MTL - I Ran Away After I Online-dated the Slag Marshal-Chapter 36 get into his arms

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In that scene, the atmosphere can be said to be a little awkward.

The person sitting not far from Lu Zefeng noticed the movement here and looked over, but before he could see if there was anyone next to Lu Zefeng, the curtain of the table was lowered.

Marshal Lu sat on the spot without moving at all, as steady as Mount Tai.

It makes it difficult to research and inquire.

Someone came in from outside.

It's Jane's parents and Jane's mother who managed to come to this party through a relationship.

Today is the birthday party of an elder of the dragon clan. The old guy was also a big-faced person when he was young. Basically, many juniors and collaterals came to his birthday.

Especially Lu Zefeng, the current head of the Dragon Clan, also took time to come here, which really gave him enough face.

Jian's parents also came here on the pretext of He Shou, just to find a chance to meet Lu Zefeng and apologize for the scandal of their son's elopement that day. After all, because of that incident, many people now Afraid that the Marshal's Mansion would take revenge, no one dared to cooperate with the Jian family's business.

Father Jane walked over cautiously: "Master Marshal."

Lu Zefeng glanced at him sideways.

Jane's father and Jane's mother stood there, looking somewhat embarrassed.

The two of them took the lead and said, "We both want to apologize to you for the dog."

Many people have noticed this.

Lu Zefeng showed no expression: "It's okay."

Jian's parents and Jane's mother still feel a little pressure, they are a little afraid of this well-known evil spirit, no one who offends him is rumored to end, and he is cold-hearted, if he is investigated If they come down, none of their family will have good fruit to eat.

Father Jane said under great pressure, "We, we brought some thin gifts, I hope you can accept them."

Lu Zefeng's slender hand rubbed the edge of the cup, not interested.

If he doesn't speak, he will give people a lot of pressure.

Jane Nai under the table was also a little nervous. When he was nervous, he unconsciously leaned on Lu Zefeng's leg. He was so nervous that the warm breath fell on his knees. , a pair of small hands are also restless.

Lu Zefeng frowned unconsciously.

This shocked Father Jane and Mother Jane. They thought it was a gift that didn't suit their wishes. It is the night pearl that our family spent a lot of money on a planet to buy a long time ago. I heard that it has the effect of nourishing the soul, and I hope that the Marshal will not dislike it."

Night Pearl!

Sounds expensive!

Jane Nai was excited, her pretty face raised her head, just rubbing Lu Zefeng's leg.

The most nervous thing is that there are other people sitting near this table. Some people stretch their legs for comfort and almost step on Jian Nai, Jian Nai is scared to Lu Zefeng's side. Come on, if you are not careful, your hand will fall where it shouldn't.

Lu Zefeng's breathing suddenly became heavier.

Jian's parents and Jane's mother were a little flustered, thinking they were dissatisfied with Ye Mingzhu, and hesitantly said, "Sir..."

No matter how noisy the people under the table are, Lu Zefeng is always calm and can't see any problems. When Jane's parents and Jane's mother were a little nervous, he said: "Jane Nai, it's you guys. son?"

Jian's parents and Jane's mother were stunned for a moment, not knowing why the Marshal asked this question and were a little nervous.

I am worried that the child will be offended by the Grand Marshal.

But even so, she can only bite the bullet and say: "Well, yes, we usually don't discipline him strictly, and I hope the adults can spare him."

Lu Zefeng said meaningfully, "It's really naughty."

Jian's parents and Jane's mother, including Jane Nai below, are a little confused.

Jane Nai was a little wrong, but he was a little dissatisfied with being educated in front of him, but he didn't dare to do anything, so he could only secretly poke the man's leg with his white and tender hand to vent his anger .

Jian's father and mother hurriedly said, "We will definitely discipline him when we go back, so don't worry, adults."

Lu Zefeng ignored the small movements of the people under the table: "Well, you all go back."

Jian's father and Jane's mother did not know what this meant, whether it was forgiven or not, only the adjutant not far away came over to accept Ye Mingzhu and said, "You two, go back, this matter. Let it go."

Only then did Jane's father and Jane's mother feel relieved, and left with gratitude.

After confirming that her parents were gone, Jiannai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But he's in a dilemma now!

When he came here just now, there were not many people around Lu Zefeng. Now the adjutant is there, and some later guests have also sat down. Let him crawl out now, that's not a shame Yet? !

Jane was caught in a battle between heaven and man.

It's very difficult!

But, I don't know what happened, Lu Zefeng seemed to have forgotten him and didn't call him out.

