MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 468 complete victory

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Under normal circumstances, this is very troublesome, and it is impossible for conventional firepower to penetrate so many wrecks of warships.

But with the experience of last time, all this is no longer a problem for Beiliang, just let the Exile blitz over and complete the disassembly and reassembly of the wreckage.

Although the **** fleet of Matthews and the Mark Group is also nearby, it stands to reason that it is best not to do this.

But this scene cannot be seen from the radar, and it has to be seen from a very close distance with the naked eye. The secret of the Exile will not be discovered.

But without the protection of the bunker, the battlefield continued to enter the rhythm of Beiliang, and several warships of the earth beast system became wrecks every minute.

As long as they cannot be scaled, these warships, even the Alpha class, are not a threat.

It's not that they haven't tried to find a way to fight back, or rush out of the thunderstorm.

But under the siege of Beiliang, this is impossible.

After all, it is gone as soon as it comes out, and there is no time to think, how can I counterattack...

However, there are many assault ships and frigates equipped with dimensional lightning strikers, which can directly leave the thunder formation.

But Chen Han had already been prepared for this. Every time one blitzed out, there would be five blitzkriegs from Beiliang, chasing after them until they were completely annihilated.

Now they have a lot of heavy cavalry-class warships, and many of them are equipped with dimensional lightning strikers. The frequency of enemy ships can't keep up with their interception speed.

The Mark Group **** fleet led by Matthews did not dare to fire at first.

However, after watching the battle for a few weeks, he couldn't bear it any longer and gave the fleet an order to follow Beiliang to fire.

He also wants to have a sense of participation, especially when he has an absolute advantage, this is not for nothing.

The Earth Beast fleet, which was already at an absolute disadvantage, became even more difficult with the combined attack of the Mark Group.

The only ones that can resist for a while are the three disaster-class battleships of the Earth Beast.

One of them is a frigate with a very thick particle shield, which cannot be penetrated by one or two waves of focused fire.

The counterattack strength is also very high. Equipped with Type IV energy-level weapons, a battleship with a low particle shield is basically difficult to withstand a single shot.

However, this can only be done in the conventional interstellar environment, and there are too many interference items at present.

Leaving aside the secret numb red dot on the radar, it is very difficult to find a suitable ballistic trajectory through the air mine.

If you lock quickly, there is a high probability that you will hit the wrong target.

Look for it slowly, and there is no time for that.

If you want to run, there are empty mines everywhere, and it is difficult to survive the explosion all the way.

So even if it is a disaster-class warship, it will only be beaten after it comes out of the star gate, and it will not have the ability to fight back at all.

One is like this, two are like this, and the third is like this.

Beiliang didn't feel any pressure until the three disaster-class battleships were eliminated.

The main reason is that their firepower is too sufficient, round after round, without giving the enemy a chance to breathe for half a second.

Even the Disaster-class warships can't stand firm, let alone the Alpha, the Heavy Cavalry, and the Executioner-class that don't even have energy-level weapons. Basically, they can only be killed in seconds.

Every land beast warship found in an ambush will send out an emergency signal, either to say that they are under attack, or to tell the fleet behind to stop coming.

But these are not of any substantial help at this time. After all, no matter what form of news, it will take a while to spread, and there will still be a lot of warships that should come.

As time passed, the battle lasted for more than ten weeks, and Beiliang killed at least two thousand warships.

Chen Han always felt that he had already killed the enemy's flagship and commander. After all, the important figures must be in the three disaster-class warships.

But for a while, he couldn't tell which warship it was, and he didn't even know who the enemy commander was.

The main reason is that their information is too vague this time, and they know the general military strength, and there is no way to get too detailed information.

However, it doesn't matter even if you don't know, just kill all the enemies anyway, this is Chen Han's simplest idea.

Among them, 200 small ships were killed by Matthews leading the Mark Group. This was also the battle with the largest scale, the most kills, and the least cost he had participated in.

In just a short period of time, he could feel a thrill he had never experienced before in battle, which he couldn't feel just by trading and making money.

On Beiliang's side, there were only a few unlucky warships that were accidentally hit by the reinforcements of the Earth Beasts, and the losses were not too great.

