MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 440 I want to see Chen Han!

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

Several boxes of uneaten meals were placed on the table at the door, and Qiao Qi didn't take a look at these things, but directly looked at the artificial man holding the weapon: "I want to see Chen Han!"

The cyborg didn't seem very surprised, pressed the handy communicator next to his ear and said something, waved to Kunqi, and took the lead to walk forward.

After twisting and turning, the two quickly arrived in the command room, where Chen Han and Mu Qianye were already there.

There are many instruments around, and there are also floating fires, and there are also a large number of technicians, all of whom are artificial humans.

This is also what Chen Han and Mu Qianye meant. Only the main members of Beiliang and artificial humans can enter places like the command room of the planetary fortress.

Like law enforcement officers who surrendered, recruited from the outside, no matter how well they performed, they would not be entrusted with important tasks in a short period of time.

"Your place is really nice, I like it very much." Chen Hang said without any concealment as soon as he saw Yuan Qi.

During this period of time, he has been staying in the planetary fortress, and he can deeply understand the mystery of this strongest building in space.

If it wasn't for robbing, it would have taken years for Beiliang to build such a thing.

"Let's talk." Prison Qi ignored what Chen Han said, and looked around, his expression still extremely ferocious.

Seeing Prison Qi's red and swollen eyes, and his impatient tone, Mu Qianye next to him couldn't help but adjust his monocle.

She knew that the fish would jump ashore without waiting for them to pull the net.

"Let's talk here, they are all mine." Chen Han smiled and made a gesture of invitation to Yuan Qi, asking him to sit down.

He knew that Prison Qi wanted him to find a secret place, but it was enough secret here.

Prison Qi didn't hesitate, and sat directly on the stool under the conference table.

It's just that he used to be in the main position, but now he can only be in the last position.

Chen Han took out two cups, first poured himself a cup of scarlet, and then poured a cup for Qiao Qi: "What's the matter, tell me."

Even though he knew what Zhuang Qi would say next, he still wanted to ask what should be asked.

"I want revenge!" Prison Qi gritted his teeth and said these words, and immediately poured a glass of scarlet under the watchful eyes of Chen Han and Mu Qianye.

Two days without sleep or food, a glass of strong wine made his stomach throb with pain.

But Yuan Qi didn't care, because his heart hurt even more.

"Revenge on us? Did you find the wrong person?" Chen Han frowned slightly, filled up the cup again, and asked knowingly.

Makino next to her casually smoked a menthol cigarette and sat on the opposite side seat.

Although Piao Huo didn't look this way, she had been listening attentively, and she was also interested in this conversation.

"I know it's not you, I want to cooperate with you, I will give you what you want, and you will avenge me." Qiao Qi continued to drink a glass of scarlet, letting his stomach churn.

It seems that there is something more painful, and the heart doesn't hurt so much.

"Oh? You ruled us out? We were still discussing just now. If you blame us, how should we explain it to you?" Chen Han was surprised, and directly handed the wine bottle to Jiang Qi, too lazy to drink. The cup is poured.

However, he was really surprised. Originally, he thought that Zhuang Qi would always ask a question, but who knew that Zhuang Qi directly said that it wasn't them, and he couldn't even fix him...

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

"I doubted it, but you have no reason and ability to do so." Liu Qi answered simply, picked up the bottle and drank "ton ton ton".

At first, he wanted to test his words, but the more Chen Han asked, the more he was sure of his thoughts. Beiliang couldn't have done this.

"I reminded you, but it's a pity that you are too hostile to us. They really did nothing wrong, and they shouldn't be the ones who died. This cup is a toast to them." Mu Qianye suddenly interjected at this time, and took A cup, filled with scarlet, raised to the ceiling, did not drink.

She is somewhat pretending to be merciful, but she personally tried to kill the man.

But at a time like this, she had to say something so that Qiao Qi could fully believe them.

Chen Han also cooperatively raised his wine glass to the ceiling.

But this scene is different in the eyes of Jiang Qi.

Of course he knew that the "they" Mu Qianye referred to were his wife and children, which made him feel even more regretful.

