MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 441 I want to make her miserable!

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

"It's still the same reason. After you are certified by the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Tianhe System, you are allies of the Federation of Law Enforcers, representing the Tianhe System to a certain extent."

"Attacking you is equivalent to attacking the Law Enforcer Federation and invading the Milky Way system."

"Normal galaxies will not come here under the name of invaders. The public opinion is too big, and the Federation of Law Enforcers is not an unreasonable organization."

"In this way, the problem of the Law Enforcement Federation will be solved in a short period of time, and there is no need to consider the pressure in this regard."

"But I definitely want to give those consuls a reasonable explanation, otherwise there will still be problems."

"I guess I'm going to participate in a meeting or something. I have to think about how to deal with them."

"However, the law enforcement federations from other galaxies won't come, which doesn't mean that the Phobos system won't. Indis will want to take the Milky Way back anyway."

"Fortunately, there is no pressure from other galaxies. As long as it is properly arranged, it can barely resist."

"If it doesn't work, just close the star gate coming from them, once and for all, anyway, there is no way to trade from there." Qiao Qi continued for a long time, and would pause for a few seconds in the middle, as if thinking.

After the death of his family, he no longer had to think about Indis's problems, and many restrictions were lifted, which also made his thinking clear all at once.

The main reason is that he had seriously thought about the precautions and preparations he would need to make if he escaped from the control of the Phowei Department a long time ago. Now he just replaced himself with Beiliang.

And Chen Han and Mu Qianye couldn't help but look at each other after hearing what Yuan Qi said.

What Zhuang Qi said was exactly what they thought and hoped for.

They were worrying about how to guide Yuanqi to help them like this without arousing suspicion, but they didn't expect Yuanqi to come to their door on their own initiative.

And it always sounds weird when it comes out of Prison Qi's mouth.

Judging from the present alone, the follow-up impact of Mu Qianye's killing of Prison Qi's family and framing Yin Disi is undoubtedly a great success.

If things go on like this, it's not far away from Beiliang's whitewashing and formal unification of the Tianhe system.

The only thing that worries Chen Han is the consul meeting mentioned by Yuan Qi, and it is best not to let Yuan Qi participate in it.

Because Yin Disi will definitely be there, and she will definitely say something. When the two confront each other, Beiliang's plan will come to an end.

But now there is no need to tell Prison Qi about this, first let him voluntarily complete the previous steps, and then slowly figure out a solution.

"You've been emphasizing that Yindis's second wave of reinforcements is on the way. Is there any evidence, or are you guessing?" Mu Qianye interjected first.

Whether Yin Disi will send reinforcements, or where they came from, and where they went, has always been a question that puzzles her, and she has discussed it with Chen Han many times to no avail.

The main reason is that their intelligence network is too weak, which is currently limited to the Tianhe system.

Although Nightingale was recruited in the Phobos department recently, the gang is still in the stage of regrouping and fleeing for their lives, and it is not certain whether they will survive, let alone gather information.

So Mu Qianye heard that Prison Qi had been talking about this, so he wanted to ask, maybe he could really get some useful news. ....

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

At that time, they will be able to make better coping strategies, instead of being fooled like they are now.

"Guess, I haven't contacted that old woman since the planetary fortress was blocked by you. I don't know what orders or plans she issued."

"But I have been a dog under her for more than 20 years, and I understand her character and habits. I implore you to believe me once. The second wave of the fleet is definitely on the way."

"She is a person who will take revenge. She can't tolerate a little sand in her eyes. She won't be afraid of being repulsed by you once, but will try her best to take you down."

"I'm like this now, so there's no reason to lie to you." Prison Qi was sincere, afraid that Chen Han and Mu Qianye wouldn't believe it.

If Yindis's fleet is released to the Tianhe system due to carelessness, then everything will end early, and there will be no chance.

"We believe in you, please guess again

, the direction of the second wave of reinforcements, so that we can deploy our troops. "Chen Han nodded and gave Yuan Qi a positive look.

These days Prison Qi's every move is under surveillance, his words and deeds are also being observed, and everything he shows is normal.

And what he just said is completely true. He really thinks that he is on the same front as Beiliang now, so there is no reason to lie.

