MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 467 ambush

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What she dislikes the most is the lack of support from her subordinates.

Especially Wei Tu, whom she trusted the most, made her feel even more chilling.

It is obviously done for the future of the Phobos system, why can't it be understood?

"Lord Star Master, I know I was wrong, and I will never ask about this matter again..." Wei Tu didn't stand up anymore, and bent down directly, with his head on the ground.

He knew Yindis's temper, and this was already a very serious warning.

If it continues, he will definitely die.

Since nothing can be changed, let nature take its course.

It is better to dig your own grave than to go to it immediately.

Yin Disi did not speak, and Weitu also maintained this posture for three minutes.

In the end, Yin Disi spoke slowly: "Get up, I understand what you are worried about."

"But I can tell you very clearly that I never do anything unprepared."

"These monsters really won't act according to my orders, but our research department, while reviving these monsters in recent years, has also injected something into their original larvae."

"As long as I want, I can wipe them out at any time, even the hatched and evolved species."

"So let them destroy it vigorously first, and after achieving the desired effect, we will go to pick the fruits of victory."

After finishing speaking, Yin Disi leaned back.

Of course, she is not a person who does things without considering the consequences, and she has left everything behind.

It's just that she can't tell the outside world about these things.

After all, if it is leaked out, such as letting the people of the Gray Cave Department know, it is likely to find a breakthrough from it.

It is not only the Phobos system that has relevant research departments, but the Gray Cave system is also a third-level civilized star system.

If it wasn't for Weitu's firm opposition, she really didn't want to tell the truth.

And these words instantly made Weitu's eyes brighten, and he hurriedly got up from the ground: "Is this true?! Lord Star Master!"

Can hear strong disbelief from his tone.

Because if what Yindis said is true, then these monsters are not to be feared at all.

It's nothing more than the difference between killing them while they're weak and killing them after they've been fattened up, so what if they let these monsters jump around for a few days?

At the same time, he admired Yin Disi and regretted his reckless questioning.

"If you can open it, you can close it." Yin Disi looked at Wei Tu and nodded heavily.

As a consul, she knows too many unknown things. Naturally, she knows more about natural disasters than many people, and it is impossible to let this thing go.

"I understand, Lord Star Master, I was ignorant just now, I'm sorry..." Wei Tu apologized repeatedly, it was indeed that he was ignorant.

"Remember, the only person who knows about this is you, except for me. You can't let a third person know about it."

"Otherwise, if it gets out, we will definitely lose everything." Yin Disi exhorted, or warned, with some anxiety.

"I understand, Master Star Master, this matter will definitely rot in his stomach." Wei Tu repeatedly promised.

"That's it, keep an eye on the fleet we sent over, I still have something to do here." After saying a word, Yindis hung up the communication, and the virtual projection disappeared.

Wei Tu was also able to breathe a sigh of relief, every time he talked with Yin Disi, he felt like he had walked through the gate of hell.

Afterwards, he was not idle either, and began to contact the fleet sent by the second wave to support him, trying to give him another order.

However, in the case of being far apart, this is not a short-term contact...

At the same time, on Beiliang's side, after several star-hours of uninterrupted transitions, the first batch of minelayers have passed through the penultimate and second star gates, arrived at the penultimate star gate, and began to arrange work.

Due to the urgency of time, they came first, and there were still many battleships waiting in line to pass through the star gate.

The arrangement of the empty mines this time can no longer be the same as before, the density is full, and they can only be placed here and there.

The range is not as wide as the first time, it is basically near the star gate.

There is no way, time is really tight, and it is already very good to be able to do this.

The specific defense still depends on the fleet. Air mines can only play a restrictive role.

Everyone on the minelayer is very nervous now, even artificial humans.

Because the enemy ships may drill out of the current star gate at any time, their forces on the field can't resist it.

Not afraid of death, but afraid of the failure of the plan.

After all, once the enemy ships come out first and gain a foothold, it will be useless to wait for their main fleet to come over.

Fortunately, all the worries did not happen, and the minefield was still being arranged in an orderly manner.