However, this time he didn't cry anymore, maybe he couldn't cry anymore, he cast a grateful look at Mu Qianye and Chen Han, and also raised the bottle high: "My problem is that I killed them, but I want to do it." Something, let them not die in vain."

Now he can be regarded as digging out his heart and soul, and he no longer has any dignity and airs.

Although his wife and children didn't let him take revenge, they probably only wanted him to live well.

But in one life, if you don't dare to do anything when you see the person you love dying in front of your eyes, then what's the point of living?

"You only think of us now, isn't it too late?" Chen Han sighed lightly, and took a sip of the scarlet in his glass, "I asked you to cooperate before, and I wanted you to help talk to the law enforcement officers in the planetary fortress. , to reduce fearless resistance, and avoid the loss of life."

"Help us open the star gates inside the Milky Way, and those planets that are still resisting, and you will save less trouble if you come forward."

"But now you can also see that the entire planetary fortress is under our Beiliang's control."

"The joint front is well managed by us and is thriving."

"We also directly used force on those disobedient planets, and soon the discordant voices will all disappear."

"To put it bluntly, you are actually of little value to us in Beiliang."

"The reason why you are kept alive is not because you are useful, but because you are considered a consul no matter what you say. Before you have figured out how to deal with the entire Federation of Law Enforcers in Kus, it is not good to kill it."

"The matter has come to this point, and you have paid the price you deserve, and I don't want to hit you anymore, so you can live well first."

"We in Beiliang will not abuse you, and please don't think about doing anything, the situation is over."

When Chen Han said these words, his face was serious, and he looked into Qiang Qi's eyes the whole time.

In fact, Prison Qi came to him to cooperate, which was exactly what he was looking forward to, and he had waited for several days, and now he was excited.

But he couldn't show it, and even had to make the opposite attitude.

Negotiations, if you want to take the initiative, you have to first devalue the other party and make the other party feel that you are no longer needed.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

As long as the other party is in a hurry, the initiative will be taken.

Mu Qianye next to him gave Chen Han an admiring look while smoking a cigarette. Now Chen Han has been tempered and can be regarded as a master negotiator.

At this moment, Prison Qi's mind was full of how to get revenge. Hearing what Chen Han said, he was really on the verge of death.

He is now a prisoner with no money, no battleship, and no one. If he wants revenge, he can only go through Beiliang.

If Beiliang really didn't cooperate with him and locked him up for three to five years, he might as well die right now.

So he said immediately in the next second: "No! I am useful! You just don't know my value! You don't understand at all!"

When he said this, the veins on the forehead of Prison Qi were exposed, if he was not too weak, he would have stood up.

"Oh? Tell me, what else can you do to help us?" Mu Qianye showed a questioning expression, and his tone was full of disbelief.

It's still the same reason, some things are much better if you ask him to say something himself, than if they ask him to do it.

"Do you think that if you take down the planetary fortress, set up some kind of united front, and force everyone in the Milky Way to obey, you will really be able to rule the Milky Way?"

"Without the approval of the Federation of Law Enforcers, you are just dreaming!"

"Now there are no enemies in the Tianhe system, do you feel very comfortable? Do you think you are the master of the Tianhe system?"

"All of this is temporary. The law enforcement federations of various galaxies will not watch a gang of gangsters mess around. The fleet must be on the way."

"Maybe with your strength, you can block the fleet of a galaxy by guarding the star gate, but can you block all the star gates? Can't you?"

"If you don't take any more measures, according to my estimation, the Tianhe system will become your Beiliang's grave in at most two months!"

"There is also the most important Phobos department. Do you think Yindis will give up if you block the reinforcements once?"

"It's impossible for her to give up. It is estimated that the second wave of reinforcements is already on the way, and there are more of them!"

"If they are lucky enough to block the first time, can they easily block the second time when they are prepared? Not necessarily." Qiao Qi spoke for a long time, with a loud voice, and took several shots table.

These things can kill Beiliang, he didn't want to talk about it, he just planned to see how Beiliang died.

But now his family has died, his position has changed, from being hostile to wanting to cooperate with Beiliang.