If all this is a disguise, then it is possible.

It's just that Qiuqi's talent is limited. If he had this kind of ability, it would not be so easy for Beiliang to win the Tianhe system.

So combining all kinds of things, Chen Han was able to judge the authenticity of Zhuang Qi's words and chose to listen to him.

Seeing Chen Han's eyes, Qiao Qi was overjoyed, and immediately lowered his head again, as if thinking.

It wasn't until two minutes later that he slowly raised his head: "For this war, the old woman has invested a lot of troops from the Phobos Department to the Gray Cave Department, and she has continued to increase troops and support during the period."

"In addition, the Phobos system is a large galaxy, and a large fleet is required for daily maintenance. In fact, there are not many troops that can be directly deployed."

"After the first wave of fleet sent from the Phobos system was defeated last time, Indis must know that you are prepared. With her personality, there is a high probability that she will not send troops from the Phobos system again to prevent another failure."

"Then the only remaining choices are gray cave and earth beast. She also has troops in these two places."

"It stands to reason that it is more convenient to mobilize troops from the gray hole system. There are more troops there, and it is harmless to call one."

"However, Indis will consider the issue of news leaks. After all, the gray hole system's star gate is used to send troops from the gray hole system, and it is easy to be controlled by the Law Enforcer Federation over there, so I will notify you and prepare in advance."

"Then only the earth beasts are left. There hasn't been any intersection with you in Beiliang, so it's easy to be ignored."

"Besides, the various pressures faced there are not too great. It is also very simple to send a reserve fleet. I think it must be there."

The more you talk about Prison Qi, the more confident you become, as if this order was given by him himself.

In fact, he really doesn't have much ability to strategize, and he can't gain insight into the enemy's heart.

But he is too familiar with Yin Diss, often when Yin Diss raises his finger, he knows what to do, which is why he has been able to be a consul for decades. ....

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

"That makes sense, what about the scale? Is there an approximate level and quantity?" Chen Han nodded and continued to ask.

What Prison Qi said just now is very clueless, he and Mu Qianye have also made this speculation.

It's just that they don't have any basis, and now that it's said from Prison Qi's mouth, it undoubtedly further confirms this possibility.

This made Yuanqi lower his head and think for a few seconds: "Indis is a very steady person, she will not fall twice in the same place."

"After the failure of the first support, she can definitely infer that you Beiliang have a certain strength, so she won't be careless."

"In terms of quantity, it will definitely be twice as large as the first wave of reinforcements. In terms of levels, let's start with the executioner level. There will be a lot of heavy cavalry level and above. There is a high probability that they will reach the disaster level, and there will be more than one."

"It shouldn't be above the catastrophe level. With this strength, they will be put into the frontal battlefield."

"However, this possibility is not ruled out. Maybe one of them will come to serve as the flagship."

This time Prison Qi's tone is very uncertain, it is really too hard to guess, the ghost knows what the current strength of the Beast Department is.

"Anyway, it's best for you to close the star gates on the three sides of Phobos, Gray Cave, and Earth Beast. There is no need to fight. If you can't make it through, the fleet will naturally go back." Prison Qi added. .

This is also the safest method. It is much better than guessing where the enemy is coming from and how many troops they have. He will do this.

Chen Han didn't speak, looked at the scarlet in the cup, and fell into deep thought.

Of course he knows that closing the stargate can completely ignore these things.

But since killing the first support army sent by Yin Disi last time, let their army in Beiliang

Force skyrocketed.

The Exile, in particular, got a lot of precious Gotts.

In the current situation that there are no enemies in the Tianhe system, the Exile also cut off the source of getting Gott.

So he has ideas about Yindis's second wave of reinforcements. If he can win, the Exile will be closer to the next super transformation.

But he was also worried about making a mistake in his judgment. If the fleet sent by Indis could not be resisted by them, the current good situation would be ruined.

Whether to close the star gate or fight is a question that he can't make a decision at the moment. It is difficult to make a choice, and he has to think about it later and discuss it.

Seeing Chen Han's hesitation, Prison Qi thought of something, and was startled: "You don't really want to go head-to-head, do you? There's no need for that. My guess may not be accurate. Just close the star gate." It's pointless to fight, just in case..."