People on all planets in the entire Tianhe system do not know that the main force of Beiliang has left Tianhe to stop the enemy.

They didn't have the mind to think about it, because they were shocked by a sudden news.

The start happened more than ten weeks ago, and Beiliang, United Front, Voice of Tianhe, and Law Enforcer Federation issued a statement at the same time.

Probably, on April 1st, a public press conference will be held at the only planetary fortress in the Milky Way system.

The press conference invites all the media of the Milky Way to participate, whether it is of the nature of the galaxy or the nature of the planet.

All travel expenses will be reimbursed, and safety will be guaranteed. Anyway, everything is covered, as long as you go to the person.

As soon as this news came out, the originally peaceful Tianhe system fell into turmoil instantly.

It's not the turmoil of wars everywhere, but the turmoil that is being discussed as a whole.

The main reason is that Beiliang's every press conference is too shocking, and they talk about things that can affect the entire galaxy and even Coos.

It has been several months since the last public conference, and after such a long interval, there must be some big news.

This alone is enough to attract everyone's attention. They really want to know what Beiliang has done during this period of time, and what plans they have next.

However, what shocked them even more was that the location of the press conference was actually in the planetary fortress, which is the territory of the Federation of Law Enforcers.

A group of gangsters actually want to hold a press conference at the headquarters of the Law Enforcer Federation. What is this saying?

And the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Tianhe System also announced this news? What's the meaning? Have Beiliang and the law enforcers become a team?

Was Beiliang incorporated by the Federation of Law Enforcers, or was the Federation of Law Enforcers subdued by Beiliang?

Various speculations made this press conference instantly become a hot topic, and everyone and all platforms were discussing it.

They really want to know what kind of sparks will be created between Beiliang and the Federation of Law Enforcers, and what the ending will be.

It is also very easy to distinguish this point. It depends on whether Beiliang is in charge during the press conference or the Federation of Law Enforcers is in charge.

So as soon as they received the news, all the media people started to leave.

There is only one destination, the planetary fortress in the Milky Way.

For some of them, this place is not particularly unfamiliar, and they will also go to the annual meeting of the Federation of Law Enforcers.

But this is the first time in the past under such circumstances, and they are full of expectations in their hearts.

The welcome work of the planetary fortress is also in full swing, and the left-behind Coco is in charge.

After all, Chen Han said, to be grand and make a fuss, of course they have to follow the order.

As time passed, Beiliang's main fleet arrived at Stargate No. 4633 one after another, and began to deploy defenses outside the minefield.

All the battleships are jumping over at fixed points, and the crystallization and energy consumption of the jumping is huge.

It can be said that this wave of strategic actions directly squeezed out one-fifth of the funds currently owned by the United Front.

A full one-fifth, one or two trillions, the money for how many heavy cavalry-class warships just evaporated.

Although the order was given by himself, Chen Han's heart was still bleeding when he saw the shocking figures in the report.

Although the United Front is not poor now and has a little surplus, it can't afford to be built like this.

If the money is used to buy arms and equip the corresponding personnel, how many fleets and mech legions can be obtained.

However, there is no way, some money must be spent, just to create greater value.

Matthews followed closely behind with the Mark Group **** fleet. He had truly seen Chen Han's madness along the way.

Even if he has been in the interstellar world for many years, he has never seen anyone who dared to jump the entire fleet so desperately. This is all money.

At the same time, I also admire Chen Han very much in my heart. This person has a courage that is different from ordinary people. He seems to dare to do things that others dare not do.

Because of this, he also cooperated with the **** fleet to help Chen Han deploy defenses.

Basically, he will go wherever Chen Han tells him to go, and he also wants to see if this plan can be successful.

The method of encirclement and suppression is similar to that used last time, and the arrangement density of battleships is even higher.

After all, they have a lot more warships available than last time.

After getting ready, the next step is the long wait.

Although they were all ambushes, this time Chen Han's mentality was completely different from last time.

Last time, I was afraid that the enemy would come early and affect the defense.

After setting up the defense, I was afraid that the enemy would not come, so I was busy.

Now I know that the enemy will come, and the defense has been deployed, but I am afraid that the enemy will come late.