All in all, this was a nearly perfect victory. They used information and time differences to successfully launch a wave of ambushes that could not be replicated.

Although the price paid was huge, so much energy and star union coins were consumed.

But as long as it can be done well with money, it is not a problem.

The most important thing is Zero. During the battle, it was trying to crack the security system of the enemy ship.

When the battle drew to a close, before it knew it, it had already controlled nearly sixty heavy cavalry-class and eight Alpha-class warships.

This is very scary. It takes a lot of money to buy so many warships, not to mention that there are currently no channels for mass purchases.

I can feel that with the passage of time, Zero's ability to use his own abilities has become stronger and stronger.

It used to be quite troublesome to control a heavy cavalry-class warship, but now as long as there is enough time and the timing is right, even the Alpha-class warship is not a problem.

If it weren't for the fact that the enemy ships could not gather to form a scale, they had to be cleaned up quickly, and it was estimated that Zero could control more.

Of course, the battle is not over yet, and battleships are still emerging from the star gate.

It's a pity that Beiliang no longer takes these warships seriously, and they are no longer a threat.

Even if the latter part of the enemy ships knew that there was an ambush at the star gate and stopped entering, it would be meaningless.

Because the main body has been defeated, the rest of them, even if they can go to the Tianhe system, are vulnerable.

And the fact is also the same, the former's communication went through more than a dozen satellite hours of signal transmission, and part of it was transmitted to the latter's equipment.

When they knew that there was an enemy ambush at the other end of the star gate, and their side suffered heavy losses, they all stopped.

At the same time, they urgently contacted the warships that had already entered Stargate 4633, as well as the headquarters of the Earth Beast Department far away.

The main reason is that the situation at this time is too embarrassing. The flagship of the reinforcement fleet has just entered the star gate, and there is no commander on the field. They really don't know what to do.

Go forward, in case the enemy is still ambushing, their behavior is sending them to death.

It’s okay to return, what if their past fleet has already dealt with the enemy?

After some entanglement, the remaining hundreds of warships could only park on the other side of Stargate No. 4633, waiting for a reply from the headquarters or the flagship.

Fortunately, they didn't have to wait long, and Wei Tu contacted him soon.

This is a communication he sent dozens of weeks ago. Due to the distance and the fact that the fleet is moving all the way, it is only now that they can be contacted.

At the first moment, he repeatedly emphasized the importance of this operation, which probably meant that he must pay more attention when letting the Earth Beast fleet pass through the last few star gates, so as not to be ambushed by the enemy.

Before he finished speaking, the captain who just received the communication told him about the emergency signal he had received, stating that the fleet entering the stargate had been ambushed and the situation was unknown.

With just a few words, Wei Tu was stunned.

Of course he knew that most of the fleets that entered the star gate were in danger. It was the same as what happened to the first wave of reinforcements, or even worse.

But it happened at the last stargate at that time. The current 4633 belongs to the third last stargate. When did Beiliang's fleet ambush there?

The Federation of Beast Law Enforcers has also been monitoring the Stargate for the past few days, and they obviously didn't find anything.

No matter how fast the fleet is, it still has to go through the star gate, right?

Could it be that Beiliang set off with the fleet not long ago in order to confuse them.

Then use the jump to grab the time during the whole process, so the monitoring data of the star gate has not had time to be transmitted back?

So how many battleships will jump together, and how much energy worth Star Union coins will be consumed?

After all, their second wave of reinforcements had more than 3,000 warships, and there were also three disaster-class ships, and many Alpha-class and heavy cavalry-class ships.

If Beiliang wanted to launch this ambush, among other things, at least 5,000 warships would need to jump over.

Chen Han is so sure about the location of the reinforcements? Dare to fight so hard? Are you crazy?

And even if the enemy leaped over with 5,000 warships, with the strength of Beiliang, the reinforcements from the Earth Beasts should not be afraid. How could it be so miserable?

Weitu couldn't figure out all kinds of problems at all, and his mind was full of doubts.

The most important thing is that if something happens to this wave of reinforcements, he can't explain it to Edith.

Obviously, he had a good talk with Edith before, but Edith praised him on this matter and gave him great trust.