Prison Qi didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning was obvious enough.

He didn't understand, it was obvious that it could be safe, why would he take risks?

He knew Yindis very well, that's right, but he was not Yindis, and no matter how much he said, it was just speculation.

It's okay to bet right, but if it's wrong, it will be a disaster. He tried to make Chen Han put away those unrealistic thoughts.

"I know, I understand everything, it's just that we in Beiliang need war more than Phobos, even if it's a war that seems meaningless to others."

"Maybe it's possible to make an old woman fall twice in the same place. Let's discuss this again. I have to think about it." Chen Han took a deep look at Prison Qi, and took a sip of his glass. Scarlet. ....

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

"Eh..." Prison Qi was a little speechless, Chen Han's sentence "Let the old woman fall twice in the same place" just now somewhat made his blood boil.

And deeply realized that Chen Han is indeed daring to fight, and will always look for such a glimmer of possibility in the impossible.

This is also the main reason why Chen Han was able to take the Tianhe system from him, and he was not wronged.

"According to what you said, Beiliang really controls the Tianhe system. What can you get from helping us?" Mu Qianye could sense that Chen Han didn't want to talk about battle-related matters in front of Prison Qi, so he shifted I changed the topic.

This is also where she is curious. What Qiao Qi showed was too positive.

You must know that they were still enemies who were dying or living a few days ago, and they all wished that the other party would die suddenly.

Now they want to use Prison Qi and have a better attitude towards Prison Qi, which is understandable.

But what about Kunqi? You want to help Beiliang clean up, help Beiliang predict the enemy, and worry about Beiliang's safety. What are you doing?

Did he forget that all this was caused by Beiliang? Even if he thought it was Yindis who killed his family.

But if Beiliang hadn't snatched away the Tianhe system and captured Xinggang, Yin Disi wouldn't have done it either.

Therefore, what Prison Qi did began to make Mu Qianye feel incomprehensible.

Originally, she just wanted Yuan Qi to cooperate and provide them with some small help, but now Yuan Qi is too cooperative, beyond her expectation.

Chen Han also looked at Qiao Qi with interest, the speed of this person's transformation was indeed abnormally fast.

Piao Huo in the distance also began to secretly look at this side, she heard the conversation just now.

If she didn't know what happened, would she have thought that Qiao Qi was crazy, or was she really crazy?

Facing the gazes of the crowd, Prison Qi did not answer directly, but put down the empty bottle, stood up tremblingly, took a brand new bottle of distilled spirits, opened it a little strangely, and raised his head with a burst of "ton, ton, ton".

He didn't stop until he was halfway down and couldn't drink any more, and sat back to his original position.

It was at this moment that his expression, which had returned to normal, became ferocious again: "I want to make her suffer! Let her understand the feeling of losing something important! Let the old woman suffer more than me!"

Looking at Prisoner who was gnashing his Chen Han and Mu Qianye didn't speak, they knew that Prisoner hadn't finished speaking.

Sure enough, the next second Prison Qi looked at Chen Han and Mu Qianye, and said slowly: "I know what you are thinking, but to tell you the truth

Come on, after being a puppet for so long, my fighting spirit and ambition have long since been wiped out. "

"The position of consul has long since become less important. After all, my job is only to complete the tasks assigned by the old woman, and nothing can be changed."

"In the past few years, I feel even more tired. I want to get down from this position as soon as possible, so that I can go to spend time with my family and live a normal life earlier."

"My wife has been very good to me and has been supportive and understanding of my difficulties over the years."

"My eldest daughter has a very high level of music and will definitely become an outstanding figure in this field in the future."

"The second daughter is very sensible. Every day, she would send me a message to ask me how I am doing. I can always calm down when I hear her voice."

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

"My youngest son is very well-behaved. He told me at a very young age that he would aspire to be a respected law enforcement officer. Everyone is my treasure."

"I'm not a good consul. I'm sorry for all the star people in the Milky Way system. I admit this, and I have no ability to change it."

"But I have a happy family, and I have even thought about which planet I want to take them to live in the future."

"But it's all ruined now! Ruined by that old woman!".

banana too dog

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