If it was said that the person who least wanted anything to happen to Beiliang at this time, it was probably his.

After all, once something happened to Beiliang, he would no longer be able to take revenge.

Beiliang must live, and the stronger the better.

What's more, Chen Han actually said that he is useless, this is not something he can bear, he has to prove his worth.

These words made Chen Han and Mu Qianye look at each other involuntarily, with shock on their expressions.

Apart from wanting to do it for Qiu Qi to see, there was indeed an element of surprise.

Although these things that Prison Qi talked about, they had already discussed, and they were all unresolved troubles, which was part of the real reason for asking Prison Qi to help.

But they didn't tell Yuan Qi about this, it was entirely thought up by Yuan Qi himself.

Being able to think of this is enough to show that Prison Qi has something to offer as a consul, but not much.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

"Then what can you do to help us solve these troubles? Or do you just want to tell these things to humiliate us." Chen Han continued to ask Prison Qi, or he was guiding.

"Of course there is a way." Seeing that Chen Han finally respected him a little bit, Prison Qi calmed down a little, took a mouthful of scarlet, and said slowly, "Now you do have the Tianhe system in your hands. What you lack is just a A certification, an official certification, or the certification of the Federation of Law Enforcers."

"Oh? You mean you can authenticate for us?" Mu Qianye continued to interject, still with an expression of disbelief, even though she knew that Prisoner could do it.

Sure enough, the next second, Prison Qi patted his chest: "Of course! I am still the consul of the Tianhe system in name, and I have this ability, provided that you have not held any **** press conference to the outside world."

Talking about the press conference, Prison Qi was so angry that his teeth itch. Some time ago, he was killed by various press conferences in Beiliang, and he still hurts now.

"It's true that we haven't officially explained the current situation between you and the planetary fortress. We are just choosing a date, but various gossips have probably spread." Chen Han thought for two seconds before murmuring on purpose.

"That's okay, as long as you don't make a public statement, no amount of gossip will help."

"The law enforcement federations of other galaxies cannot publicly dismiss me before confirming the authenticity of the matter. The procedure does not allow it." Prison Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and he could see that he was serious.

"What should I do? This certification? Do you sign a document? Or give us a stamp?" Chen Han began to ask curiously, he really wanted to hear about the method of Prison Qi.

"You don't need to do too many bells and whistles. You just need to hold a public conference in the planetary fortress, and then I will be present at the same time as you on behalf of the Law Enforcer Federation."

"After the press conference begins, I will frankly explain the helplessness of the Tianhe Law Enforcement Federation over the years, and the threats, oppression, and persecution by the Phobos Law Enforcement Federation."

"After what happened during this period of time, and after witnessing many deaths and reflections, I began to realize deeply that the Milky Way cannot go on like this, or I will never be able to hold my head up~ It will also explain that Beiliang and The newly established United Front is a group of organizations that truly consider the future of the Milky Way System."

"Not only did you clear out the gangsters who did evil, but you also wiped out the looters who have plagued the Milky Way system for many years, making all the planets and organizations in the Milky Way system united like never before, and blowing your achievements hard."

"So after discussions within the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Tianhe System, it was decided that starting today, we will break away from the control of the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Phobos System and carry out in-depth strategic cooperation with the United Front, so as to return the Tianhe System to a better tomorrow."

"In the end, on behalf of the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Tianhe System, I shook hands with you on behalf of the United Front, and let the media take pictures and release them on a large scale."

"It is estimated that within a few days, this news will spread throughout Kus, and everyone will know that you, Beiliang, and the United Front are legal organizations publicly recognized by the Tianhe Law Enforcement Federation."

"Only in this way, with the official seal, can you change from criminals to heroes who save the Tianhe system, and those forces and people who resist you will also start to recognize it."

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

"After all, our Law Enforcement Federation has admitted it. If they still object, then they are criminals, and they can all be arrested with justification."

"The most important thing is that after I have said this in public, the consuls of other galaxies, even if they are puzzled, don't understand or even understand why I did this suddenly, they can't directly send troops to attack you, and the fleets halfway have to withdraw. go."

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