Jane is in a hurry.

Especially when I heard that other people came to look for Lu Zefeng to make a toast, and Lu Zefeng also chatted with others like no one, and completely put himself behind his head, although he knew that Lu Zefeng had nothing to do with it. That's right, Jian Nai was still a little embarrassed. In order to show his presence, he tugged Lu Zefeng's clothes under the table.

Lu Zefeng felt the restlessness of the little mouse under the table, glanced lightly, and ignored it.

Jane Nai panicked.

At this time, someone from the hotel brought snacks and fruit plates, as well as the fragrant meat, the aroma was really greedy, especially for Jiannai who had not eaten for a day and almost fainted from hunger , is really fatal.

Everyone on the table is eating.

Jane's hungry stomach growled.

He is really hungry.

And of course, this hungry voice did not leave any room for Jiannai's ears.

Jane was hungry when she heard the adjutant say, "Sir, did you hear anything?"

Lu Zefeng opened his lips: "Is there?"

The adjutant doesn't know how to describe it.

Jane hurriedly forced herself to endure.



Lu Zefeng really didn't expect this guy to be very courageous, but he was very small. When he just hid in, he didn't think about the consequences. , but if he really said he was cowardly, he would dare to pull his clothes.

This cowardly and bold appearance reminded Lu Zefeng of a person.

Especially the scent on them is so familiar.

Lu Zefeng's eyes were bright and dark, and the people below were also anxious. If they didn't have something to eat, they pulled his legs, as if they were trying to please the owner's pet.

Never mind.

Lu Zefeng finally picked up the fruit on the table at will and handed it to the table quietly, telling Jiannai to stop making trouble.

Jane finally got something to eat and almost cried with joy.

But this fruit is not enough to stick between his teeth, he wants to eat, he wants to eat meat!


Sitting on the table are high-level dragon collateral.

Someone said:

"Do you smell anything?"

“Peach Blossom…”

"It smells like a nightingale."

"Who brought the family?"

Dragon's senses are very keen, especially smell and hearing.

Jane is a pure-blooded nightingale. He is good at keeping calm. Once a little bit of spiritual power leaks, it will be dangerous. Nightingale's spiritual power is generally not easily leaked, and they are generally used with partners. It only appears when it is lingering. This is a method that is used when a male is courting, when he wants benefits. For the shy Nightingale, he will only show it to his partner, and Jiannai is obviously a newborn calf. , I still don't know how to control it.

Someone has already started looking.

When Jiannai heard someone say this, she panicked even more.


Someone remembered the moment the tablecloth was lifted under the table!


A spoon fell from the table making a loud noise.

Everyone moved and looked at Lu Zefeng.

Lu Zefeng sat on the spot as steady as Mount Tai, even if he explained it, he had a calm and confident look: "I'm not careful."

Everyone was stunned.

It was just this flash of my mind, and when I looked under the table, there was nothing, and the peach blossom fragrance slowly dissipated.

Many adult dragon men who were affected glanced at each other, smiled meaningfully and said:

"I don't know who it is."

"Good luck."

"Such a fragrant little nightingale, pure blood."

"I won't let me see you..."

In the chat of a group of people, only Lu Zefeng was as steady as a mountain, with a dark black coat on his shoulders, he couldn't see anything, but if someone looked carefully, he could see that the coat's Below, in his arms, huddled a light blue bird.

Jane Nai who was scared out of her body was just a little chirp.

Lu Zefeng glanced at him calmly, but he didn't really throw people out, but when Xiao Chiu Chiu continued to drill into his clothes out of fear, he calmly used He poked his hand and stopped silently.

Jane mistakenly thought he wanted to touch herself.

I was too scared, so I rubbed my hairy little head against the rough finger pulp.

Lu Zefeng's movements stopped.

He hesitated for a moment, but did not move.

Jane Nai was afraid of being seen, so she shrank into Lu Zefeng's arms completely. Yes, the warm smell makes people feel super safe.

After hiding for a while, the people outside finally stopped talking about him.

Jiannai was closer to the table, and the smell of the food became more fragrant. He was hungry, hungry and fat, and he made some moves to indicate whether Lu Zefeng could feed him something eat.

Lu Zefeng was indifferent and unfeeling.

Jane is wronged!

When everyone was colluding, Lu Zefeng's voice was low, and he said in a voice that only two people could hear: "If you move again, I will throw you out."


Fat Chirp;

He felt that smelling the food here was a nightmare, so he crawled into the pocket of his coat to shut himself up.