Because they are in a hurry here, they have to go back to attend the public conference, and they need to make a quick decision.

Otherwise, when the time comes, the media and the public will be in place and everyone will be watching.

However, none of the main members of Beiliang showed up, so everything would be difficult, and the plan would be difficult to continue.

Fortunately, what they were worried about did not happen. After waiting for three stars, the first warship emerged from the No. 4633 star gate.

This ship is not a functional ship such as reconnaissance, but a heavy cavalry-class assault ship with a quadrilateral shape.

The structure is completely different from the Tianhe system and the Phobos system. It should be the vanguard fleet of the Earth Beast system.

The battleship that just came out was obviously unprepared for the situation here, and was stunned when it saw the empty thunder outside.

But Beiliang's fleet didn't give it time to be dazed. The Exile opened fire first, and the United Snickerd and the battle cruiser flagship of the Guards Fleet instantly killed the battleship.

It was from this second that Chen Han's heart was beating wildly.

Because he didn't know if this battleship was sent by the enemy first to inquire about the news.

If so, then the enemy's large fleet is probably waiting on the other side of the star gate.

If the safety information sent back by this warship had not been received, the fleet behind would never have come over.

Then it will be troublesome, the enemy will find another way out, and their encirclement and suppression operations will come to naught.

Not knowing where the enemy will come from is very scary, which means that there is nowhere to defend, and they can only go back to the Tianhe system to fight head-to-head, which they don't want to see.

The most important thing is that Beiliang's fleet came here with great difficulty. It cost one or two trillion yuan, and it couldn't stand the toss.

Fortunately, the second enemy ship emerged from Stargate 4633 very quickly, and it was still an assault ship.

And it was just the beginning, and every ten seconds later, a battleship still emerged.

It was already obvious that the enemy did not take precautions at the third-to-last star gate, but just wanted to pass through the star gate.

After all, there are still a few days away from the Tianhe system, and there is no warning from the headquarters of the earth and beast system. How can the commander of the fleet predict all this.

He wanted to prepare every stargate before entering, but the last time Weitu ordered them to rush to the Milky Way as soon as possible, he didn't have that much time.

In order to hurry up, he can only hurry on the front of these star gates, and wait for the penultimate and penultimate star gates, and then take precautions.

However, the lack of a stargate is fatal to the entire fleet.

It is not an exaggeration to even describe it as a star gate on the front foot and an abyss on the back foot.

This is equivalent to entering the rhythm that Beiliang had prepared long ago, coming out to fight one by one, just like whacking a gopher.

And the whole process was smoother than the last time, and there were no accidents in the first six weeks.

The main reason is that there are too many warships above the heavy cavalry class in Beiliang this time, which can form a good firepower network.

The energy-level weapon has also undergone a very big change, it is no longer the i-type energy-level weapon with a short range and low power last time.

Instead, it was replaced with an energy-level weapon called the Light Splitting Main Cannon.

The specific attribute of the weapon is type II, the effective range is 0.086 light seconds, the best range is 0.058 light seconds, and it is an energy type weapon.

The characteristic of the energy level is light splitting. After the attack is launched and hits the target, the splitting light will be split again, causing continuous damage.

If the target is a particle shield, the split light of UU Reading will be more destructive.

The charging interval is 17 seconds, and it can attack 20 times continuously, after which it will be considered overloaded.

The firepower intensity can be adjusted, the consumption range is 0.3-0.6 Goths, and the destructive power will decrease as the distance increases. The market price is 17 billion Star Union coins.

Not just a warship, almost all heavy cavalry warships in Beiliang are equipped with this weapon.

Of course, there are better Type III weapons, all brought by the Mark Group.

It's just that those heavy cavalry-class warships are not suitable for installation. Generally, it takes Alpha-class warships to exert their power.

In the case of full output, no enemy ship that has just appeared can survive a second on the field.

The first accident occurred on the seventh star. The situation was the same as last time. There were too many wrecks of the enemy ship, and a bunker was gradually formed, so that the warship that came out could hide behind the bunker.

While waiting for the follow-up fleet to come, it can also counterattack.

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