track box office hits!"

Director Kun was next to Xia Xiqing, and both of them were surrounded by bodyguards. As Xia Xiqing walked forward, he said to the fans, "Have you bought the tickets? Let's go to the movies tomorrow."

A few fans next to each other screamed while recording, "Ahhh brother Xi Qing!" Another fan joked, "I can't buy tickets!"

Xia Xiqing immediately bumped Director Kun's shoulder, "Director, they said there are no tickets." He smiled with eyebrows crooked, and flicked the ball on the tail of the woolen hat, "Brother, please take a look, it's reserved for the holidays Well."


Xia Xiqing said seriously, "Of course it's true."

"Ah ah ah ah it's good to chase after the rich second generation!"

"So happy!"

"Where's Hey Ziheng?" Everyone chatted so excitedly that finally one fan realized something was wrong.

Director Kun smiled and said, "It's at the back."

The fans were all attracted by Xia Xiqing, and thought they were walking together, only then did they realize that Zhou Ziheng was left behind by them, surrounded by bodyguards with Song Nian. Zhou Ziheng was wearing a red down jacket, which was very similar to Xia Xiqing's. The funniest thing is that he wore a black mask on his face, which almost covered his entire face. There was a big white cross on the mask, and a slogan was printed on the hat above his head: ShutUp!

The fans thought it was cool and funny when they saw his playing. They grabbed Xia Xiqing and asked, "Brother Xiqing, what's wrong with Hengheng?"

Xia Xiqing held back a smile, "He talked too much and was banned by his manager."

"Hahahaha, the celebrity who was banned by his manager."

"Mask-style gag hahaha."

Relying on his superior height advantage, Zhou Ziheng, who looked unhappy, managed to squeeze behind Xia Xiqing, and accidentally squeezed his head, and stepped on Xia Xiqing's shoes.

"I'll go, Zhou Ziheng, you stepped on my shoe!"

"Ah? I didn't do it on purpose." Zhou Ziheng immediately lowered his head to look for it, but the scene was too chaotic, everyone was being pushed away, let alone looking for shoes, he couldn't do it with his waist.

"It's hard to find, you step on my feet first." Zhou Ziheng didn't care about the number of people, so he grabbed Xia Xiqing's leg and asked him to step on his own. Xia Xiqing looked at him with disgust , but there was no other way but to step on Zhou Ziheng's sneakers and help Zhou Ziheng go out.

All the fans in the audience were screaming, Kuncheng's eardrums were about to be pierced, and he felt like an innocent person who accidentally fell into the groundhog's den.

"Ahhhhhh! I'm going to die!"

"My mother, Brother Xiqing's feet are so beautiful!"

"A circle smaller than Zhou Ziheng's!"

Xia Xiqing was completely depressed, just now he laughed at Zhou Ziheng, how could he suffer so soon. He secretly pinched Zhou Ziheng's arm, gritted his teeth and whispered, "I regret it now, I want to resume the probationary period..."

"Come, no, it's time." Zhou Ziheng smiled triumphantly, relying on Xia Xiqing to take off a shoe, he put his arms around Xia Xiqing's shoulders without any scruples, showing his affection openly and aboveboard.

Originally thought that the sand sculpture of the public love affair had come to an end, but the next day, a Weibo was reposted by netizens and made a popular headline, and everyone was in Ait Xia Xiqing.

[@一个幸运的自学女孩: This is a serious lost and found: @Tsing_Summer Brother Xiqing, do you still want your shoes! No more can you give it to me! ! ! ]

The accompanying picture is the limited sneaker that Zhou Ziheng stepped on.

An inexplicable sense of sight of Cinderella...

Seeing this Weibo, Xia Xiqing had a soulless smile on his face.

You've said that, can I come back? ?

[@Tsing_Summer: The address is private to me, I'll give you the other one too, let's make it up for the holidays. ]

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