If he went to tell Edith now that the reinforcements from the past were gone and they had nothing to do with Beiliang, Edith couldn't just die of anger?

In an emergency, Weitu's brain began to run rapidly, thinking about the answer to the problem.

Then they gave the few battleships left in the reinforcements an order not to contact the headquarters, and try to figure out the safety of those warships passing through the star gate.

Because whether it is advancing or retreating, it is most important to understand the situation at the other end of the star gate.

Otherwise, even if you contact the headquarters now, what can you do there? It's just a matter of being in a hurry.

If you just contacted the headquarters and finished talking about the situation, it turned out that the fleet passing through the Stargate was fine, wouldn't you be asking for embarrassment?

So now he decided to direct this matter himself, until there is no other way, and then talk to Edith.

Due to Wei Tu's reputation, basically everyone in charge of the Earth Beast Fleet didn't know him, so he would naturally be willing to listen to his transfer.

While staying in place to contact those warships that passed through the star gate, they also sent a warship into the star gate every once in a while to search for information and intelligence on the other side.

If that side has already fallen, this kind of warship in the past is basically doomed.

But there is no way, there must be accurate information sent back.

If thousands of ships are gone, these few ships are not bad...

At the same time, Chen Han has already started to arrange for people to clean up the battlefield.

In the main control room of the Exile, most of the main members are there.

Seeing that no enemy warships appeared at Stargate No. 4633 on the radar screen, everyone was beaming with joy.

In the past ten or so weeks, they stayed in the main control room the whole time, so they naturally knew how much victory their side had won.

The anxiety before arriving, the nervousness when setting up the defense, the joy when ambushing the enemy ship, all kinds of feelings made their blood spurt.

Now that the enemy fleet has been wiped out, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Boss, will the Exile be able to reach the disaster level this time?" Ao spoke loudly first, the man's ponytail was a little messy, but it couldn't hide the joy on his face.

After careful calculation, in fact, he hadn't been on the Exile for many days.

The same goes for Miaoying, Dashan and others, their happiness is written on their faces.

Recently, they have been following the foreign legion and leading the mech legion to fight on various planets that are unwilling to obey, and they have won countless places and stabilized the entire Milky Way system.

Now that they have just come back, they have experienced such a victory. Even if they didn't do anything, they are all excited from the bottom of their hearts.

Because this means that their biggest obstacle in Beiliang is gone, and they can do what they want without any scruple.

For example, the public conference on April 1st, no one can stop them.

The most important thing is the Exile, which has finally stepped into the ranks of the disaster class.

If the Storm-class to the Crusader class are low-end warships, and the Executioner-class to Alpha-class are mid-range warships, then when it comes to the disaster class, it is considered to be a high-end warship.

Coupled with the blessings of various characteristics of the Exile, what kind of power will explode is simply unimaginable.

Perhaps the independence of the Milky Way system and the rise of Gaia began when the Exile became a catastrophe.

"Enough!" Chen Han also nodded excitedly.

Although the battlefield is still being cleaned up, it has not yet been dismantled and reorganized on a large scale, and it is not yet known how many Gorts can be obtained.

But after the last battle, the Exile has already stored a lot of Dogot, and it is not that far away from going to the next stage.

In addition, the fleet sent by the enemy this time is very strong. Whether it is an individual battleship or a whole, each battleship can provide a lot of usable Gotts, which is basically enough.

He is also happy, UU Reading is now looking forward to what the Exile will look like after reaching the disaster level.

"Let's not talk about this, the number of enemy warships coming out is not right with our intelligence." Mu Qianye suddenly stopped everyone from talking.

Standing in front of the main console, her voice was a little serious, and she was constantly comparing sets of data.

"Less or more?" Ning Bai, who was at the front, shook her head and was the first to question.

Everyone also turned their attention to Mu Qianye. They only knew the approximate number of enemy ships killed, but they didn't know the exact number.

Since Mu Qianye said so, there should be a big discrepancy between the actual number and the estimated number.

"There are more than 400 ships missing, and it has been more than ten minutes since the last battleship came out."

"And before that battleship comes out, there is a gap of several minutes." Mu Qianye looked at the data, then turned his head to look around the crowd.

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