Jane Nai didn't think that she could wait and fall asleep. Lu Zefeng was socializing with the people at the banquet. When she thought of Jane Nai, she realized that this guy actually fell asleep.

What a heart.

Able to fall asleep on a strange man while in body form.

If this is someone with ulterior motives, no one will find it if you bring it back and lock it up.

Withdrawing from the banquet, Lu Zefeng said to the adjutant beside him, "Open an empty room in this hotel."

The adjutant was stunned: "Are you going to rest here?"

Lu Zefeng denied: "For others."


The adjutant is completely puzzled!

The familiar fat Chiu Chiu was placed on the soft big bed, his eyes stayed on Jian Nai's body for a moment, after all, without any extra movement, he turned and left.

A nightingale alone, without bodyguards and followers, is very dangerous.

Lu Zefeng went out the door and said to the adjutant, "It's guarding here, and the people inside come out and then leave."

The adjutant salutes: "Yes!"

Jane Nai didn't sleep for a long time. He has been sleeping badly since he came to this strange world. There are reasons for not getting used to the soil and water, and there are also reasons why he is afraid of being alone. He sleeps every night. not good.

But I didn't know what was going on just now, I felt very at ease, I closed my eyes and fell asleep, like the sun, warm and warm.

But soon, he felt cold.

When I opened my eyes, I was in an unfamiliar hotel room.

When Jane was relaxed, she turned back into a human body. He rubbed his head, and suddenly remembered Xiao Di who was still waiting for him in the box. He hurriedly opened the door, and the adjutant outside Eyes wide open.



The two were shocked by each other.

It was the adjutant who reacted first. He said, "You're awake, is there anything you need to order?"

Jane couldn't understand how this guy was sneering at him the last time we met, why he has changed his attitude now, but he still shook his head: "No, did you send me back? ?"

The adjutant immediately replied: "Our marshal sent you in."

Jane nodded: "Thank him for me."

The adjutant immediately replied: "I can't convey it for you. If you need it, you can contact him yourself."

Jane Nai innocent: "I don't have his contact information."

Of course the adjutant couldn't give it for Lu Zefeng, but he just said, "No one knows the address of the Marshal's Mansion. If you have the heart, there will always be a way."


Okay, it seems that I have to thank you for this.

Jane Nai didn't have time to worry about so much, she thought about it and said: "Then can you leave me a contact information, in case I can't find a place or something, you can contact me Are you?"

The adjutant simply said, "Yes."

The two added each other as friends.

Jane Nai said, "I still have something to do, then I'll go first."

The adjutant immediately said, "Do I need to see you?"

Jane hurriedly waved her hand: "No, no."

Well, I never imagined that this little Nightingale is really capable.

In any case, if he can succeed, the adjutant will also be happy to see it.

Jane Nai hurriedly returned to her floor, he just got out of the elevator, and happened to meet Xiao Di who was looking for him.

Xiao Di said eagerly, "Master, where have you been?"

Jane said, "I just got lost by accident."

Xiao Di breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I just received news that Mr. and Mrs. are going home. It would be bad if they were caught."

Jane cried when she remembered that she was still hungry.

Xiao Di hurriedly whispered, "I packed it all up and put it in my carry-on space. I will go back to eat secretly at night."

Jane's eyes lit up, he said with admiration, "Xiao Di, you have learned to be smart!"

Xiao Di blushed.

Jane rubbed his head and went home with Xiao Di.

As soon as I went back, I found that the atmosphere in the mansion was not quite right. The butler was waiting in the backyard with a pale face and said, "Master, Mr. and Mrs. are waiting for you."

Jane Naixin finished.

He glanced at Xiao Di soothingly, in disguise to let the children not worry.

When I walked to the hall of the mansion, I saw my parents looking at me with a sad look on their faces, and Jane's father took the lead and said: "Nana, you sneak out, it's impossible, Are you going to see Shen Jie again?"

Jane said, "No."

Mother Jane approached: "You still said no, you smell your body, a manly smell!"

Jane Nai said yes, he really can't smell it!

Mother Jane was about to nag him, but suddenly she smelled it carefully and felt that it was not right.

Shen Jie is an adult leopard spirit, his taste is not like this, and the remaining spiritual power of Jian Nai is very strong and domineering, which is far from Shen Jie.

Mother Jane and Father Jane looked at each other.

Father Jian paused when he wanted to preach, of course he understood what his wife meant, and said, "Forget it, as long as you don't go to see him, remember, child, Shen Jie is definitely a match. If it's not yours, no matter what happens at home, Mom and Dad will arrange it for you, understand?"

Jane nodded.

After he left, Jane's mother immediately ran over to her husband and said, "Nana seems to have gone out to meet other men privately."

Father Jane was shocked, he never expected his son to do such a thing.

Nightingale had a private meeting with other men before getting married. This was a major event that ruined the family style. It was 10,000 times more terrifying than Shen Jie's bastard!

If Jiannai is not clean in the future, what will the big nobles who want to save face think? !

Father Jane panicked: "Do you know who it is?"

Mother Jane suppressed the panic in her heart and said, "I don't know yet, but the other party's origins should be very big. I think... If he is sincere to Nana, it will be easier to handle."

Father Jane was also a little worried for a while.

It's a good thing that your child is no longer infatuated with the poor boy after all.

But it's too wild, it's not good!

Other side

Jane can finally go back and open a small stove.

Although the packaged food was a little cold, it was still delicious.

Jane Nai said with emotion: "It's really fragrant..."

Xiao Di was also very moved: "Master, thank you for taking me to dinner."

It was the first time that Jiannai ate the food of the dark star, and she was moved to tears. I don’t know who planted many vegetable seeds from the earth on the dark star, and he ate it here. The meal really has a feeling of coming home. After eating it once, I don't want to drink nutrient solution again in my life.

But it's expensive.

A meal costs tens of thousands.

Sure enough, making money is king!

Jiannai thought of her live broadcast career and felt that she couldn't delay it. He had to hurry up and make money from the live broadcast, ah no, live broadcast to make money.

Do what you say.

Jane Nai sat up, waited for her full meal, and after letting Xiao Di go back, he tidied up the room and opened the live broadcast room again. There were only a few people when the broadcast just started yesterday. It's on air today too.

Jane waited for a while, and there were people slowly.

Most were yesterday.

"Anchor, you really started broadcasting!"

"Why did it suddenly disappear yesterday?"

"After listening to your song, I will listen to other anchors, and they will all feel boring."

"The anchor is too strong!"

Jane was a little embarrassed to be said by a group of people. He used to be a singer and actor when he was on Earth, but he was always run on. is supported.

Jane's voice was clear and soft, and a little shy at the moment: "Thank you everyone, I will work hard."

No one would refuse Nightingale's coquetry.

As if they were born to be pampered.

The gifts in the live broadcast room have begun to explode.

Jane Nai hurriedly said: "I will sing a song for everyone. In order to thank everyone for their support, I will sing "Like"."

Without accompaniment and instruments he could only sing a cappella.

"Snippets are scattered, deeply wrong"

"I still don't understand this second, how to act, how to hold hands well with whom..."

The withered, dry atrium of man.

"And I don't feel lost anymore"

"Sometimes I just want to hear you finish a song..."

"In a landscape where everything is different."

"I like you the most."

When one of his songs was finished, everyone was pulled into Jiannai's emotions. When he sang, it seemed like a game dominated by him, and he was the human world The angel pulls everyone's heartstrings. He makes people happy. When the singing stops, people will be immersed in the emotion of reluctance and unable to extricate themselves.

Want the angel to be happy.

I want him to stay.

I want to give everything to him, as long as he has a moment of pity.

The nightingales are like God's most beloved darlings, their singing is like the salvation of the world, and no one is not moved.

When the singing stopped, the live room was frying:

"This is the end?"

"One more song."

"How can the anchor sing so well!"

"Is it the Nightingale?"

"It was the first time I heard a nightingale sing, Mommy, I'm very good!"

"Don't stop singing!"

Because of the rarity of nightingales, almost no nightingales ever sang in public. Except for those high-ranking nobles, almost no one was lucky enough to hear them sing, and the audience went crazy.

Jane is researching the various functions of the live room.

Soon, he discovered that there is a wish function in the live broadcast room, that is, the anchor fills in the conditions, and if the audience helps to achieve it, he will perform his talent.

Jane Nai thought for a while, he asked the audience in front of the screen, and said cautiously: "Well, I want to use the wish function, can you sing a song with five hundred dark star coins?"


The barrage was silent for a moment.


When the wish function window pops up, the wish is fulfilled almost instantly.

Users who like you give Carnival 99

User detached gift of roses

User Feichen presented the anchor super luxury yacht

The audience in the live broadcast room:

"What makes you so restrained in making a wish?"

"Somewhat disrespectful to us."

"I finally believe you are not a Nightingale."

"Whose Nightingale is poor for five hundred yuan per song?"

"Unless he's a man!"

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